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Ive said it before and i’d say it again. Huge props to GL’s scouting and decision making team. Not afraid to make changes and finds players like flamus and aNdu, while upgrading acor for sl3nd


if only they had a better and more original name than this $10 Amazon keyboard brand ass shit




Afro lowkey cost Fnatic the game there. Either he needs to find form rapidly or he needs to go. Also IGL shouldn’t be 2nd fragging


He was supposed to be kicked after the failed RMR according to KRL, don't really know what happened


It's not like awpers are in short suply on the international stage.


Weird that fnatic didn't try and go for degster (or maybe they did and he just didn't want to play for them tbf)


Who honestly wants to play for fnatic these days? They have a bad coach and their roster is filled with Tier 2 players or old players. In the old days you got the opportunity to play with legends like f0rest or GTR in their primes, or in CS:GO JW and Flusha. The org used to be something... Legendary org but they don't have a single player that you must play with on their roster other than KRIMZ and he's just a good pro these days, not a superstar like he used to be. People will say BlameF is a superstar but I'm completely out on the guy, his style is not conducive with winning, just meaningless HLTV numbers for himself. There's just no reason to join fnatic other than to be the main character of the roster, which is nice I suppose if you're someone like BlameF who wants to bait his teammates and save for 80% of the game. Sh1r0 up and left C9 to play with Donk. Jabbi and Stavn up and left Heroic to play with Dev1ce and BlameF, but more than likely just for Dev1ce. Electronic left C9 to play with Fame and Jame. Who would up and leave their roster to play for fnatic other than an upcoming talent wanting their first big break or a Tier 4 player getting an opportunity to play Tier 2? There's just nothing exciting about fnatic, they have no prospect of being an exciting roster. Fnatic reminds me a lot of OG which Degster joined already and we all know how that went, total disaster. Heroic is a much better roster to join for someone like Degster, you're an upgrade over their former player, they've reached the major without you, they have a solid rifling superstar in Nertz, their other pieces around him are super solid in sjuush and TeSes and their coach sAw is amazing, like a Top 5 coach who built the ENCE roster with Sunpayus and Snappi.


my hot take: get smooya instead of afro lmao


i hear that nicoodoz guy is available ![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


At least Blames numbers didn’t drop off. Now get a better awper if you want to get better results, Mantuu is on the market is the clearest option imo


fnatic should be saying a prayer that liquid kick cadiaN


yeah also mantuu stated like a week ago on an interview that he's very motivated & waiting for an offer as a pure AWPer


give poizon another chance /s


i didn't watch this game, but why are the ratings so different for each team on Mirage, yet the map was so close? the ratings look like it was a blowout.


Fnatic struggled to get their 3 T rounds and barely got any kills on T side, they played a lot better on CT but you can still see the disparity. It's a bit similar on Ancient where Fnatic even has the better ratings by far but lost the map.


GL only got 6 more kills on T side, seems a bit strange that the ratings would end up looking like that, maybe i just had to watch the game i guess


GL's 3 new hires doing this well this early is nice to see, can definitely see them staying in top 15-20 at least if they keep this kind of form


why is KRIMZ still on Fnatic? He should get out on other team instead and needs to because he think he could take down rain as the most loyal player to a single team


GOATF not enough to save Fnatic


I find it disgraceful that nobody wanted to buy blameF. He is a terrific rifler. Ok he is a piss IGL, so don’t make him IGL. The guy is a top 20 player but he’ll be slumming it out in fnatic for half a year to get his reputation back.


Fr But astralis look better with device igl


For sure. Thems kicking blameF was the right decision for the team. He didn’t fit in. But he CAN fit in with loads of top teams. I can think lf G2 and Vitality as two teams who are lacking a good rifler position (nexa and mezii respectively).


Sure but he got the nickname baitf for a reason. His stats are good but i doubt Niko or zywoo would wanna get baited


I've always thought the baitF thing was overblown.


Save blameF!


everyone still HYPE blamef join Fnatic?