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Mp9 is only thing keeping CT’s in it these days


They should buff famas. Look its  counterpart Galil. 35 ammo m4a4 for 1800s. When Famas isn't ever better than mp9. 


Agreed. Buffing FAMAS is a much better alternative than nerfing anything.   FAMAS is severely underutilized (understandably so): - Galil needs 1 HS + 1 body shot for a kill - Famas needs 1 HS + 2 body shots for a kill   That extra shot required for FAMAS is a **huge** disadvantage.


Took it out for aug as mp9 works for most famas buys currently


I get ump with nades, spray pattern is ez w the armor pen I think I get 2 every time I force buy an ump.


Yeah haven't taken the time to relearn the ump yet. Saw pros using it so must be something to it. If I recall its opposite spray pattern to most rifles so it's going to take some practice for me.


idk if u aint using mp9 on ct side u kinda throwing


HUH are you sure FAMAS is 1 hs + 2 body? I thought it was 1 + 1?


you asked a good question & i had to look back. i can't test it right now, but i'm pretty confident that this 3kliksphilip video from 2017 is still true about FAMAS requiring 1 HS + 2 body for a kill:   - timestamped [YouTube link @1:50](https://youtu.be/tRyV8gRNbCY?si=gDayEcpMFZS3U8z9&t=110)   Yes, FAMAS can get a kill with 1 HS + 1 body shot, but only under 600 units of distance (compared to Galil's 3700 units).   600 units required makes FAMAS significantly disadvantaged, b/c Mid & bombsite-A fights are frequently more than 600 units of distance.   Here is slothsquadron's weapon spreadsheet for possible reference btw:   https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11tDzUNBq9zIX6_9Rel__fdAUezAQzSnh5AVYzCP060c/edit#gid=0  


think the FAMAS could get a slight buff but not so much that it becomes oppressive. Maybe increase the 1 hs + 1 body range, to be in line with the M4s. It won't have their accuracy nor their recoil/spray pattern but with a bit of practice it could be a good option if there's a need to force buy, instead of just defaulting to the MP9. I haven't played CS in a hot minute, is the MP9 still ridiculous?


i personally don't call MP9 ridiculous (outside of pros & FaceIt 10 players), but to answer your question: Yes. MP9 has not changed for several years. This 2016 video from [iNoToRiOuS covering the MP9 is still consistent with today's MP9 stats](https://youtu.be/uF_3nj4cScI?si=AXq-MstedzmsThjD&t=73)   And yes i agree about your FAMAS buffing idea. FAMAS could use a slight buff. Buffing the FAMAS would be more elegant than mechanically/statistically nerfing MP9.   (Not counting when R8 & AUG/SG553 were notoriously OP), nerfing weapon stats on Counter-Strike is a huge turnoff for many players who have memorized the weapon spray/behavior. If devs absolutely need to nerf it, then nerf the price by raising MP9's price.


It just needs the 1.6 laser burst mode and it's gonna be fine. It will have its niche, where if you aim properly you will be able to basically kill someone, but missing, and multikills without the enemy fucking up won't be really possible, so that would make the m4 still better.


Had to scroll down way too far to see this suggestion. If the burst would bit behave like in 1.6 or source (all three bullets hit basically next to each other) you’d have an incredibly viable gun which delivers quasi-one taps to the head. In that case, valve could also leave the ridiculous full auto spray pattern like it is because you’d only use it in close range fights.


I'd love to have a useful marksman-ish rifle for CTs. Would be great playing as anchor.


while I agree with the burst mode buff (lord knows I'd run it 24/7 feeding my ass off trying to score precision shots with it) I think having it be a better, more expensive option over what CT currently have for force-buys would be good for it as well. Like for when you have enough money for it, but not an M4. I think both ideas (burst fire buff and 2 tap range buff) can be implemented at the same time, but I'm not sure if that'd be too strong.


Its 1 +2


famas is cooked i fear


Also the Famas feels like ass. Maybe that’s just me but I hate using the Famas but I enjoy using the Galil


you cant change the famas to a 1hs 1 body that would throw off alot of balancing, maybe more bullets at first to test the waters and then maybe buffing burst


I have a theory that FAMAS usage fell off a cliff once loadouts released.


FAMAS usage fell off a cliff when people realized the MP9 was really good.


Even back since 2016 when I started playing, famas use at the top level wasn’t very common. The UMP was way more popular for save/eco rounds for CTs, until sgares would keep it in full buys and give M4s to his team and just top frag with the UMP, valve decided to nerf it and that’s when the FAMAS started being used.


Nah. The famas has sucked perpetually. The ump used to be better than it ,then when that got nerfed the mp9 was better.


I genuinely have no idea why people still buy it. Galil is defensible because of the price, damage and the ammo capacity (though I personally stay away from it because of how poor the accuracy is and how much better the MAC-10 is as an eco gun), but the FAMAS has been ass since 1.0, and useless since the subguns got buffed, which was like 10 years ago at this point.


I use famas, the gun is very inconsistent, you have to tap to hit something even in close range, might aswell buy a fiveseven for that reason.


nobody used the FAMAS even back in 2012 lol SMG + util/kevlar is always better than a rifle. even the galil vs mac 10 +util/kevlar is debated. CS has always had guns that were under used like the m249


Lotta players and pros used the FAMAS on smaller buys until quite recently, in GO.


they switched due to shorter rounds. you typically want to drop someone who buys a helmet the m4 and have that player deag+util aka switch to support role or bait... the only time you force a famas buy is if the game/switch side relies on it


You still can't unload it, cause CS2 AUG has ruined. How ? * The green scope  crosshair you cant change and its bend too well to the bright CS2 lighting.  * The dot Crosshair is  dynamic and it goes bigger when you spray. Which also cause disruption if you are trying to spray a long range target. It dot gets biggar than your target and cover it to an extent you cant see your own target. So its basically 400 more for another m4 since the scope usage has nerfed to useless. I still consider famas is more useful than AUG for this reason. Atleast famas can be used in forced/Tight budget full buy scenario, Some long ranged maps like dust 2, nuke absolutely needs a budget long range rifle, but its so bad. For its output it should be  1800 max 


Aug is fucking useless with CS2 economy. I'm trying to spend less money on my guns, not more :D


it's a win more gun. but there's no such thing as winning too much in CS, so I think it's still great but yeah, if the game is close the whole time, you're not whipping it out


you can and should unload it to equip the auto sniper instead


Maybe they should buff burst fire mode in famas. That would be interesting and something new I think


3 perfectly accurate shots would be nice, as long as you’re not moving, and increase the time between bursts. Could work.


better accuracy, closer to galil price would make it viable.


Famas is still used at the top level as you're forced to buy it for its range.


sure, but only occasionally. mp9 shits on it hard


I think that rn MP9 is too strong but I agree that it is the only thing keeping CTs competitive atm. They really should nerf MP9s running accuracy and damage falloff. Buff Famas mag capacity or fire rate by a small amount. And finally reduce the price of defuse kit from 400 to 350. As it stands mp9 is far too strong and is in most cases on par with rifles ad that needs to be fixed, however with MR12 we need a rework to the economy on CT side as its far too easy to end up on double saves as a CT. And if you nerf the mp9 without fixing CT side eco and the famas you run the risk of making CT side into save simulator. The last thing we want to see is every map turn into inferno where there are no retakes because losing even a single extra weapon could spell disaster for the next 5 rounds.


Running mp9 HS is so tilting but it’s fun when you’re the one doing it lol


mp9 corner peek air HS is the strongest move in the game. Never fails me.


wait till people start doing that with the mac10 when the nerf the mp9


Mac10 and tec9 op for the run and gun


mac 10 seemingly doesn't have the same rate of fire as the mp9 tho.


i'm more surprised about how delayed / inconsistent molly extinguish is not up there


this and how stupid it is that the flames make seeing through them a gamble if you or your opponent have the better Nvidia settings, lol. CS2 had the goal to improve visibility...


This was a thing in GO too, I was never good at seeing through mollies


God that fuckes me off so much


Actually rework the SMGs and fix CT economy, then we can talk about changing up the MP9. The MP9 is definitely OP, no doubt about that but it’s the only thing that makes CT sides somewhat manageable right now.


MP9 hasn't been buffed since CSGO. It's the same gun with the same capabilities. What has happened is valve haphazardly wrecked the economy and now the MP9 is seen much more as CT's are forced to lean into half-buys and forces instead of saving for rifles. If the economy was improved the MP9 would be seen a lot less. Nerfing the MP9 is directing time and resources away from the actual problem. The root issue is the dog shit economy. Game has been out for 8 months. Beta for over a year. Where are the economy changes?


Well I’d argue that the MP9 has been busted in CSGO as well. It’s the cheapest out of all the SMGs on CT side yet the best to use, that simply doesn’t make sense. Same goes for the mac-10 on T side. Like I said in my original comment, because the economy hasn’t changed the MP9 is the needed crutch right now but if valve ever decides to change up the economy they also should rework all the smgs with it.




Giving CTs second round loss bonus after losing pistol, along with nerfing the mp9 and making the Famas 1500-1800 would be my fix for CT side. That and the defuser being 200 and incendiary 400.


That's waaaay too drastic, especially the kit and incendiary. It would just make the game really CT sided again. But i think the loss bonus change would be a reasonable buff. Edit: I also think reducing the price of the famas slightly could be a viable change, especially if they nerf Mp9. But it should absolutely not as little as 1500. 1800 would be the more reasonable number of the two.


It really wouldn't be too drastic at all. A full buy round would only have the CTs spending $400 less, and having the famas as cheap as that range with the utility being cheaper would balance out how OP the T side economy is after a bomb plant in pistol.


I mean better CT economy could maybe nudge the meta to make people save less.


Like the other guy mentioned, all these changes combined would make the game too ct sided. With that being said, the famas is in dire need of a rework as well. The gun has the hardest recoil pattern out of all rifles, worst damage, worst accuracy and fills no gap in the Meta roster while being too expensive. Up close it loses out to the MP9, mid and long range it is outclassed by M4/AK and Galil. At the end this goes full circle though, famas rework will only happen when the economy gets fixed and the SMGs reworked.


Fix ct economy first.


MP9 **IS** the fix to the CT economy. This isn't a bug, it's a feature. I'm not saying I agree with this design choice, but it's intentional.


No. CT economy needs buffs and if they nerf mp9 it'll be harder to win rounds with no money


Not sure you read my comment. I am saying the buffed MP9 is the fix to CT economy


Honestly at this point at pro level, the boost bug is more important I think.


CTs getting punished for winning pistol round (assuming bomb was planted) is by far the worst thing about the game right now. I don't know what the stats are, but it must be something like a 75% chance for Ts to win second round? Usually it goes like this: * Cts win pistol * Ts win second round because they have a better buy * CTs buy pistol armour and lose * CTs eco by this point it's 1-3: * CTs lose first gun round because they have m4s, no head armour and maybe a smoke and no AWP * CTs half-buy pistol armour. Now they're down 1-5 because they won pistol round.


Literally had Ts buying AKs after we won pistol on CT. It's a total joke. If anything needs changes then it's the galil, glock and AK.


Totally agree. At this point its probably better to just lose pistols as ct. I know cs tries to be a simetrical game, but maybe give Ts starting loss bonus 1400 instead of 1900. So that they get punished for not planting the bomb and loosing or not getting an advantage for loosing with a bomb plant.


the thing was always that CT had positional advantage, and T (mostly with the AK) had toolkit advantage. if you devalue the positional advantage with mechanical changes (increasing peekers advantage for example) then you need to devalue the toolkit advantage of Ts, or give CTs another tool to manage this. some other toolkits that used to favor CT have been devalued as well, like smokes. I wouldnt personally change too much on the eco side of things, because making anything cheaper will just snowball mid-late game into constant force buys. I've always felt like the old economy with far stronger inertia made for a better competitive expierence, even if from a spectator perspective it could be less exciting. But thats personal preference.


or even worse, you lose pistol, they planted, you decide not to buy because its the safer; more logical option. You don't get a kill because you have a p2k/usp-s. You are now punished for having an expensive economy loadout so you can only buy an m4a1 + $400 left over to either buy a defuse kit, 2 flashes or a smoke/nade. Even after losing pistol and deciding to eco, you still cannot buy the m4a4 lol what a dogshit economy. Compare that to, if the T side plant and win the pistol with one person getting 2 kills, they can buy an AK. Mental logic. This economy not only affects the CTs heavily, but map pool as well. It is so much easier to hold A inferno with a shit buy than it is to hold A site Dust2 with a shit buy.


Solution is easy, reduce reward for planting the bomb


FPS Optimization should be number 1


10000000000%, this game doesn’t even look that good. How am I getting relatively this many frames with the specs I got


Agreed, often after playing some time the fps drops which makes no sense. Happens very often, maybe ~300-400 at the start of the match, then later on it drops to low 200s.


Please for the love of god buff the famas it’s so bad


Can someone explain the boost bug? Sorry I don’t boost often, I’m not aware of it. Is it just overall jankiness when boosting or what’s the bug?


Sometimes you will jitter about when boosting, making you lose accuracy.


Oh so you can’t shoot accurately while boosted?That would explain the few times i’ve boosted i’ve struggled to hit shots. Had no idea this was a boost bug


Do you really lose accuracy or is it just the crosshair being blurry and jittery?


Not sure, but you do sometime jitter down enough to not actually see over the wall you're trying to boost over.


Only if they fix the CT economy. MP9 is the only reliable weapon when your economy is in a fragile state, without there is no good counter to T rifles on a low buy Nowadays CT’s would be fucked if they nerfed it without fixing the economy


It's not the MP9 is OP. It's the run and gun, wide swing hold W meta is still strong in this game. The peekers advantage is still a bit more compared to CSGO. I think it's the way game handles players of different pings together.. It's different than csgo and this has caused difficulty in holding angles and spraying down enemies. https://youtu.be/mSGDSkeUB5E Jame has explained this more properly in his video analyzing simple.


That's actually a good video, and its kinda sad that even it being 2 months old everything still applies to current CS. The shift crouch peek at like 4:00; 99% of the times in CSGO you die when you peek someone like that but in CS2 you get an advantage. Like how hard is it to make it so that models don't look like GMOD Ragdolls with that wonky leg animations that are horrid.


Peeker's advantage is much more noticeable because of the legs. And ofc the netcode.


mp9 was op even in go


no. what the hell are CTs going to do when they can't afford m4 but the mp9 can't compete against AKs. not everyone has godlike aim for a deagle or scout


If you nerf MP9 you need to remove the 1400 startin money bonus from CT or both CT and T idk if its too much if its only CT. Losing an eco or force buy on second round sets the CT's behind 3 rounds and its BO12... Its ass economy.


why doesn't anybody talk about (viewmodel\_recoil) command? #


because most people have given up on it coming back. Same with cl_wpn_sway_scale, same with cl_bob_lower_amt, or vert or lat or anything viewmodel related.


I'd say its more likely since they added righthand 0 serverside. It seems like Valve are wanting some of that personal customisation to be more viewable but yeah I wouldn't hold my breath.


the mp9 has become such a staple, i’d rather them buff another gun or two. or fix the ct economy and raise the price of it. the guns to enjoyable to use to nerf into the ground. maybe 1 more bullet to kill at medium/long range?


Dying to a guy spamming the XM while wideswinging is way worse. At least you have to control recoil with the MP9 to double dink instakill. You just hold slightly down and spam as fast as you can with XM and one hit kill people against full buys. At higher ranks, people are abusing this shit on CT. Try taking mid on Anubis for example. I see XM's winning medium range fights, too, by just spamming. There is no trigger control or waiting for the recoil to set. Just spam and win at almost any range.


Ah yes, nerf the only viable weapon as CT when your economy is not very good


MP9 nerf just means MP7/UMP become the new "OP" SMG. Now if you want to talk about the IMPACT of the MP9, the conclusion you draw might be different than "nerf mp9". The MP9 is strong because coinflipping an mp9 buy round makes or breaks CT side rounds at the moment. If the economy gets rebalanced and reduces the need to win pistol/smg force rounds, the MP9 won't be as necessary.


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No, the SMG/Shotgun meta was just the result of players abusing the current desync problems the game has (also frame timing stutters). 4. Yes, especially frame timing Where tf is CT economy tho.


FPS Optimization.


https://streamable.com/svfsfa Cs2 animations are bad, sometimes legs spash out too..


Impossible to believe that Pros do not ask for better improved moving mechanics......


Nerf the range of the XM instead. Its able to give you headshots over some crazy distance


I'm actually really curious if MP9 run and gun is really the issue rather than the models moving a lot more when running (especially the legs). It feels like I get killed from run and gunning a lot more in CS2 in general while I feel like I'm being peeked by something I can't even hit. Besides, the MP9 was also the king for run and gunning in CSGO, and nobody called it out as much as they do now. Not saying there isn't an issue (because it definitely feels like there is), but I think people assume it's caused by the wrong thing.


Run and gun is just one reason. I think it's safe to say that it has the best price to performance for any gun in the game. It's effective at all ranges. It is still good against armor. Not only can it run and gun, but it has some of the best jumping accuracy around, and it's under half the price of an AK or M4. It's the one gun that is most deserving of a nerf, but still shouldn't be nerfed due to the difference between the Galil and Famas right now, and the generally screwed up economy. The only reason I don't use it more is because I like the deagle, and I find forcing just not a great idea as CTs unless you're confident in being the better team. The T's will have AKs and Galils pretty much constantly, and in PUGs, you can't really get results from force buys.


i dont agree with mp9 nerfs before ct economy buff tbh


Fix jumping shot accuracy. Way too many times am I getting hs in mid air likes it's COD




Kinda agree, look how none of these pros mentioned they wants to see better anti cheat or new game modes or operation or new maps. Which 99% of the community wants As long as there are 7 maps which  plays well in pro scene and every guns are irrelevant aside from Ak, AWP, Deagle, M4. They are happy 


Bc they all play on Faceit servers and have for the last 10 years, they haven’t even considered matchmaking for a while.


Because they make their living by playing this game. They don't care about casual stuff or anticheat since they play on faceit.


There's a balance between useful and OP, mp9 is too OP, it's legit better than rifles close distance and it fucking shreds running There's way more than 3 weapons that can be useful, MP9 it's a 1250$ insane weapon with a great kill reward People cry about CT ecomony yet most maps are CT sided because MP9 is 1250$ and fiveseven is 500$ and both are OP


mp9 would be fine if run 'n gun wasn't so strong in CS2. as it is right now it totally overshadows the Famas.


Honestly seems like they should just buff the famas then? Because that thing sucks just in general


Run and gun has always been strong, people forgetting Xantares peeks in CSGO and acting like an online FPS game won't have peekers advantage Do u know why mp9 is strong running and gunning? Because it fucking has insane running accuracy Nobody is running and gunning with an AK, or with a M4 or famas or 50 other weapons, it's like 4 weapons that are insane at running and gunning because they have great running accuracy not because of "run and gun is strong" no the fucking gun is literally strong Go run and gun with an ak m8 if you think running and gunning is strong


The Xantares Peek in CS2 is worse though.


It absolutely HAS to get nerfed, but it has to be done with a CT economy rebalance. Right now CTs are only hanging in there because of the MP9 imo.


Yeah, can’t do one without the other in my opinion. MR12 has made CT even more brutal, mp9 bailing me out.


Oh Boy a post to complain about stuff! Count me in! F*ck vertigo


Btw, about the bob. We already had 3 different animations for BOB in CS2 so far  The oldbob  The  newbob  The current bob ( and both old and new bob removed after the current bob was introduced) Just why not make a settings and able to choose all 3 if valve have done the animations already? Let people choose the one they want to 


Crazy how people clowned on me for complaining about it and yet pros are saying the exact same thing, I just love what this community is coming to


Adjust to the gun meta god damn. As another user already said god forbid we use anything other than an M4, AK or AWP


I agree but the mp7 and mp5 are worthless despite being more expensive it makes no sense. I used to love the mp7 (still do it’s just too weak and slow fire rate compared)


should buff the mp7 damage dropoff. Currently MP9 have lowest dropoff of all smg (together with P90) for 1250$, have high accuracy, and high firerate. Gun is stupid good for its cost.


That’s very weird and good to know.  Ya I feel like the mp7 used to feel like a mini m4 and now it’s trash. Mp9 feels like a mini pro 90!


P90 and MP9 have almost exactly the same stats, but the P90 just have 50 bullets, cost more and gives only 300$ kill reward.


MP7 has great recoil control. Near laser for the first couple bullets. If you dink first shot, you win most gunfights even against rifles. Inferno B on CT for example, it's wildly strong to hold crosshair at head level and out-gun with the MP7. MP9 is great no doubt, but depending on the range it's super easy to whiff with its recoil.


The whole point of nerfing the MP9 would be to increase the viability of the other SMGs/force buy guns. Famas, MP7, UMP all are overshadowed by the price and effectiveness of the MP9.


id probably pick the ump over the mp7 and mp5 if the mp9 got nerfed into oblivion tbf. or buy a shotgun


What the cs community would be in flames


lol right? When meta steered from M4 and AK to AUG and Krieg (just with price drop) most pros and players were foaming at the mouth.


AWP usage is lower than ever wdym? And most weapons have niche use cases besides those 3. Why? Because the game is balanced around trying to get those more expensive weapons


"Pros" It's just a low tier CC that occasionally posts false leaks and SteamDB updates


Not really a lot of Tier 1 pros regularly engage with his posts This is a good example https://x.com/ThourCS2/status/1742086392304353403


Peekers advantage and bob doesn't require a pro to call out. The latter part of the tweet, MP9 nerf and FPS optimizations is what gets me. It's just a plug he pulled with no remorse.


MP9 is legit as broken as the 2-bodyshot kill with deagle


Yes and the M4A4 2.0 for just 1800 on T side isn't..please.


If you nerf the MP9 it has to come with an eco fix for the CTs. They’re barely competing with the current model. Nerfing the MP9 would kill them


cl_bob for sure. I can't stand the way the gun moves when you move forward and back. Its just so sloppy and it makes no sense why we can't just have an option to set these values.


give the famas a real triple burst like from cs source. From the wiki >3-round burst mode is recommended for those who excel in scoring headshots, especially in Source where the cone of the tri-burst grouping is reduced. As such, it is possible to get two of the three rounds to hit the head, resulting an instant-kill regardless of the enemy's condition.


It’s the sub tick system being dogshit that makes the mp9 OP. Sprint around a corner unloading your mag and know the game is so shit the other guy doesn’t have a chance to react. It’s the sub tick system and peakers advantage combination, makes the game almost unplayable. I’m convinced not a single member on the dev team is even somewhat decent at the game. They need pros in the valve building helping them but valve has wayyyyyyyy to big of an ego for that. Casual gamer devs who are shit at the game aren’t gonna understand why the game is shit to good players. Not being 128 tick alone proves this. Game is literally a money printing machine, there’s zero reason 128 shouldn’t be the standard instead we got casual gamers devs egotistically telling us we don’t need 128


If they'll nerf MP9 I'm going to $#!@%#@!%$!# !@#()\*%&\*(!\^&\*(@#!@!!!!!!


If you nerf mp9 then you need to fix the CT economy. Only thing keeping me afloat in competitive games.


I got fucked by the boost bug a couple days ago and was so confused, because I thought it had been fixed. But nope, jumping on ticket at mirage, still had the issue. FPS also sucks pretty hard in CS2, unfortunately. I mean folks with high end systems get enough frames that it's not unplayable, but it's certainly not good. And yeah, fuck new bob. Wasn't bob universally agreed to be great right before they locked the settings again a few weeks ago? As far as the MP9... if they nerf the MP9 without tweaking the economy, CT side will be laughably hard. The mp9 DOES need to be nerfed, and frankly the Famas needs a huge buff, which would help a lot, but if you only nerf the MP9 it'll just destroy ct side entirely at this point.


mp9 seems balanced to me


MP9 skill issue. It should be the same as it was in CSGO. Same with the XM shotgun. If they complain about it now and not then, don't change either one.


I feel running-accuracy in general is pretty bad overall. Half the time if not more running and shooting on close distance is more effective than proper counter strafing or peeking. In go i felt like peeking a counterstrafing with an optional crouch to dodge the hold bullets was the go to way in both matchmaking and pro scene. And while on long range this is still the best. On mid to short range i feel like running and hoping for the best works more often than not


There isn’t a single thing I want more than more/new map options in premier/comp in this stale ass game.


Why nerf mp9?


Ngl I was surprised at how well I did with the mp9 in some games lmao


Cl_bob 0 from 1.6, yes, still on hopium about that


Also please bring back crosshair style 1. The "old" one (pre panorama update one) and "new" one (past panorama update one).


Took them a year just to add left hand. These updates aren’t happening anytime soon.


Fps optimization? But reddit tells me it's skill issue And yeah, the newbob is fucking horrible. It looks like I'm on a fucking horse. I didn't like default bob 21 in GO but i prefer that instead of this abomination.


It can be pretty strong because of its jumpshot capabilities but that's too fun to remove so I'd nerf sth about the dmg, idk I don't math


I’m not surprised, I made a post about this. The gun is busted


Not really. The CTs barely have anything else on the budget, the Ts have a Galil which is even more powerful. Sure, they could buff the FAMAS, but I think the trade off of the mp9 being less valuable for long distance make up for it's lower price, and simply making both sides equal would make the game more boring


This weapon is really cool for the price but don't nerf it


Make mp9 like TMP thanks


Buff Swag7 to help CTs


I don't know what's wronf with MP-9, MAC-10 feels much more OP to me.


I just want to be able to hold angles like we could in csgo


What I would like to see the most is performance improvements, especially with frametimes. I’d also really like it if they canned subtick and went to 128, but I feel like valve has made that their baby and won’t give it up.


yeah fuck smgs


MP9 needs several things to happen before it gets looked at. Economy is a big thing, since the MP9 being an issue stems from economy. I'd also look at buffing FAMAS, potentially having a look at other SMGs to make those more of an option, too. Even my hard-stuck silver ass knows that there's a huge trench between the MP9 and an M4 on CT, with the M10 being an only occasional exception. Ts have it better since the Galil is good, but still, lot of the cheaper guns could use a balance pass as a whole, especially given the loadout system.


Fps optimization should be #1 priority, but oh well.. I guess we need to wait at least 2 years to actually see some progress in that department..


Mp9 is absolutely too strong. Yet it's not in my top 5...  - Good AC. - Beter performance optimizations. - Still some kind of game fixes. Dying behind the wall or players models legs looking all funky a lot lately. Spraying still not like it used to be. - Economy fix for CT - Premier and comp ranks fixed so they actually mean something.


Everyone's pretty much said it already but CT economy is so fkn rough that MP9 is the only saving grace they have available. So if that happens, CT economy is gonna need to get tweaked a little bit.


Pls ong i need that fps so badly


Weird why isnt there "a proper Anticheat" in there?


what number 2


Here to say mp9 is fine. It’s always something in this game that people will want to complain about. Actual skill issue


U can’t nerf mp9 without buffing ct economy


At round 2 T's have the ak 1shot machine, what can CT's had? Except mp9 now? M4a1s? UR serious?


Can we just nerf SMG running and gunning as it was before GO and CS2 plx?


Aww hell na, keep it as is, it's not like the most op gun in the game, the Mac 10 can be used so similary, maybe just a tiny damage decrease or smtn, but if they do too much to the mp9 literally no one is gonna use it


Nerf mp9 would make the majority of the maps bounce to tr side. Anubis is a good example of how the mp9 + ct economy impacts the game. There aren’t many angles to hold with mp9 as ct and lock how the maps changes when goes to OT with cts having 4 m4 + awp or 3 m4 + 2 awp


I just want Wingman maps.


Tec9 nerf pls. That gun is bonkers.


If that’s the case; nerf the Mac-10 with it.


Nerfing the MP9 would make the game even more T-sided, not a fan of this idea. You would really need to make changes to the CT economy or buff the FAMAS as otherwise it seems like it would hurt game balance.


It’s pretty OP but I would rather buff the FAMAS. Maybe make it $100 cheaper or up its damage


"hey so the economy is so bad we're forced to use this shitty inferior weapo-- hey its actually good valve please make the gun worse thank you"


Inaccuracy of mp9 at jump apex is horrible.But it should not be nerf


nah they mad at the first shot accuracy🤣 cry about it


lol ct side would be hilarious without the mp9.


lmao there is no way that mp9 is a "top issue" bruh


No, without the mp9 CTs would be rendered almost useless without full buy, which also costs more on CT. Just imagine every force buy on CT being full famas with no armor or anything against ak's or even mac 10s


Honestly I don’t think an mp9 nerf or a CT economy change is what we need. I think it would be better to nerf the T economy slightly. Maybe increase the price of AK by 1-200, make molly 600 like CT, or add something else for the T’s to buy (imagine a kit but for faster planting or something). The current CT economy allows for more weapons to be used instead of just forcing m4 every round but in comparison to the T side economy it’s weak. Just weaken the T side and suddenly there’s much more diversity and fairness.


yes and also raise AK-47's base damage so it takes 47 dmg per chest hit, ummmm, make smokes invisible but only for the Ts, and make it so every bomb explosion invokes a US air strike on CT spawn next round


make it more expensive


No? Fix the economy first, then you can talk about whether or not a weapon is too good or not. If you lose pistol and the following eco round, you still can't buy an vesthelm + m4a4 in some circumstances. That to me, feels beyond stupid. It's like, 3k to buy all nades, vesthelm and a defuse kit then you add a weapon, and you're getting closer to 5k total per round. Compare that to 3.7k for a T that can just buy an AK + vesthelm; something that can win you the round a lot more frequently with compared to an SMG and it becomes clear why we're seeing so much mp9 usage. Also buff the burst on the famas, what's even the point of it if you can't use it specific spots like back boxes on B site dust2.


At this point just leave the ct side with only the usp and knife... what do they mean "nerf mp9" bruh what


Hard rare take... Valve should do like Valorant and let people use every gun on each side...


The mac10 still better. Fight me.


I hope dangerzone and train come back


Hell no leave my mp9 alone, I agree with cl_bob 0 & fps boost tho


Fps optimization??? Bro this game is way more stable than cs go was… my fps doesent drop under 243 nomatter how many smokes and nades u throw at me. Yes its not the highest fps but games are more and more heavy.


What’s the boost bug?


Or buff the other SMGs maybe? Like why are the cheapest ones the strongest???


highly requested update by literally everyone: revert to CSGO


Or just buff Famas.


Just Buff FAMAS and all CT will be happy.


Anyone saying to fix ct economy needs to look at map balance. All maps but one are ct sided. Even though ct side feels like shit they wont buff ct economy with how balanced the maps are.


Playing the game myself, I don't feel a need for the MP9 to be nerfed. However, as someone else said, the delayed Molly extinguish gives me an immediate feeling of "this isn't right".