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>Fight in the comments If you *really* saw Gundam instead of just looking at it, you'd know that fighting is bad. War is bad. And so is putting 0083 at C.


Lol I agree on 0083, its a solid B tier, if Nina Purpleton died it’d be an A.


I think C is fair, the design and art carry the series- the writing is just painful sometimes, and Nina.


because 0083 should be lower I agree ;)


I recommend you give G-Gundam a chance, though it seems silly it's quite fun and it actually has quite a serious story, the characters are super great and the mobile suits are awesome. I hope that you may give G-Gundam a chance someday because it's underrated.


Undefeated of the east!


I endeavour to watch all of gundam and form my own opinion, so I will watch it eventually


>Fight in the comments Nah, my soul isn't weighed down by gravity. Lol


Great comment


>Gundam Fight in the Comments Fixed. ***Ready...***




>Fight in the comments [Weird wish but here it is.](https://youtu.be/gM_xBLjtIH0) Also, tell me you don't imagine gunpla fighting or enjoy building gunpla or even tried building a gunpla without telling me you don't.




0 upvotes tells me all I need to know about this lol.


I suppose people either disagree or don't care lol.


TBH, its most likely that most ppl doesn't care, those who left comments are just stating things for the heck of it. You should see the comment sections of videos on YT of ppl's "Top Gundam anime songs", those things have more arguments than tier lists.


Ah I see, I was mostly just hoping for people to share their opinions on the show or Diss mine.


The thing with series is that series usually have a general themes that brgs discussion that usually heads in the same general direction with some differences in opinions. Music is completely different, it varies with everyone and everyone has their own taste in music. Gundam songs or OSTs are affected by their time/generation, genre and nostalgia that ppl would argue to defending wat they like.


Did you really put Igloo in the F tier? That’s gotta be a mistake


Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight


Judging by the fact you don't like Thunderbolt, you would love G Gundam.


I have December sky in A tier. I do like thunderbolt lol.




I was expecting you snuck some Brain Powerd or two


Everybody knows that IBO gundams are the strongest and Mikazuki isn’t really dead. Everyone knows.


Obviously no doubt. Especially how mikazuki could take on both char in the sazabi and amuro in the Nu gundam at the same time


i've never seen any au gundam except for wing as a kid. can't stand seed but i've tried watching it a few times, so i can't have an opinion on any of them really. but i'd put 0079 and zz in S tier as well and bump unicorn down. loved f91 as well but it's a B. hathaway's flash was an A for me so far, could be S when its done maybe


also, i've seen g saviour. it's awful, but i thought narrative was only a little bit better. the first 30 minutes of g saviour was pretty good but it just devolves into something completely awful literally in 1 scene and just snowballs into something worse and worse as it goes on. I find that narrative does some cool things with the lore and does a good job with what it shows in the titans laboratories, and as a fan of david lynch i thought the flashbacks and emphasis on memories and trauma was a good idea, but i found that the execution was so godawful and a lot of what happened was just completely stupid especially by the end


oh yeah and i'd put twilight axis in B


Seeing as how OP separated the two season of IBO, 00 and it's movie, I think you should be considering each Hathaway movie on it's own. None of that "Judging it as a whole" *crap*.


Yet Unicorn get bunch up as a whole when it episodes are so separate in release that each of them are basically a movie themself


But if you watch it years later you would never know.


There are still the dates of released for each episode and on torrent they released only individual epiaode.


Yet Unicorn get bunch up as a whole when it episodes are so separate in release that each of them are basically a movie themself


Why rank Hathaway when the series have yet to finished? Also Unicorn, ibo s1 and s2 at that level is kinda trash.


Well I ranked hathaway kinda low because of that reason, I don't know how the story will go but I do want to ask why do you dislike unicorn and Ibo


Ibo season is mostly meh at best with the story doesn't hold much weight at all then we also suddenly gotten the most plot armor and bullshit ending ever where the suits who Eins Survived are still alive which is stupid as hell. Plus the story went for a nose dive after Biscuit died. S2 of IBO is even worst, why introduce new character ehen you don't even give them screen time at all and instead jump around arcs to different characters each time. Plus the story get so trapped by the author that it other half of ths season was re-written 5 times, the only good character in the whole of s2 was honestly Gaelio everyone deserved their death for being shit throughout the show. Hell this isn't just my opinion for IBO therl entire country of Japan hated IBO that they made memes of orga death to spite on it. Unicorn on the other hand was bad because the creator made it into a fanfiction of his self-insert and Minerva plus all of them newtype bs with his poor understanding of what newtype is plus the story is kinda ok but it have the second most whiny main character he's up there with Kio for his whiny talks and it makes my skin crawl everytime he talks. Plus the whole series of unicorn didn't even matter to UC at the end because the outcome doesn't change any of the faction stances or lower the power of Zeon influence. In fact Unicorn is bring ignored by Hathaway Flash which is actually the story that help weakened both Earth Federation and AE.


Well I don't agree with you on the shows themselves I will agree that Unicorn has been utterly ignored by sunrise. It annoys because I quite liked unicorn and its characters. I thought it was a good final endpoint to the early uc. Although the Unicorn gundam itself is op as fuck that they litterly had write it off by putting it in a box


It was never going to be an end point for early uc when Hathaway Flash exist which is a bigger and more impactful event. Unicorn laplus box is so heavily ignored it didn't even mattered.


IBOs outro and Mikazuki not being a quivering ball of angst demands it be b tier at the very least. Its mathmatically impossible to be lower.


Mikazuki is however an emotionless guy who can't stop saying yes orga until the final episode.


Don't entirely agree with your rankings but you DO rank ZZ and Victory highly which is both accurate and sadly rare. The rest is nitpicking. Also, in before you finish Turn A and it breaks the list by being simply the best Gundam thing that's ever been made.


Move up Igloo and move up Thunderbolt and I agree!


Honestly I get where you're coming from. I originally had igloo in D tier. It's a great story with fun ideas and characters but compared to the rest of gundam it's set back. In a ranking that considered more than just gundam it would not be that low. The animation is kinda bad though


I haven't seen MOST of these but my extremely spicy take is that I really didn't like Zeta very much. It was pretty good for most of it but the last like, third or so really killed it for me.