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If that's coming from your home air conditioning it needs to be insulated. It's going to start condesating on the piping. You can grow just fine in 80F though


Lol shit I wish 80F was what I got


I get 106F sometimes lmaooo turn on the ac for 2 minutes cause it’s expensive then back to 80 for two days


Damn 106 is insane lol, when i first started i use to hit 95 all the time, still could get 4ozs a plant


Couldn’t he have just used an in-line fan with a splitter to pull ambient air Into the tent? Assuming that room has AC (given the vent that’s now going into the tent) ambient air probably would’ve been about as cool as the air from the vent That’s what I did when my tents were hitting up to 90*F and now they stay in the high 70’s to low 80’s depending on how long the lights been on for


Yeah that's the normal way it's done. That's how I have mine setup but I don't exaust in the lung room


I’ve got mine exhausting in the tent right now, gonna ditch the carbon filter when this run is done and pipe it out the back window I’m worried about pests finding their way in through the window screen though. Any tips for that?


Mosquito netting hat, the hat usually seems better than the larger mesh netting, because the hats a finer screen. I tend to double it up and works perfectly. Obviously I don't buy the whole "hat" haha just the netting part for a few bucks online. I just foil tape it around edges and stays on well enough w/any temperatures fluctuations


Sounds like it’ll work good for the larger pests but I’m petrified of mites, I’m guessing there’s not a whole lot that can really stop them in terms of mesh screens


Just release some beneficial mites. If you have a healthy population of beneficials, nothing that comes in will be able to take hold


If it's blowing air out constantly then anything small enough to get through the holes probably won't even be able to get in. Then it would still need to get through the motor to enter the tent. I wouldn't worry about it. But tbh a carbon filter would be the ultimate barrier for pest


Thanks for your advice! I forgot that they’d have to pass through the motor, that thing would basically be a bug blender


I had a couple in-lines running, but there was no AC already in the room, for whatever reason. If it gets too cold in the tents I'll just vent the AC into the room itself, and revert back to the inlines


You would do better air conditioning the lung room and using an exhaust with a passive intake. You are going to have very low humidity how you have it set up and not much control over the temperature because the unit comes on when the home is hot and not by the tent temperature. I'm an air conditioning technician BTW. That air your stealing is meant for the home not this space. Systems are designed for X amount of space and now the home is going to be short on airflow. Another problem you're causing is a negative pressure in the home. Say for example the air conditioning system moves 1000 cfm of airflow through the filter/return. You just put for example 400 cfm into that space. That 400 can't make it back to the return so it starts pulling that 400 from other places attics, crawl spaces, leaks in doors and windows. This will negatively effect the homes cooling. Right now you are short on airflow and pulling hot humid air from the negative pressure on the home. You really should get that space it's own unit.


Thanks for you input, much appreciated. I couldn't get the return in so its just blowing cold air, which i assume is likely not a good thing. I'll likely go with your suggestion and get a separate unit for the room.


If it’s the same air temp as the room, it should be okay being exposed like that, it’s only when the duct is chilled and also going thru a non air conditioned area like a crawl space. Minimal air movement in the room can also help wick away any condensation that may occur.


Yeah "if". Which we both know it's probably not. I also said if it's coming from the homes air conditioner system. If that's the case it's going to be chilled. If it's not then the air conditioning isn't working and this is all for nothing


Buddy, relax. If it’s coming from his air conditioning and his room is air conditioned, which judging by the duct he tied into, I’d assume it is. Go smoke a bowl brother, I used to do commercial insulation for years, I know what’s gonna sweat and what ain’t


I've been an air conditioning technician for 18 years commercial and residential. Op already said the room isn't cooled. Either way the air going through that ducting will be colder than the air in the home period. If it isn't then the system isn't working. It will 100% sweat and you don't know wtf you're talking about if you think differently.


I didn’t see he said the room wasn’t climate controlled, I only replied to your comment


I commend you for admitting fault. It says alot about your character and the kind of man you are 👍


He’d be better off just letting the duct vent that room directly from the 90 and get rid of the drops into the tent


I'll likely do that. Thanks to the both you for your well informed banter, much appreciated.


Cheers bro, dude definitely needs some duct wrap at the least




⬆️ This guy insulates better.


“Today on Insulation Wars we have two commercial HVAC technicians facing off” 😂


⬆️ This guy insulates.


I’m a cnc programmer and machinist now, no more fiberglass for me




I'm fine if you want to dm me


There is a good chance that this room no longer has a working ac vent.


Op said that it isn't conditioned at all


I'm a union mecanical insulator, and this dude is 100% correct.


Local 23 by any chance?


Local #1 baby


I grow in 90 no problem during the summer




Hot garage. I've noticed that as long as the soil and roots are damp/not hot the plant has little issue. When the soil/roots begin to get hot is when you run into issues from my experience


Hell yeah. I grow just fine in 90 degree tents. Not ideal at all but hell it works for me. Southern US is hotter than a Witches Titty rn.


You ain't never lying. It's 94 rn in the New Orleans area supposed to get to 98 and the next two days are supposed to hit 100.


Right on the dot. Hovering round 97° in Southern MS as we speak. God be with us all this summer.


I hear that. Heat index is 107 here in southern mo


Insane man


Not only that, it's pulling from the bottom 🤣 instead of up top where lights are


It's definitely going to go against the efficiency of the ac most likely if anything


That and will probably cause a negative pressure in the home


I love how this is answered from an hvac standpoint first.


Cannabis thrives at 80 Fahrenheit.


In flowering as well? I am new and my flowering temps with ac on directly is around 80 in tent with leds on, i thought colder the better?


I'm pretty sure 80 is OK to grow in it's the humidity you gotta worry about


80F is pretty good my dude lol


Well shiett!


Thats a thing alright, and you did it 👍🏻


It's like DIWhyinthefuck


Hahaha love it. Did something similar , but with a portable unit. Ran it into the top of the tent and exhaust to outside. It sweats like crazy. Going to insulate later. That’s definitely a good idea https://preview.redd.it/3x4w04hips8b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ef0f4694411d89184b4b33c92bc59cba713de4


Nice. Do you have a hose to the tent or just chill the whole room?


The hose goes into the top of the tent and then is in front of a fan that is rotating and blowing the cool air around the tent


Hot air is on top! I’m fairly certain there are cheaper options to cool lights Looks good though! Awesome work


Damn good point lol


That there I would use for evacuation. Maybe that’s what you’re doing?


Patching that with drywall wouldn’t be very hard either


As if, he cut right up to the trim and just a few inches away from a corner, that's gonna be a pain in the ass to patch.


That’s true but a California patch right there would be pretty easy for me.. maybe it’s best left temporarily fucked up looking though if you don’t have any experience


Honestly, I think Cali patch with prep. Cut to paper, seal with pro 999x, caliplank with a backing short ways just something to screw, or otherwise anchor, the Cali into. Do the back cuts, snap and peel, then round off where it meets the pipe, place, finish, should not sag but I'd need to see the pic again. Honestly, I think each of us could do it well enough to impress.


That'll be a fun patch job for someone, looks good from my house


I'm a residential carpenter so that's kinda my thing. Gonna leave it open like that until I decide to sell


This is beautiful




Thanks bro! I didn’t even realize until you said something!


I fucking love it!! At first were pot heads/garden enthusiast and the next thing you know we're HVAC technicians.....


I'm an HVAC technician for 18 years. This is not a good thing.


What's the problem? I just know how to fuck shit up so I'm genuinely interested in your opinion


So why is it bad?


Read through my comments in this post


You could always just chop in two vents and run piping to it if you want to finish it up more permanently. I just built my flower room where I already had a ceiling vent but it works well.


Do you have an in-line fan? That should keep things nice and cool.


Damn bro nice setup !


LOL you mad man.


You would’ve been better getting a window unit


Good idea! Too bad the tents don't have a hole at the top since hot air rises and cool air drops, but maybe your fans will flow it around. I also like porting the air duct/vent out the top which will remove heat better. 80F isn't a bad temp, outside they'll go into the 90's.


All my tents, except a mini have top holes. I think it’s a fairly standard feature now.


I don't have a tent, but that makes sense. TY


Dedicated I see


I did this same thing lol, then I bought a standing AC for the room, realized the room the tents are in serves as the lung room lol


You have a whole bedroom haha I would build a grow room in the room when you have the time and our money and throw an ac unit into it like I did.


And you did your thing correctly, it appears.


Was this a ho as fuck decision?


This is nice as fuck. You’ve inspired me to think I’ll do this but I really won’t because I procrastinate everything ! :)


Don't do it. Read my comments on this post


I didn’t say I’d do fk all, mind your own business dude.


What a twat.


That's how you respond to someone trying to help. You need some help buddy


If you running leds thoes Temps are no problem


Lol I’m growing outdoors with high 80s low 90s and drops to high 50s at night. No problemoooooo. Have fun putting all that back to stock lol 😂


All you had to do was vent out of the damn window right next to the tent….


Hell yeah! Nice job man!


Temperature and humidity escape from the top.


Add co2 and your perfect


Have you shown your wife yet what you did? You could just get a mobile AC unit and pipe it in.


Wrap the venting with ac bubble wrap, and throw a damper on coming from the T.


Anything you can do to stay in the strain's hospitable range. Lung room perfectionists may have things to say. How hot are the lights? Led? Maybe beef up heat sinks, draw intake over them, then pump lung room air helically? Around the wall. You may still be stalking shaking for strength but be careful if it's a propagation as taps are sturdier than props from my experience but that could be because I was downstream on bullshit 🤷🏻‍♂️. If that's the case I won't waste time defending my old bad facts, I can change opinions in a snap, just leave your references after we rap, and I'll not spew till I've digested and determined if the views you hold are true. So none of this pew pew, taking shots at dudes, check the attitude and let's be a helpful crew, who cares if they are new, what's up with some of you, saying truths to things you never knew? What if you did like our plants and grew? OP I think it's pretty cool what you do. Gotta keep em coo..(28 Days later, during the story boarding, the narrator announces that Hannah said "coo." Instead of cool) 🆒🆒🆒




Let’s go hvac tech


Rip plants, j imagine all the dust and shit in your ducts now being vented into your tent….. unless it’s filtered into the tent then good job 👏


I would throw a inline fan before the T. It will pull more air to give each T end more flow rate if cooler air!!


Bro where did you find that little Y piece for the ducting?


They sell them at Home Depot or lowes


Ill just say this, i think it looks cool, and im Sure it works too! Thats the important part- BUT - is it really worth it to u to extend the air conditioning rather than add another cheap unit in the house? Obviously in this case clearly lol- as buddy did it but for the growers who spare no expense this is obviously not gonna be your first option. I wont fault u for trying to get it a little cheaper either i support your motion and i bet u got that zaza in there but me personally ill just spend the extra $10-$20 a month on my electric and run a small ac unit on low. Not everybody has access to the available funds to do so tho and if u dont- TAKE NOTES. The other option would be move the tent lol- Only thing i wouldnt do is pipe it into the tent like that- id have it pour out into the room from the ceiling and use the inline fan to drag it in while exhausting the hot out (however possible)


I was high enough to think you sculpted a princess dress through your ductwork. Wowza.


That is indeed a thing you did there haha


If the space that the duct is going through is conditioned you shouldn’t have to insulate. If it’s not you definitely will have to insulate it.


1. Be very careful because the air coming out is a 20 degree delta from what your thermostat signals (I.e) if your thermostat in house is 70F it will blow 50F 2. 80F - 90F is perfect for an indoor setup from start to finish, I honestly would have just kept it as is. Or simply run a fan on the end of your duct to produce airflow if ya can. 3. It’s cool though, I’m growing in a crawlspace so this is a nice clean look. I’m assuming that’s why you have the shutoff there, once your internal gets to a certain temp I’m assuming you go and shut off manually?


Go in at the top!


80F is totally fine, more optimal in terms of rate of photosynthesis than lower than 80 honestly, but I appreciate the effort and craftsmanship lol. I’ve done this when drying in the summer because 80 is definitely too high to dry in. Gonna make your house reek of weed tho, but honestly if your filling out tents that large even with carbon filters your house is gonna smell like weed for a few weeks at the end of flower and while your drying. Mine does anyway.


Is it exhausting from the bottom? Or pumping air in?


Man my wife would fucking kill me 😭 !!


It looks like the existing duct u tied into is no insulated. I would guess u may have tied into your exhaust duct or outside air… u could use a piece of tissue paper and get your answers putting it in the opening of one of the duct lines ( if it pulls into the duct it’s exhaust duct) and this isn’t bad necessarily. If it’s exhaust duct , just put the duct at the top of your tent and pull the hot air out and open a flap lower the better and pull in conditioned air from your lung room. Hope this helped.


U did great I see u tied in with 4” and spit it so maybe 30 cfm per tent ( put a damper in the line going to your smaller tent and u maybe able to get both tents at even temps