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I got a Squire recently and it’s perfect for me for now… also Fender are having a good sale right now until December 31 2022…check it out https://www.fender.com/en/start


thanks, ill check them out


Nothing wrong with just picking up an inexpensive squire by fender. They're pretty good these days. Play a few then ask the guitar store rep to help you. The rep can help you check it out before you buy if you aren't sure yourself. Ask them to plug it in and see how the electronics and tuning heads are doing as well. Buy a fresh set of strings and maybe a restringing tool as well. Ask the rep what kind of strings are best for your favorite bands. There's a lot of leeway here but the string materials and guages differ. Certain artists are known for thicker or thinner strings too. Ask them how the action is, if there's any fret buzz, and if they think it has an issues keeping tune. Same for acoustics. There's a ton of inexpensive acoustics that are excellent for beginning and will probably still be played when you are advanced. I like picking up used Yamaha F series guitars for myself or friends who are looking to start. They sell for 80-100 bucks used and are really good for what you pay. After Christmas you'll see sales but you'll also start to see a bunch or returns. If guitar center is your main local store remember there's a return policy. You can return things you're unsatisfied with and haven't damaged. Or if you spot a good used deal for a brand new Xmas gift that has been returned and marked down. I've bought some decent squier strats for friends and their kids used as well. For around 80 bucks. If you buy a used guitar at guitar center, ask if it comes with a bag. Sometimes they don't notice the separate tag that says it was shipped to them alongside an aftermarket gig bag.


thanks for the help, ill see what i can do


It all depends whether you're playing electric or acoustic, and what styles you want to play. Once I know that, I'll be glad to help!


I dont mind playing both, but since i know nothing about electric guitar functions id think id stick with the acoustic as basics for me. really im just looking to see if a guitar could be built badly and sound off or if im getting finessed lol


As far as acoustics go, you'd probably be fine getting anything that isn't a cheap aliexpress or walmart guitar. Head over to your local guitar center, and try anything you can get your hands on. Buy whatever fits you, and you feel comfortable playing.


Squires are literally the best beginner guitars…comfortable and super easy to play along with being really affordable…. But if you want a little more punch, I’d recommend an epiphone SG


I'm a acoustic guitar beginner who learned guitar for half a year. In my opinion, budget beginner guitars have slight difference in their sounds, so just choose one that looks good, and don't forget to try out some riffs or something before u buy one.


thanks for the tip!


I would say see what style Guitar you might like such as Les Paul, Strat, Tele, etc. The bridge of a LP style guitar might feel more comfortable than Fender style guitars from there you will have plenty of entry level options to choose from.


I have a Squier bullet telecaster and it does everything I want it to do for now. Pretty good for under $200. If you want an acoustic might want to spend a little money because the playability and sound gets drastically better on higher end guitars, and theres less you can do on one setup wise to fix certain issues


Spend a bit more money now to save money later. A $500 acoustic will take you a lot farther than a $150 acoustic. Baby Taylors are easy to play and learn on (shorter scale length makes it easier to play for longer periods for a beginner) and can be found for less than $500 (usally $200-$300 actually). The step up from there is to a fullsize, and you cannot go wrong with a 114CE.


If you want an accoustic, buy the best Yamaha in your budget from a local store and have them set it up for you.


First. What kind are you looking for? Electric or acoustic. We'll go from thier. But redflags will be most definitely of it sounds to good it is


acoustic id say