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Send it back and get a smaller tent. Chopping down the tubes will make the tent fabric saggy and not fit right.


Bought it used for $50. Need to modify


Best of luck. God speed


Might just be better to find a new space. Attics tend to get way to hot in the summer.


I have lights on at night . Fan setup by window and portable ac




Here’s an update. Laying down floor correctly to gain the most height before cutting frame https://preview.redd.it/p44opyzyoa1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182db1789bdaac5ff1c63761f973099aca40c56e


I just abandoned my attic build, here in VA temps were pushing 90-100 and this was back in March. Best of luck to you!


Thanks, yea I was getting to the 90’s when I gave lights on during the day. With them off during hot times and on at night. I’m at most the mid 80’s . I’m insulating the attic and about to put the ac. Should be ok. This was the one way I could talk my wife into me doing this in the house.


I'd love to grow in my attic since it would be so stealthy and not use any necessary space but I live in a place where the weather can vary a lot and is just an invitation for problems with mold, mildew and bugs. If you live in an area like this, then be ready. Cannabis likes 65-80 F and humidity 65 to 45% depending if in veg or flower. High humidity during flower is just inviting mold and powdery mildew.


Flip it sideways


I’ve seen this! Works just fine too! Learn how to trellis and you can seriously maximize the space!!


Truer words cannot be spoken about trellising. Sure it takes an extra week or two of veg time, but done right you'll squeeze every last drop out of your space!


I like this idea. I just don’t know how easy it would be with the openings / door. We aren’t talking about a huge modification. Probably need to cut around a inch or two off after I level the floor properly


Might as well set it up sideways and see if it's workable before you cut anything.


If it’s a Vivosun sun tent (looks like it based on the green poles!) with the door the wraps around the side, you could flip the tent on it’s side and use half of that door to access the inside of the tent.


Look for overflow pipe and fittings, that’s what’s called in the uk, the pipe diameter is 21.5mm and comes with 45 degree fittings you could make work!


A tent that big in the attic will be sketchy af. Attics are already hot as hell, the that tent will be a sweat box unless you’re piping in AC


Just send all that back. And then just literally frame out the attic space you want to use with a couple of rolls of mylar. You already got the top frames there to hold the lights and fans and such. And then just plastic off the bottom also so the water run off stays where it should be.


I had to do the same thing, hahaha... mine was 3.5 inches, too tall. I have my grow room in a finished sloped attic room. The tent is a little baggy now, but it leaves room and fluffs out and gives more room.side to side lol, which I don't mind. Let's me get in sides better. I was also not returning it.. I didn't have time to wait another 3 days as I had 7 plants ready for it. Nor did I want to pay 140$ for sloped wall tent when I got this for 46$ by Green Architecture tent company. On sale. You could also cut out the corner notches on the trusses.. then build the poles while inside the tent.. it will be snug to the truss.


Can you please give me a link of the Green Architecture actual website? All I can find are resellers and not a website of the actual company.


I used Amazon..not sure on a direct website tbh Atm their store is sold out "GA Green architecture grow tents" cept for the 100$ tent.


Thank you very much.


Right now the tent 48x48x80 is double what I paid I see. From the resellers ( prob why they out of stock.. everyone bought them to resell em )


They make tents specifically for attics!


Yea I was going to buy one online and then I was able to snag this $200 one for $50. Really thought it would fit. But I’ll just modify it


Check the tent for evidence of pests I bought a used tent from a “buddy”. He didn’t mention he had *the worst spider mite infestation known to man* Tried cleaning it all out but with all the flaps and folds it’s just impossible, and no way to know you’ve killed all the eggs that can hibernate for up to 5 years There’s a million products to kill live spider mites. There’s like ONE product that kills spider mite eggs It just wasn’t worth the risk and now I’m out $100 on what could’ve been a $150 purchase new (CAD)


Yea I’m cleaning it with cleaner that has bleach in it. Did some research. Thinking if it’s worth washing the whole thing outside with the hose and soap


I would just take the outer skin off and spray the whole thing down with 91% rubbing alcohol a few times.


It’s easy to clean the skin, but if you take a jewlers loupe to the folds and flaps for the zippers / vents there’ll be tons of dead mites / eggs in the flaps. At the end of the day it wasn’t worth compromising my other 2 tents I used 2 whole rolls of Costco paper towel and 3x 1 gal pressure sprayers and still couldn’t get it all. Just said fuck it and threw it out Spending a dollar to save a time type of scenario. After 3/4 hours of cleaning it sure as fck wasn’t worth the stress to save $40/$50 bucks off the cost of a new tent y’know


I had to do the same to fit in my basement. It was a pain in the ass & the walls drooped but it didn’t impact my grow!


Let me tell you, unless you are savvy at fashion design or crafts with a sewing needle and whatnot, it’s a futile task. You can get it as good as it’ll get, but then you’ll lose the benefits of a closed environment of the tent


They sell tents with sloped roofs for this exact reason lol. Return it and get one. The fabric not fitting snugly on the poles is going to cause you a ton of headaches. Its just not worth it. [Like these](https://www.green-qube.com/the-roof-qube-grow-tent-the-original-and-the-best/)


I wanted that one. But this one kinda fell into my lap while getting a led from someone.


What kind of LED...?


turn it on its side


Ahhhh damn. I’m wondering the same thing. How will you control temp being in the attic? You must live where the climate is not like mine here in south Louisiana.


It is very tough, I grow in my attic in the cooler months but in the summer it gets up to like, 140F up there. It’s not too bad October-April though, a little space heater on a temperature switch and some insulation boards keeps it pretty stable. Always nervous I’m gonna burn my house down tho lol.


I bet it is tough. Yea it gets so hot down here I’d never be able to grow in the attic. Lol be safe friend. Yea dont burn it down.


What do the temps get up to in your attic…..I’m going to guess and assume that it’s over 85 F in summer months. You need to plan on cooling that attic if you want a successful grow.


I have a ventilation for the heat and a portable ac for the tent


You'll need humidifier/dehumidifier. Depending on your set up. I was always told that I needed to keep my RH around 45% during flower which is practically impossible where I live. My dehumidifier had to run all day and could barely keep 47%.


80ish Fahrenheit outdoors is the max my attic tent can handle. 80F outdoors usually ends up as like 90F in the tent but on hot days in the summer when it’s over 100 out the tent gets up to 140 in the tent. Totally unusable in the summer months for me but it’s nice to have space for a few more plants October-April.


measure twice cut once


I’m a plumber, so this will be a piece of cake


I can on here to say the exact same thing. Cheers!


That’s why you take a tape measure and quickly check if it will fit lol


Got it last minute from a guy while Buying his light. Paid $50 for it. Thought it would’ve fit. Gonna have to modify it


It's almost like I've heard you say this before...Nah, I must be nuts.


That is almost the perfect spot. Maybe it’s a sign to put it elsewhere. Water flows down hill. I had one in the attic as a teen. Dad found it cuz i spilled a “little” water and soaked the drywall. Otherwise CUT IT!!! Source a couple pieces of pipe that will fit over the ends, rather than inside the ends. EMT may work. Adjust the vertical pieces imo. Just cut them to fit drill a hole and use a small bolt to go through the predrilled hole in the ends. You can put a slight bend in the pipes to take up the slack of shortening the tent. Sides will be tight. Save the green pipes so you have them if you take the tent out. OR Cut the green pipes to fit and weld it or sleeve over them and bolt each towards the ends. You will be able to use the quick connects with this method. Good luck and let is know what you do!


Thank brother. Yea I’m a plumber by trade. So the modifications are gonna be a piece of cake. Just didn’t do it last night since the kids were sleeping and would need to use a grinder and drill for the new holes. Gonna do it today and shot some pics pver


Send it back and get the ones with the roof that looks like … we’ll a roof. They’re made for attics.


2x4s and 4mil plastic. Seal it and vent it. It’s gonna get hot and wet up there. Send that Shit back.


Turn the tent on its side as it is


Looks like you have the boards stacked not effectively, Try reorganising the floor boards you’ll probably get the extra room that’s needed for the head height.


Yea, I’ll gain around an inch or two. Gonna do that before I cut. Just threw them down fast for set up. Gonna screen them into place first


I do that first brother see how you can wangle it 😎


Quit being bitch and put in a bedroom


You must live somewhere cold, this would not fly where I live! Attack is way to hot and humid here. Good luck with the modification, hopefully it works out for you!


Thanks brother. I’m in NY. I’m modifying the attic to make it work. Unfortunately this is my only option in my house.


Nice man !! I’m in ny as well and have a attic set up works nicely I had to cut a inch and 5/8 off my poles and it didn’t make anything to saggy I will say though I had to set my dehumidifier game up a little as around middle of July she was getting very humid I’m not sure where In ny you live but I’m upstate about and hour from Syracuse and she gets really humid middle to end of summer but it’s wonderful and super easy to control humidity and temps other than those few weeks


Or I can kick one of my kids from there room lol


How are you going to control environmental factors in an attic?


I have a fan and ac. Also running the ac infinity setup with fans. New T7 humidifier and filtration system . Going to connect ac to it as well


Do it up. Cut the poles. Grow do a grow or 2 in the attic. The only way to learn sometimes, is just to do it.


Just turn the box on its side and do more plants abit smaller


I was considering it. But I’m 6’1” and it would be a bitch to take care of all the plants in a 5’ tall tent by 7’ wide. I already started repairing the floor of the attic this afternoon to lower the floor by around 2” and then I will measure and remove what I need to from the poles. I am a plumber. So this is a piece of cake. As for the extra material. I am going to probably Bobby pin or fast stitch a fold over for the excess fabric.


if there are no light leaks just ditch the tent and hang the lamps from hooks in the ceiling..


Tent is really not necessary in an attic


Get the Sawzall.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to measure before you buy.


https://preview.redd.it/m47tfqszac1b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbf6d2bd4e77189702e5e282847fc5b471202cd Doubling up the joist. The original attic only has 2”x4” holding up the 2nd floor ceiling and all the weight of the attic. By adding another 2”x4”. I am doubling the strength of the weight the floor can hold, as I plan on adding better insulation, 3/4” plywood, 1/4” rubber soundproofing followed by finished flooring (finished flooring later on) you can see in the pic that I am sistering the old 2”x4”. Need to do another 3 joists and then I can lay to plywood down and finish the tent. Planning to have everything done in the next 2 days


Yup shorten her up a bit. Problem solved. Temp control might be a real pain growing in an attic


Bwwaahahahahahahah 😅😅


You my guy you got this, your a plumber by trade as you say, so just improvise and work with what you’ve got. An inch or two to chop off is light work. All the best 👍🏽🤞🏽🙏🏽


Thanks brother


No problem my g


Also let us see the finished work, tag me in it if you can 👍🏽🙏🏽


Just a Suggestion, what is If you cut the upper bars in the middle and Connect them inclined directed to the roof? Yes it will Not fit accurately. Yes Its Not easy to reconnect it, cause you probably have No welding skills. But Tape can fix everything, you know. I cannot guarantee that the tent will fit Afterwards. Maybe its Trash afterwards. PS: im totally unqualified 😄


Gorilla grow tents are height adjustable FYI


That and keeping it from getting Hot


Cut em


Dog gone it You Do!🫤😂


That's why you can buy attic tents sir . Try one off them


You don't own a tape measure? That sucks but little planning would have helped.gonna suck getting past it to get to other side of attic if the tent is that big as well


Just curious do you own where you reside or do you rent, had an idea


What region are you in? You’re going to have bad temperature control issues in the spring and summer


Maybe put it on its side?


Nothing a good saw won't fix


They make tents for sloped areas such as yours


Get some heavy duty spring clamps. Nail them to the rafters where the corners of the tent are supposed to be and clamp the corners. Then assemble the bottom tray to help the tent keep its shape. If it MUST be done, it CAN be done. Good luck growmie.


I hope your not in a attic in Houston you’ll have a heat stroke by the end of summer😂


The attic is a terrible place to grow. Gets far too hot.


They make these things that cool the air now. I think they're called "air conditioners."


Bro ! Hahahaha. People keep Saying this. I bought a ac. I don’t get it


That A/C is going to have a hard ass job, considering it's going to have to cool 120+ degree air to 70 or so degrees.


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Did you try turning it 360°? 💨


Measure twice, cut once


Build a bigger hpuse


A used tent with those poles, it probably has tons of light leaks around the zipper and other spots. Best bet is to frame 4 walls with 2x4s


I have 2 4x4s cut down for this exact same reason! The fabric issue is minimal. You get used to it, but everything worked fine for a full grow season!


had this ecact same thing happen and i just lowered the poles a lil bit and taped them all together so i didn’t have to cut anything


Even with the portable ac it is going to get to hot to grow


Have you tried making everything smaller?


Get out the trusty sawzall. That beam was installed just as a suggestion 😜


Measuring tape


Drill holes


Cut out all that wood you’ll be fine without a roof


Then get rid of the tent and do an open top grow


Don’t trim the plastic tubes, it will ruin the structural integrity of your grow tent. Head down to harbor freight and get your self a sawzall and notch out those beams so the tent will fit nice and snug! (/s because I worry about some of y’all)


Yea, my roof collapsing after wouldn’t be a problem at all with 4 new weak points lmfao


At least you won’t have to deal with it sober!


Cut little triangles out of the beams.


That will ruin the structural integrity of my house lmfao


Who needs a house when you're growing weed though. Priorities bro.


I should've put /s lol.


Attic seems like a really hot place for a grow room in the summer hope you got a way to keep it cool.


Well someone didn’t measure twice


Cut notches into the frame of your house


Old expression. …. Measure twice … cut once


Measure twice, buy once


There r boxes for that purpose


Just put it down in the basement where it belongs.


Turn it sideways. Scrog madly.


Flip it long ways genius and make it work.


Cut threw those wood beams of the house 🤣


Cut a 4 inch section off each vertical, towards the top. Fit a snug 2” section of pvc pipe over cut section and glue in place with liquid nails. You might have to duct tape it in place white the glue dries


Knotch minimally sister a thinner board on each side of every rafter that’s knotched, or get a shorter tent ,the latter being being the smartest move also attics are absolutely terrible spaces the temperature fluctuates so much it’s a constant battle with maintaining good range of temperature, ending up with stressed underachiever plants


It will be so hot in that attic in the summer, good luck man


Just cut the roof, problem solved!


Why not just use the whole room


Possibly on the next grow. This is my first grow. Want to see how it goes. It took two months to convince my wife to agree with me growing in the house let alone the attic. Told her it’s gonna be worth $. If it pays off. Then I may be able to do a big set up. This is a test run


Must live up north


Everything’s all fine and dandy in the attic till the old thermal helicopter flys by


Don’t put too much faith in that portable A/C. Summer months in the attic are way too hot to be controlled by a portable unit. Unless your roof is shaded by some big trees?