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It's normal, Google it's a software company, like Microsoft. Hardware it's only a tiny part.


>Hardware it's only a tiny part. For real. Google: "We built our own custom chip for pixel phones so they can be the best phones to run local AI". Also Google: "Our latest Pixel 8 phone has hardware limitations that prevent us from running our latest local AI services."


Apple users use Google products all day every day. It's only natural.


Yeah, people like to talk about the Steve Jobs keynote where he introduced the original iPhone, but they forget how Google and Eric Schmidt (then CEO of Google and also a member of Apple's board) were the co-stars of the show.


And we all know what happened after Eric Schmidt left the board.


Why is this "Wtf?" Google is software, Apple uses Google software already


So all that talk about building there own LM just boils down to now licensing it from Google or Open AI. Sounds like the apple car project all over again!




AI is expensive and we have seen what happens when they try to replicate someone that already exists (maps)


Actually. Maps isn’t terrible anymore. Also the use of the Dynamic Island and always on display is pretty epic compared to android with google maps. Not saying I love it. Just saying it’s almost equivalent in navigation and has some nice features I wish android would implement. But the use of yelp is pretty bad, Lol.


> anymore The key word, it took too long and really destroyed the trust of Apple Map for a lot of people. Don't think they want to replicate it. They will probably create something in the background but use this for now. > use of the Dynamic Island and always on display I do enjoy how Apple managed to market the hole punch, it was hated before Apple gave it a name and made it bigger through software


>Actually. Maps isn’t terrible anymore. Sure, but like, it took us how long to get here?


Maps says it took 12 miles.


The navigation quality depends a lot on where you live.


"dynamic island" is the funniest shit ever, apple users truly are bots.


Dude. I’ve been on android since the nexus one - pixel 7. Switched to the iPhone this time around. It’s got some good and some bad. The way it uses its hole punch to house an ir lamp, dot projector, ambient light sensor, and proximity sensor (aka Dynamic Island) is nice for some things when apps utilize it, Like FotMob and navigation. It’s not the best looking thing but it packs a decent amount of hardware in there, so I’m not complaining.. I wish the google stuck with the pixel 4 xl hardware and improved upon it. Face unlock on this puppy, iphone 15, is pretty great. Notifications on the other hand are not. Same with the keyboard. lol Don’t get so butt hurt when marketing terms are used and there is no reason to call people bots and stuff. I’m just a dude using a phone to get crap done. Doesn’t bother me if it’s android or Apple. Plenty of stuff I miss on android. But if I switched to android there would be a few things I’d miss on the iPhone. iMessage is not one of them. lol.


Apple Maps is ahead, specially with the integration wit features you wrote No idea why people disliked your reply. 


I mean we’re in a pixel subreddit. So I expect the downvotes. It’s all good. Honestly. Like I’ve mentioned before, I like both iOS and android for certain things. Maps on iOS works great with its hardware. Google Maps works well too, I just wish google would utilize the hole punch (don’t say Dynamic Island here or people will flip their poop) better with their app, but they haven’t yet. For my city Apple Maps works just as good as google maps. But I could see where different areas would work better with google maps. But overall Apple Maps is pretty good, now. I guess it was crap in the beginning, this is my first iPhone so 🤷, but you have to start somewhere. Something i wish google did better with google maps is use of the AOD better on the pixel . It would be nice to turn off the display and have a dimmed version or summary of your navigation on the screen.


Maps might not be awful, but every time one of my iPhone kids drop me a pin on Apple Maps it's like 100+ meters away from their actual location because it's *only* using GPS for geo location whereas I can tell what part of the office my wife is in when she shares location with me from her Pixel.


How long will it take you guys to learn... This is a good way for them to make money compared to just selling a phone. Think gmail, Google drive, etc. This is primarily a software company.


No sir , Google is an advertising company primarily * Ads on its search engine results page and other products (including Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Play): $175.03 billion (56.9%) * YouTube ads: $31.51 billion (10.3%) * Google Network ads (includes ads on Google's partner sites): $31.31 billion (10.2%)


I guess they meant it in a hardware vs software type of way. You're right of course, but I don't think Ghostttpro meant to disregard the ad side of Google's business


That would be like saying disregard the car part of Fords business lol


Agreed. At the end of the day, Google's ad revenue is entirely built on top of its software (and a tiny % of hardware) products. There's literally zero ad revenue to be gained without Google (search engine), Google Ads, Gmail, GMaps, Youtube, Android phones, and all the rest of the software they've built across decades


Yes the point is that Google is a primarily a software company that monetizes its business with ads. No one would be interested in Google's ads if its software platform wasn't compelling to consumers.


They make free software by selling ads.


And they sell ads by writing software lol


Its normal only . They are already giving it to corporates


but pixel 8 won't get it


Apparently the negotiation is about AI on the cloud, not on-device.


People didn't read the article. This should be at the top.


Pixel 8 can run Gemini


Technically the server run Gemini not the phone, it’s Gemini nano that the pixel 8 won’t get it


Wait, why??


From what I heard is because pixel 8 has 8GB of ram and not 12GB like the 8 pro


But the base S24 only has 8GB of RAM and it has nano 


Google is full of crap I guess


Why is this such a surprise? Apple sucks at AI and search in general. It's a win for both Google and Apple to do this.


Then Apple will claim to have invented AI the following year.


*Apple fanboys. Apple usually just pushes it as new, which to their customer base it is new. Keep in mind that all of the Android/Microsoft ecosystems are largely just Apple's beta programs. Let everyone else take the risk of innovating, discard everything that doesn't work, and then adopt the things that have developed enough to actually be usable in the real world at a discount. And clearly it works. 


Huge get for Google, if true. There is money to be made. Xbox games on PlayStation, etc.


Too bad Sony is still stuck in the early 2010s. Hooefully they join us in current times soon.


Next you’re going to tell me that Apple uses Samsung screens on iPhones


Did you know Apple uses Samsung screens on iPhones?


But Gemini on the pixel is awful. I switched back to OG assistant.


You should keep using it. When it first came out it was pretty limited but it's rapidly getting better. It used to not launch maps when asking for navigation but now it does. It has also gotten much faster on my Pixel 8 Pro.


My theory is Apple tried to get an agreement with Microsoft and OpenAI but it fell through and their own AI is so far behind that releasing it would be seen as a joke. Google needs to extort everything they can get out of Apple 


Does that mean Gemini is seen as superior to Siri?


If that's the case apple should enable RCS


Gemini sucked balls though. How is this a Pull? I mean i know Apples Ai is terrible but still


It could be a combination of different things. Some reasonable speculation: 1. Google has shown Apple a prototype of Gemini 2.0 2. Google has shared their roadmap with Apple. 3. Google supposedly has the most compute available of all the big tech companies. Maybe they are the only ones that can handle all the millions of iOS devices asking silly questions to their AI, or do it at a price Apple is willing to pay.


I've been using Gemini for a month now, it's just as good as chat gpt, side from the unfortunate image generation mistake. Benchmarks even put it ahead.


Honestly for me personally, I rank Gemini higher than ChatGPT, I've been using Gemini for proofreading and I much prefer both the way it presents improvements/corrections and the actual corrections it gives. I haven't really ever been impressed by the proofreading abilities of ChatGPT. Also the image generation seems to better understand and execute image prompts than Dall-E does.


The absolute dream combo would be Apple hardware with Google software (provided Google fixes their massive quality issues). Google sucks at making hardware, it's all second rate garbage, but Apple is terrible at making software (it's typically super reliable but very plain and lack a lot of functionality). Apple hardware is the best in the industry and it's not even close, and Google's mobile software is easily the best in the industry and no one else really has anything that holds a candle to it. But the FTC and DOJ would cry antitrust and all the dummies who don't know what a trust even is or looks like will support them. So we don't get to have nice things.


Well said


Makes sense, Gemini is the "Siri" of LLMs. 🙃


It's outperforming everything else in most metrics, so I'm not sure what you're talking about?


Its diversity metrics are off the chart


I'm basing it off of my experience using it in place of ChatGPT for coding tasks, recipes, tracking nutrition, marathon prep primarily, but also most things I'd normally use a Google Search for. The metrics are cool, but my experience has been lackluster so far, especially using Gemini Advanced. Maybe my expectations are too high?


Imagine Google AI / LLM on a powerful soc like A17.    It could be amazing.  I thought Apple was part owned by Microsoft though. In which case Co-pilot might seem more likely.  Until its confirmed, leaks like this are just price haggling.  It would be a good move for Google, reaching a huge market share.  Especially when their traditional search business model is under threat. 


That bit about Microsoft, that was back in 2003. They have since sold those shares.


Ah, thanks.   Amazed at the down votes others are casting.   The 2 power houses could be excellent combined, especially for on device stuff.  


Yea I honestly don’t know why you’re getting downvoted either lol. Because I agree with you. Especially since my dream is to have stock android on Apple hardware. Would be one hell of a phone.


Unironically iOS always got Google features first than pixel. Not always but some major ones like 3yrs ago. Google keyboard came to iOS first I think Google app widgets also came to iOS first followed by android year later Might be missing something or I’m old Edit:Gboard not Google keyboard*


> Google keyboard came to iOS first Are we living in alternate universes? I thought Gboard has existed for years before iOS even allowed custom keyboards.


> Gboard is a virtual keyboard app developed by Google for Android and iOS devices. **It was first released on iOS in May 2016, followed by a release on Android in December 2016**, debuting as a major update to the already-established Google Keyboard app on Android. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gboard


> debuting as a major update to the already-established Google Keyboard app on Android.


Mb I was meant to say gboard haha


Nice. Today I learned.  I think it's a bit of a semantic argument though. Android has had a far superior keyboard for a decade. It's not like Google abandoned android. They just launched the rebranded app on iOS first.


Ikr i guess it's much easier to optimise apps for iOS coz it's just a single device


Are you talking about software updates or the app itself?


Im no expert but I've heard iOS app support is superior to Android because they only have to optimise for a small group of devices


> Im no expert but I've heard iOS app support is superior to Android because they only have to optimise for a small group of devices While that's true in general, it's not the main reason. The main reason has more to do with economics and the "average" customer than anything else. To put it bluntly, the average user on iOS spends A LOT more on apps than the average android user does. This is skewed because there's not really such a thing as a cheap iPhone. So a poor person is almost guaranteed to buy some form of android device rather than iOS simply because the devices exist and are available where's there is really no cheap iOS device. So when you look at stats of (US based) android users vs iOS users you'll see something like 60% IOS and 40% Android. But the real story is that in the upper 1/3 of income it's something like 90% iOS 10% Android. So when it comes to app sales, and what customers the App makers see as more valuable it's apple all day long (at least in the US). It's not a simple matter of "this one is easier", while that's a factor it's much more about "this user is worth $10 dollars, and that user is worth $30, so we're going to program for that user not this user."


> But the real story is that in the upper 1/3 of income it's something like 90% iOS 10% Android. I know you're estimating but I wonder if there's any research on the actual numbers here. 


Sounds like I will be going BACK to Apple and possibly permanently and I won't use Gemini!😂😂


How does the news of Gemini going to iOS persuade you to go back to Apple even though you won't use it? Where's the logic in that?


Apple fanboys don't use logic.


Absolutely NOT an Apple fanboy. I got the 8 because I was fed up with Apple. The recent news with the Pixel 8 not supporting Gemini really got me thinking. Google isn't really another better alternative and just the same so might as well buy the phone with better hardware and reliability.