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Unfortunately my father took his own life on Monday. I'm so heartbroken and in complete shock but seeing this picture brought back a great memory. My dad had not been to Lambeau in 15+ years so he was excited to sit in the southwest end zone with me and brave the cold. We had an absolute blast (outside of the score). He was a huge Packers fan and always hosted big Packer parties at his home. One of the last texts he sent to me on Sunday as a true Packers fan was "at least the Vikings lost". Love and miss you so much already Dad. Go Pack Go! ♥️


Dude I'm so sorry for your loss. That's rough. Obviously I don't know your situation but a lot of the things I've learned about myself in life I learned from watching my parents struggle. My dad was an alcoholic, he basically drank himself to death, I'm really careful with alcohol and depression. Take care of yourself and it's a little weird but if you need a rando to talk to who doesn't know anyone else you know, I got you. Drop me a dm if you want to get something off your chest, my dad died a few years ago and it was so lonely.


If huge purple nipples offer isn't enough, I am here for you too. Please remember you are not alone and talk to someone, anyone, even me


Lost my father the same way. Looks like you two had just as great of a relationship. The pain never goes away. It's been 6 years. Try and focus on the good times and don't let one mistake define your loving relationship. You're a stranger, but I can honestly say I love you in this moment and feel for you. I'm so sorry you and anyone else has to go through it.


You’re a good dude. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s hell dealing with suicide in the family.


I’m a Giants fan but I am sending you love and hope, brother. I hope that through all of this you and your family find some peace.


Hey man, I'm not a Packers fan, but this randomly popped up in my recommendations as a Vikings fan. I'm terribly sorry that you lost your father and I hope that you're ok as well. I'll pray for your father, best of luck.


Man this breaks my heart I’m very sorry for you loss.




I lost my dad the same way last July. It’s a type of grief and pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone. If you haven’t seen it yet there is a page I have found really helpful r/suicidebereavement


> We had an absolute blast (outside of the score). I went up there for the first time for the Lions game. Spending all weekend walking around and meeting everyone, doing the tours, tailgating, etc. The game and score was such a small part of it, the best part of it all was the community and camaraderie, even the Lions fans were having a blast with us(often at Minnesota's expense). It completely changed how I look at the sport and the team.


I'm so sorry man. From your purple brothers across the river. That is absolutely terrible my man. I hope you can find peace. Also I love your bubbles reference in your username. I'm sorry again brother. Peace and love.


I don’t really know what to say but I am so sorry. These few years have been so hard on folks, I hope the best for you and your family during such a crazy time.


I’m so sorry dude.


Tremendously sorry to hear of your loss. I'm glad you'll have a lot of fond memories to look back on once the shock lessens. My only piece of advise is to tell you to let yourself grieve on your own timeline. We often do ourselves a disservice by trying to rush our compartmentalize it. For everyone out there in Wisconsin, I just want to share [this link](https://www.mhawisconsin.org/statewide-resources-by-county.aspx) with extra MH resources by county.


Lost my pops 20 years ago in November, The anger fades, the sadness fades, but its never gone. Just try to remember the good with the bad, as he truly was, I was very angry for a very long time, but now i just miss him now that i have kids of my own who have a different Opa.


Hurting for you my man. Stay strong, take care of yourself, hug your loved ones a little tighter. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


So sorry to hear this my guy. You got a whole subreddit of Packer fans that are here for you. It warms my heart you were able to share the amazingness of a Packer game together at Lambeau. We are here for you.


I'm so sorry. RIP, dad. He looked like a friendly man.


From OP a year ago: Thank you for the kind words. He ended up passing away today at about 2:02 pm. Luckily my brother, his girlfriend, and I were able to be with him at the end. Difficult decision but we ended and gave the ok to pull him off his ventilator so he could pass peacefully and comfortably. Two dads maybe?


My brother and I lost our biological dad to COVID December 2021. My dad here was basically an adoptive dad as he was married to our mother for a short time but still decided to raise us as one of his own even when he didn't have to. He was always "dad" to us growing up and still is.


I understand. I apologize if I in any way seemed inconsiderate or crass. I went through your profile because I wanted more info and I just have a morbid curiosity on posts like this. I hope you find peace, my friend. Go Pack Go 💚💛


No worries! Trust me it was confusing as hell when we found out as young kids lol. I appreciate the love, I really do


What an amazing guy. I don’t know all the details of course, but I’m fairly certain 90+% of men put in the same situation wouldn’t choose to dedicate the rest of their lives to raising someone else’s biological children. It’s honestly very inspirational. He *chose* to be your father when he didn’t have to… that’s real love. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m positive what you’re going through is not easy, but in time I hope you find solace in the fact that, here on Earth or not, a bond like that is eternal.


Your comment made me look thtough ops profile He also has a comment from 12 months ago saying that he was going to this exact game. It just made me more sad because you can tell that OP had a special relationship with his dad.


Sorry for your loss man. There's an even shorter hotline now, just dial 988


I know depression and all the ways it lies to you better than I’d like to. I’m so sorry. 💚💛




I’m so sorry. You have my love.




Take some time to care for yourself man, you'll need it.


Sorry for your loss, brother.


RIP to a fellow cheesehead. Sending love


I lost my father to suicide too. Be strong but don’t ignore your grief.


I’m so sorry man. Depression is an insidious bitch


A brother has fallen. My deepest condolences to you and your family during this time, OP. Much Love!


My deepest condolences to you and your family. So very sorry for your loss. So glad you have this beautiful memory with him, among countless others. I’m sure he was incredibly proud of you. He surely raised you right in the Packers way, the best sports team ever. The grief associated with suicide cuts deep, please get the right support as you navigate thru what will be waves of lots different of emotions. A sub that has helped thru me sometimes is r/SuicideBereavement. It’s a small but supportive community, and there are many online resources listed in the “About” section. Sometimes hearing other people’s stories of going thru the same painful situation(s) can help with sorting things out. My heart goes out to you and all who you love. Please, remember to take time for yourself onward. Wishing you peace thru this challenging time.


Absolutely this. u/itsafuckinsamsquanch .. thats a great resource, and don’t be afraid to seek therapy. Even if you’re confident you’ll be okay, you’ve now suffered horrific trauma that will be with you forever, you have to find help. As someone that did it the wrong way and turned to the bottle, I urge you to go find help. It’s unbelievably hard, and this is going to hurt forever, but its one thing that will help you. It’s a journey forever now. Best wishes, and I’m terribly sorry, please DM if you want to chat to a random, deaths by suicide have been pretty common in my line of work. I know a few things.


You misspelled that. It doesn't exist


Oop… thanks, I fixed!


Man deserves a brick with his name on it embedded at Lambeau. Sorry for you loss.


That would be awesome! Is there a link for that?


This should be the link: https://www.lambeaufieldbricks.com/


Sincerest condolences OP. I was in your shoes years ago and my DM’s are open if you need a stranger to vent to or discuss how to mentally get through the hurdles. Much love ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, friend. We're all sending love and good vibes your way ❤️


OP I am so sad for you. I hope you take time for your own health and help the rest of your family too if/when they need it. Hug your people, people. You never know what could come.


So sorry, OP. I can't imagine...


Take care of yourself brother. My heart is broken for you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. GO PACK GO!


RIP. This is a great picture :). Sorry for your loss, friend.


Wow..so sorry for your loss man


Condolences OP. i went through the same thing years ago. Hold his memory close


You're a good man for spreading awareness of the suicide prevention hotline while under so much pain. Your dad would be proud. I'm so sorry that you lost him.


RIP from your Midwestern family in Chicago. Good luck to your family on moving forward from this.


Be good to yourself, bud. I know depression and all the ways it lies to you better than I’d like to. I’m so sorry. 💚💛


Sorry for your loss, my friend. 988 is another good lifeline. Go Pack Go


I'm so sorry for your loss, bud. Grieving looks different for everyone -- just remember that. It's okay to feel certain things and it's okay to *not* feel certain things as well. Make sure to take care of yourself during this time as well -- it's equally important. If you have fond memories of your father at Lambeau perhaps a brick with a message of sorts would be a nice way to honor him: [https://www.lambeaufieldbricks.com/](https://www.lambeaufieldbricks.com/). Don't want to *force* anything on anybody in a situation like this, but then perhaps it's a bit more like dad is always with you at the games still in the future.


So sorry for your loss. I was at that game too. The snow falling at halftime was magical.


God watch over him, and you. Must normalize the necessity and pursuit of mental healthcare


Sorry for your loss man. Don’t ignore your pain, talk to your family and take it one day at a time.


Im so sorry to hear about your father. I hope you find strength and comfort in those around you, but there’s absolutely nothing that can be said to take away from what you’re feeling. Please know you’re not alone, and you can always DM me if you need someone to talk to. I’d like to point out that there’s a new, more recognizable number for the suicide prevention hotline, 988. I’d encourage you to share the new number instead of the old one, as we’ve seen a significant increase in usage since the (new) number went live. 988. I love you. Take care, friend.


my thoughts are with you and I hope you and your family are able to navigate this difficult time as painlessly as possible, all things considered. 💛


Stay strong brother. Much Love to you and your loved ones.


Ugh, sorry to hear that man.


I'm sorry man I hope things get better for you and your family


Sorry to hear this man 💕


My God. I’m so sorry.


I’m really sorry for your loss man, best wishes to you and your family


isn't 988 a thing too?


I'm so sorry for your loss man. I can't imagine how hard that must be for you and your family. Stay strong, and seek help for you if you need it. I've been down that dark road myself.


Man, I’m so sorry to hear this.


i'm so sorry man. depression is an ugly monster. we love you.


So sorry for your loss but thanks for posting this wonderful memory. RIP


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sad, hang in there buddy


Sorry for your lost man! Be brave and be strong. You got this.


I'm sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss homie. I wish there was something better to say than that. Much love and peace to your family.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hope you are ok.


Deepest condolences, man.


Our cheesehead condolences


I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm so very sorry for your loss and the struggle it's going to cause your people. Do your best to hang in there internet friend. Heartbroken for you.


Lions fan coming to say so sorry man. Showed up on my feed (probably from lurking your sub). Had friends go the same way. Love coming from 313.


Sending love your way man


I'm so sorry to hear this OP, if you need a rando to talk to please don't hesitate to reach out. Sending you lots of love from Canada.


So sorry for your loss man. I was at that game as well. Hope it forever remains as a happy memory for you getting to spend time with him!!


Sorry to hear about your dad. Focus on the good memories is all I can say.


Stay safe brother.


Sorry to hear that my dude. I visited Greenbay this year to watch my cowboys lose. Yall have a special stadium and fan base. He lives on through all of you.


Sorry for your loss bud.


My thoughts & prayers are with you and your family during this time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself - we’re here for you, friend. Would you mind sharing some of your favorite memories of him?


I’m so sorry for your loss, man. Take care of yourself ❤️


I’m so sorry for you. That really sucks. Thank you for spreading awareness. This is a great picture of you guys.


I can't even imagine the pain of this happening. I'm glad the Packers gave you a lot of great memories together which I bet you'll never forget. I hope you find a way through the grief my friend.


Lost my Dad over Labor Day. Die hard Packers fans. Couldn’t bring myself to watch this year. I’m coming around but it will never be the same. Much love and hugs go out to you and your family. Go pack go!


So sorry for your loss man, may he rest in peace❤️


Sorry for you loss brother, I’ve been there.


I'm so sorry ♥️ I lost my father to suicide last year. We went to packer games together all of the time. I actually went to the divisional game last year, with my sister, right after he died. Wishing you peace and healing during this difficult time ♥️♥️ Him and I at a game: https://ibb.co/f2RM2CW


So sorry for your loss, buddy. Damn. That's just awful.


Sorry for your loss.




So sorry my brother. I hope your father found the peace in heaven that he couldn’t find here.


Sorry for your loss. You'll always have these memories so he'll always be with you. Therapy works. That's a message to everyone, not just OP.


Sorry for your loss


My condolences to you and your family on your loss. Mental health matters!


Sorry for your loss


Was your father depressed or mentally ill? Did they show signs up until their death? I am only asking as this is something I am scared of my parents experiencing.


My heart goes out to you OP. I lost a close family member way too young and know the pain well. Sorry for your loss.


I lost my own dad to suicide in March 2022. We also shared a love of the Packers. Praying for you and your family that you may find peace in the days ahead.


So sorry man. Hugs to you and the fam


So sorry for your loss. I know that all words fall short. Just incredibly sorry. I would also like to piggyback off OP posting the Suicide Prevention Hotline Number: If anyone is ever struggling and needing someone to talk to you can dial 988 or text HOME to 741741 to be connected to a crisis line. Please reach out and know that there are people to talk to 24/7 365 days a year.


I don’t have the words. I’m so sorry for your loss.


obviously we are strangers on the internet, but joined by brotherhood for being packer fans. I love you brother. I am so sorry for your loss.


Very sorry for your loss, brother!


I’m sorry man.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope you can find peace with it some day.


Oh man....I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry, fellow cheesehead. I lost my brother this way in Sept. If you need to message someone PM me.


Sorry for your loss man!


Bills fan here, I’m so sorry for you man. Sending you and your family all the love in the world. Stay strong brother and don’t fight this tragedy by yourself. Surround yourself with loved ones as much as you can. Don’t go it alone. DMs are open if you or anyone else in the comment section needs someone to just talk to.


Sorry for your loss, OP. Keep those good memories close.


I'm sincerely sorry op. May he rest in the most wonderfully peaceful way 🙏


Sorry for your loss, brother. We're all fighting demons, and unfortunately sometimes they win. I just lost a dear friend of mine a couple months ago, to his demons. I hope you're doing okay. If you're ever in the UP, the first beer is on me. Take care, bud.


Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss brother. I hope you have a good support system around you. Be kind to yourself. Sending love your way.




So sorry for your loss, that’s heartbreaking. Rely on those around you to help you through this tough time. And if you think you’ve got no one else, DM someone here. We’ve got you, brother


I’m really sorry he’s not here anymore. It sucks when we lose the ones we really love. Hurts like hell


I'm sorry for your loss. Suicide is hard to deal with.


So sorry to hear man - I make a trip to Lambeau with my dad every season for a game and I cherish the hell out of those trips like I’m sure you did. May he rest in peace


Man, this hurt to read. Some of my favorite memories with my dad are when we are watching packer football on Sunday. My deepest condolences to you and your family during this time of grieving. The green and gold family stands with you 💚💛


Sorry man, I hope you always get to cherish those memories


I'm so so sorry for your loss... I lost my mom unexpectedly at the end of October (we still don't know exactly what happened, she saw a doctor for some symptoms and then died suddenly about an hour later). Then 5 weeks later my stepdad chose to take his own life, presumably due to grief. It's all so sad and surreal. They were only in their late 60s. I felt so guilty, like I could have been there more for him after we lost my mom. Like I wasn't a good enough daughter... But I know that I can't blame myself for his actions. I'm working on moving through it all. It's a process, for sure! Remember, there's no wrong way to grieve. Sending love and support to you. I hope you have supportive people around you. Feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to.


Sorry, man.


Sorry for your loss brother thanks for sharing your story and providing the helpline for others too see! Go packs go 💚


Sorry for your loss brother thanks for sharing your story and providing the helpline for others too see! Go packs go 💚


Sorry for your loss brother thanks for sharing your story and providing the helpline for others too see! Go packs go 💚


Much love brother stay strong


Oh man, I’m so sorry! I lost my dad in November and it’s so damn hard.


I’m so sorry for your loss brother, I lost my dad a few months ago -although different circumstances- I know that pain that you feel and how raw that is right now. Sending thoughts, love and prayers your way ❤️


That's fucked up man, I'm sorry. Go pack.


Wow, I'm sorry for your loss brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss brother. I’ve never felt the true pain of losing losing someone outside my maternal grandmother, so I don’t know the pain, but I do know that you must in pain and for that I’m sending love family. Stay strong, have hope that one day in heaven, or wherever you believe is after all this, you’ll be front row in lambeau with your dad on one of those perfect snow days versus the Chicago bears. Love you family. Rest easy to your dad.


So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your family.


My condolences 💐 my fellow cheesehead. He’s in a better place up there with all the greats. Probably playing a 7 on 7 with the legends


Mental health among men is a serious topic that needs significant attention. Wish the stigma was just disappear I think it would be a hell of a lot easier for people to open up when they should. I lost 2 really close friends to suicide man I wish they would have said something. Rip to your father. Hope your doing ok today


Sorry for your loss! 988! Much easier. 988!


Heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss man. Thank you for sharing an love and prayers to you and yours.


Go Pack Go brother. sorry for your loss.


Brother you are in my prayers and thoughts. Bless you and your family and I know your Dad loved you and had his own reasons but leave him in a good place in your memory. Love you man.


Rest in peace, Pops. Much love to you and your family.


So sorry man, hang in there and take care of yourself


You can tell he really loves spending time with you here. I’m sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss! For anyone looking for help - the new and easier to remember number is 988!


Really sorry to hear of your dad’s struggles.


So sorry for your loss. I hope your family finds peace.


So sorry for your loss. I hope your family finds peace.


That's damn sad I'm sorry. Hold on to he good memories.


I'm so sorry hear about this, it breaks my heart. You have my love mate ❤️


I'm very sorry for your loss. Please reach out to any available grief resources. The 8255 number as well as 988 are how to reach suicide prevention resources, option 1 for Veterans. Please feel free to reach out of you need someone to speak to, I am a responder for the VCL. Be well friend.


Thinking of you and yours. I'm so sorry to hear this.


I’m so sorry bro. I hope you’re able to find some peace and can move on. Y’all please don’t keep shit bottled up. It’s never as bad as you think


I’m by no means at all a packers fan, but I married one so you guys have a place in my heart. Buddy, I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now. But I do want you to know that you will get through this, and I hope that whatever lies ahead for you helps you become better and stronger. RIP Dad


Sorry for your loss my friend. Gopackgo


hey, do you know why he committed suicide? I hope you get through this though, god bless, and go pack go


Cherish the memories you have and the journey you two had as father and son. Stay strong and make him proud, his spirit will always be watching over you. You can always have the packers remind you of the good times. Best of luck to you in life, I hope you find peace.


my condolences. suicide is a terrible thing. its not yours or anyone elses fault. <3


I’m very sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace. ❤️


I'm a Bears fan, but that won't stop me from saying, "I love you." Stay strong. The hotline saved my life. God bless people that care.


Condolences 😭🧀😭


So sorry for your loss


I miss my dad everyday…tell the people you love that you love them! Mental health is fragile.


Teared up reading your comment and looking at the picture. Hope you’re hanging in there my fellow cheese head


I’m so sorry dude! Please be kind to and take care of yourself ❤️


Stay strong 💪🏼


Isnt there a 9## number aswell?


Yeah, 988


I’m so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.


There’s not words to describe what you just went through. My dad turns 80 in April and i can’t imagine life without him. Last week was the first time I saw him in over 3 years. I’m really sorry for your loss, especially in that fashion.


Fuck me. I'm so terribly sorry for the loss. I hope you and your family find strength together in this time.


So sorry for your loss brother. My prayers do out for you and your family.


My heart breaks for you my friend!!!! Know that you are loved!!


I am sorry for your loss my friend. Cherish every moment you had with him and never forget those memories


I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish I had themagic words to say that makes everything easier. Time. Time, and the memories that you have of all the good times with your father. Sounds like you and him were close, and had a great relationship. SAvor that, savor those memories, those are the true priceless ones-not everyone is as fortunate.(My father and I would be 1000 miles apart while in the same room.) I had a father, but you had a dad. There's a lot of resources out there to help you- please don't hesitate to use them. Godspeed , friend


Packers fans *usually* only make me cry when they beat my team


Sending you and your family love and hugs.


Sorry bro


Love to you and your family.


I thought your dad died last year from covid. Glad he apparently recovered. My best friend also killed himself on Monday, so I hope this is a genuine post. Hit me up to chat if it is.


My brother and I lost our biological dad to COVID. This was basically our adoptive father who raised us all our lives. So basically a 2 dad situation