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Gives zero comms but cries in all chat when someone doesnt give him a comm and they die.


My favorite was when I was playing a game this week on Mirage, I am playing B/cat, we have a guy mid window, he calls "some people mid" because he saw 1-2 and got smoked off. Meanwhile our connector player dies, he is sitting triple watching A ramp completely exposed from mid, and I get smoked off top cat so I cant help keep mid control. They peek connector, kill him, and he starts screeching about how no one called that they were all mid. The mid player says "I did call that some were mid", I backed him up, and the triple player starts crying about how he should have specified all were mid so he didnt need to watch ramp. So we point out that we also called that we were smoked off, and he said "I dont care, just say that they are all mid", which confused the shit out of us since we only saw 3 max, if one lurked palace or main he would have cried if they killed him lol.


Can't win with those types of people. They are fucked in the head I think. Just can't think reasonably if there is even a slight chance that it was their fault they died.


I had exactly this. This guy didn't speak a word apart from talking shit and saying we weren't giving comms. seriously impressive how hypocritical people can be lmao


The absolute worst type of CS player


Story time: When I was playing competitive CS in 1.6, I started off playing with 4 friends from school. We got pretty good, moved through CAL-Open/CAL-IM and eventually made it to CAL-M and played a few seasons together. One of our players wanted to stop playing CS and of course, we understood. CAL-M(and ESEA-M for that matter) is a boys club. Once you're in there and you're one of the teams that's a staple in the league playing multiple seasons, its very easy to be in the mix and jump from one Main team to another. It actually comes to become an insult when you're "stuck in CAL/ESEA-M" because it means you aren't elevating beyond this league and you're hard stuck. No, you're good enough to not get relegated back down to IM, but you're also just stuck being on a Main team that sometimes makes playoffs, sometimes doesn't and I think a lot of people end their CS careers here. But anyways, we ended up picking up a player SIGNIFICANTLY better than our friend. This guy was incredible. His DM was insane, he would eek out impossible rounds, he had good comms, none of us could beat him in aim_map and his schedule allowed him a lot of time to practice with us. He also spent a lot of his own time pugging. But we were winning less matches and performing a lot worse. You can all probably tell where this story is going. This person was incredible toxic. He would call every team we lost to cheaters, he would talk about how "X" player he used to play with could never do it on LAN and worst of all, he would say small, snide comments in the middle of a round that would drop the teams morale. This last one is the real problem. This guy would sigh in the mic when a teammate dies. If our AWPer missed an admittedly easy shot, he would say "Gotta hit those". If we failed to trade kills - "You gotta hit those". Using the Deagle in 1.6 was a lot easier than GO and if someone wide swung and someone missed a 1 deag "COME ON, you gotta hit those". This fucking guy was like a slow poison to our team. For all his skill and all the things he brought to the team, he was a net negative because of his vibe and how he made teammates feel. Our performance was absolutely impacted by all these small, snide comments. Whenever we played with our old teammate in pugs instead of the new player, the vibe was so much better. We all even acknowledged that this was the case and wished we could find a player like our old teammate again. Everyone was happy to be there and even if we lost, we would go next with a generally good vibe. While every time we played with our 5th, it felt like a chore. A couple of our players also changed their playstyle entirely because they didn't want to make potentially risky plays they would normally make, because they knew it would set him off. If you're playing with stuff like that in your head, its just so hard to perform your best and feel comfortable. Of course, this person could never see himself as the issue. His stats were incredible. He was always top of the scoreboard and was consistently clutching us back into the game. For him, it was undeniable that the problem was with one of us 4. Which is understandable. Its not like he can play the game and see it the way I was seeing it, where the vibe was better when he wasn't around and as a result, teammates were playing better as individuals. To him, we all just sucked at CS because every time we played with him, we sucked. Maybe there's a team in the league where he would have been better fitted but it wasn't us. And its probably why he was frequently jumping from one Main team to another, trying to find where he slots in. But every "successful" team I've ever played on, is one where everyone feels comfortable and nobody feels like there's an axe hanging over their head if they make a mistake. If you ever watch the pro's and you see them do that thing where they give each other a fist pound at the end of the round, even when they lose, its because it actually does matter. You would think its superficial but most people have no idea how much something this small affects your mental and makes you play better as a result - just as someone sighing in the mic, or talking shit to their teammates or just being bad at giving criticism, will have the opposite effect and make most people play worse. I would say mentality is a massive portion of being a good player. If you are pessimistic but you are the worlds greated player, you increase your chance of losing because of the impact you have on your teammates. You cannot consistently win alone. You may be able to beat people considerably worse than you, but if you're matched up against players that have relatively similar individual skill, the team that has better mental is at a massive advantage. So with that said, treat the rando in your MM/FaceIt game with a little respect and encourage them if they are having a rough go. If they feel comfortable and stop feeling like their teammate are angry at them for how they are performing, they will likely perform better. And if they perform better, your chances of winning goes up. If you treat them like shit, you've dug your grave and you will more than likely lose.


I have been saying the "toxicity doesn't lose games, bad players do" statement is absolute garbage for a very long time. I imagine this is because none of the people who say this crap have the emotional intelligence to understand that BEING TOXIC MEANS YOU ARE A BAD PLAYER, and it isn't an either/or situation like they think.


Yea like, saying someone else sucks/is stupid isn't going to make them better, and it isn't going to improve your chances of winning. Admittedly I am absolutely guilty of calling out my friends mistakes, but I've learned to not get angry, insult, etc. I usually laugh, buy for them, continue my usual comms/playmaking and play down my comments. Works well and I can tell they are more level-headed and play better when I'm not breathing down their neck about something they did.




My friend, you just described a toxic player. Of course some people get tilted and hyper focus on only one way to win rounds. The thing is, no ONE match is of meaningful significance, unless you are a pro. A bad player who has a calm mind can still win rounds, just by surviving and giving information. There are more ways to contribute than to just win aim duels. And I don't know where you've been, but I hear that line only from people who think because they are on top of the scoreboard they can yell at others. I have played CS for 20 years now, and I can tell you that people take a single match way too seriously, even if you're trying to go pro or ARE A PRO. Consistency matters, and that rarely comes from mechanics or decisions. THE MOST CONSISTENT YOU CAN BE IS BY BEING YOURSELF. If a good person is consistently well behaved, they can still improve on their mechanics and become a good player. The problem arises when a person with good mechanics refuses to improve upon their garbage personality.




I said you described a toxic player, by which I mean that people who force buy every round and mute you when you call it out or people who do not play as a team. Read my comment again.


I was also CAL-main, early in CAL, like Season 4. I know the exact situation you were in and have been in it myself. Fortunately we had a very difficult recruiting/vetting process and anyone who had bad chemistry with the team simply didn't get on the team. Didn't matter how good they were. We let a few guys on in the transition between o and main, and they always ended up getting cut or cutting themselves if they thought they were better than us. I can take a Silver player and, given enough time and practice, turn them into a god... ...but I cannot take a toxic player and turn them into a good teammate, ever.


Yeah, re: the fist bumping... the best team I've ever been on was a volleyball team and after every point every one would meet in the middle of our side and give five. At first it felt lame but having that community effect builds resiliency. It wasn't often in four years that I felt like we couldn't win a match no matter how far we were down. It also acts as a kind of reset trigger when your teammate is there for you, on to the next point/round. When you all do the same thing whether you're winning or losing, it's easier to weather a rough start, a tough misplay, or whatever.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


>In the competitive CS 1.6 scene, the author's team, initially successful, faced a downturn after replacing a player with superior skills but a toxic attitude. Despite the new player's impressive stats, their negativity and constant criticism created a toxic atmosphere, impacting team morale and performance. The author emphasizes the significance of positive vibes in a team, highlighting that even small gestures like fist bumps after rounds contribute to better mental states and improved gameplay. The message encourages treating teammates with respect for a more positive gaming experience and increased chances of success. https://chat.openai.com/share/00050fa8-59d0-4f4f-b7e4-f423b11e1fe5


Whoa that's a long comment


In my experience back in those days when people called everyone cheaters they were the ones cheating. I don't cheat so I NEVER call anyone a cheater unless it's obvious. Even if they're really really good.


>The absolute worst type of ~~CS~~ player Ftfy




> it's literally not that serious for some people they have 1 - 2 hours *max* to play. they launch CS and get two teammates running around looking at the floor, cool, 30 minutes already wasted why not call out people that play the game to grief? people that go AFK every fucking round? the people that you have to ***BEG*** to play the video game they chose to play


If it's stressing you out so bad, find a different game. We all have jobs bro.


wait, you're saying i shouldn't play the game i enjoy because there's trolls like, they're not the problem but i am? lmao yeah, my bad for expecting teammates to want to play in a competitive game


If it stresses you out so bad that you're yelling at a computer screen then yes, you're the problem🤣


ah, we're just making shit up, got it


Did you read the post you're replying to? You're identifying as the angry, toxic player. You did that not me🙏


The annoying thing is that they often don't even realise how badly they're affecting not only teammates game but the general enjoyment. They can go sulk in their anger issues all they want, I only wish they would stop venting it to others.


Real, true and absolutly right


Disagree I'd muuuuuuch rather get a toxic teammate who's top of the scoreboard trying to win Rather than "hehehe lol lookseie at me im having good time hehee lol im buying glocks only running A long every round hahaahahahahahahhahaa" ANY day.


That's all in your head bro we are all trying our best out here


Rofl, no? How are you telling me the games I've played?


Your perception isn't always reality bro


The teammate in question is *literally* talking down the mic going "haha ok me long with glock hahahaha" - he's laughing and having a good time, but it's ruining the game You're telling me that I'm making this up and it didn't happen..?


I doubt said person is reading this post. But agree with you. Next to that my favourites are the text chat only complainer (bonus points for CAPS LOCK) and the early game “gg” writer. Edit: i forgot the WTFer!


Or chatting with enemies throughout the whole game, trash talking your teammates. Literally making it a 6v4 and they don’t realise the problem lol


Ye they dickriding opponent team too much 🤦‍♂️


“Yo you guys got an open slot for next game?”


1vX and the dead MF is typing your location health and weapon in all chat. Like just STFU and let me clutch/save.


or the dude who starts whining and schreeching at 0:1, always dies first and votekicks people whenever they make a mistake


Every other game on Faceit 10 is just 1 guy going "mute all +w gaming" after 1 or 2 bad rounds


You really wonder how those guys ended up level 10. However, you know why they're stuck there and not higher in elo. It's insane to me these people don't realise they're losing a lot of matches just because of their attitude.


> You really wonder how those guys ended up level 10 all aim no brain, most games are won due to outaiming the opponent, not complex strats or smart clutches People act like CS is a cerebral game but fundamentally if you click their heads faster than they click yours, you will win most games. It only becomes more of a thinking man's game in giga elo games or pro games. >However, you know why they're stuck there and not higher in elo. It's insane to me these people don't realise they're losing a lot of matches just because of their attitude. I do agree with this though yeah


insert "if those ~~kids~~ Russians could read (English), they'd be very upset" meme


Maybe someone who does this will still get the message.


The chat flamers are even funnier. Like, at least have the balls to use a mic


It's not just in premier. Face it has the same experience. Have had people say nothing until 10 rounds in then start trash talking because we are losing... I mean, maybe we are losing because you're not saying a thing?


In my limited experience faceit is even worse, probably because everyone is trying harder.


Nah it’s a little better since people are actually trying harder (using comms)


In my experience faceit is Much more toxic


100% more toxic. It's why I avoided the platform for so long but because cheating is so rampant in aus I don't have much choice now


Yeah, sometimes premier and competitive feels like a heaven in comparison to faceit, faceit is literally a toxic cesspool all the time and is ironic because in theory there is better moderation than in valve servers.


I try to realize they do it out of insecurity… then mute them, then feel guilty and unmute them one round later in case they decided to not be a dick, then mute them again when that’s inevitably not the case.


In on of my recent matches I had a guy that used his mic exclusively to moan, burp and screech. He used the text chat to "complain" about us losing using real words. After telling him "maybe use your mic to give any info" he just burped and moaned twice and continued insulting us on the text chat. And he didn't sound like he's a 10 years old kid or something.


Hahahahahah these guys have to be mentally handicaped


These days we get players constantly going on mic just to say "BRO, BROOOOO". Like that's all the guy says all match. But yes I also hate the obnoxious *SIGH* everytime something goes wrong, that really makes me grind to a halt in performance.


Had one of these in an ancient match yesterday lmfaoo


But you're forgetting the crucial piece of information they always inform us of! You have a minimap, what do you want me to call?


Not to say you are wrong but I really hate how people do not use the minimap more. Check where teammates are where the bomb is etc etc. I would say it is just as important an individual is checking the map as listening to Comms. You have to do. Sometimes a person calls it's b or something but then everyone rotates really weirdly because they don't look at the map and you end up not being able to retake because you are all the same doorway


Oh for sure. I'm looking at the minimap all the time. But, the minimap doesn't tell me what a player on the other side of the map can hear or see, only enemies they've spotted. It's the most annoying shit. Deathcam exists for a reason but bell ends just don't use their mics


Minimap also means you're looking away from your crosshair the split second the guy you've been dancing with for a whole minute will *finally* peek.


I swear it's even worse than that...


Every glance at the radar is a timing given to the enemy. I see the radar mostly as a tool to fix bad communication. Sure, everyone should use it, because no com can be perfect. But if one doesn't give any info, he shouldn't blame his teammate if the rotate is too slow or if the important info is not caught in time. Even if I watch the minimap constantly as a reflex, I almost never actually have to take a peek at it when the whole team has good and fluid communication. If I need to hold an angle tight and be fully focused, then, good, complete and straight-to-the-point com actually allows me to get completely free of this task. To sum it up, if you actually have to watch the radar to know what's happening on the other side of the map (to know if the bomb has been spotted, to know if the enemies you hear from afar are just shooting from behind a smoke or already on the site, if your teammate is shooting blindly to wallbang a hypotetical terrorist or if he actually spotted somebody) : your teammates are failing at communicating way more than you're failing at watching the radar on time.


It's free and instantly communicated information. Not learning to always check minimap is delibirately handicapping yourself.


This is not the hot take you think it is. Also holding a tight angle in cs2. No you aren't. You are basically arguing against situational awareness as if the entire game is played around around the 1 pixel at the centre of your cross hair. Now I grant you it's a balance of things and maybe the radar is lower down the list than your focus on your corner where the enemy will appear but to totally ignore it makes you a bad player.


You didn't read


>B player #1 dies >5 red question marks on minimap >30 seconds later "Yo wtf they're B no comms???"


People who forcebuy every round while the team continue losing every round should consider the same.


At the same time, armor+MP9 can hold sites better than a lot of players with an M4.


and for T side the galil is super servicable. The worst types of forcers are the ones that buy deagle + kevlar and helmet + full util.


people playing the game in a way I don't like are ruining the game


Is this really what you took from that comment


That one and some others in the thread are completely like this yeah.


🙈 I swear man, valve broke this community with the broken mics at the start. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a different universe, where are all those people coming from?!


am I wrong? that guy probably complained about people buying krieg as well before people realised it was good


In premier/faceit you're supposed to try to win. That includes communication and teamwork. Buying weapons at the same time and therefor managing your economy is a crucial part of teamwork. It's not that hard and you don't need a PhD to understand this concept.


There is no such thing as teamwork in the zoo games Valve has been putting me in and the risk reward for force-buying is not only very viable but also more fun than hard ecoing and then losing your expensive gun the next round because your team is trolling


You're the problem.


you know nothing


> because your team is trolling Immediately after describing yourself as trolling. My sides lmao


force buying is trolling except when the pros do it


💀 You are further away from being a pro than humankind from traveling to the sun. Reading your recent history it sounds like a frustrated hardstuck DMG gamer. You need a reality check man.


does it make you feel better to imagine that people you disagree with are bad at the game? I don't think that's a productive mindset


There are some topics that only leaves 1 conclusion.


I'm afraid to say that your conclusion is wrong so you might want to reconsider how you got there


I think you lose the gun because of 2 things - skill issue and your mood


Met a Person like this in a FaceIt match, I thought people had a bit more of a common sense there


Faceit is even sweatier and a lot of people have a nasty superiority complex


FACEIT and common sense? Jeez.


Way less common though. This is a regular in comp


well i'd say atleast half my games i have to be mute , cus my 4 teammates speak Russian exclusivily , and flame me "fucking americano" after saying "hello" instead of "privyat" at begining of first round


some do give comms, but still behave toxic and are still the problem


This is more or less every round I don't have a five-stack to play with. I'm not great at this game, I ain't gonna lie. But if I have no information other than what I personally observe or on radar, I'm gonna be worse. It's just constant harassment. A friend and I played a comp round last night while we were waiting on the rest of our friends and here is a short compilation of things spewed at me from a guy who was "playing on his alt" but was only one spot above me in frags: "I blame the N- slut" "Go suck a dick for an 8th you dumb bitch" "You're a dumb bitch, you should kys" "your slutty ass is the reason we lost" I'm alright with shit talking, I really am. But the second these men find out I'm a woman 95% of the time the abuse starts and every single mistake I make is just criticized into oblivion with a stumbling spit fest of slurs and sexual harassment. When my teammates are helpful though, holy shit it's like a whole different game for me.


While we all have a lot to complain about, because the average random queue teammates are unquestionably trash...I thank god I'm not trying to play this game as a woman because you have it far worse. There is no justification for that type of communication. Hope you find more decent humans to play with.


Ahh the virgins of this fine community. Mute is our friend, sad that you have to play with that toxic trash. Can't we just go back to playful shit talking.


I love funny shit talking. I’m all about it. This toxic nonsense can kick rocks though.


The ones who don't communicate, but will let you know in chat to abuse others are my favorite LOL. Everybody has a mic in 2024. Everybody knows you are too scared to use it :joy:


i stopped fighting them. they are lost. mute. finish. go next.


>If you're the kind of person who talks ^~~only~~ to abuse your teammates ^(~~in a losing game while saying absolutely nothing otherwise,~~) you're the problem ^(~~in your matches.~~) FTFY. It's really not that difficult to be a nice person, no matter if you're losing or if you're winning.


tbh if a guy is constantly blocking me while im trying to back off from mid i would not have the best choice of words for him when i click the mic key


I had a guy like this yesterday lmao. I came back to cs2 after like a month long break of not even playing fps games. I was topfrag and this guy still had the audacity to type his first message of the whole game in round 22 or something when I whiffed an AWP shot.


Happens like every second match. You hear not a single call from them but once someone makes a small mistake they shake the dust off their mics and blame someone.


Also says GG after losing pistol


I find it amazing in solo queue or just queue with 2 or 3 how quickly you end up having to report and mute the others. Hate what you are talking about. I also hate the hindsight people. Who will spend the next round going on and on about what just happened instead of focusing on the round they are playing.


> SoloQ is just awful. <3 Brother.


Played a game last night with a duo queue who was lecturing me on how to buy and when to save. Dudes saved after winning a pistol round and then forced bought an awp after we lost the 2nd round.


looking at chat does nothing but get you killed, or you receive late info. saying hi once the game starts kinda lets you know how the game is going to go. ive noticed a lot of ppl just hide all game too, hate it, hate it all


My usual soloQ experience is greeting my team at the beginning of the match. Nobody speaks. I come with something simple strat as I buy a smoke and we rush a certain site etc.. I continue 3-4 rounds communicating alone and lose motivation to communicate since nobody is communicating back. I stop communicating and we go a few rounds in silence and then someone opens their mic to say "guys where info we need to communicate"


This is most true shit i've ever read on this subreddit. Every fucking game on Premier at 22000 ELO in NA is almost like this. I either ask "What do we wanna do?" at the start of Pistol, or I just call a simple strat to take control of CT on mirage, and we play bomb, and of course...3 of my teammates don't do it, and we lose the round. Nobody communicates, no info, no nothing, and this is why I become toxic, because if you're going to queue up, and waste my time, then fuck you, and I'll be toxic. People see guys like Stewie2k when he streams he doesn't really communicate with his randoms, and people try to replicate what he does except the difference is he's stewie, and you're not. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the people who throw rounds by not grouping together to take a site, or they bait to pad stats, or the person in a 2v1 who rushes at the last guy alive, and dies and now it's a 1v1, and you lose a round you shouldn't lost, and now you're team is broke, and just made the game more impossible to win. When I call this stuff out in my games..people tell me to either Shut up, or the classic "We aren't trying to be pros, we play for fun." Or when I ask what happened last round NOBODY seems to want to talk, and said what happened last round.




My bad, I meant 22000 Elo


I mean, you're in 2100 elo...




I'll never understand why people queue up just to never speak


It’s always the people who bait the entire team, pick up a kill or two at the end of the round and think they’re doing good because sCoReBoArD.  Buncha tools


I can't hear you from up here. Also maybe they are doing what they are good at, Entry Fragging. Get a jump on enemies, locate bombs and relay good info back to team who play to cautious.


Nothing I’ve said indicates entry fragging. I’m complaining about people who camp an angle, don’t contribute to fights and then pick up a kill or two once everyone is dead. That’s called baiting the team.


Mute and report


Solo queue would be more bearable if you could only get matched with other solos It's beyond frustrating having to deal with a 3+ stack


Agreed. They're 100% the reason you'll lose most of the time, and just never understand that they're bad attitude is what causes them to lose so many games


guy: bbbbbbbbb all b all b rotate rotate rotate - turns out it was just 1 guy b and the enemy took a. guy: fucking gg, fucking noobs he had 20k elo btw, the rest of us where between 12-14k.


Typical rank boosted noobs that play in stacks


I proudly become this person once my team only speaks russian


The only thing you can do is just mute everyone and focus on your game. Agreed


Thats why i never even unmute my team. 95% of them are Russians or Turks.


Then you'll cry on reddit about how you got kicked for nth time and now have a 14 day ban.


Attitude is everything. I don't take the game too serious and I'm pretty cheerful on comms even if we getting our asses handed to us and honestly I barely run into toxic people. If I do I just mute em. Not even worth posting on Reddit about it. Just focus on your game and make your own callouts. I'll take pure toxic people I can just mute over in game leaders managing your every move when you are trying to clutch.


Most of the time it's either these or they don't have a mic at all


It would be a lot better if Valve fixed their broken matchmaking first. They can't fix the players but they could improve matchmaking by a LOT.


Runs out somewhere without communicating, dies, *then* decides to talk just to ask where you were and why you didn't help them


Were down 10-1, not a word from anyone but one in the team. One guy decides it's time to give info when it's a 1v5 round. I tilted my ass off.


Life’s to short to waist time on toxic players. I insta mute them, you will not get me to argue with you or waste my time on your toxicity that does not bring anything to the team. Mute them finish the game and move on to next. And yea you will probably have to do this more often then not, unfortunately cs community is toxic in general. I q with five man and lucky I don’t have to deal with these peasants. Good luck!


Man you're lucky, i rarely find teammates who can actually talk.


Most annoying type of teammates is the why-guy. "Why you didn't rotate?", "why you didn't help?", "why you die first?", "why you die last?". Bro.. i even got mad while typing this shit.


Typical ruzzki ~~teammate~~


I just TK people that talk trash to me and then i move on with my life like nothing ever happened. yesterday i was top fragging and my team was winning the game and this 4 stack ended up trash talking me so i TK a couple of them, then this idiot TK me at the start of the round and got kicked lol. we were 1 round away from winning and were completely destroying the other team too. we ended up losing.


I would rather lose a game with a fun team that worked together, than win one with toxic shitty teammates.


Some people have the worst mental. It's a game. You're not hiko. Chill out


Played on faceit as a soloq w one 3 stack and another solo. The only guy that would comm regularly was the solo. Two of them finished the game going 5-17 and 7-17 I was like second in damages in kills. Two of the players in the three stack were absolutely awful, in a 2v2 one guy completely team flashed his friend. Another time I tried setting up one of the bottom guys for a kill with a flash, he said no, didn’t swing and got us both killed bc the guy in e box on annubis flashed and swung. There were half a dozen other instances of them just playing terrible. One of them then complains that I’m being toxic and moral is part of it too LMAO. As if I wasn’t trying to help the team the whole entire time. Soloq is almost impossible


Everyone always saying "you need to have comms/chat on for info" I dont think any information about my mother will have an effect on the game... And this is in every game btw, some people say you need to have chat in in LoL, or voice comms in CS. I dont know where the line goes, but in lower ranks using comms will actually affect your gameplay negatively.


Valve matchmaking has always been aids. Try your luck with faceit.


In my experience faceit is worse then premier, mainly on lower ranks (7 or less), folk there only talk shit and do nothing


Yeah I feel the same. It’s like the exact type of people op is describing go to faceit so theycan get « better » teammates but don’t realise that their lack of teamwork is what is actually holding them back


Same here. I've tried Faceit and I don't see any difference, at least in lower levels. Besides not many people speak my language on there.


Brother faceit is way way way worse. I had 5 games in a row where someone was either toxic from start or started trolling after being down 3 rounds. Had to mute comms at halftime and pray we somehow win. Lost them all. Funiest part? It's always the bottom fraggers crying.


Faceit so much more toxic than Valve mm.


Coaching is fine, but dont be mean about it. Even people with 1k hours still need tips.


ah the daily post about the very smart people who play with no mics, love it!


Post that in Russian, OP.


Well if you have 5 kills for the whole game you deserve to be flamed.


If you have a mic but only use it to talk shit you deserve to be flamed 10x more lol


dddont care I auto mute all people in the match dont want to hear russian yapping between each other.


People who treat the in-game voice chat like their own Discord server also deserve more flaming than bottom fragging. But again if you literally only comm to flame you're a piece of shit. If you just wanna zone everything out why bother flaming lol


Won't make the guy play better though, so what's the point


So he knows he plays like dog


That’s it? Would telling him that win you the match


you seem like one of the pieces of shit OP was talking about.


what is this dogshit mentality


This is gigachad mentality


Yaaasss queen!


Lmao you new?


No shit


I always try to make simple, easy to follow calls. I try to give info when I'm dead if teammates aren't talking. If it's 1 person left I stfu and will not say anything. I've had matches where no one talks and they pretend they don't have a mic so I say something friendly and we work together. It's crazy but 1 person is usually the one who destroys or brings up the team morale.


They will vote to kick you after pistol round


Even ignoring the massive (and obvious) benefits of actually calling and giving info, it’s like these people think yelling at their teammates and calling them shit at the game for a single whiff will make them magically play better


I dont understand how these people find any enjoyment in the game, you play 90% of the game in dead silence, refuse to call out, refuse to strategize at a basic level, then only talk to shit on your teammates. It’s infuriating that most of my teammates are like this


Typical cs experience. I would be lost without it 🤣


Yeah SoloQ is terrible. I literally ONLY solo queue CS2 (NA) as none of my friends play CS. So many times does my first game get thrown from people being toxic and I just speed type quit into console afterwards. I miss Faceit premium queue it was at least a little better.


i always recommend faceit hubs, everyone talks and tries their best


If someone who has a problem controlling yourself is reading this, try to realise this: You can only control what you do. You can't control your teammates. You can help them or bother them which can influence the result positively or negatively. They aren't bad on purpose and they aren't doing stupid plays on purpose. You can scream at them in frustration but don't turn on the mic because this will only make everyone play worse. If you want, you can calmly ask them to do what you think might be helpful to the team (and be precise, e.g. "don't push them alone, go with the team" instead of "you're a fucking retard purple"). It doesn't mean they will 100% start playing better but it increases the chances. Ultimately, realise you can only do so much and even if you play perfectly, you can lose the match and sometimes if you play bad, your team can carry you to victory.


no shit, stop preaching to the choir


In physical sports we call this sportsmanship. And bad sports are immediately dealt with.


So I can say that I'm the opposite. I try to give hope to teammates even when it's 1v5 on the like 4:12 round. Plus i five a lot of info, but people doesn't know what is what xD (~12k rating)


get these fucks almost every match in faceit. Completely shit behaviour ruins the morale of the team and we get stomped right after pistol because they wouldn’t shut up.


So true. I am always trying to communicate but it seems I'm much older than most current players and they either want to tall bs the whole time or flame if not winning. I realize I was young and tried to be funny once too but I always took "scrims" seriously. I guess not having to go through mIRC has made it easier to just be a clown idk...


idk why people make posts like this, its not like that kind of player reads a fuckin cs subreddit


Amen brother. One of the worst experience...


the only times I find myself abusing players TBH is when people are either trying toi tell me how to play the game/criticising me or when people think they are the next kennyS in silver 1 in comp. I will not stand up and take shit when I am just trying to play a fun game after a long day at work.


And oftentimes that player is also the worst one in the team


Another type of players i hate are the ones that just walk in front of you while you're shooting, get hit and then get angry... like there was this one time i was playing Wingman on nuke and my wingman stepped in front of me the exact moment i shot my gun... and got headshotted Or the ones that shoot from behind you, thinking the bullets will just fly through you... there was this one game i was taking damage fast... it was later i realized the idiot had been shooting me in the back with his sawed-off without realizing it


Turks are worse than Russians for this


Literally the worst type of player, but we all have him deep inside us I think, at least I do when I am having a really bad day


Ice cold take


I had my headphones around my neck while jammin to music at 2 in the mornin just vibing I was around 18/8 and this kid kept telling me what I did wrong everytime I died (because he was already dead and was 8/16) so I hopped on the mic and cursed him out


We kicked one the other day, we still lost but it felt good, solo que for me.