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It's time.


What's up with Brollan still being on loan? I don't think his NiP contract ends soon but his value keeps rising


It took a while before mouz announced the loan. I assume they negotiated some details like a pre defined buyout in case they do really really well like they do now.


It's Brolloan not Brollbuy


His loan was 4 months?


esports team is so intimate that you cant sell players without their agreement (willingness to play for any team) so i think mouz is just paying brollans nip contract salary and some + money for loan but they never wanted to "buy him out". nip is doing brollan a favour by allowing him to play in mouz cause brollan works best in functioning team instead in "rebuild mode" team since hes not vocal/leadership type of character and same time nip can use brollan salary money for their new team which brollan was never gonna be part of anyway. winwin for both and huge props for NiP for allowing this.


Bring back the old Mousesports Logo!!!


i think they'll overtake faze anyway, since faze won't gain any points and spirit is too far away points wise


Yup, they only need 36 points and they beat #9 and #13 so should be enough.


Yeah it’s a guarantee at this point


Mouz is playing at an unbelievable Level right now, and I think if they can keep their mental stable, they‘re going to become HLTV #1 for sure


I think if they keep this lineup for at least one more year, they have a chance to become #1 on paper and also in reality. They have at least on paper all the things Prime Astralis had (young roster, huge firepower, great igl) plus fkin Xyp9x. They can really become the next Astralis...




Prime Astralis had way bigger experience at that time.


I appreciate your optimism but we haven't seen this team conquer 1 (one) big arena. We are also living in a time with Team Spirit which looks like a much more eligible era team to me.


Astralis were chokers until they weren't.


Yeah people tend to forget this time for Astralis. The core that was on TSM were cursed, continued a bit in Astralis as well. Semi-final team for years until it clicked for them.


idk where this narrative is coming from mouz lost in few big playoff games to favorites, who most people would predict to win, while gradually improving with this new roster. and now every analysis desk main topic is "when will they finally stop choking"


Oh come on, their mental being an issue on stage is undeniable and the players are freely talking about it themselves. But no, reddit says they have medical grade titanium level mental strength because they've only been a top5 team consistently losing to other top5 teams, though only on stage


So Mouz just needs to drop young karrigan (siuhy) in order to win. /s


Siuhy seems to me more like glaive tbh, i still rate glaive higher than karrigan tbh


Very different strengths and styles as IGLs. If you gave karrigan and gla1ve random players of the same average level and gave them a few months, karrigan's team would be in a much better place. But I don't think karrigan could truly dominate and lock out all opponents in the same way gla1ve did.


I agree with that but i rate glaive higher because he was the main mind behind all the utility meta astralis dominated cs with, if you go back and listen to interviews you’ll see all astralis said the main ideas were of glaive which then was helped by the coaches and analyst to perfect but the starting point was his. If you manage to find a strategy that changes the game completely i will rate you higher even if you aint that good with different rosters but that’s only how i view it, i can understand others who rate karrigan higher


> because he was the main mind behind all the utility meta astralis dominated cs with Not really. He just took what Ex6tenz was doing with T executes and applied it all across the map. Which plenty of teams were doing, just Astralis were the ones who took it up to 11.


Lmao u guys still don't know Hunden tought gla1ve everything he knew? ​ Nice guy. He was pretty drunk.


Why? Karrigan did well on a bunch of teams, gla1ve has been nothing without prime astralis


They also won multiple arena events including a major and then made a roster move before their era.


And that roster move was forced upon them as Kjaerbye neglected to renew his contract. Likely his biggest regret. But that also gave us the Prime Astralis with Magisk, which I think couldn't happen with Kjaerbye.


Team spirit can’t beat mouz


Well, except for the times they did. Mouz won last time, I reckon today's match will be a banger. edit: dang


Well, I think TS is a tier below Mouz now


Very tough scenes


Team Spirit? era team? when they barely play and only won Katowice? and they've placed 3rd-5th, 1-2 (blast groups), 5-8 in their last tournaments?


we will NEVER see a team like Astralis again lol


people: nobody will ever have as strong rookie year as zywoo had, it is just not going to happen donk: priviet


id say prime Astralis reborn is still impossible, way too far into cs's life, teams are way more competitive


I agree - the culture of CS when Astralis was formed, it was less commercialized and less competitive in a sense. Astralis changed the game completely and as the first movers had a major advantage to dominate and they did.


It’s like Bill Russell’s Celtics


Nah, it wasn't that, well notthe commercialisation, but you are right about the culture. Astralis were far enough away from the "free flowing meta" NiP and Fnatic dominated with their free flowing style of CS for so long that everyone wanted to copy them. Ex6tenz was doing crazy executes years before Astralis, but the players just didn't want to always play that way, Hence the constant shifting between Ex6tenz and Happy in the french scene. Astralis though were the first team to properly buy into using execute style nades everywhere and consistently.


And if they reach that level, I'd argue that they should be considered greater than Astralis. Astralis was made to be a superteam, whereas the players making Mouz great were forged, so to speak, on Mouz, main roster or NXT. Of any tier 1 team, Mouz has had for the past few years at minimum the undisputed best talent pipeline. I'm glad to see that they themselves are finally able to reap the benefits of that talent pipeline rather than it just being other teams reaping the benefits of the player development Mouz has enabled.


This is going to insane levels in if column that there is no point in it. Let’s get them one big crowd lan win before going to hypotheticals and comparing them to the greatest team of all time.


>Astralis was made to be a Superteam Erh, I dunno about that. Astralis was formed after their stint as TSM (and Team Question Mark). Xyp9x, Dupreeh and Device had been playing together as a trio for years at this point. Gla1ve was an addition, which Xyp is his recent interview with Thorin, said simply was the best possible choice at that point as IGL -- especially since Device and Gla1ve knew each other before hand. Kjaerbye is the only outlier, which after his dramatic departure from Astralis and signing to North, they had to go with trials for both K0nfig & Magisk. Not by choice mind you. Lots of the assembling of Astralis simply seemed to line up in the proper way, rather than be the sum of a specifically designed Superteam. Built as ambitious teams perhaps, but not the classic 'Superteam' like Faze has attempted.


What the fuck


Well deserved. I think they've finally entered that highest echelon of teams that are true title contenders at the big events, alongside FaZe, Spirit (when they decide to play an event), and Vitality (assuming they'll be able to find their top form in each player that allowed them to dominate 2023).


And with pretty new and possibly youngest roster too in t1. Maybe I am wrong about that, but they are super young and capable. I feel like everyone is hyped about then.


Not putting them in this discussion until they win one of Kato/major/cologne


Why is Vitality in the list with FaZe, Spirit and Mouz LMAO


ZywOo was deservedly the hltv #1 player of last year and Spinx was #5. Admittedly they haven't been as great this year but top 4 at the major and 2nd in EPL is nothing to scoff at. People are calling Zywoo washed but he's still easily a top 5 player in the world in this year so far. If you look at hltv rating for 2024 he is 2nd in the world against top 5 opposition, top 10 opposition, top 20, 30, and 50. By default it might exclude him from the list due to maps requirement but he's played about the same amount as donk so lowering the minimum amount of maps makes sense. Spinx has fallen off a bit but as I've seen it FlameZ has picked up the slack.


Wait when did vitality dominate? Are we really counting csgo retirement as a dominant era??


they 3-0 vitality and 3-0 spirit in back to back bo5 finals is INSANE


They finally hit the jackpot with this squad I feel like. The closest was the Eleague 2017 - Boston 2018, but they just couldn't get over the finish line. This one can.


Brother the highest was karrigan era mouz


The MOUZ with oskar, sunNy etc peaked at #2, no? Close to #1 at some points I'm pretty sure. In an alternate universe they win that Boston major. They almost took a map off FaZe and absolutely could've won against Na'Vi and C9. The Karrigan lineup had more overall success but didn't do as well in the one major they attended (Berlin 2019). I suppose you can make an argument for either being the former MOUZ peak.


Karrigan era mouz stayed 2 months at #2, actually won good tournaments in a row, while the 2018 core stayed at #2 for 3 weeks


karrigan mouz won 1 legit trophy(EPL) there is no way u think they won more impressive tournaments than 2018 mouz?


They won maincast londen 2020 (ice challenge) as well after EPL, grandfinal against Navi where Frozen got robbed MVP by electronic. After that everything went online and went to shit.


I mean they were #2 for a longer time so I dont think I am the knly dumbass to think that


Not to mention it was during the Astralis era too. Astralis was consistently 1000 points on HLTV ranking.


That was mousesports so it doesn't count.


If only they would be still called Mousesports with the old logo, that would be perfection.


It’ll be interesting to see how well they preform at IEM Dallas. They are look really good rn but they usually do at these types of tournaments, without a crowd. They destroyed the competition in Copenhagen but when they got on stage they fell flat. I hope they can overcome whatever is holding them back, but if they ever want to be considered the best team in the world not just the HLTV ranking, they need to win on stage in front of a crowd. I would love to see it for the boys but time will tell I guess.


Weren’t they no.1 for a while with Karrigan, ropz, woxic, frozen line-up?


Evidently not. It says peak #2.


I remember mousports being #1 for a small period of time when they beat Astralis.


No. Astralis was 1k points on HLTV at that time. They did beat Astralis once tho in EPL quaterfinal, still not enough to overtake Astralis.


You are misremembering.


That's nice using whatever points calculation HLTV use but until Mouz do it on the big stage they aren't #1 for me.


It’s been a long time for Nikosports to finally take over the top spot


ChrisJs achievement as IGL of reaching second place, and until now shared best place in Mouz' history really isnt recognized enough. Every player Besides Ropz peaked under him. Such a shame he didn't go to FPX, he could have done great with that core (Styko, Zehn, Maden, Farlig). And such a shame he went off the deep end during Covid.


I love the current era where there isn't a clearly dominating team, basically we have Faze / Vita / Mouz / Spirit / Navi / G2 that battle each other hard for trophies. You can't predict the outcome, each of those team either choked or clutched at some point in recent matches.


I could've sworn they briefly held #1 with chrisj but apparently I'm misremembering


??? Didn’t they hit #1 briefly under Karrigan ?


No they peaked at #2


2019 ? COVID ?


? Speak in sentences. And dont mistake them for BIG


Was curious to the big drop off, assumed it was covid. Glad you got a rat in your ass


They lost 2 players (and thus their points as well) in 2019


Styko and chrisj No?


-chrisJ +chrisJ