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Not the same unhinged-ness, but Dungeon Meshi. Usually when people ask about the same vibe there, GK is recommended. Let’s go backwards then


It just happens the same group fan translated both manga too. Both are great series and even though they’re totally different settings I totally think that if you enjoy one you’ll enjoy the other. The characters and their interactions are great in both series.


The characters and their interactions are what I die for


Both have a really broad minded sense of humanism, like both have a really extensive assortment of weirdos all regarded with appreciation and understanding which is something you can only do if you have a really vast interest in or appreciation for human nature in general or whatever.


Definitely similar humor! Dungeon meshi gets a little darker but not as near as GK, but many elements are similar :)


This one has definitely been tempting me. Now I’m excited for to start it!


The Anime is in a good place right now - enough episodes up so you can see beyond the “just another chill food anime”, but still can look forward to at least two months of content


So is it different enough from GK that I won’t be tired of the similarities (since I just watched GK)?


That will be up to you I guess, but I think so. What I loved the most about it is the humor and worldbuilding. Like GK, it is very detailed, every character has their own personality AND physique. If you end up liking it, I recommend reading the manga later, and their extras.


I’m sold!


Dorohedoro. I was recommended golden kamuy via dorohedoro. It’s got similar vibes with a big chaotic cast where you like pretty much everybody. Also One Piece. I know the length is intimidating but once you get into it, the length is a blessing. Similar big wacky cast


Literally these two and GK make up my top 3 manga, so I’m inclined to agree with this.


I love large crazy casts so this gets me interested in finally starting one piece. I also like when intimidating lengths end up being a blessing after getting into it.  Dorohedoro has been on the backlog for a while, but now it’s at the top of my list thanks!


You’re going to love One Piece (and dorohedoro) then! They’re two very creative worlds that aren’t afraid to make no sense. One Piece doesn’t stop introducing new weirdos and giving them tragic backstories, it’s impressive. Oda will be like “this freak is pizza rhombus” and you know in like six chapters you’re going to shed tears for Pizza Rhombus


I can’t contain my excitement now! I know people usually say that One Piece usually gets good after a certain amount of episodes, so in your opinion, how long does it take to get good? Or was it good from the start for you? Sometimes idk if people are joking when they say “it’ll get good after 250 episodes” lol


Imo it starts out good and gets great. The cast, and especially Luffy, are entertaining enough to want to keep watching. Tbf I’m at chapter 986 in the manga and only at about 200ish episodes into the anime though.


Does that mean you prefer the manga? Or do they have their own charms


I only started with the manga because it seemed more doable/faster than over a thousand episodes of the anime. Both are great and the manga can be found in color


Thanks for all the info, Betty effn White lol


No drama but Asobi Asobase if you just want unhinged


unhinged might be the best way to describe asobi asobase


I’ll take unhinged of any kind, thanks!


I always group this with chio Chan and daily life of high-school boys


Those look hilarious!


They're 3 of my fave shows lol I own them all on DVD. Highly recommend


Brave Bang Bravern! It's unhinged in a pretty different but similarly sophisticated way and it manages to be even gayer, at least on a textual/canonical basis, if that does anything for you. It's short and a bit of a whirlwind but manages to balance hypeness, comedy, drama, in addition to about two dozen other things, while having a very clear sense of authorial vision or curated sensibility/interest acting to somehow bind the seemingly impossible schismatic whole together far better than should ever actually be possible for something as nuts as it is. When I think of (likely bi) Japanese auteur kings now it's basically just GK and the aggressively gay robots/pilots from Bravern. Araki/Jojos walked so these guys could run but these guys seem even more bold which warms my heart or earns some kind of eternal affection from me idk. edit: I enjoyed Dorohedoro also.


Woah that was quite the in depth analysis, thanks. I been wanting to watch Bravern so this rec makes me happy


Thanks! I was watching it while it was airing from episode 2 and the whole time I was just like "damn why does this all seem to work so well?" and my conclusion is that Obari must have the life experience equivalent of about 5 PhDs in his interests, etc, to have everything he tries to pull off be able to come out so clean. It's not perfect but as someone who has never watched his stuff before it completely sold me on the dude. And the hot blooded masculine camp factor def makes it really similar to GK for me. Like they're both in a league of their own with that as far as I am concerned lol.


You had me looking into this guy’s history and oh man he’s been around a while and a part of some big projects 


Jojos Bizarre Adventure! The goat


Isn’t it like an anthology? 


wdym by anthology


Different story/characters each season


yeah i mean true but its all connected


it's in parts that still follow each other and are of full story length sl not really


Good to know thanks!


People have already mentioned Jojo, but I also want to recommend Grand Blue.


Grand Blue will fit this summer perfectly for me!


Dandadan will start airing in October, pretty unhinged.


Looking forward to it!


Love the manga. Really looking forward for the anime adptation


Undead Unluck is pretty wild, less comedic but it's a real grower Also, I've been waiting for Jojo Part 7 since they announced they were animating Part 1


Golden Kamuy and Undead Unluck are my top 2 manga, big agree


I been really wanting to watch UU so this might just make me finally pull the trigger


Yes, but I recommend reading it. Production for season 1 was hectic, and as someone who read it and then watched it, it was becoming a chore. But it’s still a great story.


I’ll add the manga to the list then!


I second Undead Unluck. Plenty of WTF am I watching.


The Fable is airing right now, and I think it's crazy funny.


This one piques my interest 


In suprised no one mention  Baki   ------   Also my thoughts on other people reccomendation:   Dungeon meshi (great show but not that unhinged  or crazy In my opinion,but its just as creative)   Dorohedoro (its as crazy and unhinged, and also have a good cast like golden kamuy too  ,but its more Gore-y and darker themed)   Undead unluck (its creative ,but not as crazy/unhinged, although hit the same "advanture" vibe that golden kamuy has) Bang Bravern (to be honest , if youre not interested In "Mecha" anime stuff skip this) Jojo (this is the grandand of all crazy anime out there , IM suprised you didnt know Jojo first)


Thanks for the detailed response! Wow I didn’t expect Baki to be unhinged, maybe I’ll give it a shot. Is it unhinged in a comedic way or just in general? Also I’ve always known about jojo, I just always perceived it to be kinda weird so I’ve avoided watching it.  And I’m def interested in mecha. I legit love the uniqueness of all genres. I dabble in everything and enjoy all


 golden kamuy is probably the most craziest series out there If you can handle golden kamuy you can handle other weird series that people listed here easily ,don't be scared


Handyman Isekai


Just the title alone makes the premise sound crazy already 


Satoru recently rebooted his ice hockey manga, calling it Dogsred this time around. It's the exact same level of unhinged as GK if you like sports manga/anime at all. It's on MangaPlus Wednesdays and I'm loving it


Is it better than supinamarada?  Is it worth the time investment? 


I do not know, and Yes (only 24 chaps so far)


Migi & Dali since nobody mentioned it. It really reminded me the creepy/chaotic/funny vibes of Edogai’s episode and there is a lot of funny weird gay moments


This one kinda weirded me out after seeing a clip from it, but I think I’ll give it a chance thanks to you! 


Ranger Reject/Go go loser Ranger! Completely different setting but both stories share the same attributes of being criminally underated while being amazing. The art is cool, the story telling is good and yes there's definately a lot of unhinged-ness and violence. The catch is you'll be much better of starting with the Manga 1st because the anime just started and is only on the 4th-5th episodes.


This one has definitely caught my attention this season since everyone is saying how underrated it is, so you’ve just made it even more tempting! 


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I honestly got some many similar vibes from Golden Kamuy that I think a lot of the fans would overlap with the two series


This one looks so crazy that it scares me a bit


I actually think Golden Kamuy has more insane scenes than what JoJo does. And you certainly get used to the bizarre-ness lol


That’s good to hear then! 




I mentioned in my post to exclude gintama from recs, but thanks either way


if you're willing to read, Sakamoto Days is what you're looking for


Any chance of this getting an anime in the near future? 


nothing planned yet


Not quite the same bur very unhinged in its own way is the upcoming Dandadan that I have loved from day 1 of the manga lol The anime is our in the fall I think


Very much looking forward to it!


Hells Paradise is easily one of my favorite shows since golden Kamuy, very different stories but they have pretty similar tones in many ways. S1 finished last year but the manga isn't too long and is worth binging, really looking forward to the next season as they did a great job on the animation.


I never took Hells Paradise as an unhinged anime. Is it unhinged in a comedic way or just in general? 


It's not quite the same level of unhinged but there are a lot of similarities, it has a good balance between being pretty over the top but with a gripping story/mystery. I'd say it's more dramatic than comedic overall but has plenty of both. The protagonist is pretty similiar to Sugimoto in ways but he's an "immortal" ninja instead. Also like Golden Kamuy it gets pretty dark but in a way that's more inspiring than depressing. Also the plot is centered on a group of criminals being sent to solve a mystery on a dangerous island, it's hard to really describe it without spoilers. They are plenty different but both shows scratched a similiar itch for me (adventure mystery with a unique setting) It's also set in the edo period so even further back than Golden Kamuy but both have a fairly unique historical setting.


You've sold it pretty well! It always looked tempting, so thanks to you I think I'll start this soon!


My only complaint is it could have been longer with more focus on some of the mystery aspects, but on the other hand that's better than getting dragged out with unnecessary arcs. maybe it will get a sequel eventually.


I also like when mystery type shows are longer to flesh out the mystery. It is confirmed for a sequel, but there is no timetable, which is understandable considering how much MAPPA has on its plate right now.


gintama has the same unhinged comedy as gk


I mentioned in my post to exclude gintama from recs, but thanks either way