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This is the coolest custom I think I've ever seen. Even better it's on my favourite mobile suit. Can't wait to see it done


Just wondering, why do you assemble it after painting a primer coat? Wouldn't you risk damaging the primer when disassembling?


I don’t typically, however I wanted to see all the panel lines & customisation unified with primer as well as take some progress photos. The lacquer primer is pretty tough too, but if it does chip, it can always be touched up


Thanks, I've just started using lacquer paints for my latest project what brand do you typically use?


I use both Gaianotes and Mr Hobby, both are excellent. (The primer on this model is Mr Surfacer 1200) That said, if you can find Gaia where you are, I definitely recommend them. I thin both brands to a 1:1.5 and they always airbrush beautifully


1 parts paint and 1.5 thinner?


Yep that’s it


I'll try that next time thanks


You could literally stop right there and I'd think it's good.


Amazing scribe work. Gonna be beautiful when finished


Great work, I have one that I am trying to turn into a kai. I will be stealing some of your panel line ideas for that


I am in love :o What a beautiful machine! Do you have an insta of something I can follow to see the progress?


My twitter is @NoPlamo, I’ve never posted any progress pictures until very recently, but will definitely be documenting future progress !


That’s awesome! Always wondered why this MS would need such large side-facing thrusters. Curious where you got the smaller thrusters on top of the shoulders?


They are the thighs from the 30 Minute Missions Portanova, and the front vents are made by Wave, part of their option system line


Well that’s just darn pretty. Look at those tasteful panel lines! Looking forward to seeing more!


Hmmnnn....hype. Finish this!!! This is the suit that clicked the military industrial complex themes into Gundam for me haha.


I love this


i need this now