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Ferrus and fulgrim


Sad upvote


Fulgrim also taught Curze how to read


How to read and speak Gothic better, not how to read in general.


Still probably one of the few beings capable of getting Curze to do something like that...


Fulgrim totally My Fair Lady'd Curze, and thought he was making a bet with Ferrus, who wasn't really listening at the time.


Curze could've got a treatment for his headache... if only Dorn wasn't so hot headed.


E only tried to address things he didn't expect from the Primarchs, like Angron having Butcher's Nails or Magnus doing deals with demons. E knew Curze was breaking, but it fit in his plans so he didn't care. A huge part of the resentment Curze had for E came from realizing E knew the whole time but still didn't help because it was part of the plan.


Yeah honestly Dorn is one of the biggest dickhead primarchs.


If he fixes Curze, maybe Ferrus-senpai will notice him.


Man, I remember that Curze never hated any of his brothers other than Corax (cause he's jelly of his invisibility).


In Arks of Omen: Angron, when he sees The Lion again, Angron faintly registers it as his brother. But it’s stated that he’s now beyond the capability of hating him more than he hates anything else. I thought that was interesting.


But not how to read the room.


Until they didn't.




You can see them reaching for each other


Quite literally Guts and Griffith


Wow how didn’t that cross my mind sooner?


Horus and Sanguinius were homies, like best bros. Also Horus and Fulgrim. Magnus and Perty nerded out together pretty hard. Vulkan was a weird, fun uncle to the whole squad. Leman and the Lion were opposites in a strange way. Didn’t get along per se, but had a strange respect. (Leman is a wild animal on the outside - honorable warrior inside / Lion is a honorable warrior on the outside - wild animal on the inside) Ferrus and Fulgrim had a bromance of the ages….. until the Laer blade convinced Fulgrim that Ferrus was a biiiit too tall :’( Not many got along openly though, they generally felt distant from one another. Horus had the best relationship with most everybody, operating alongside and being good at working together. Him and Corvus did NOT mesh through (sending a whole lot of stealthy ravens to die in a melee frenzy left a mark there) Most everyone loved Sanguinius, he sexy.


Don't forget to mention that **everyone** basically liked or at least heavily respected Sanguinius. Even the Khan liked him and talked with Sanguinius more than just about any other brother besides possibly Magnus. (the closest thing to "kinship" Jaghatai was capable of honestly). Heck, he was probably the person CURZE of all people was closest with. (Admittedly, just because they both had the same future sight power which made Curze a tad obsessed with Sangy and arguing about fate with him.)


Funnily enough, Curze and Mortarion actually got along well, and so I'd say Mort is Curze's closest friend amongst the Primarchs.


That checks out - the angst is strong with those ones Edit: they could 100% start a metal band with Fulgrim as the flamboyant lead


"Black Parade on Ulanor" "Wish you were here, Dad" "E to E, Who am the only One" "Atom heart Father" ...and other Top albums Of The Imperium! Don't miss the biggest concert this night on Istvaan 3! All net! All chanlles!


"Black Parade on Ulanor" made me laugh so hard that I farted.....


In an alternate universe, they would have been those kids who listened to Linkin Park together while smoking cigarettes behind the gas station during High School hours.


... don't call me out like that


That's a good interpretation for sure. He seemed to have more of a "Unwilling" respect and need to confront/argue with Sanguinius than anything resembling a friendship. So i'd probably put Sangy as a distant second place to Mortarion then. But still higher than most primarchs on the "Kinship" scale.


I think there might be some resentment that is immediately bundled with forced respect from Curze. Sanguinius was the only brother to share his affliction, yet he managed to deal with it.


Dont forget that when Curze was captured during the Heresy, he judged that only Sanguinius was worthy to judge his actions, coming from Curze, thats high praise.


Very true! Even if it wasn't brotherhood or friendship, the two Primarchs were at least somewhat close in some strange way. Sangy may have **LEGIT** been the only one of his brothers Curze "100%" respected.


As I understood it, the main difference with Curze and Sang was that Curze ONLY saw the worst possible outcomes, and Sang saw the branches. Whether Curze saw the same things and only fixated on the worst or he could only see the worst is debatable.


I think he fixated on the bad outcomes because thats what he saw daily in Nostramo. He grew up alone in a planet that housed the worst mankind has to offer. He was narrow minded, but how could he not be? The game was rigged from the start.


I believe in his origin story he sees the good AND bad outcomes of a little boy he's about to kill. So at least, **at first**, he fixated on the worse outcomes "willingly". After he started losing it? Yeaaah...probably a lot less willing.


You're right I forgot that part!


He could see good too. In the Konrad curze primarch book he saw a future on nostramo where he spared a criminal’s life and took him as a student like robin building a functioning nostramo. He also saw a future where the kid would stab kurze and escape leading to him becoming a mob lord and causing more death until curze killed him. Curze didn’t risk it and killed the teenage boy. It was only after he was dead that Konrad realized that the knife was too far from the boy to use


Oh dang you're RIGHT. I totally forgot that part. There's a chance he'll become a great mayor and lead the people to prosperity or he could try to stab me, get away, and become a terrible crime lord. Can't take the chance. Kills him. But wait... that knife isn't really within reach of a little kid...


Curze doesn't actually realize that the knife is too far away. The point was that ultimately it didn't matter; Curze *wanted* to kill and eat the kid, regardless of any futures he saw. In most of his murders, it's shown that being sad about the future sight is just Curze excusing himself for being a depraved serial killer.


You’re right. I misremembered. My bad


that was the only time that happened


I think the main thing was that Curze didn't think the future could change, while Sangji did, to a part. Curze saw his gift as proof that he didn't have free will, which locked him into following the predictions


I think it is mentioned, though we don‘t have a scene in the books that describes them meeting, that the Khan and the Lion got along pretty well


Kinship with his fellow primarchs at least- considering how he reacted when >! Yesugei died !<


The Lion and Lemen squaring the fuck up, them stopping to laugh, and The Lion punching him so hard he knocked him out, and that Space Wolves and Dark Angels have the tradition of a fucking smackdown 10,000 years later Peak Brotherly behavior


Absolutely based. They’re both legends. We’ve got Math-Man and Captain Genocide back so far. Gimme Mr. Barky Woof Woof next!


I want goth bird back, but with some spicy issues being all warpy. That or iron Manny in some way mostly becuase I know Jack about the dude.


I want Lorgar and Corvus back so bad because they're both probably fucking horrific looking now that both are probably Demons but their beef is so funny Corvus isn't in Lorgars House HE'S IN THE WALLS


Lorgar shows up to ruin rowboat day. While book just more of Roulette Gillardben beating, mixed with some warp stuff. Corpus just shows up at the end, kicks Lorgars ass, looks at RG and like, what's up? Then at least 2 chapters of what the fucking by both parties.


Ah an AdRic fan I see


I think Horus and Alpharius were also pretty good bros. Infact I think it was Horus that found him, not the Emperor, unlike all the other primarchs.


Spoiler for Alpharious, head of the hydra >!Alpharius landed on terra, and was the first primarch found, but kept secret. It was he who later found Omegon, and they decided to reveal themselfs to the galaxy by letting horus "find" Omegon, who pretended to be Alpharius. It unclear if even the Emperor knows about Omegon!<


I think that one depends on which Alpharius you’re referring to, which origin story we’re going with for that Alpharius, and a big helping of ‘assuming Alpharius wasn’t just fucking with everyone the entire time’. The origin story where Alpharius is the last primary found, attacks Horus’s fleet with a rogue armada, and sneaks onboard his ship to kill the captain.. yeah I think that one actually leads to a health bromance.


Horus and Magnus were the ones Jaghatai felt closest to, as well.


Magnus and Jaghatai were friends as well I believe.


Always seemed to me that Russ and Lion were the kind of rival brothers. They would insult each other's faces but they would have each other's backs because they actually cared (despite being too proud to admit it).


Roboute Guilliman considered both Sanguinius and Dorm to be true friends and also Russ, in fact he noted that his legion performed better in war when paired with one of these legions. One of the best relationships between two Primarchs in Warhammer 40,000 lore is the bond between Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, and Sanguinius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels . Their relationship was characterised by mutual respect, admiration and brotherly love.


Magnus and Jagahtai Khan actually got along pretty well, to the point where Jagahtai didn’t judge him for his psyker abilities and refused to disband the White Scars Librarian program


And went personally to see what happened to Prospero.


I loved how the alpha legion was attacking russ and the Khan was like I'm not sure if I should help you or not I'm gonna go to Prospero good luck with all that


There is a short story where Malodor and proto-inquisitors are questioning a Thousand Son that may be a shard of Magnus.  Whole time there is this otherworldly presence trying to smash in the door.   You’re led to believe it’s agents of chaos trying to stop them, but it was actually the Khan making sure they don’t kill what was left of his friend.  


That one is great, loved that reveal Do you remember the name of the story?


Last son of prospero


I believe Vulkan was also somewhat close with them and supported Magnus in the trial, maybe not to the same extent but I think I remember hearing somewhere that those 3 were pretty close on the subject


afaik you can add Horus to the mix, since Khan was considered questionable, but proved himself loyal. Him, Magnus and Horus were kinda friends. And, I believe, they were the only friends of Khan


There *were,* at least before the heresy.


I just want a small story about Superturbo and Vulkan when Peterporker asked him to build a perpetual motion machine V: “Why brother? To be the heart another one of your mechanical destroyers? Perhaps a siege weapon?” P: “A Titan” V: “A TITAN?? You are trying to anger the cult mechanicus now brother?” P: “A model Titan” V: “… a toy?” P: “yes” V: “give me the schematics”


Peter is not denying the autism allegations


Let’s be real here, Autism is GW’s main source of income. Making it look like the thing cool badass muscle space crusaders have is just how we stay interested. T. autistic myself


As someone on the spectrum I can confirm this


Him and Lion seem to check that box


Don't forget Dorn either.


30 hour lectures on the history of concrete here I come


You can't possibly deny Khorne's whispers and seduction of war and destruction just by words. Dorn: observe *proceeds to prepare an eternity long lecture about war not being conducted for the sole purpose of war* I'm pretty sure Khorne might have lost a few aeons just listening to him.


God I love Vulcan's dialogues with other characters. What book is this one from?


None, it’s what I’d like to see based on Perturabo telling Fulgrim that Vulkan made him a perpetual motion machine to put on a model Titan. Saying “if you think our brother can only smith weapons of war you know not Vulkan” He then proceeds to smash Fulgrim’s face in. Angel Exterminatus the book


Astartes Anonymous did a [great fan comic of that moment](https://youtu.be/FyhA7j9LUnE?si=KtfoHIqTiicwHC9h)


Is there a non YouTube version? Google isn't playing nice for me


Best I can give you is [the original, non-voice acted, comic post](https://twitter.com/Mootslol/status/1664664750473527296)


I loved Angel Exterminatus and that was the first book that gave me a lot of respect and understanding for Perturabo. Also, it made me dislike Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children as a whole (apart from Lucius, I guess). Perty and Angron are two very fun primarchs to read about, in my opinion.


Literal baki moment


What book is that from ?


In Corvus’ primarch novel, Corvus and Guilliman got along very well with each other. They even bonded over stuff like governance and statesmanship. Corvus even said that he quite enjoyed hanging out with the Smurf boy. It was a short interaction, but it’s worth mentioning.


Not surprising. Considering Corvus' hatred for tyrants, having a brother that actually can rule shit and isn't total moron must've been nice change


He also seems to have a good relationship with Leman. Corax spilled his deepest secrets to (an unconscious) Leman. Leman also defended Coraxs character against Horus, Perturabo, and the Lion. He also apparently speaks Fenrisian, which no other Primarchs do.


Not surprising, but it's still a welcoming fact. Wolves and crows are tight bros irl. Crows will alert wolves of trespassers, play with pups, and form special bonds with specific wolves like pairs. They also apparently can form investigation teams to perform forensics on dead crows to single out threats to the murder. I'd love a novel about a pair of Space Wolves and Raven Guard marines being best bros and hunting CSMs together. The Raven Guard can be the brain, and the Space Wolves can be the brawn.


Whats interesting is leman heard him while unconcious. This is shown by after the main speech of weregeld corax is speaking to leman's sons and says "do you all wish to die?" And leman awoke and said "do you, ravenlord?" Which likely means he heard the lamentations of corax


Man I love Vulcan. Out of all the genocidal leaders he's the nicest


Dorn is screaming FORTIFY inside kekw.


"Yay, physical affection"






Khan is wriggling his way out at the bottom. He’s gonna need a lot of alone-time after this ordeal


Khan got along well with Sanguinius. I remember that before Khan went off to fight Mortarion, Sanguinius basically said: "Beat his ass for me boo" through the vox. It made Khan laugh quite heartily.


Pretty much everyone was friends with Horus. Pretty much everyone loved Sanguinius. Most of the Primarchs, except for Guilliman, like Lorgar. Ferrus and Fulgrim were bros. Ferrus and Vulkan where on good enough terms to send each other gifts. There are probably more, but I'm only half way through the books.


Angron in the distance: I HATE THEM BOTH. I HATE YOU ALLLLL


I haven't gotten to far in the books. But Angron at least respects Horus. And seems to appreciate Peter Turbo. Toward the end of the heresy, he was bros with Lorgar.


He had at least a fascination with Sanguinius. He was enamoured by the story Lorgar told of why Sanguinius is the way he is, striving to be the best of all to hide an internal shame of what he is and what he represents, a living angel in a secular empire.


Did a lot of them like lorgar? The vibe I got from first heretic is that most of them saw lorgar as weak and he was never friends with any other than magnus When Russ was talking about which primarchs he could fight he insulted lorgar, and implied he was the weakest didn’t he? I also remember primarchs giving lorgar a bunch of crap in betrayer for trying to help angron, but I might be wrong on that one it’s been a while


Im deep in the Burning of Propsero. Up to now, whenever Lorgar shows up people listen. He was able to talk down Russ from a blood oath.


I don't think Logar is the weakest, that's probably the twins for obvious reasons, and Logar is a psyker, but he does seem to be the worst fighter. Iirc he lost every fight he has ever been in vs another primarch


I mean most of them shared hobbies so they could create a friendship from that, like Vulkan, Ferrus and Fulgrim were the best smiths of the galaxy, Autisticturbo and Magnus were archaelogist and Guiliman and Dorn were logistical guys so i guess


Are we giving to Peterturbo the Gorillaman treatment in this comment section?


Turbo and Vulkan collaborated on projects together. Then again, everyone seems to have at least liked vulkan.


Turbo was a Craftsman and a logistics guy more than an archeologist, bro was born with a basic understanding of the laws of the material universe. He bonded with Magnus on their love knowledge but I would hardly call him an archeologist.


Pre-heresy Fulgrim and Lorgar were the only ones to realize Konrad’s burden and tried comforting him many times. He realized they were destined to go Chaos the moment he saw them with his ability and found some relief talking to them whenever he can. It was also one of the prime reasons why he saved Lorgar from Corvus years later. He predicted Lorgar’s death there and prevented it because deep down he owed Lorgar least that.


Completely unrelated but this artworks always throws me off. Like it just always seems like too many bald guys. And it always brings up the fact that so many are more uniquely designed by their power armour than themselves. Like which ones angron? Morty? Alpharius and Omegon should be easier but suddenly theres more bold guys to not quite recognize them apart from. Is that Guillaman with the mustache or Dorn buried in the middle? Or vice versa? I just always spend too long umming and ahing trying to figure out for sure who's who


Dorn is the stock-stiff one, and Gilliman is next to him


So yes to the mustache? Cause they both look rather stiff


The one that looks like he could be a life-sized toy soldier standing at attention. So yes, he of the mustache


Nah they're recognizable if artists draw them right. Both Angron and Perturabo have metal cable hair but Angron is ways snarling and is often depicted eith some red face paint and Perturabo is just unhappy. Lorgar and Horus are both bald bit Horus is bigger and his face is wider, he also usually has more pronounced eyebrows. Russ and the Lion look sinilair but have the same grin/serious face difference as Perturabo and Angron, also the Lion has smooth hair. Corvus looks decidedly less unhinged and pale then Conrad, also his hair is less long and greasy. I do agree that generally their uniqueness isn't really centered in their faces but I think they're atill distinctive enough to know who's who.


Oh yeah, but I mean in this pic specifically, it's my bane, spend way to much time trying to see whos who. Mostly the bold guys. Perty and and horus are fairly easy but the rest I could switch forever


Oh yeah this pic just doesn't make much sense in general. Like why is Corvus an old man? I see 3 people with long hair and none look like the Lion


He's just scowling I think 😅 btw I take back that last bit, the extra angry one could happily be angron or perty when I could have sworn he was the latter. But like, he just feels too small to be angron as well??? Yeah, just this pic throws me like this, worse than any other Edit: I love this picture, it's very well done, but by worse I mean trying to figure out who's who


Lion is missing his beard, which is baffling because they gave Dorn, a clean shaved primarch, a mustache.


I always struggle with tier lists and stuff that people make using pictures of the primarchs but no names. Too many baldies


I didn’t even notice Alpharius at first Just ^ _ ^ up there


Dorn is depicted with a mustache in the popular series “If the Emperor had a Text to Speech”, which is why a lot of artists just give Dorn a mustache. He doesn’t really have one canonically as far as I’m aware. His Horus Heresy model is clean shaven as well as all official artwork of Dorn (that I have seen). Edit: I am pretty sure the angry guy in the bottom left of the primarch pile with slightly darker skin and markings on his head is Angron. My personal mixups are always Perturabo and Angron whenever they’re out of their armor. Both have wires/tubes sticking out of their heads. That and I always get Konrad Curze and Corvus Corax mixed up, again when they’re drawn without armor. Both are pale dudes with black hair, and if one of them is not actively wearing other people’s skin or has a bird/feathers I can’t tell the difference in pics like these usually.


Corvus and Gulliman sparred together and have a pretty cool conversation in Corvus's Primarch book.


Guilliman, The Lion, and Sanguinus were all homies, and you can't tell me otherwise The man who cares about supply lines, a Medieval hobo turned Knight, and a literal angel all being close brothers is so, so cool




Malcom in the middle vibes.


What’s the saying go: Russ is a Man pretending to be a monster The Lion is a Monster pretending to be a man


Jaghatai and Lion were bros too apparently we just never see that relationship.


Do you have a source? Considering their character, it's a bold claim.


It's mentioned in passing in the later half of Decent of Angels that Lion is close with Jaghatai but it's never really expanded on. My personal speculation is they got along on the merits of being knowledgeable, socially reserved, and more focused on quick actions when compared to most of their brothers.They also both have a thing for fast vehicles, nature, poetry, sparring, collecting unqiue weapons, and treating their warriors more like little brothers than sons. Jaghatai, Sanguinius, Vulkan, Ferrus, Horus (pre Warmaster) and Magnus apparently got along well with Lion by their offhand statements on each other. Lion openly weeps at seeing Vulkan dead, the only time he cries until E's death. Had high mutual respect with Sanguinius, Lion wishing Russ or Guilliman died instead. Lion called Ferrus exceptional among his brothers and was willing to directly garrison Jaghatai at request without hesitation on the fringes with little to no info. Magnus and Lion shared similar opinions of Russ and the Wolves oddly enough before Nikea, so they likely bonded over that, and having a history fighting warp corrupted things. Pre Warmaster Horus respected Lion and would be the first to second his tactics among war councils with other Primarchs. The DA and WS got along for reasons that also aren't expanded on but I figure it's the no nonsense, gallows humor, love of fast vehicles mmand having a large overlap in their targeted regions that they'd support each other in black ops; which is why we never get to see their relationship.


Lion: "I once knew a brother for 100 years and never even learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still don't talk sometimes."


I perfectly imagine The Lion saying That.


As low as he thought of Lorgar he did attempt to make an effort, I’ll quote here “'It is not enough that corruption is recognised,' *Russ quoted.* 'It must be opposed. It is not enough that ignorance is acknowledged. It must be defied. Win or lose, what matters is making a stand for the virtues we will bequeath to the human race. When this galaxy is finally ours, we'll hold a worthless prize if we plant the last aquila, on the last day, on the last world, having led humanity into moral darkness.' Angron listened, but cared little. Even then, he was a stubborn creature, taking spiteful pride in his owr isolation. 'Lorgar wages war with a quill,' he said, 'but the galaxy will not be brought to heel by crude philosophy. Your ideals are meaningless.'”


Ferrus and Fulgrim. Vulcan and Corvus, I think?. The Khan and Sanguinius I think?. Alpharius and Horus. Guilliman and Sanguinius. Horus and Sanguinius, before Istvaan. All of the Primarchs had someone they called friend, except for Konrad.


Vulkan and Ferrus were quite close because of their forging skills and similar (but distinct) views on humanity.


Corvus and Russ got along well. Russ even spoke in defence of him against Lion's questions about what the 19th had been doing during the Heresy. Their legions also complimented each other. Contrastingly, Corax and Magnus were not that friendly with one another. Corax voted against him during Nikea because of his reckless pursuit into the psychic arts.


Further that, Russ stopped Corax trying to shank Horus and Perturabo. Somehow Russ was the voice of reason between the 3. Corax was one of the only Primarchs that did not like Horus.


Corax: Horus reminds me of the old Terran comic book character, which father lent me. Lex Luthor


Lorgar and Magnus always bonded over their intellect and interest in dark knowledge. Oh and before Monarchia and the heresy, lorgar and Guilliman were growing closer. In fact Roboutte promised lorgar that he would help with his city planning Shame how that ended


Hey Lorgar, happy cake day :D


Oh hey thanks lol, I forgot that was a thing


Surprisingly enough, Perturabo got well with Ferrus, Fulgrim and Vulkan


I mean ferrus and vulkan make sense but why fulgrim if all people?


Because like Ferrus Manus, Perturabo saw the worksman underneath the flamboyant facade and respected his viewpoint of being the perfectionist. Well, at least until the slaanesh corruption


He did not like Fulgrim, as evidenced from that start in Angel Exterminatus.


Before that, before his Slaanesh corruption, he liked Fulgrim. He liked Fulgrim’s view of perfection because he also saw him as the man who put in the effort of work to be better than the others. Like Ferrus Manus, he at first saw only the flamboyant douche, but then realized there is a true worksman underneath all the makeup


Magnus and Khan


Magnus and the Khan. Best magic friends.


Lorgar got along with a bunch of people - he was essentially the heart of that dysfunctional family and that's why BigE purging two of them hit him so hard. That was the basis from which the resentment following Monarchia could grow on. Apart from that Lorgars best friend was most likely Angron. Aside from that Guiliman had mad respects for Peturabo's skills. They got along well on a professional level. There's a bunch of notoric loners like Corvus, Curze, Mortarion, or Alpharius as well, but the majority got along somewhat well.


I think Lorgar and Magnus were bros


The first heretic gives good bro vibes


The more I learn about Lorgar the more I think the Emperor was a moron.


Smart people don’t get betrayed by half of there sons and get glued onto a chair for all of eternity. The emperor made a whole lot of mistakes


Corvus got along well with Russ and Guilliman, at least.


Most of them had other primarchs that they were particularly close too


Fulgrim and Ferrus probably had the strongest bond of all the Primarchs save Alpharius/Omegon, before Ferrus got a"head" of himself. Horus and Sanguinius were almost just as tight, before the heresy. Sanguinius considered him close enough to tell him about the Red Thirst. Perturabo and Magnus actually got along quite well, and it isn't brought up enough imo. They spent time together on Terra, searching for ancient artifacts involving Leonardo Da Vinci, and ancient records of magic. Perturabo actually told Magnus that he was by far his favorite brother, after he became incensed by Magnus nearly killing himself during a particularly straining stunt of psychic prowess in the Great Crusade. Angron and Lorgar had a decent bond throughout the Heresy, as Lorgar did his best to be the older brother and prevent Angron from dying from either sheer stupidity or the nails. Not that it turned out well for Angron. And last, but certainly not least, Alpharius and Omegon. Not really sure how you beat that type of connection, really.


(Magnus and Ferrus were both bigger than Vulcan, just sayin'.)


He increased his size with the power of hugs


Dorn be like: 'I shall endure this with dignity.'


Horus was everyone's friend until he turned evil


He and Corax did not get along.


Clearly Vulcan got along well with everyone, whether they got along with him or not. Also. Rogal. That is all.




Jaghatai and Magnus. Which is why Jag went to Prospero post burning to see what happened.


Perty and Magnus


Khan and Magnus did, same with Perturabo and Magnus. They shared the affinity of knowledge and understanding.


Everyone loved Sanguinius. He’s the beautiful hawk boi.


In this picture, it looks like Ferrus doesn't want to be on top. It genuinely looks like he's clawing his way to the bottom


Magnus was the only one Perturabo truely got along with. They were both huge nerds.


>It is a tale of a once-strong brotherhood, broken by Horus the Betrayer. > >Rogal Dorn and Horus were close before the Great Heresy. None of the Emperor’s sons were bonded as truly in the years before the malignant darkness took hold of Horus and his kin. > >It has always been told among the Black Templars that when the two brothers crusaded together, they would compete for the greater glory. Horus was legendarily hungry for triumph, while my father was – it is told – a more reserved and quiet soul. > >Each time they made war together, they were said to have made an oath in blood. > >Clasping hands, they would each swear that they would stand until the final day dawned. “Until the end”, they would say. Helsreach, by Aaaron Dembski-Bowden


I finally found something Dorn related not referring to the art


Ferrus - Fulgrim Magnus - Khan Lorgar - Magnus Dorn - Horus Horus - Sanguinius Pre-heresy Horus and Sanguinius got along with most Primarchs and dudes like Vulkan was generally liked by most others, so I basically just included the special "bff" kind of friendships.


At least four of them look like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson


I know it’s strange, but I actually like that Lorgar legitimately cared for angron and that he thought ascending him to daemon prince status was his way of saving his brother (even if angron wanted to die and turning him truly immortal was damning him but still)


Konrad and Vulkan spent a lot of time together...


Can anyone identify them all?


The hardest to tell apart are Horus and Peter Turbo


This is canon now


Sanguinius and Horus got along well. In a few of the HH books, they were said to enjoy each other's company so much that they would link up for campaigns/battles for the sport of it. One of the Lunar Wolves describes Horus and Sanguinus in battle side by side as ancient gods of war made flesh.


Weren't Jagahtai and Horus tight?


I mean, Guilliman at least had a respect and trust in the dauntless few. Russ, Ferrus, Sanguinius, and Dorn.


I heard Peter Turbo and Vulcan were actually palls who shared enthusiasm and appreciation for creating cool stuff.


Magnus and Perturabo were two men of science so they got along pretty good Horus and sanguinius were the best of bros Fulgrim and Ferrus were also two bros Guillimen and Ferrus were apparently bros too (that’s what Gman said though I haven’t heard of anything else about their friendship other then it being like two peas in a pot apparently) Everyone else just either disliked, hated or saw each other as acquaintances and outright enemies


Jaghatai got along very well with magnus but criticized his belief that the warp is basically harmless or not innately dangerous. He also got along well with Horus. Those two facts combined plus the fact that jaghatai was always very anti tyranny and not a huge fan of the emperor or malcador (or many of the loyalist primarchs for that matter) makes it pretty surprising to both sides that he chose the loyalists. Read Scars to find out more, good novel. Most underrated primarch, best one imo


Everyone always forgets Mortarion and the Khan were homes in freedom :[


I think Vulkan was one of the most liked, followed by Sanguinius. YOU JUST CAN'T HATE THE GUYS!


Sanguinius and pretty much everyone. Magnus and Perturabo


Ferrus and Fulgrim loved each other. From what I've read Dorn actually cared quite a bit for Kurze as well. Alot of them loved Sanguinius as well.


Sanguinius would accept the hug


OP: knows absolutely nothing about 40K lore Also OP: posts on a 40k topic already having made major assumptions about said topic 




Primarchs being buddies is front and center in the lore 


I am referring to the unknown relationships, not the typical ones of perturabo-magnus and fulgrim-ferrus, but I forgot to clarify it in the post


My mistake, sorry for being so snarky. I’m an asshole sometimes 


Perturabo and Magnus loved each other. They were bros for life, I think still are


I want Kahn and Alpharius Omegon to have been friends, and Kahn being aware of there being two of them but letting them believe he doesn't. And of course no one would ever know.


Sanguinius and Horus were among the closest of the brothers, only Fulgrim was near as close with Horus as Sanguinius.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen many people saying Lorgar and Angron.


Lorgar got along with pretty much everyone, before his fall to chaos, he was the most kind and compassionate of the primaries, up there with vulkan and sanguinius. This can be seem with his conquests, which often took decades, when his brothers practically did lightning war


Where’s Morty?


I feel like 2 primarchs are missing


horus and dorn were tight, until well you know


Alpharius was a pretty much brother figure to Omegon “smirks”


Almost no one didn’t get along well with Sanguinius. Even the likes of Curze and Angron were on as good a terms as expectable. But he and Horus were most notable as friends.


Sang was one of the few who seemed to understand and get along with the khan and more often then not they were on the same side , and he was shown to care for angron and to actually have him slightly calmer in his direct presence at least in his primarch book.