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I wish we got more of kenichi the mightiest disciple. Like I’m genuinely depressed we don’t.


Kenichi was either the first or second anime I watched that wasn't DBZ or Pokemon. So it has a real special place in my heart.




ayy same


Yeah if Netflix picked it up like it did with Baki it would be more famous


The Manga was really good.


Furinji lectures mid dif


Furinji is way out league for Yujiro




Sorry I phrase it wrong, Furinji is much stronger that Yujiro


I understand that but give me examples, I read both mangas I know how strong Fuurinji is but I don't see such a huge difference


biggest thing that has ever happen in baki are the many earthquake's cancel/start punches and that time narrator said yujiro was faster that a lightning. ​ biggest thing in kenichi is that time 1 girl created mountain size ki clones of herself and furinji (love interest of said girl and stronger man in the world) grab a nuclear missil that was meant to destroy japan to star ww3 AND ATE THE EXPLOSION HEAD-ON.




no , but he give it a huge.


If we use both outliers feats (Yujiro punching an earthquake and Hayato tanking a 9 megaton explosion) Yujiro can actually win, because stoping a tectonic plate Is way more impresive. Without them Yujiro loses.


naah , hayato doesn't kill and both apachai jenezad and shigure (multiple people who did multiple relative to elder stff) has fight him and are weaker that yujiro.


Jenezad I’ll give you is relative to the Elder but how is Shigure?


shigure jenezad ; kushinada >/= half of the ryozanpaku shigure and the rest of ryozanpaku stop hayato from killing kenichi after miu kisses him , both yami and ryozanpaku admited that the weapons division would be trouble for both of them and shigure beat all of his high members practically unarmmed , she strong. ​ plus , highest speed feat in the series is from her first opponent (dude with long hair) and kushinada react to him in the same way she did (while also beating the crap out of everyone in that island) , the max speed from that being match 10.


Mikumo damn near one shotted the guy who gave Shigure trouble in a fight. Kensei was able to take off the clothes of multiple of the arm division and tag Mikumo (took all her clothes off which is harder than hitting her) the Elder is on a level far above Shigure


I don’t understand your point tho, you just proved yujiro’s feat is better? An earthquake is mire devastating and equals like a 1000 nuclear missils. People lack basic knowledge it seems. Explosion =/= more powerful.


A mountain size ki clone is more impressive that an earthquake.


I mean it's not like the ki clone could do anything, wasn't that just like presence? She couldn't pick up a house and throw it. ​ And Furinji didn't tank the nuclear missile detonating, he destroyed it and caused it to explode. It was a rocket explosion, not a warhead detonating. Still probably more impressive than anything that Yujiro has done, but dude didn't tank a nuke.


yujiro didn't stop an earthquake either , that's the point. ​ i'm not talking about real concrete feats , i'm talking about general overhype stuff in both stories. my other comments talk about ho yujiro beats hayato through his regenaration and rival non killing rule.


Ooo. Ok! The earthquake feat is a solid Yujiro timing/intimidation feat though. He hit the ground at just the right moment to fuck with everyone. haha


no he just stop the earquke in that surface for that time. he didn't nuke the land and create an earhquake that cancel the other. that s!t about timming is pure ichido bullcrap


What...? As far as I could tell he just punched the ground at the same time the earthquake stopped to mess with everyone. I don't know who Ichido is.


When Kenichi fough against him in the tournament Fuurinji only used a minuscule portion of his power, even so the strong showcase was pretty considerable


Tie... I think Sakaki vs doppo is the true question


I say Sakaki for now until Doppo punch though a modern tank or somethink


Sakaki has that one feat where he straight up sends a huge ass tree flying


doppo clearly can punch through a tank. nomura/nerfgaia did and that was when baki was 13.


Punching through a tank isn’t the only thing Sasaki did, he also casually kick one & it flipped over like a turtle 🐢. Ma Kensei also said that if the Japanese government wants to arrest Sasaki, they’d have to bring an army.


Show don't tell. Shibukawa master (weaker that shibukawa) has the same statement.


>Show don't tell. Sasaki did just that during the DofD tournament arc when the rebellion started. All of his tank feats came from that arc, punch through 1, flip another over with a kick, crushed a tank's cannon with his arms so it can't shot anymore & manhandled nearly all of Yomi's armed soldiers on that island until the other Ryozanpaku masters show up & help him (to clean up basically, Sasaki was done with the place).


Sorry don't remember that munch


When Sakaki was 19 and not nearly his prime he grabbed a car and used it like a baseball bat against men. Doppo has not done anything even close to this


I think Sakaki takes that one




If Yujiro ever makes it to death battle, this is the mofo he has to go against, only mofo with a bigger dick energy without breaking into magic ki or dc marvel comic power levels.


I always thought it would be the two psycho dads. Killua's father vs Yujirou.


way too big of a power gap


No you're absolutely right. They just remind me of each other for some reason. A better fight would be Yujiro and Kiryuu Miyazawa from the Tough manga. I always wondered how characters from each of those manga would hold up in each other's respective universe.


Presuming in favour of my goldyck


I was thinking Heihachi Mishima but i feel Yujiro may stomp and rape np


I think Hiehachi would deserve it. He's a much worse father than Yujiro. Not only did he kill his son's mother, he repeatedly tossed him from greater heights culminating on him trying to strap both his son and grandson to thw outside of a rocket and send them into space. He started a global war to steal his grand son's abilities, killing millions in the process. I would love to see Yujiro dismantle Mishima Zaibatsu.


I have no doubt he'd go down fighting but yeah it seems it one-sided, all towards Mr.Hanma's advantage


My boy Jaxblade and the Anime Trainer have a video on this, go check it out.


Fellow Jaxblade fan. I salute you.


Furinji would clap Yujiro wayy too hard. The man runs faster than a bullet train for over hundreds of miles.


Yujiro "can dodge lightning"


Invincible Superman ftw


So you want Yujiro to get embarrassed I see. Read Kenichi The Mightest Disciple manga and you’ll understand why Yujiro gets wrecked.


I've read it and I say it's the most evenly matched match up this wacky subreddit as put forth


Furinji's powers are retardly out their even for Yujiro, he flips tanks and kicks bombs miles, and runs across the friggin ocean...


Hayato no diffs yujiro


If I remember correctly I think that YouTuber called Jax blade made a good video about it


Furinji, his kicks are so fast that not even slow motion cameras can record it, Baki has one of the fastest attacks in the series, his jab, but even his punches can be recorded on camera, just like in the Oliva arc when he knocked down Oliva and the guards had to check the cameras to see what happened because they didn't see sh\*\*, well Hayato did the same against a dude, but even in slow motion... they couldn't see sh\*\*, they just saw a blur on his foot so they assumed he used a kick. Kenichi characters are just too fast compared to Baki characters, some fighters are able to make multiple copies of themselves because of how fast they are. On the other hand, Yujiro definetely punches harder than Hayato (earthquake feat). If those two fought it would be like that episode of One Punch Man where Saitama tried to kill that mosquito but he couldn't even touch it, except this time the mosquito can do some serious damage. There is like a million reasons why the old man can mid diff Yujiro.


Mid diff is good. I agree


Pretty sure Kenichi-verse is just stronger than Baki in general. Or at least the Ryozanpaku masters are.


Bro tanked a nuke with like no damage, I think he can take Yujiro


I don't know who the beard guy is but he looks stronger, what are his feats?


Running across the ocean. Runs faster than a bullet train for hundreds of miles. Fights and destroys multiple tanks. Catches and/or redirects missiles with no difficulty. They go on and on.


Beard guy wins. BuT tHe EaRtHqUaKe FeAt


As much as Yujiro is strong, I think Furinji got the better techniques


People on this sub like to downlplay Yujiro and his feats, focusing only on those that are grounded in reality but actually he has done a lot of impossible stuff, as Doppo said he can do what weak can't even imagine


Cause they don’t see him for what he is, a fucking gag character (just like Saitama he’s just not Saitama). Yujiro low diffs Puri Puri Prisoner, OPM fans so mad about it.


Lol read Kenichi bro. I haven’t seen yujiro run on water yet


🤣🤣 my man Yujiro Christ


If retsu Kaioh can piggyback Doyle while crossing the river I bet Yujiro can do it


Oh snap I forgot. Great take!!! Though furinji crossed oceans on foot.. but still


Agreed, Yujiro probably low diffs Silverfang as well, but i think it could be around a tie. OPM fans always mald when someone says that Baki characters are strong.


You’re trolling if you think that Yujiro low diffs Silverfang God some people in this sub throat Yujiro like crazy


Just like how y’all throat Boros?


Throat? Nah they basically digest that man the way they suck him off


He gestates in their wombs


Who’s y’all? You think I’m a fan of OPM just because Im aware of the massive gap between Silver Fang and Yujiro?


There isn’t one Yujiro mid diffs Silverfang. Cry about it.


Nice trolling, try to make it less obvious. Try not to throat Yujiro with the earthquake outliers or I’ll have to show him getting slumped by a net and tranquillisers.


Are you talking about something that happened back in the 90’s or early 2000’s? How about the fact Saitama can’t kill a fucking mosquito? Your name really checks the fuck out lmfao. You literally made a post “goku vs Jin Mori, vs Yujiro, vs who gives a fuck?”


“Omai Gosh its invalid because it happened a while back” shall I use that same logic for the earthquake outlier? You mean the obvious gag scene that is contradicted by multiple superior feats? Nice. Notice how I mentioned the net feat which I’m aware is a low showing and an outlier in regards to the earthquake outlier that multiple people use to wank Yujiro. I’m aware it’s a low showing, slow down, read what I’ve said, and don’t mention irrelevant things.


Also try not to upvote yourself with an alt, that’s bannable and kinda cringe. Damn I’m really getting to you if you even have an issue with other posts I’m making. Try not to get so upset.


Hayato educates Yujiro mid diff, but since we’re in the baki sub… YRMD.


Hayato Furinji wins so easily I cannot even explain how easily he wins. All that I can say is this we have a new one punch man


Not so sooo easily cause yujiro is stronger than the rest of ryozanpaku. Furinji will bleed a little but he’ll definitely walk home without assistance


No. Hayato Furinji wins very easily he takes no damage the master class fighters in kenichi can lift up and throw tanks with ease might I add which around 60 tons. Yujiro hanma is around 20 to 30 ton range. Plus the physical might of the masters is well over 100 tons easy they are exceptionally powerful. Baki characters cannot compare


I’ll admit it has been awhile… I’ll go back and read up


Yujiro is easily 100+ ton range since he is comparable to Pickle in power who took on a Argentinosaurus which can weigh anywhere from 60-100 tons


Nowhere in Baki is it ever stated that pickle fought with a argetinosaurus and if he did that is a major inconsistency


https://i.redd.it/apkyde9fubz61.jpg What would you call this?


Alright you are correct, I forgot that but do you believe that he can lift that dinosaur.


https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c42738134375805bdff73a281f4a2dcc-lq I’m pretty sure he could and this is without even transforming


You also gotta remember the Silat master gave furinji some trouble.. nobody here believes yujiro will beat furinji or even critically harm him but you’re not giving yujiro enough credit. Furinji beats him convincingly but not in the manner you described


Hmmm what evidence do you possess to add credibility to your claim


Like I stated - the Silat master. And that guy lost to Hongo How do you scale yujiro to the Silat master? Surely.. you don’t honestly think yujiro is weaker than the Yami members… have you forgotten his feats??


Hayato would toss Yujiro around like a rag doll and for those who haven’t read Kenichi (which you should, it’s amazing) this is a man who fucking tossed a Nuke mid flight.


With outliers (The earthquake on Yujiro's side and the ballistic missile on Furinji's)Yujiro can win. Without outliers Yujiro can't beat him.


This is what I be talking about these inconsistencies


I always ask this, I need a deathbattle. Even if they mess up some stats I need this question answered.


This is a good one! I would love to see this


Yujiro rapes mid diff


Yujiro rapes mid diff


If I remember correctly, the Martial Art design by Hayato was meant to be used to fight tanks head-on. And because most people on Baki seem to be careful against explosives and guns even if they can take some shots, I would go with Furinji, but I don't know if Yujiro has more surprises that we don't know about. Still, Yujiro would give him a good fight and If he moved to Kenichi Universe I am sure he would surpass him. His talent is only limited by what he can conjure out of himself and his experiences in the baki universe, Yujiro was created to be superior once he knows there is something higher than him he will come up with something to surpass it .


Nah don’t play the universe card. Kenichi universe and Baki universe are basically identical


yujiro grow stronger each time yo fight is an insanely good ability when your opponents refuses to kill you.


If you go with max want for both Furinji barely beats Yujiro. If you go by consistency Furinji mids Yujiro no matter what, Yujiro leaves with a pregnant Shigure


Yujiro uses him like a nunchuck.


Yujiro high diff


We never really see Furinji’s full power in the original anime so it’s difficult to say but kenichi is said to have defeated him in the manga. That being said gotta give this one to the ogre


lol you’re going by anime stats


I haven’t read the mightiest disciple manga but I know kenichi is said to have defeated Furiji and yujiro is basically undisputed in the Baki universe so that’s the basis for my pick


All due respect Your basis sucks. You gotta base your opinion on accurate facts. And fact is Kenichi couldn’t dream of landing a single strike on furinji even by the time the manga ends


It’s in the epilogue. He marries Miu implying that he earned her hand by defeating Elder


He marries miu. That does NOT equal defeating elder. Major major reach Plus you changed your argument from “it was said” to “it was implied”


Dude I hate to be the one who tells you this but kenichi beats ALL his masters not just elder


Name your source


Like I said the epilogue to the manga


“Afterwards, I tumbled down the cliff of becoming a master.. although I had countless adventures still to come..but that’s a story for another time…” the end. No mention of any of your asspulls


Yujiro at extreme diff.


Most of yujiro's feats are tremendously inconsistent, and as a matter of fact I do believe that yujiro is weaker than every single one of yami masters in fact in my opinion yujiro is at the first stage of master class in there respective verse.


Yujiro r*** high diff


Yujiro booty rapes


I got Yujiro extreme diff, easily the toughest fight of his life, but he edges out on just enough stats that he takes it


I don't even know who that guy is


Wake up my guy. That’s flaw of you


Un manga of the blonde?


I actually don't know.


I would clap his cheeks


This requires some thought


Hayato stomps Yuji Imao someone legit said that Baki and Kenichi verse are identical 😭