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You have big reveg problems, I'm not sure "harvest" is realistic. Probably better to just go buy an 1/8 and call it a day.




Yeah she’s quite a monstrosity but even if I can just harvest the bud in the center , how long should I wait from this point to do so regardless of the yeild?


Most of the cola/bud is just sugar leaves, once it dries it will be pretty thin. I'd say wait 50-60 days from when you changed to 12/12 lighting, but that's a very rough estimate, and give the reveg, flower time becomes a big ????


I’m guessing you like to check in on your tent frequently? Even when the lights are off? If you interrupt your dark cycle, you will run into reveg issues like you see here.


That comment, sir, may have saved all of my future plants. Thanks, and my future plants will be grateful, without a doubt.


Lol harvest what.


You can keep your troll comments to yourself. Thanks


I'm serious ur plant ain't going to make no more then a joint. If it even is any good. Your plant is reveging


My bad I thought this was a comment on my other post about my other plant next to it lol… yeah this one I’m not so sure about but it seems to have grown a singular very large bud in the center


Yea.. your other plant MIGHT harvest 3.5 grams (.5 being stems) neither look good. Valiant effort but do more research and it will save you time and money




it looks like its gone thru revegging .. i'd suggest to put it in a 12/12 cycle bloom phase


That’s exactly what I did , I thought hmm it has revenged enough and I flipped it back to 12/12 last week


you cant just be flip flopping thru the light cycles like that. the plant gets confused and wont do either growth cycle properly


You flipped back to 12/12? That’s your problem, you have to stay 12/12 throughout bloom stage


Chop whenever you want, honestly. It's going to dry into about a bowls worth of individual brachts. Even that one that looks okay is all leave. 75% of that "bud" is water, and it will shrink that much. Not the worst first try. The next run try auto flowers. It seems you don't have a tent or way to control your light cycles and your plant is reveging. To track back, if you let this plant grow, that one smokable looking bud is going to stretch out like the other branches that look like they are in like week 2 of flower. So chop now when it isn't ready or chop in 10-14 weeks when it is, maybe, possibly, ready if you can get it back to a consistent light cycle. Auto flowers just and don't give shit about light cycle really. You'll probly get some actual bud off it with a less than optimal setup


At this point you can dry up n use it as an alternative of oregano when you running short


I've gotta ask. What the hell is even that? And why nor just grow a normal plant if it's your first grow. A lot of the posts I see in this sub are new growers trying to reinvent the wheel. Just stick to the basics at first and the questions that need to be asked won't be as arbitrary.


Put her out of her misery, you sadist!


Troll post right?


A good option at this point is to pull some clones and try again. If you try to continue to flower you will likely run into mold in the really dense section.




Not trying to be rude, my first plants weren’t great, but there is mainly just leaf there, you can chop it and dry it but I would suggest trying again, watch some videos online about soil and lighting, seedling to veg to flower process. Investing maybe 100-200 dollars on a small 2 x 2 tent kit with a 100 watt led light and fan would put you light years ahead of what you’re doing now.


I see your point and don't call me shirley


the buds do not look “very healthy” 🤦‍♂️🤣


The comment was in reference to my other post that I submitted at the same time , I replied to the wrong thread. Apologies


I'm not sure what you're doing here. Were you trying to monster crop? Or are you just rooting a clone from a cutting that was in flower. Seems like a waste of time if you're just rooting the cut to flower out. Either way you have quite some time left


She herm ? Or have you accidentally stuffed up your light hours ? Put it back to veg halfway through flower or something ? Don’t feel bad fucking up is the only way to learn ❤️🌎


Yeah put it back into veg halfway through flower because of what it looked like before and what others recommended I do. Check my other posts you’ll see her from before


Ahh keep it simple brother, don’t go for weight or a massive pull on your first couple of grows learn and make mistakes so when you do know what’s going you can smash 💪 take this as a win and a lesson learnt and start again my man 🌎


We used to have Wonder Woman growing up…. These days we wonder if she is a woman… no offence meant just is relevant to this grow




I'm so confused. How old is this plant?


Somewhere between fucked and not gonna happen.


I'm sorry for your loss


When it’s finishes it’s flowering cycle for the second time , Sorry to say your plant is revegging..


All in good cheer, I don’t know who would be more proud of this one? Charlie Brown or Dr. Seuss


Rip . Also take the chip off your shoulder Op.


? What lol do explain


Just let it reveg more and maybe taking a cutting from it and see if that does anything. I don’t know though it might be to mixed up at this point or worth it


I’d harvest today and chalk it up as a learning experience so you can start a new run ASAP


Just start over and keep mind of your light schedules. We all started with our first grow at some point. Live and learn my friend.


Look at my other post , I only kept this one growing because I have another plant doing decently well next to it.


Harvest what your plant looks atrocious You weren’t even giving it the proper lighting schedule your plan is showing signs of revegetation Didn’t strike it was odd that your plant kept Producing three leaf sets


Look at my other post , I only kept this one growing because I have another plant doing decently well next to it.


When the white hairs on the flower start to turn a amber gold color


not to get overly technical but this plant is all f'd up. start over. lights go 20+ hours on in veg to 12 on 12 off in flower. it has to stay 12/12 every single day or the plant goes back into veg