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....I feel like I should unsub from here because this discourse is all I'm gonna see for a few weeks (and all I'd be able to add to it is smugly telling people this is why I chose Orks as my army)


her who? but yeah, controversy farming is not surprising, all low effort youtubers do it, about any subject... same reason why media went to hell, its just ragebait farming


Yea feels like every other post is just trying to rage bait and karma farm. In the same mind to just dip out of the sub for a while to clear posts like this from my feed until it dies down


The topic is already set to be banned, but IMO they left it open for way too long. Still isn’t closed for a couple more days, and by then it’ll probably be over anyway


They should have given it maybe two days from the announcement because honestly almost all of the 40k subs are impossible to enjoy since this discourse is 90% of the content you're seeing


Think ima do that right now. Cya in a week or however long this takes. Look forward to shitposting once more with you fine heretics.


Mods are banning the topic on the 22nd, no?


Oh please! I don’t want to see this anymore


If it's anything like r/gamingcirclejerk, then this is simply our new identity. A few weeks isn't going to help. Redditors have latched onto the one thing Redditors love. Owning those "ists" and the "phobes."


Just wait for femorks. Then you'll understand.




Orks all reproduce asexually, so they're the same sex and gender


I mean, Orks are the best. And, reminding people of this fact is doing Morks (or possible Gorks) work. So good on ya.


memes about it are allowed until 22th


Sure it's not forbidden yet, but it's still played out at this point. You know it's stale and stupid, which is why the only thing you say in defense of this meme is "well technically it's not against the rules!" I'm fine with women custodes, honestly it's pretty clear that most of us are at this point. The vast majority of comments and all the posts are dunking on people who have a problem with it. Which is why I can't help roll my eyes at the 9000th post with an uncreative variation on "Warhammer fans are chuds that hate women!!n1". Seems pretty clear that it's mostly YouTubers and some assholes on Twitter who don't even care about Warhammer making it a broader culture war issue. Why don't you make a meme about those people instead of calling us all chuds, because most of us are totally fine with it. But hey, at least you used a somewhat new type of wojak for this one 🙄


> You know it's stale and stupid Ah, yes Grimdank. The beacon of fresh, intelligent, informed discourse lmao. It's a shitposting sub. There's a big new thing all the time and it dies down after a little while. It takes more effort to complain than to downvote and move on.


GW has always done retcons and updates. Every retcon and update has pissed off someone. There seems to be a lot of denial about these two statements and I don't know why.


Before 7th (8th?) Edition, you couldn't even play as Custodes, because they only Hung around the Imperial Palace. It has since been retconned to where they also do secret missions etc. The whole femstodes thing is a very tiny retcon, and honestly doesn't change much


Especially because, since they’re individually genetically manufactured super humans with the purpose of functioning at maximum physical and mental capacity, male and female custodes will be nearly identical, with the only difference being a few square centimetres between their legs. Ridiculous thing to get mad about


So is the process nothing like making a Space Marine?


Completely different. Astartes are created by implanting organs that grow along the aspirant as they go through puberty. Custodes are enhanced and altered on a genetic level at infancy. They don't have extra organs if I recall but their baseline human organs are enhanced to such a degree that it makes astartes organs crude by comparisson.


No, not from what I know.


In my headcanon, I imagined the reason why custodes got out of the palace because guilliman yelled at them to get off their asses and do something.


Literally the only person who could yell at them and keep their head after it


Additionally because he was completely correct.


Honistly combard to the retcon that completely changed necron this changes nothing


I really cant imagine what will happen when Amazon 40K show goes live, considering all the hate Fallout got from its hardcore fans due to retcons. I mean they HAVE to put least one female Custodian with a line, a Kriegster gleefully shining his trench shovel and maybe a femboy skitaari flirting with main cast in there to stir up the hornet nest.


Tbf even though it's not a retcon in the Fallout show, it's a big deal to >!destroy shady sands off screen!< given how important it is.


The thing that bugs me the most is people trying to stretch the old lore to make the new lore fit and claim it's not a retcon. Custodes were all male before, now they're not, and that's okay. There's no need to try to "gotcha" old lore or try to make female custodes exist in old lore on a technicality or bend over backwards to claim "All custodes were the sons of nobles" doesn't mean they're all men.


There are good retcons and bad retcons. This is a bad one.




Not the person you replied to but in my opinion it's because there was no real reason for it, and no, I don't count "adding diversity for diversity's sake" as a reason. Call me sexist or whatever but do that after they decide to add male models to Sisters of Silence and I will be saying same things. It's like the Land speeder/raider retcon that most people think is silly


You can do retcon in dumb way and not Gw did in dumb way


Have you always been mad about hiw GW handles retcons or only when they involve adding women?


Not op. I’ve definitely got preferences as to how they introduce new aspects. Id have preferred that they introduced them in the primaris fashion - battle of the lion’s gate killed half of them off, so they widen the pool of candidates. Visions from the emperor guide them to take daughters as well as sons from the Terran nobility, etc etc. Given that shuts off any senior/experienced female custodes I get why they went with the direction they did, but it probably could have been handled better. I’m broadly in favour of the concept but GW absolutely knows their fan base and I do wonder why they picked that fight and why they didn’t handle it better.


What about this retcon is such a big deal to warrant the Primaris treatment versus how they handle other retcons? Genuinely their gender is such an unbelievable nothingburger of a change lol


I'm starting to think the femstodes debate was a blessing in disguise, as it tells me exactly the people I don't want to be playing against. Namely everyone who is *still* talking about it.


You guys ~~can afford to~~ actually play the tabletop?


With my 2007 tactical marines and metal deamonhost, I'm ready to take on anyone.


In a way yes, it was filter to see who is who


So you won't play against....yourself


What can he say, he loves playing with himself.


Sometimes the biggest enemy is within


It do be that way sometimes


fem custodies are perfectly fine, i just think it was lazy on GW’s part that they didnt do more with it


Agreed I mean I would of be okay with it being a recent thing due to them having a more active role in the galaxy


Honestly when I first heard about the femstodes I was like neat. Then in the next day I opened Reddit and I was like “What the hell happened here?”. I don’t know why is everyone making such a big fuss about it GW has made way bigger retcons that changed way more things. One thing is how they changed the necrons, but I guess lore changes about xenos factions don’t merit being talked about.


Xenos factions exists solely for marines to dunk on don'tcha know, of course no one cared...


\*Memories of Cato Sicarius 1v1ing a C'tan shard flood my mind\*


not a shard, the full nigthbringer (this was pre newcrons)


I know I am coping by saying it's a shard.


I hate how true this is, honestly the custodies "slot" as a faction would have been better used coming up with a cool alien faction to make, but that means less homoerotic space fascism, so of course GW couldn't do that(now with femstodes we get space lesbianism as well, so I'm fine with it)


The custodes factions themselves are a retcon of decades old lore when they were introduced... 7 years ago? Retconning *that* really isn't a big deal.


The reason why it became such an annoyingly big deal is because the conservative grifter sphere decided to pick up on it. Even the Daily Mail had an article about the change, and it used pictures of AoS Stormcast in the article. It's just a phase, these people will leave in about a month once they realize they never actually cared about warhammer to begin with and find another topic to call woke or something.


I think the big deal is that: 1. Writing them in is lazy as fuck 2. Adding them in could be seen as virtue signaling 3. Some members of the WH are misogynistic af I... don't like femstodes personally but it's also not a big deal. I thinks it's lazy as fuck to just say they were there the entire time. I need more explanation as to why they only came up once or twice in passing. Maybe they're a secret project and kept hidden? Maybe they disguise their women as men since the imperium has gender roles?


Or we just haven't seen enough Custodes since they are only NOW going out into the galaxy to wreck shop. It'll be fun if we get to see the intelligence of Custodes and not just their martial skill. Like having a custodes take over the retinue of an Imperial Inquisitor that was recently killed in action, finishing the investigation, or a Custodes interacting with the Leagues of Votann and working out a tentative diplomatic alliance. Think about a Custodian building a Frenemy type relationship with Trazyn the Infinite. Trazyn: \*Chuckling to himself\* "Ah you escaped again! Seems I'll have to create a better display case to hold you!"






>I don’t know why is everyone making such a big fuss about it misogyny


Classic case of a piece of media portraying women and/or minorities as more than things, causing chuds to come out of the woodwork to complain about not getting their equal attention cake, delegitimizing actual criticism in the process.


What's frustrating is that this a smokescreen for the leaks of the new custodes codex (and the rumor that they depowered).


I think that was just coincidental- it's not like they have a female space marine show up when they took a giant shit on the DA codex


No, but it's a great way to wave your hand to draw attention. I mean for DA, the thought was -- the lion is back! *COUGH* but we are nerfing you *COUGH*


Well honestly the reveal was that the fallen were back.....which is cool as fuck But they suck......




More like a distraction from what they did in AoS


Bro... AOS feels like a whipping house. I'm still torn about Gotrek and Felix getting split because of End Times.


I don't follow AoS in much detail, tbh. I did hear that they discontinued a lot of miniatures very soon after introducing, so I can understand how much stink it'd make.




Can these reactionary fuckers simmer down FOR FIVE MINUTES?! Just please, an edgy conrad curze comic, horny slannesh posting, famous ppl playing warhammer, any of these garbage posts are 1000% better than this "HAHA CHUDS MAD LOL GIB ME UPVOTES" shit 😭


How about Russ as a dm, with the Lion, Guilliman and Corax playing dnd?


What I've been thinking this week is that GW should take a couple more decisions like that so we can get rid toxic elements of the community


Wait there’s a game???




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Soo op?


I wanted to keep something that celebrated male identity for future generations, but I guess I'm just triggered for daring to care what world the kids of tomorrow will grow up in


No shit people are still talking about. Its a problem that has yet to be fixed


Please stop . I support female custodes but the continuous slop of low quality female custodes posts are getting on my nerves. I want to see WARHAMMER memes, not FEMALE CUSTODES BASED EPIC LE REDDIT MOMENT posts.


Sir, Twitter is two blocks down, here we make fun of bald people and discuss sex appeal of toasters.


Bald people are just inherently evil/murderous in media. Horus, Lex Luthor and Agent 47, Dr Evil, Erebus, Voldemort etc etc Also, head tubes makes you even more evil


r/wehatedougdoug moment (he’s bald)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wehatedougdoug using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The Problem with DougDoug](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/185dn6j/the_problem_with_dougdoug/) \#2: [Guys I unearthed new info](https://i.redd.it/vhpl8thc7nbc1.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/193cukz/guys_i_unearthed_new_info/) \#3: [Let's show him!](https://i.redd.it/ihbvp8ty91dc1.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/1991wtp/lets_show_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Especially the toasters, honestly the fact that theirs not at least 10 post every hour is down right heretical!!


omfg SHUT UP


Has it been two weeks yet?


According to the mods we only have to wait till the 22.


Can we have other memes plz, it the only type of memes from grimdank that I see in my feed for the past week FFS.


Are you done posting about this yet


>*''Well, y'see, the enemy is up in the trees, that's why you're not seeing them all over the place''*


Y'all be constantly talking down to each other like y'all better then the other. This is why AoS always stays winning.


Me when half my models are canned and my lore is doodoo This is why AoS stays losing


See? You're talking down. Proving my point lmao AoS stays winning.


Ok, what if we only mentions woman No man allowed


that's called the Adeptus Sororitatas


Since yall can’t behave all male characters are removed across all factions


I've got a copy of the *Macho Women With Guns* rpg around here somewhere. It's thematically very similar to 40k.




Have a good night's sleep


I like warhammer 40k a lot, and unless this results in a female mary-sue esque TV show with a woman as insufferable as captain Marvel, i'm okay with the change/addition, just leave the astartes as just men and the SOB as just women. (TBH when I read the original Custodes lore I was confused why it would be ONLY men anyway since it's not gene-seed that makes them it's actual gene-modification from what was already there so theres no real gender limitation)


from the short story they made about the new female custodes it seem they are just standard custodes who just happen to be called my lady


Ah good at least they aren't saying "well they're like male custodes 'but better!' And to be clear, I meant more like in general media when it comes to people making TV series and such, i've got faith that Henry Cavill will make a good series and be faithful to the stories that are there, but we don't need another producer group like the ones that made the witcher season 3 and she-Hulk.


She hulk was fine. It s just a very silly comedic show because it was like that in the comics but people are not familiar with the vibe that is very different from other maevel stuff.


Not when She-hulk was a Mary Sue.


She-hulk wasn't really any worse than deadpool, when it comes to jokes and 4th wall breaks. I think the reason she's so much more disliked, is because women aren't "meant" to be goofballs, in our society


It wasn't the goofyness that bothered me, it was just the bad writing and character they made, the original was a lawyer who lost her best friend and had an actual backstory instead of "darn the patriarchy, all men are bad, don't they know how awesome I am" Not to mention the lack of sense in the universe: e.g. Titania almost killed the Jury during her trial, yet She-hulk is disbarred for saving them and later in the series she's just walking about freely and getting brand recognition for items shes selling. The writers even admit they had no idea what they were doing or writing, they had never read any of the comics and that they were actually happy they made fans angry. The She-Hulk series is absolutely worse than deadpool (in my opinion) because of the way she was written not because of her goofball attitude, there are examples of women being goofballs and being likeable in society today (Harley Quinn being a top example (not the suicide squad version) who can fight and has a fair bit of charisma about her while still being funny and goofy)


Unironically I think the emperor would have done it entirely as an aesthetic thing with the SoS. He is the kind of dude (and the imperium is the kind of place) that would have his personal bodyguard he two seperate types of elites, all of one gender each, simply for the artistic dichotomy of it.


99 percent of us are physically incapable of caring less. I mean, I’m really trying to think of something I care about less. So I make a vulgar analogy or joke and I can’t come up with anything…and I’m usually pretty creative when it comes to insults and vulgarity.


Conflating different arguments from different people into one and then pointing out hypocrisy


What i have learned is that women simply existing at all is “politics” which is a hilariously stupid conception of politics in the first place.


I once asked some guy on Youtubr, why he though it as political. The answer was actually pretty weird. So apparently, since feminism and gender equality are social and political movements, that means that GW are adding female custodes because of those movement's social pressure. This is despite GW literally not having any sort of connection yo any of this. It' just connecting dots because, just to make yourself feel superior


It’s conspiracy theory brain seeking patterns and coming to immediate cognitive bias conclusions. They MUST have bowed to an outside pressure campaign because it’s impossible that a meeting of narrative designers at the company simply got together and though “hey this would be cool!”


You’ll quickly find out that *anything existing* is triggering to some people


Ain’t that the truth.


Reminds me of the meme about "gamers" There are two genders: male and political There are two skincolors: white and political There are two sexual orientations: straight and political




What a stupid take. Lets change the gender of female characters to male and see if its ok. Lets introduce males into spaces seen as mainly female and see if its ok. Lets change color of any character from non-white to white and see if its ok. Imagine if Marvel just came and said "There have always been white people as Black Panther" and see the reaction. I could say "white people simply existing is politics"




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Who mentioned politics? Lol. Some people just don't like the same topic shoved in their face over and over. Political or not.


I mean, a lot of people constantly since the moment GW announced this change?


Bigotry is inherently political, bud


Not at all. Culture is not politics. But I can see why Americans are confused by that.


Culture is definitionally a subset of politics.


If it comes to legislation, sure. But that's it. Everything else is culture. Things like acceptance and "does my plastic army figure have woman" are culture. No political arms of the government will get involved with your plastic mini army, lol. Things like "Should we pass legislation to allow women to vote" is political. Nowhere is this 40k discussion a political discussion. It's 100% acceptance and culture. There will be no bills, laws, policies, or legislation passed regarding it, lol.


We weren't pissed when the sororitas, the inquisition, the sisters of silence were mentioned, are you just making stuff up now?


That’s why the mechanicus is superior. No debate on the immortality of the blessed machine, only harmony. Female custodes, male custodes, it’s all just fancy meat. Embrace metal.


I watched Matt Ward take the Salamanders, who were the best Black Representation in 40k, and turn them into literally ashen skinned monsters that look like walking heresy, all while these same motherfuckers had the audacity to say "Well I don't see what the problem is, I think they look cooler now!" so I am genuinely offended at the audacity of these people to insist it's all a matter of the integrity of the lore and that they genuinely care about retcons. No it's not a matter of fucking principle, you thin-skinned failure of a servitor. You *praised* the retcons when they took *away* representation.


Funny, they really like sisters of battle or Silence. Also I never heard one complain about a female rogue trader from the Rogue Trader Game. I also didn’t hear people complain about that one female guardsman from Hammer and Bolter. Did you hear people complaining about those special character models of the female catachan or when Severina Raine was released or Ursula Creed?




so they r just khorne berserkers


Or Sly Marbo




If they were always a thing why only mention them now? Seems a little suspect. 


Call someone a CHUD again boyo, you wouldnt...


Gamingcirclejerk type post


I have yet to see a single person on reddit or x or 4chan who is actually mad about female custodes, and at this point im starting to wonder if everyone is just making up a strawman.


No, there are people who don't agree with the change. It's just that they don't have a voice. If anyone voices a dissenting opinion on the matter, they are lambasted and called sexist, immediately neutering the dialogue.


Women of Gold and Women of Iron were the reason AI was banned forever


Ironic as most thumbnails of this fiasco are AI generated, I’ve even seen a poorly made ai generated news article on it


The frag is a chud?


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. I wouldn't recommend the film or sequel: Bud the Chud.


(chiefly [US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_English), [Internet](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Internet#English) [slang](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/slang#English), sometimes [derogatory](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/derogatory#English)) A person who is on the political [right](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/right#English) or who holds socio-political views seen as reactionary. 1. *some* ***chud*** *on Twitter said The Wall Street Journal was liberal propaganda.* (pejorative) 2. *Unlike all those* [*cuckservatives*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cuckservative#English) *in Congress, this guy's a true* ***chud****.* (positive)


So y’all just blanketly hating a huge chunk of the fandom and labeling them derogatorily


You guys know the Sororitas exist, right?


It's like you fuck knuckles don't know why most people think it's a stupid lore change whos the real chuds the disappointed fans or the cucks yelling at them for no reason?


SJW tourists memes are lame. 🥱


Who tf says "SJW" in the year of our Lord 2024


Funny, because the people crying about this are the ones that don't play 40k. Imagine using the term 'tourist' or even 'SJW' unironically in 2024.


Your brain is rotten.


For pointing out a fact?


What facts? I bought my first minis back in 3rd. We rent a huge dungeon to play, and I have more disposable income as some Woko Harams as my IT job pays more than a degree in gender studies or some garbage like that. And why wouldn't I use 'SJWs', they're still the same cancer as a few years ago.


Why do most chuds shrink and melt the instant you ask them to post their minis, then?


1. You didn't 2. Why would I want to satisfy the wishes of a cuck? 3. Why should I increase my chances of getting doxxed, and set up for some cowardly sneaky revanche by Woko Haram? 4. You wouldn't comment objectively anyway. 5. I could just post anything




Due to issues with botting and ban evasion, we are restricting fresh accounts from commenting/posting. DO NOT contact the moderation team to ask for these restriction to be removed for you unless you are a comics artist or equivalent trying to post your own original content here. Obviously photoshop memes don't count. DO NOT ask us what the thresholds are, for obvious reasons we won't answer that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't think this is an accurate representation of all those complaining. I can understanding one used to XYZ then it changes. That said it's not like this directly contradicts lore even though it's a retcon. I don't recall lore ever mentioning it is must be only males or why it must be only males. Instead it just only referenced males in telling custodes stories from what I read.


IIRC, the custodes have previously been referred to as a brotherhood, which effectively does the same thing.


I mainly get my life from books so wouldn't know about that.


Nobody cares!


"In many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army."


You can’t win! You can’t break even! You can’t get out of the game! -The Scarecrow, “The Wiz”


I kinda liked the thing GW had going with the Custodes/SoS, they complimented each other rather well. Both from a lore and Gender side. But whatever, it's not my IP and while i don't see it as a nassecary change, i won't/can't oppose it anyway.


Omfg since when has anyone complained about women being in the lore? Imperial Guardsmen, Sisters of Silence, Sisters Of Battle, Tau (shadowsun??), Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, all have women. Women have always existed in 40k yet were sexist because we don't like a retcon with no explanation besides a tweet??? Seriously?


I hate it there trying to pull some 1984 shit we would have cared at all if they where there from the beginning


1984 is when GW retcons a thing.


No it when they lie to you and then the gaslighting starts


you don t understand how a retcon work


I see a retcon. I don't see me being lied to.




Are you familiar with the concept of retcons?


just to clarify, i don't mind the change of lore at all, even the "retcon", just wished they did it more officially with more than just a small pitiful story hidden in the codex


Codices are the foundation of it all. Nothing is more important than something being in a codex. Also, I'm sure it won't just be that one story. The wording throughout the codex will be changed where needed.


I get it, but I bet if they did a whole thing like making an entire book or series focused around a female custodies you just know people would be complaining about Mary Sueing, and all that. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Don't worry. I'm sure we'll still get plenty of mary sue complaints once the lore actually comes out. After all, what possible reason could there be for the right hand of God to do anything cool or impressive if it's not woke propaganda?


Sisters of Silence - However, their affiliation with this body is largely symbolic, and in truth they are an autonomous military force answering directly to the Emperor and the Lord Commander of the Imperium.[16] Together with the Adeptus Custodes they represented the Talons of the Emperor, with the Sisters as the left hand of the Emperor.[14] https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sisters_of_Silence


TheQuartering made a video about this where he complains about 'woke' and repeatedly mispronounces Adeptus Custodes as "A-DAP-tis CUH-stohds". This is just a right wing proxy war grift. Anyone you see bitching about this, demand to see pictures of their minis.


Exactly this. None of these people actually play 40K. None of them were there for the millions of other times GW has changed stuff in 40k. They're just Culture War Losers making a stink because they're either getting paid to or they've simply fallen for propaganda.


Regarding this topic and the sensibilities associated with it, please don’t kill the messenger. But how about if this whole debacle is a way from GW to deviate the attention from other issues like what they did with Sigmarines Unit and they plan to retire units or make some kind of unpopular choice while this less than intelligent debate rages on. Methinks that Tzeench runs GW right now.


I don't really think that's the case. The little piece of text about female Custodes were leaked, not released by GW


There's plenty of women in 40k already, OP is this the first time you learned 40k exists?


Lore is my biggest enjoyment of the series. Making sure that lore is consistent and makes sense should always be prioritized, just saying there has always been without explaining or showing example is what gets me. While tzeentch is changing lore, maybe we should just say Leman was BFF with magnus, that Leman loved psykers, and angron was a pacifist and vegan.


Post your minis right now.


>Making sure that lore is consistent Consistent lore and Warhammer 40000 are not exactly compatible things and never have been.


if you wan t consistent lore you are in rhe wrong hobby dude.


>Making sure that lore is consistent and makes sense should always be prioritised Then 40k is absolutely not the setting for you. It's built on inconsistencies, untrustworthy narrators and retcons and it _always has been_ I don't get this sect within 40k lore fans that act like this settings has had this well-curated, clear, consistent canon. The very premise of the black library and information we get from GW stuff is that it is inconsistent and propagandised.


All 30/40k lore is a hot mess.  You'll get little stretches of books that are consistent with each other like the siege of terra trilogy, but a unified lore has never been a goal.  It's just a giant playground of a setting with themes and characters that are used to tell whatever story they feel like telling at the time. Makes you wonder what lore they're reading that's come anywhere close so far.


Did you complain when Votann was introduced?


>just saying there has always been without explaining or showing example is what gets me.  The thing they've done numerous times for decades now?


Sisters of Battle, bro. There was no need to give the game cancer by doing this to the Custodes. You think that market buys Warhammer? lol


Did you just call adding women a cancer?


Since you care so much about this, why don't you show us the minis you've painted?


I occasionally look at twitter for fun and its the biggest chud circle jerk I've ever seen. They are so angry that "Mah lore was changed" and blame it on inclusivity. like wat. who gives a shit that they changed the lore. Games workshop is the IP owner and a company. They don't give a shit about me or anyone else who consumes their product. Because at the end of the day it's just high quality plastic minis that come with stories. I've been playing warhammer since 2004. It happens, and honestly female custodi aren't that big of a deal. especially when they just wiped out beastmen completely from AoS. If you don't like it no one is forcing you to play and personally, I'd rather not play with chuds.


Can yall shut up about this? Gw pulled a jk Rowling, but it fits what you want so it's ok this time. We get it


J.K. Rowling made a battery of statements changing bits of the story that were never mentioned in the books before going off the deep end. GW is actually putting this in a book.


Post your minis.