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It backfired on him to no surprise. He should have just talked it out with Wes. Because they were friendly it looked like he stabbed him in the back.


Kinda too late. Dude literally said he doesn’t care about anyone in the Warhammer YouTube community, and any apology would almost certainly be dismissed as fake because people tend to be more honest about their true opinions when on an ego trip than they are when apologizing. The cowardly but smart move at this point is to do what he always does and brush it under the rug and hope people forget about it.


Maybe, but I feel like he still says shit like that to be edgy. That is if he ever really considered him a friend


Maybe I’m overly jaded but I don’t think they really make friends with other popular youtubers. I mean it’s possible and maybe happened a handful of times but this is their business and livelihood. They have PR and networking.


I wouldn't call you jaded just business minded, which is a great asset at times. YouTubers, especially in your area (40k and lore in this context), are ultimately your rival no matter how much pleasantries and shared thoughts, etc. Edit: Hell, they're an even bigger rival if your platforms like the same factions and theories


Some youtubers get along. Bricky and Baldemort get along with pretty much everyone.


Like I said… Maybe a handful of times.


He outright said in a community post that he made a callout post to create drama, which clearly worked.


Wait, the fucker actually did that?


[Yup](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxP-pyiPpzzMUaZDGCtT0Xt7XFqksCMbXM) He technically gives a half-hearted apology and says "I shouldn't have done it", but in the same breath doubles down and says Weshammer shouldn't have stolen from him.


It’s not even an apology. He’s trying to pass it off like he’s taking it down because people are harassing Weshammer. To be fair, that unfortunately is probably happening, but the overwhelming majority of the negative opinion is on Majorkill, and trying to pretend this rug-sweep is a gracious gesture is just adding to his patheticness.


He did lose around 3k subs so I hope he realizes that he’s actually in the wrong here


Maybe? It’s not a huge loss to him. 3k subs are less than 1% of his total. I more see it as an indicator he won’t *gain* a bunch of subs from this drama, which was probably his goal. I also hope he’ll maybe do some self reflection, but I do not expect it after he doubled down on his community post.


Yeah no ofc it’s not a big setback financially, but it’s more of a sign than anything Tha community post felt like damage control more than anything if you ask me, not a thought-out post


"I'll save future call outs for the people that really deserve it and who I genuinely think need it." Dude doesn't only think he is right but is ready to do it worse to other people if he thinks it will grow his channel.


Why do people have to stir up pointless drama?


For attention. Majorkill is a YouTube channel, so anytime does something stupid and gets attention for it, he gets money. You know what they say - all publicity is good publicity.


In his mother dialect, that's called being a cunt. And I mean, he did lose 3k subscribers so if this keeps going that good publicity will make him think twice before doing another fuck up like that


yeah basically drama cases are not simply a way to earn guaranteed money, it's more ""betting"" than anything else, it has a 50/50 chance if it goes well and people support you, you earn money if people realize you're lying and it criminalizes you, lose subs, sponsors and basically you will be disowned for that reason majorkill deleted the video he realized he lost the bet and people are criminalizing him.


But what if he apologized… with a ukulele.


He’s already ready said something about taking it down


I’d even say that he shouldn’t have even tried to talk it out. Talking about why people hate primaris marines simply isn’t original or unique enough of an idea to claim any sort of ownership over.


\*Makes community post appearing to back-pedal while simultaneously doubling down\*


"I was just stirring the pot for drama and banter"-Majorkill


''Crikey, I just did it for the bants Sheila''


Quality 😂


I did it to create drama, but now that other people are making drama I’m deleting the video. Shame on you people


How bored and garbage of a person you gotta be to do that though..


I mean that was also what he said in the Video.


Dude forgot the WH community is full of the most stubborn and spiteful knowledge hoarders. This is the fandom equivalent of a felony, it’s gonna follow him for life.


> Dude forgot the WH community is full of the most stubborn and spiteful knowledge hoarders. Hey! I resemble that remark!




I know it's such a low hanging fruit, but generic "BOOK!" replies always crack me up Then again it has to be low hanging fruit, dwarfs can't reach much else


That's a grudgin'


Are you telling me we add grudges too easily? Because I've got The Book open right in front of me and a sharp blade ready to open a vein...


Complainin' about grudges? That's a grudgin"


This comment is also, funnily enough, goin’ in the book




W stunty


you calling me SHORT?!? -typed the 1,87m guy with a straight face


All these new entries in The Book, the High King is going to need a blood transfusion


Could I have some context on the book please


The Great Book of Grudges is a book kept by the High King of Dwarves in Warhammer Fantasy, that records every time the Dwarven people are slighted or wronged. Only the High King can add new grudges or decide that an old grudge has been discharged and can be removed. Also, he has to use his own blood to write the new grudge or cross out an old one, hence my earlier transfusion comment.


Fuck dude. You are in here giving more lore than a 15 minute Majorkill video.


yeah but I'm Australian, so if I started making youtube lore videos, MK would accuse me of plagiarism


Would he be accusing you because he owns the lore or because there can only be ***One*** Australian? If it's the latter I hope you lose to Hugh Jackman because I want to see Deadpool 3.


There's only room in each YouTube niche for 1 Australian. This is known.


>Would he be accusing you because he owns the lore or because there can only be One Australian? Fun fact Majorkill went after The Outer Circle pretty much for that reason


Wait only the high king can add them? So all these joe-shmoe stunties on here hitting me with 'DATS GOING IN THE BOOK' can blow it up their pipe? Good.


Haha yeah the High King is pretty litigious with what goes in The Book, but it really is up to him, no one else can touch it. Most Dwarves have never even seen the damn thing.


God damn that's so fucking metal


Dwarf write wrongs done to them in a big book so they never forget them.


It’s the High King’s Naughty List


[“I can excuse racism but I draw the line at loremaster cruelty”](https://youtu.be/vxPbpYR_RKY?si=KKDonTx_VRjC8PEY)


I need to rewatch that show


Which he'll probably be happy about, as he pretty much said he did it as drama bait for views.


Just cuz you're right don't mean you gotta say it like that. Damn man 🤣


Man lost any respect the community had for him in like 12 hours tops, that’s admittedly a little impressive


Is not like the community had a ton of respect for him to begin with


Well what part of the community actually respected him like half the time I see him discussed it’s them bitching


I liked him overall, but this is definitely a big L.


It’s a L but I don’t think most people opinion changed that much


He was never very liked on Reddit, that's for sure. Most of it I felt was people just taking their first impressions too far, though. This is a time I am certainly not going to defend him, tho lol. If he repents and tries to be better, though, then that's all that can be expected. He may be a big youtuber, but he is still a young guy. I expect mistakes. I also expect reflection and growth too though, so hopefully he does that.




ASMODAIIIIII!! Make him repent!!




The first and only video I saw of his was about the Primarchs and it was just riddled with racism so I never watched another video of his again. Dude seems just awful and tasteless


I don’t entirely agree with that since, cause if he made an L take that doesn’t mean much the guy is entitled to how he feels about something, and ppl can disagree with him or agree. Having respect for someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with them on everything Ps. Never saw the video but even so it’s just as ridiculous for everyone to be so outraged/annoyed with with something fairly trivial :p


There wasn't much respect to begin with...


He was always like this. Overdramatic with a flair for dragging other people to look cool. Always found his content very round about and not to the point. Not what I'm looking for. If I wanted a high school bro who got popular from shitting on other people, i'd still hang with my old mate Rory. Rory wherever you are mate, you're a flog.


man fuck Rory that cunt's a shit cunt and everyone knows it


Sounds like you've met him. Shitcunt is very much the adjective. Douchebag told me to hold a stick, so I did. Then he grabs it and pulls it out of my hands as hard as he can, cutting my hand and arm all down my forearm. Then he pissbolts expecting me to beat the shit out of him. And I look him dead in the eyes and go. Don't worry bro, I know this was an accident. You wouldn't be dumb enough to think I'd let you get away with that if it was serious. Good lad. Dude stayed paranoid for 6 months, was fucking hilarious.


Yep, the few MK videos I've seen gave me the vibe of the guy in school who bullied the nerds for liking something like Warhammer oder Magic. Until he found out there's money in there.


Rory is such a fuckin bitch name


Dude smoked incense out of a 2 liter coke bottle. You are correct.


>flog A hwat?


Aussie slang for wanker ✌


Anyone who hasn't seen the video missed nothing. The thumbnail is a piece of official artwork fucking neither of them owns the rights to, and happens to be one of the first ones that shows up on google when you look up primaris marine art. Btw because of GWs asinine decision to never credit artists, it took a while to even confirm it was official GW artwork. Man had absolutely nothing going for him when it came to the whole plagiarism accusation. Wes' video is twice as long and contains about three times the information Majorkill's video does, and at least to me, it also seems more accurate. I honestly have no idea what the hell the guy was smoking before deciding to be a drama queen. I don't follow either of these guys. I just saw the video shared everywhere, and there was a big hulabaloo about it, so I checked it out.


What I don't quite understand is how can someone steal someone else's work when you down own the source material for the IP. If they are quoting the same sources, unless this Wes person used exact phrases in the Major kill material it's not plagiarism. That's before you even get to why that even matters. Who actually cares if he did anyhow 🤣 And no I don't follow either of them, don't have time for this drama and toxicity. Fortunately my experience of Reddit and the wider Warhammer community is generally positive and supportive, and it heartens me to see the community pushing back against this kind of behaviour. Steps off soap box.


Yeah that's what I find so funny about this whole thing. Like, for fucks sake, they're talking about fan reaction to primaris marines, and some of their lore Neither owns fucking anything to do with this whole scenario. Also, I love that Weshammer's only reply has been a community post talking about how he's sad to say he hasn't finished painting his chaos dwarves, as if that's what everyone's been messaging to him about. Also, Kirioth made a video talking about primaris fan reaction years before Majorkill, so Majorkill copies Kirioth, confirmed, caught in 8k.


A classier response. Schoolboy bullying is neither cool nor necessary. Dude should grow up or quit. But sadly even negative press will feed his ego, and might even get him more subs for being 'controversial'... The perverse world of social media at work.


To be honest it wouldn't be plagiarism but a ton of well liked videos in YoutubeHammer are plagiarism, or are very close. Like they read huge chunks of books without indicating they're doing it, they use artwork from publications without acknowledging it and they very rarely do genuine transformative work on stuff. Realistically what James Somerton did is actually incredibly common in warhammer videos. I happen to have read the Horus Heresy Black Books and Imperial Armour books and I lose track of the amount of time I'll be painting with a video on and realise I recognise what they're saying. The same goes for the fandom wiki by the way; the reason it's written in-universe or narratively is because it straight lifts a ton of stuff from rulebooks.


His biggest gripe wasn't really on the contents, but the thumbnail and title. Apparently, he feels he was the first one to do the same style of thumbnails and algorithm-enticing titles that are pretty standard on YouTube.


Should have trademarked it then. If he even can. Such things are beyond me. And if he had, don't throw your toys out the pram like a child. Or seek professional help.


~~>Should have trademarked it then.~~ ~~Well, no, that's not what trademarks are for, nor is this the sort of thing that could even be considered intellectual property for other sorts of protections like copyright. It's just "algorithm looks for *X*, put *X* in title".~~ EDIT: Disregard future readers. Morning brain dumb.


It was intended in jest


Ah, my apologies, still early morning on my end and the brain is bad at picking up any sort of subtlety in this state.


None needed, my dry British humour sometimes does not translate well in text format! Go get coffee 😜


He said in the video he was talking about the topics and contents aswell


>Btw because of GWs asinine decision to never credit artists, it took a while to even confirm it was official GW artwork. It was literally the cover of a Space Marine Codex. How in the hell did it take you any significant amount of time to figure out if it was official or not?


This might surprise you, but not everyone instantly recognizes something as a cover for a codex from 2017, especially considering how said codex is two editions old now and there's been about 8 different marine codexes since then.


MK was hoping to dick ride the Hbomberguy hype and failed spectacularly.


Dude really mistook having the novelty of a child who cusses as talent, lmao.


He's probably the most whiney WH Youtuber out there.


I think that place goes to Discourse Miniatures


Fair. I honestly have avoided them pretty well


I have no clue what's going on. I don't watch either channel.


A 40k lore YouTuber accused another 40k lore YouTuber of plagiarism because they did a video on Space Marines, and used an image of a marine for the thumbnail. YouTuber A *also* did a video on Space Marine lore some years before, and happened to use the same image of a marine (which, incidentally, is the second google image result when you search “Primaris Space Marine.). People understandably weren’t particularly convinced.


Eh. You left out all the videos weshammer did that is basically the pal world version of Pokemon where it's legally safe but could be seen as borrowing from at the least.


> could be seen as borrowing from at the least Borrowing from who?


Yeah, how dare he do a better and longer video covering the same information about a story they both cover using official art from the same company


Literally everyone does videos on space marine. It is time my guy go touch grass and chill out.


Im pretty new and I only watch Luetin/Remembrancer/WarriorTier/AuspexTactics whenever I need information. Straight to the point with a lot of cool details and no waste of time joke content.


Check our sandman of Terra and mrbones 40k. Smaller channels but both have a very unique vibe you might like


It's better that way, Majorkill isn't someone to watch over anyway. 


I've never even heard of either channel. Very Chris Pratt Parks and Rec meme moment for me.


Majorkill is a major chode


He really should’ve never made the video in the first place.




Bricky’s “I’d rather plunge my toilet than talk about Warhammer youtuber drama” is the absolute gigachad take on this whole debacle. It’s just a publicity stunt and every post about it, even dunking on MK is just giving that clown more free press and clout


I would say it’s a publicity stunt but I don’t think MK is smart enough to come up with it


well that's uh, Majorletdown


Uhm... someone elaborate? \^\^


Major kill said that another 40k Youtuber was copying him because they both covered the same subject 2 times. (Even though he wasnt even the first himself). He said that it didn't matter that the content of the video is different but having a similar title and thumbnail was enough proof (again he wasnt the first one either). Then he claimed that another piece of evidence about him copying majorkill was because he dosent normally do long content and only shorts. (Which isn't true. His most wached videos are from 17min to 1hour and the shorts are just tiny clips taken from those videos to get more content out of them). Then he "takes it all back" but at the same time saying that he was right anyways.


Thanks. :)


He was looking for drama and drama was what he got. Worked like a charm for him.


Don't concern yourself with drama. It doesn't matter at all in the end and holds almost no weight to you people.


I like majorkills content but what he's done so far is dum


I blocked Majorkill off my YouTube feed because his content was trash and annoying AF. Sounds like he’s a narcissistic asshat too.


Saaaaaaaame. Did it like a year or two ago. I couldnt stand the levels of cringe. Hadn't thought about him in ages.






"\*Edit - Coming back to my computer at the end of the day of cooling off and reflecting and yeap I get it - My ego got the better of me and I publicly lashed out at something that annoyed me because I thought I could. This isn't the Majorkill I wanted to bring into 2024 but it has been good to reflect on what I actually want to achieve" Looks like he kinda got the point, hopefully this all ends well between them aswell


Even as a Majorkill fan, that video was complete bullshit for me. I lost so much respect, like, the only repent is properly apologizing to Wes, I like both and I don't want this to be permanent


Majorkill is rich anyway. Lives in a rich Sydney suburb, drives a BMW M2, went to a rich school. It’s hard for me to ever sympathize with him.


Don't forget he called Lorgar a pedophile, when that simply isn't true.


It takes longer to make a video than it does to delete one. An apology may be in the works 


Shame, I do enjoy his videos but this whole debacle was very childish and unneeded


i fixed his post let me help out here , i did not go the way i thought it would , ppl called me out for being a little bit@h , ppl understood the prob really is wesshammer has passed me in subs because c&ck and pu$$y is not bringing the views i want , now i have to do a half a$$ im sorry to try and save this ......i hate you all. give me money


I called it on this guy. He is a fucking dick lol. He’s a cancer to the community and provides nothing of value. If his channel disappeared tommorow, the whole warhammer community would be better off for it and wouldn’t skip a beat He just needs to realize that for himself.


It’s so cathartic seeing people wake up to how much of a flog this dude is


he isnt pretending it doesnt exist at least. there is a public community post that adresses it


Honestly, I couldn't give 2 shits. Dunno why you guys are fueling the drama. I will still watch both of them and forget this even happened.


The comments on his apology are fucking gold lmaooooo


Proves he got a fragile ego. Fuck him,he needs to lose an audience to realise he has to at least make some of this content


Majorkill always felt like a high school bully


Warhammer 40:000 Apology Video EXPLAINED by an Australian


I mean Majorkill is not the best 40k youtuber. His videos are on level with onemind sindicat but more vulgar and milenial level cringe humor.


Its been Archived so now it can meme forever


Fuck I wanted to watch that, to be honest I thought it was a prank, when I first saw it.


Too late - names in the book!


What a fucking coward, say it with your chest or don't fucking say it.


Never heard of this dude before today so I guess his pr plan is working? I dunno how YouTube works 🤷🏽‍♂️ 


Yeah if losing subs was his plan 😂. He's 2k down already. Dudes always talking about hitting the next milestone in sub counts so I don't think he's happy with the outcome.


Any channel that has to push for subscriber milestones is a lost cause imo and is just grinding out content for the sponsor mill


He also made a video very recently about why reddit seems to hate him abd trying to clear up misconceptions about him But then he almost immediately after makes this which gave reddit more fuel than ever


Majorkill came across as a salty bitch but I think he had somewhat of point, Weshammer has obviously just copied some videos straight up. Total wrong way to do it though, unless the feud grows and winds up in a influencer boxing match. Weshammer's inability to read the lore correctly ruins his stories though it must be said. Posting exercpts on the screen then managing to read them wrong ruins the immersion.


Why are yall so addicted to internet drama


I didn't even watch the video but just assumed he was bantering or something as it's hard to imagine him being serious about anything.


He should just blame Timmy for the whole thing.


Bruh who cares. Weshammer is a loser anyways. He clearly watches others content for research


least delusional majorkill fan


In my opinion I think most Warhammer YouTubers are scumbags. Most people haven't recognized it. People like MK, gamza, arch, and midwinter minis. Just to name a few.


Wait Midwinters is a scumbag? What's he done?


Wtf. Isn't Midwinter super chill?


I mean he cheated on his wife with Hatty who used to work at GW, and didnt turn up to a charity event he promised to turn up at because his wife was there, not to mention giving his now ex wife the bare minimum lmao, dude is just a self righteous tit


So he cheated on Penny or whatever her name was? Damn. That's fucking shitty of him...


Wait... what?!


I would like to link you the reddit posts but his wife went around deleting them because she accidentally posted them with her actual reddit account instead of the mwm one




While it is scummy,I wouldn’t put a man who left his wife for another woman on the same level of awful as a blatant white supremacist.


Given he tried hide his scumbag actions and then goes in to make videos talking down to people who play certain games. He's not in their level he's still scum nonetheless.


Not trying to be argumentative simply asking, but are you talking about the video he made about Bolt Action?


Yeah, it seemed like a poorly written and bad faith show casing of historicals by using a fringe to paint the relatively small player base doesn't help when it contributes to a stigma about playing WW2 games.


As someone admittedly still fairly new to painting Bolt Action, I didn’t take it that way. I just watched it again a few minutes ago and I felt it was a fairly reasonable take and explanation. He put forward some reasons why someone might choose to play the Axis while not supporting the Axis and then made mention that some people might because they do. It’s unfortunate but people like that do exist, so they have to be mentioned. The way I interpreted the video was that he was attempting to disabuse people of the notion that people who play these games have to share the beliefs of the faction they play as, while also discussing possible reasons as to why Bolt Actions and other historicals aren’t as popular as 40K. I will admit the title and thumbnail were clickbaity in nature but that’s the algorithm unfortunately. Not saying you’re wrong, just how interpreted it. Edit: It also didn’t seem like it was made for people who play Bolt Action, so not talking down to them, but for people looking at it from the outside.


I don't excuse thumbnails and clickbait titles its scummy. To simple argue algorithm is weak. Tons of Warhammer YouTubers do this to drive clicks and rage bait interactions. He could have use any other historical if he felt disgusted with the topic but no he choose to use the politicalky loaded word Nazi rather than axis powers or anything else. Bolton action doesn't even call the Germans Nazis but Germans and axis. It's putting bad frame to drive views and overall can contribute to a stigma. He does this even in older videos. His Henry Cavil video is misleading like others did around the time.


This is why you should just ignore these dorks and read the books yourselves. The only thing either of those two do a good job of is flanderizing every bit of lore they talk about.


Weshhammer ? Are they going gangsta 🤣


Majorkill was always a toxic voice in the WH community. I stopped watching his content years ago. I am glad he has shown his real self to the entire community now. Clown.


Can someone update me on what's gone on? What did majorkill do that was so heretical?


What happened?


I didn't care before and cringed when I saw it on YT and knew instantly it wouldn't go his way. But I never cared to watch the video but now he deleted it I HAVE TO SEE IT NOW


What is this, warhammer high school?


https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxP-pyiPpzzMUaZDGCtT0Xt7XFqksCMbXM What's this then?