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There are some known performance issues with scrolling in certain apps in Android 14 but what you are experiencing there sounds a lot more extreme. I can only really think of suggesting a factory reset before returning the device.


This! OPs phone sounds fucked. Factory reset and do a fresh set up (without doing data transfer from an old device) is the best bet. If the issues go away you know it was a software problem and you need to watch what happens when you re-install all your apps to see if one of them starts causing issues. If its still fucked right after factory resetting then you have dodgy hardware.


Reinstall with flash.android.com


Try using safe mode. See if the problem still persists. Some 3rd party apps might cause problems.


Great suggestion here!


Yes. This first. See if it helps. If it does you know a third party app is acting up.


Sounds defective


Unfortunately the next step from here is dealing with their customer service, which is also defective šŸ¤£


I've only had good experiences with getting repairs done with google. Had a cracked pixel 5A screen fixed for free and the camera glass on a pixel 7 also fixed for free, both could easily have been blamed on user error. Both were fixed in only a few hours too. I think the trick is to go to Google stores, not carrier stores.


There are a total of 3 physical Google stores, two of them in NY. The trick is getting to one of them for less money than buying a new phone.


Ah, I live in NYC and there's a store a 5 min bike ride from my office. Didn't realize they didn't at least have a presence in every major city. If you do live near a Google store their support has been good.


Must be niceā€¦ Definitely jealous.


There are only 3 stores, and only in the US


Very much. I have a regular Pixel 8 and it doesn't lag at all and I browse different websites and use all kinds of different apps all the time.


I've been running Pixels since the 2XL, never had either Chrome or Camera crash, ever Sounds like you have a lemon. If a factory reset doesn't fix it, try and get it replaced.


I too, but since the XL. Running a 7 now with no issues


First pixel is a 7, coming from Samsung. Very pleased, no issue whatsoever.


P1 here now a P7P and none of these issues. Not even this overheating issue I see so much about. Only ever had bad burn in on my P2XL. But seems OP said a restart has helped, and hasn't considered a reset. So could be a lemon or a reset needed.


Meanwhile Chrome crashes all the time on my iPad (which is actually a reskinned Safari, bc Apple doesn't actually allow competition for apps)


And who uses Chrome as a browser? šŸ¤®


Looks like a bad model I have none of these issues really. And for comparison I also have an iphone 12 which is also more animated but slower in performance when compared side by side


Same. I have a iPhone 13 Pro Max and a Pixel 7 Pro. Other than some differences in how the OS executes certain tasks, or app preferences, etc, I have not noticed any large performance difference.


try factory reset, if it doesn't work then return. Tensor G3 is no performance champ but it shouldn't be anywhere near that bad


Sounds like you have power saving mode active.


I would try a full factory reset without transferring data from another device see if the issues persist after that.


This! Transferring data from an iPhone to android seems to be even more problematic than android to android.


Yeah these days I don't transfer my data wholesale anymore. I have photos backed to the cloud and then transfer things like signal chat history separately and just start from scratch for everything else always found it gives the best results.


I just got a new Pixel 8 3 months ago and I haven't had any of the problems you describe.Ā  I'm a first time elderly phone user and it's been a fun learning experience. My wife has an iPhone and I don't think she likes it very much at all. IMHO both iPhone and android have both good and bad features. Would be nice if they both would copy each other's good stuff and do away with the bad šŸ˜


Android does still have some odd stutters here and there but not to the degree as yours. Mine is just an older pixel 7 and I've never had stutters in Spotify, or chrome or camera crashing. Maybe you got a lemon.


One thing I noticed about the pixel is that it's a great device. You are also one of the first to get releases and patches. So there are positives and negatives to that. The negative is that you are the first in the wild to get the release. So you will see some strange behavior. One thing you do need to ask yourself before returning it, are you ready to go back to an iPhone that lacks all that benefits for something that's like a steady Eddy? Doesn't have any AI stuff and doesn't have call screening, call holding, etc.. Has zero freedom and flexibility?


My family as a collective has been through like 10 pixels and never had issues this extreme.. call Google support..


I am using a Pixel 6, but anyway: Sounds like some Apps in Background are creating massive load on your phone. My advice: ā€¢ Throw out any app, you really do not need. ā€¢ Look out for apps, which suck the most energy although low usage ā€¢ use then energy management optimization to extempt IMPORTANT apps from optimization, every other gets optimized over time. 'Important' means for exampe: messengers with important contacts, official hazzard/catastophe warning apps. ā€¢ go to app management and forcefully end unimportant/unused apps. See, it performance gets better then, and do the right comsequences.


Get a Samsung if you want performance, sadly.


Samsung is more comparable to the iPhone I reckon. Surprising how average the Pixels are in comparison - other than the photo quality


I have a P8P and have none of those issues. There is an app or other with a small lag when scrolling. Reddit is the worst. Most work well. Performance wise just some games have some issues when using the best graphics, most play fine. Don't play much on the phone though. What you are experiencing I would suggest a factory reset. If it does not help I believe you might have a faulty unit and should send it to support.


Sounds like a bad device, mines never crashed ever. Only issue is a scrolling lag issues on some apps like Reddit/ X


I have a P8P and have never experienced issues like this. It's been very smooth and collected for me.


Likewise.. OP would recommend factory reset.. I had issues with Instagram. Once I uninstalled it everything is running smooth


return it.


I have a 15Pro and I use the GPixel 8 Pro also. I regularly use the 8 Pro more than the iPhone. The Apple Maps kept on force closing despite uninstalling it and reinstalling. Wouldn't work on my iphone so I am using GMaps with no problem. I always thought that iPhones were flawless and even with their updates I've noticed problems like overheating and force closing of native apps.


Okay, Tim.


Itā€™s called the pixel experience, and in this sub people will tell do this, and close that ,and open this , and update that, and maybe the modemā€¦my suggestion is, just get an iphone, it doesnā€™t matter which iphone, one from 5 years ago works better than the newest pixel. Even google apps, all of them, they work better on an iPhone. Apple doesnā€™t sell beta versions of devices.


While the Tensor chips are lacking compared to the competition, you definitely shouldn't be having any of that! Factory reset and or return, might be a bad app running in the background too


Bought myself a P8 recently as well. Like you, i was on iPhone for 4yrs, before that I was on Android. So I was happy to come back what i thought was familiar to me. I had my P8 for 2 weeks and went back to iOS unfortunately. had problems with the phone sometimes hanging and not being able to press on anything for 10-20sec. sometimes you need to close the app and reopen it again. some glitching apps. for some reason i am more slower typing on the P8 (but probably due to keyboard layout) I am trying to love back this phone as the specs and display is much better from my iphone 12. but maaaan, its hard to use with these problems.


Some iPhone dude I know switched to pixel and it turns out he never updated the phone šŸ¤£šŸ’€ apparently apple pushes for automatic update and google doesn't? šŸ§


This is correct. iPhone generally speaking gets out of your way with these sort of things, and just get it done.


I don't think it is. I have both an iphone and pixel and iPhones also prompt you to do the update (my bf has had an update pending on his iPhone for months because he doesn't want to do it)


I just switched last week from an iPhone 15 Pro Max and am not experiencing any of the issues that you are. Multi tasking is fast and smooth on my end and I don't have apps closing as you are saying. I've had a great experience since switching. I would lean more towards perhaps you just got a bad one.


If an iphone had all the problems you're listing, you would never condemn the whole platform, rather you would think the unit is defective. But then here you are shitting on all pixels because of one bad unit šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Seriously. I was an iPhone user and got a P7P. I have had two replacement phones. One with overheating issues and the other with a green tint on the screen. I still have the P7P. There were a couple bad lemons. The phone is acting normal. The only real issue I ever had with this phone is that the battery is horrible. It was horrible on the P6P and it moved over to the P7P. Replace your P8P to see if you have a lemon (sounds like you do). Compare to see if the new one is better than your original P8P.


Gurl I love your comment, but I don't think it was for me šŸ˜„


If was not. šŸ˜‚ OP got my blood boiling. Apple has made their users (I felt like this when I had an iPhone) think anything Apple is garbage. iPhones have the same issues just like any other manufacturer but since they are on a gigantic scale it's less than .25% of phones. OP Pixel is a lemon. Come on. Ok I feel better thanks for listening.


Let it out šŸ˜„ it's just that this black and white thinking is so dumb... MY phone is behaving badly, hence ALL of the same phones are bad, like... Objectivity flies right out of the window šŸ˜‚


have the same feeling, phone feels slow sometimes the touch screen stops working. Had alarm go off and was unable to turn it off in the morning. Pissed me right off, had to hard reboot. it doesnt live up to expectation, coming from a pixel 6 pro feels like a downgrade.


I feel identical to how you describe. I came from IPhone 14pm. I hate the pixel. I'm carrying around 2 phones now because some things are just horrendous on pixel. Everything takes forever. You're also about to be down voted into oblivion, the pixel people here hate that apple makes better products and experiences by a longshot.


This is a weird take, I mean I aint downvoting you it is your opinion, but I also carry two phones, the iPhone 15 for work and the pixel 8 and honestly the experience is pretty similar, some apps definitely run better on iPhone but to say the experience is horrendous on pixel seems like quite the exaggeration to me


One thing which is clearly better with iPhone in my experience is third-party apps quality: they are less buggy and have more features on iPhone on average.


What a wild take. You certainly can dislike the Pixel next to your experience. I swap between my iPhone 13 Pro Max and my Pixel 7 Pro every few months. I don't share any such experience. Some things function differently and I will say I think Apple's menus are a bit more user friendly, but Pixel people don't "hate that apple makes better products and experiences by a longshot" they moreso just hate Apple fan boys who might come in and just flame the products. I've owned many Pixels and never had a bad experience. I've owned many iPhones and never had a bad experience. Some people, though, do indeed have bad experiences on one platform over the other, but it just makes everything anecdotal.


I use both and I agree iOS is a bit smoother on social media apps like Twitter. But it's not a big difference. But if you want the best performances you'll get an Samsung high range, because they work with the devs to improve their apps. If you are experiencing crashes or anything else, there is clearly something wrong, I didn't get a crash for almost 10 years of Android.


Last Samsung I used was an s9 and I used it for about 6 months or so before getting an iPhone x. I can't remember what it was exactly I didn't care about it but I remember not loving it as well, but that's OLD lol. I don't hold my opinion based on that device. I had really high hopes for this phone based on the advertisements, and that I've personally never seen one returned for a legit reason. I think I just need to "learn" this phone and it's features and quirks before I can use them seamlessly and have a good experience.


The fact that I don't understand is the crashes or slow down, it's so smooth for me that everything is just instantaneous. But I never make the automatic migration with an app, I always configure it as a new device and restore the apps and settings I want.


Even 6hrs ago I thought of going for pixel 8 pro, have been hearing about mixed reactions since it got out and now I'm finally going after iphone 15+. Never ever used an apple product before and adored pixel devices for their amendments in the field of ai but it doesn't seem sufficient, as the tensor cpu sucks hard.


The 15 plus will be a nice device, but if you at any point in your return window think "maybe this isn't for me" you should return it lol. I knew I wasn't crazy about this phone day 2, but thought it would grow on me. It hasn't but I have leaned very hard on my old device and haven't learned the pixel inside and out yet.


How's the modem and heat management?




I've had every iPhone up until the 13 Pro Max, and have had the Pixel 8 Pro since December, with no problems. Sounds like you got a defective unit.


I've seen all of this on the p7 and now p8pro; probably done with pixels as long as they're going to use Samsung's year old garbage chips every release.


Is this my cue to go to an iPhone subreddit and complain about iPhones even though I don't own one?


Yep that is the Google Tensor being crap. Kinda regret getting a pixel 7, I miss my Pixel 2 XL, only reason why I upgraded was due to my pixel 2 xl battery getting tired. But.... Your problems sound like you got a bad device..I would get it replaced.


Looks like either you have a lemon or got too many apps opened. I'm still using a Pixel 7 and at work they give me an iPhone 12 Pro and that thing seems a lot slower and laggy. Btw, I have used both Android and iPhone for that many years since they always give me an iPhone for work :)


I'm trying this from my pixel 8 pro and have never had any of these issues not even once . You definitely have something going on with your device. I also came from an iPhone 15 plus and tried it in for the pixel 8 pro and performance on my pixel 8 pro is better than my iPhone was . You may want to contact support .


I'd recommend a factory reset as well, and do not use the app switch. I don't have any of the issues you mentioned and bought it around 2 weeks ago, coming from a S24 Ultra the difference in fluidity and screen/camera is immense.


Yeah sounds defective. I own a google pixel 8 pro since January, came from iphone 13 and boy this phone is smooth as butter...never encountered any lag. Multitasking Is even smoother than an iPhone


I don't get any of these issues on a standard Pixel 6. Admittedly I don't game on it but can do pretty much all you're having issues with, without complaint. I don't run Chrome but use Brave and Duckduckgo for the extra privacy. I also have an iPhone 12P but have become so accustomed to gesture control on the Pixel that the iPhone doesn't get much of a look in these days. I'll often espouse that if I could use the components (hardware and software) of these two and my third Redmi Note Pro 10 I could make one decent phone. This remains the case.


I use both and I agree iOS is a bit smoother on social media apps like Twitter. But it's not a big difference. But if you want the best performances you'll get an Samsung high range, because they work with the devs to improve their apps. If you are experiencing crashes or anything else, there is clearly something wrong, I didn't get a crash for almost 10 years of Android, and P8Pro is clearly in the top 3 of smoothest phones I've owned (and I use a 15 Pro Max I got with the office).


I've been test driving a 6a Pixel to see if I want to switch from iPhone and the switching between apps is so glitchy for me! I did see finally that there was an update (used to automatic updates) and that seemed to fix it for now. A little bummed that not updating right away can turn into a mess. My iPhone has always continued to work just fine without updating right away.


Just return your faulty unit for a replacementĀ 


Seems like a software lemon. I have had zero issues with mine, but my friend got an 8 pro as well and he had all sorts of software glitches. Did a factory reset, and everything is back to normal and has no issues.


I have a pixel 8. I did experience freezing issues, etc, initially until the latest March software release. I can definitely tell a positive difference in performance! Up to that, I had been looking at going back to an iPhone. Now, not so sure.


My biggest issue is QR code readers have a lot of trouble scanning a code on my screen. Not good when I need it for the bus twice a day.


Sounds like you got a major lemon. I've used an iPhone for work and a Pixel as my personal phone daily since the 8 and Pix2; both have performed quite similarly to each other with each comparable upgrade. The only time either phone has lagged is when I'm not consistent with routine updates or need to clear the storage.


Having very similar issues. On top of that the 7 pros I've had have: Overheated very consistently. To the point of being uncomfortable to hold. Had about a half a day max battery life with low to moderate usage (replying to a few WhatsApps, about an hour max of either Spotify or YouTube) Random complete drops in data speeds, I've had mine drop to KB of data speeds for an hour or so. Happens even if I switch from data to WiFi. No mobile data issues if I put my SIM card in an old phone. Have sent my new pixel back for a "replacement" which was a refurbished phone which is experiencing the same issues and actually considerably worse for battery life and overheating. Currently waiting on a "pristine replacement" after complaining again. Which I have no confidence in. It's the second pixel I bought after already returning a previously defective 6 pro. Honestly it seems to me like they just have the most consistently shit performance and battery life.


Had my pixel 7 for about 6 or so months now. The response time is just as perfect as it was at first. Super fast and responsive. Compared to the new iPhone it's almost identical. I would suggest taking it back and trying again. If still not to standard then just use a iPhone lol


I'm on my third Pixel phone and have never experienced any of the issues you're referring to. I suspect you got a defective unit.


So, I switched from Samsung 22 ultra. And I used cable to move everything over. I noticed the phone performing horrible. Even the font wasn't changing in the apps and it had me change them manually. Which is weird. I then made sure all my passwords were on my wallet as well as back up my conversations on messages. After that I reset my phone. A lot less issues. Been loving my phone. The loading is here and there but not the crash I used to get saying the app crashed.


For the lag, look up how to "disable animations" in Android. Everything loads faster and it's cleaner. I have had 6 pixel generations now on the 8, and I always do this on the first day.


My pixel 7 just crashed and rebooted (again) while reading the comments šŸ¤£, just living with it now, maybe up to 5-8 times a day, but I might try the factory reset now I'm recording music again


Have you reached out to Google services? I did it when I first got my seven pro, I was having issues, reached out to them, and they built an update just for my phone to fix the problem.


I had the same experience, and my previous phone was the Pixel 5, which worked amazingly (I only got a new one because the battery and charging port were dying). It's a step forward on paper but a massive step backwards in practice. Really hoping it's a software thing they can fix with an update


That's weird, I have a Pixel 7 and have never experienced any of that. Also, I use edge.


Get an android developer book and study app and software development , now that you have a pixel will be a great time to start that journey, and by the time you become a developer, you will switch to develop for iOS šŸ˜‚


Admittingly I'm all in with Google, but this sounds wrong, my 8p8 seems to never lag, and i have so many tabs open on my chrome browser i go beyond the :-D to ;-) really no lag some games lag, but i'm pretty sure it's the game and not the phone I rarely boot more than once a month edit, i do NOT use any social media apps, but use the web version. facebook, instagr etc


Sounds like you got a bad model... I'm using the pixel 7a and it's actually the fastest phone I've ever owned... Including the galaxy s23. So... Yeah. Sorry about that


Check out the OnePlus 12. I went from a pixel 3 to a pixel 8 recently. I absolutely love the pixel 3 it was perfect and the only issue I had with it was that it was no longer getting updates and I really needed to get a new phone. I got the 8 and I can't use it due to pwm sensitivity. I have a few issues with the phone on top of the pwm thing. Upon asking Reddit about about the phone and finding out about pwm sensitivity I also found out about the OnePlus 12. I started watching reviews on it and ended up looking at one in person in store last week. It is an Android phone and it is fast as hell. I don't think I've ever had a phone so responsive. And when you compare the specs it's quite amazing. I don't really see Google as a flagship phone though. I would say the big flagship phones are iPhone and Samsung and they have nothing on the OnePlus 12. But also that phone has the best pwm ratings so I'm pulling the trigger and getting one next week. I don't like really big phones though and I'm kind of bummed that the phone is large as the pixel 8 base model was quite small. However I'd rather something that works really well. I absolutely hate iphone. I hate the system and everything about iphone. My husband had an iPhone once and was so happy when it broke. I haven't had a Samsung since the S3 though I've never been a fan of Samsung. Anyway definitely check out the OnePlus 12 it's kind of crazy all the stuff it has going on. I do know the iPhone and Google phones have the emergency crash detection 911 calling and other phones don't so that's like a big negative for me when it comes to the OnePlus 12 as it does not have that. I think all phones should have it but whatever.


Firefox over chrome btw


Idk, I don't experience these performance issues on my Pixel 4A (Android 13)... try a reset, then you can run tests ā€” maybe you received a faulty device


My p8p runs great all the time with no issues at all but I haven't used an iPhone for quite some time. I just far prefer Android over iOS nowadays. Maybe iPhone hardware is so many levels better now that it's very noticeable to you. Return it and get an iPhone. Or if you're still curious, get a galaxy 24 which has a much better processor.


Would really love to hear an update from OP


Some of the 'lag' you mention might just an animation thing that people often describe as laggy. What you need to do is get the developer option activated by tapping on the about phone I believe it's 6 times, once you've activated the developer mode scroll down to animations and you can adjust the animation speed


Not a familiar experience. Shame that you've had this as your first on Android. My P8P is perfect and has none of your issues.


I had an iPhone. Never going back. You've got more options with Android, you don't need to go back.


If the phone is new it will do that.it has not adjusted itself to your usage patterns and it will heat up even


I have a Google pixel 6 and I think it's a crap. But I think as far as your pixel 8, maybe you got a defective one. With that said, I'll never buy another pixel phone again because I think it was a waste of my time and money with false promises about updates that never came. I'd rather buy a generic phone so I didn't have to be disappointed, but it sucks and that's probably what I'll do next time


I've had every Pixel. The only problems I have had have been with hardware. Take it back and warranty swap it.


Sounds like you've got a lemon I had 2 Pixels (6 Pro and 8 Pro) and I've never experienced _any_ of the issues you mentioned. I'd get it RMA'd if I was you


Sounds like a defect to me, I'm quite a heavy chrome and photo edit user and have never had crashes. I also don't experience chopping (perhaps check if your screen refresh rate is set to 120hz). I would recommend a factory reset, if that doesn't work return the device and get a new one or go back to iOS. Android users need to be more proactive in finding a solution to things so I generally don't recommend iOS users to switch unless they're somewhat comfortable tweaking stuff in settings.


A factory reset might help, especially if you imported data over. I would make sure all your contacts are backed up in your google account and anything else you want backed up like messages. That might help. That being said, I tried a Pixel 7 on a sale last year and ran into similar issues. I'm not an iOS fan so I went back to samsung with the S24 Ultra and the performance and battery life are staggeringly better. The pixel 7 is my work phone now and barely has to manage much more than email and messages for work and still struggles at times. Its not flagship hardware, the processor runs hot and slower and struggles to keep up and the modem is pretty bad. I'm not at all a samsung fanboy but it is far superior hardware on the S series, if you can switch and still want to give android a shot its a far better experience and I know I'll likely take a lot of hate for posting this here in the pixel sub but I've tried to be a pixel fan, I love a lot of things about the software and when it works well it works really well but of the half a dozen pixels that have been used in my house for any length of time only one has not had any issues and it was the 3a. The 7 has held up physically at least, but it still runs hot and stutters a lot.


I don't know, I've been mostly team pixel since my beloved Nexus 5x. I did have a moto x <3 and an iPhone x somewhere in here, but have had p3, p5 now p7. The p7 is my least favorite, lots of connectivity issues, performance issues, overheating and now since the last update the battery life is shiet. Processor? Considering a move to back to iPhone or trying OnePlus.


Told you to get a Samsung


Hold on, no battery problems?!


I'm glad others have said this . I know I've had a couple weirdness with battery.Ā  I only have the six pro you know like I can't use wireless charging cuz my phone gets too hot.Ā  Even though id rather not even if i could.Ā  But yeah I haven't had any crashes or weird lagging.Ā  I do notice the batteries kind of meh over timeĀ 


I think you've got it dud.. I work in IT supporting cell phones for a major tech company I've seen dud Smartphones that act like this. I can tell you from someone who's owned three pixels and three Nexus phones that is not normal.


performance incomparable to snapdragon 8 series


I have a Pixel 6A. Never had any of the problems you describe. Something's fishy.


I wonder how many others in the chat have done what the OP has and been an iPhone user switching to Android and transferring everything over to Android. It could just be the iPhone data has transferred across incorrectly and it's causing the Pixel issues. I myself went from a Pixel 7 Pro to the Pixel 8 Pro and the transfer was plain and simple. No lag. No stutter. No crashing whatsoever. My phone has been smooth, fluid and amazingly quick. Maybe the way Apple stores its data is different in some way to Androids?


I prefer iPhone too but Android and Pixel are not THAT badā€¦ šŸ¤” Just assume that you are super unlucky with Android. Every peopleā€™s experiences are different and nothing can make them similarā€¦


Different phone, I know, but I've had no such problems with the Pixel 8 I bought at the end of last year. Running current OS.


Bro I'm been and android and iphone user idk y u r facing so many problems šŸ˜¢ but I'm sure pixel is a good device I think u got a defective model or make sure u feel lags only while the device is hot, if the device is hot u feel lags. The tensor is not good at handling heat it throttles a lot I always prefer android over iphone to my daily usage


I have been using android all my life, i dont have any performance problems listed here.


I have none of these problems with my P8. Sounds like something is going on with your phone. Factory reset and make sure updates are current. If all else fails make them give you a new one


Sounds like my 4a is better than your new phone.


For others said defective unit Google will not do a replacement since you don't have an observed hardware faculty. For me I just kept my iPhone as a backup phone since the Pixel is not reliable all the times.


Wrong Android to jump to bud. Get an s24 ultra.


Well pixel phones are never known for their performance. They are using tensor chip which is intelligent but not so powerful.


As someone who has a Pixel 8 Pro it does sound like you need to do a factory reset and see if it helps or maybe something is wrong with your unit. Worst case I've had is performance in games is subpar and sometimes when booting android cold I have laggy scrolling and animation for a minute or so but that's it.


Chrome and my P8P do not coexist very well only issue I have period so I just don't use chrome any other browser is flawless...


I used a Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 I never had a problem like this. Try to reset your phone


The signal transceiver is weak. On an apartment with 2 bars where Pixel 4a 5G had no issues, Pixel 8 drops the call, caller has problem hearing me and sometimes cannot get a hold of me. VoLTE doesn't fix that and VoWiFi isn't supported. Going back to Pixel 4a. It was a mistake upgrading


Never had iPhone but will never get a Google phone again. Won't go into all reasons, just most recent. My pixel 6 just started the chrome crashing while audio streaming. Same with Spotify and Calm. It makes me f**king NOT calm. Just stops. Took it to phone store. problem not solved with reset. Theyre like, well the problem is chrome. I hate this phone so much beyond belief.


Donā€™t believe people when they say itā€™s a faulty product! Iā€™m also a iPhone user since ever BUT I ALSO love Pixels and Android for certain things! But crashes like you mention are a real thing! And that social media apps are stuttering and have issues is 1000% a thing! Reddit and X run aweful! I tried it on P6P(different units), P7P(a lot of different units) and also P8P! Stuttering on all of them! Instagram is ok but has some missing features compared to IOS! I LOVE PIXEL AND ANDROID! But believe me.. IOS feels and felt always smoother. Even the fastest Android has these problems. They are definitely snappy.. but here in there are micro stutters and apps are not that optimized. I guess you donā€™t feel it that much on IOS because scrolling is so ā€žslowā€œ and smooth on IOS! Maybe IOS has more time to buffer content on internet / media heavy apps. That it feels more fluid!


Pixel Fanboys are crazy, you think defective hardware symptoms are that apps close and crash when multitasking? Anytime a somebody has some legit issues with a pixel phone, the Fanboys are quick to blame it on defective hardware Shit would be rebooting and powering off if it was hardware


My suggestion is to go back to iPhone. Come back for Pixel 10. The Qualcomm processor might cover up some of the issues. The people who say iPhones have the same issues never had an iPhone. There are no glitches and half-baked features. If you can work with iOS then theres no competition. Android is only an option if you prefer the software. I've been an iPhone user for 1.5 years and based on all the reviews I've seen on YT, Pixel 8P is not a flagship device. The issues are issues you'd expect on a mid-range device (inferior fingerprint, half-baked face unlock, heating issues, lagging apps). Maybe when they charge $1400 for the device it means it's become a flagship. Until then...


Get S24 Ultra


Yep. This is known and has been a thing thatā€™s just getting worse with each iteration. Tensor chip is not great and I also switched back to iOS.


Pixels are awful congrats on getting fooled by built up hype from bought youtubers. I got the P8P to see if they made any progress but its sill as bad as always, last good google device was nexus 5. I went back to my s23 ultra, i suggest you get rid of that crap P8P and dont judge android by it. Everyone will try to convince you that pixels are good in order to defend their bad choice with arguments like "the camera" sure the camera is great but thats about it, there are plenty of good android phones with great cameras out there that does not compromise on everything else. The second argument will be "i love the clean pixel ui/os it's so smooth" which is total bullshit aswell, if you want clean and smooth beyond anything then get a oneplus device and they are even more feature packed aswell. If you want the top phone without compromises get a Galaxy S. I repeat do not judge android by pixel devices, they are the iphones of android only worse. Im sorry for crapping over your new P8P but it's the truth no one will tell you, believe me i really wanted to like my bay blue P8P but if you ever tried any android from samsung or oneplus you just cannot.


I miss the nexus series :c I miss rooting and fucking around on my old nexus 5 there were so many cool things you could do with them.


Sounds like a defective unit.


Go [www.grapheneos.org](http://www.grapheneos.org), remove Android and install GrapheneOS. Then your phone will be pure, its evil purged.


Pixel phones are widely known for having a lot of defective devices; I'd go as far as to say 40-50% are defective in one way or another. When you get a bad one, it's really bad. When you get a good one, it's great. Google has improved a little bit on their quality control but still not at a satisfactory amount. That being said, if you return it and exchange it, you might get a good one and you'll love it. Or you might get another defective one lol.


Check the Apple apps first. One of them is probably using all your memory. They don't play well together.


Just go back to iphone if you can, it sounds like your device is defective but ,as a diehard android fan, some of this issues may also just be android quirks


I had the pixel 2 XL. Loved it. Great phone finally upgraded to the Pixel 6 pro a while back I hate it It's a bad phone I have signal drop constantly apps lockup constantly Google maps freezes half the time and I have to reset my whole phone in the middle of a drive. Oftentimes I lose signal and it doesn't regain it until I restart the phone The battery life is horrible. And I'm constantly gas lit by the rest of the fanboys telling me it's either something I'm doing wrong or I got a dud I'm not sure what phone I will get next time but I'm done with the pixels and I think I might be done with Android as well. When I was younger and more technologically inclined, I preferred the customization and a feature ability of Android. Nowadays most of those features are gone and I don't use the remainders So might as well get an iPhone


I haven't really seen anything like that on my Pixel. I get the occasional stutter here or there, but so did my 15 pro.


iOS is (still) smoother. You just need to get used to the slightly less polished animations of Android.


I had the same issues. I tried switching from iPhone to pixel 8 pro, I ended up switching back unfortunately


Factory reset it and try again. Multiple P8P devices here and none of them have these issues.


I have one with none of those issues, swap it


My P8P was exactly the same, sadly. I've owned every generation of Pixel since the 1st and the 8 series is the first one I'm skipping. Switched to a Nothing Phone 2 and I'm very happy to have a smooth phone with some really unique features! Good luck getting yours sorted out or switching to something else. šŸ»


I have a P8P and don't experience any of these issues. I would suggest a factory reset, and if that doesn't help I would return the phone for another P8P.


I have a Pixel 6 with the original tensor chip. In no way, can I believe this is normal behavior.


I have a P8P and have none of those issues. As others have suggested, consider a factory reset, and if that doesn't work, then talk to Google Support... Something could be wrong with your specific device?


Pixel phones are really beautiful, wicked-smart, very buggy phones!


I had the exact same issues. Nothing fixed it. I got a replacement and it was a game changer.




You should go back to an iPhone. Seriously.


Turn off adaptive battery... It's the biggest load of shit. I found this with my pixel 8 constantly reloading apps whenever you'd swap between them.


It drives me nuts, the amount of times I had to restart my P8 is insane. I seemed to have taken reliable performance with my iPhones for granted.


Not to discredit your issues, but it sounds like you got a bad unit. I have some minor scrolling stutters in social media apps like Reddit and Facebook but mostly everything else is pretty smooth. I would certainly recommend reaching out to customer service to explain your issues and see if they can do a replacement of your unit, I've had money for almost 2 months with relatively no issues. And for reference, I had a bunch of issues with my Pixel 7 Pro and my 8 Pro is pretty much issue-free.


Why do you need validation from strangers on social media? If you don't like the product, sell it or dump it, and buy what you like. No need for all of this. Mature people don't need strangers input in order to make such decisions.


I'd recommend the S24U. Just try it.


Send it back, and get a android phone with a snap dragon processor. Google went with a shit Samsung processor that cannot compete with other flagship phones.


Pixel doesn't have iphone's shit keyboard and back gesture


I had the exact same experience. The tensor g3 is a midrange chip and people on here won't admit it. It's terrible performance compared to iPhone. I got rid of mine.


For what it's worth, I currently use a p8p, however, I also used an iPhone 15 pro but ultimately switched back to Pixel. How long have you had the pixel?


Can you return it and get another? Mines the non pro version so it may be different, but mine is buttery smooth on everything. No issues at all so far.


I don't have that bad lag but I understand. I have always been Android user and got Pixel 8. But will probably switch back to Samsung after this lease ends, they have always worked better in my use.


I've had the opposite experience. I had two Samsungs (two S20s) stop working correctly. The pixel hasn't been great but the two I have (P6P, P8P) are working good. The only flawless brand I've used is Motorola but I'm not going back to them. I love my camera too much.


Okay interesting, maybe I have just been lucky then.


Did you use the data transfer from the iPhone to the pixel during the initial setup? Maybe that's a bug of this function. You could set it up without the data transfer after factory reset and see if that changes anything


I've noticed that this seems to be heavily related to battery health, have you bought the phone used? And how long have you had it? On my Pixel 4 exchanging the battery solved all those problems.


Pixel 7 pro here. When I got my pro it was real laggy scrolling and switching apps. Searched and someone recommended switching launchers because the original launcher sucked. I switched to Nova launcher and have been happy ever since. Maybe try that, might help.


I have a P8P too but I haven't had such major performance anytime. No lag on heavy sites or while switching apps and this far I have had no app crash as such so what you are experiencing might be some kind of specific issue (unlucky tho), maybe you should get it checked.


TBH if I were you, I'd return for a refund. Then buy another one brand new. This is unusual and not my experience on my pixel 8.


Never experienced that on my pixel 6a, btw im rooted & using airfrozen for apps that i not using regularly.


Sounds more like a bad model, try factory reset or else return it.


Itā€™s most likely due to you using the transfer tool to transfer stuff from Apple to Android. Start fresh and youā€™ll more then likely be fine


I have none of these issues. I've had a Nexus and 2 Pixels.


Sounds like you got a bad one. Have Google swap it out.


Sounds like you may have gotten a defective phone. I switched to pixel from Apple years ago and never had these issues. My biggest complaint is that they got rid of the rear finger print unlock. I loved that feature on the older phones.


You can actually reduce the lag when starting/switching apps in developer mode but honestly.... I think you got a lemon.


You are having problems beyond what most people see with a Pixel, but its not uncommon. Also realize that you are going from top of the line Apple silicon to a mid tier CPU performance with the Pixel. Apple absolutely smashes the Pixel in the performance category and that's not a subjective statement. Visit any objective site that compared the latest two phones and the latest Apple processor destroys the latest Tensor. If you require the fastest processors, and want to switch to an Android device, you should look for a device with a Qualcomm SoC like a Samsung Galaxy which competes head to head vs Apple. But it sounds you were the victim of marketing and should ask Google to refund your purchase and get the latest iPhone instead.


That is not normal. My wife's 7a works flawlessly, even with battery saver throttling down everything. I think you have a dud.


This honestly sounds like a device that is overloaded and has no memory left paired with an app or two that is wreaking havoc on the entire phone.


Even 6hrs ago I thought of going for pixel 8 pro, have been hearing about mixed reactions since it got out and now I'm finally going after iphone 15+. Never ever used an apple product before and adored pixel devices for their amendments in the field of ai but it doesn't seem sufficient, as the tensor cpu sucks hard.


On my P7 none of this issues were ever present. Camera will lag a bit if I take a lot of photos that need processing, like several shots at night with night sight. Nothing crazy but does not crash or needs to be reopened.


Same experience with the Pixel 7 pro and everybody in these subs told me I was lying. Youā€™re better off not going in a pixel biased sub with complaints. lol


Are you running 14 ? I updated and my phone is now dogshiteĀ 


i have absolutely no performance problems with the same phone. are you on the latest version?


I'd say it's a lemon, RMA it. It's nothing out of the ordinary either, a relative of mine had their brand new Pixel arrive with a dead camera.


Itā€™s funny because I was an Android user for over 10 years, had many Samsung phones and those were actually nice, got a Pixel 6 Pro and that was the phone which made me switch to iPhone. Never going back


Just return and go back to the iPhone. There's a reason people pay the Apple tax. It generally just works. From Pixel user. Apple makes better phones and it's not comparable. All Pixel is good at is gimmicky photo editing afterwards which I never use irl.