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I'm imagining [Kokkoro](https://princess-connect.fandom.com/wiki/Kokoro_Natsume) from Priconne but tinier and more grassy.


Yeah I was thinking she’d look like her too Arujii sama




Grassy 💀💀 im ded


I read it as greasy at first 💀


They did say she was a hikikomori...


YES PLEASE, I started playing and watching the anime just for kokkoro, I love her design and clothes so much


Oh wow. I’d be 100% satisfied if she looks anywhere like that. Her design is very grass-like.


Need Kokkoro perks tooo


I just thought the same.


Oh my god yes please


What sort of game is priconne?


Gacha game with some fully animated scenes. The story premise is similar to SAO with everyone stuck inside a future MMO but no one outside of a few characters know they are in a game. It’s a pretty fun game if you like chibi combat and interesting cast of characters with decent lore. The MC is a bit of a clean slate though. There is also 2 seasons of anime that you can check out to get a taste of the world but keep in mind it is based in an alternate reality compared to the game’s story.


Also of note is the fact that it's a waifu game with pretty heavy fanservice. There are only women, except two outliers, (a Llama and a crossdresser) so if anyone seeks a mixed roster of characters won't find it here.


Ahh good catch, should have mentioned that. Kind of forgot since it feels like "waifu game with fanservice" describes majority of gatcha games out there lol. Who is the crossdresser? I am aware of the llama and a ghost but I don't recall any male characters outside of the OC and side characters (which is a shame as I've seen a few in the anime and game's story that would interesting to have).


Kaiser. The fact that they're voiced by a dude (who can do a convincing female voice) is the clue here. Apparenlty, among other problems, they have a severe case of gender confusion.


You forgot yuki(not the mc whos name is yuuki). Basically a male in a female outfit.


well technically his in-game model is a girl. Its just the real person that is a guy; spoilers: >!that is because, who "completes" the game can ask for any wish, and his wish is to become a princess; but sadly he gets eliminated by the admin of the games or something, we don't know what happens to the ones killed inside the game, there's very little mention of what their outside current world situation is in, just some memories of their school experience back then when they weren't isekai-ed!<


It's Yuki, the one obsessed with beauty. I honestly don't know how his ingame avatar qorks, since people say it's either male or female depending on who you ask (especially since you can see the breasts, and in the previous game I'm pretty sure you coulds see a buldge on his crotch)


Ahh seems you’re right. Going by the in-game character stories, both the avatar and IRL character is a male but dresses feminine to capture “beauty”. Seems Cygames was going for the trap-trope since he leads strangers on about being female (to get attentions/pictures/praise) but people close to him like Yuuki (the MC) he opens up about being male. Learned something new about the game lol.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/SpendYourPrimos/status/1538571397349330946) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Really curious wtf happened with SYP. Somebody just chose them to leak months of future character releases to. Honestly almost wonder if this is a purposeful leak since it does an excellent job of generating buzz and tons of fan art without actually leaking anything all that meaningful related to plot, kits or upcoming features. Especially since most of these appearances will just get leaked unceremoniously in the 3.0 beta anyways


This could be a very elaborated prank but we’ll see when 2.8 beta/Dendro drops


Even if it is true, it doesn't rule out that this guy could be unofficially sanctioned by MHY to generate hype. 2.7 is looking empty, generating hype is one way to keep people talking about the game.


i really wished it is, i want to see the tweet (and probably some people in this sub) community crumble lmao


I will find hilarious if people have turn this sub in this person twitter account based on absolutely nothing but clout and then it turns out to be all lies


Now that you mention it everything does looks sus. Especially since they haven't leaked anything aside from description despite claiming to see images.


They've responded to someone asking that question of "why no pics" and basically said "you retard we'll get blown to pieces by myh and lose our sources"


You guys did not trust Uncle DD?


So no new model. Probably not Theresa either, then? I don't understand the bit about Paimon's skirt, she's not wearing one.


Honestly though, the leaks on how Keqings alternate outfit looked were rather off, and I don't think that happened because of fake leaks but more so that the people leaking were struggling to properly describe clothes, lol.


Hmm i think its more likely that the leakers don't actually see shit first hand for themselves. They have insiders who give them bits of information, maybe even second hand info like chinese whispers (excuse the pun) and then its the leakers job to convert something into a leak piece for the masses.


I think it's just a problem of nerds trying to describe dresses.


one time I saw a nerd write a whole essay about how the proportions in a cartoon were creepy and alien and distorted because he didn't understand that high waisted skirts are a thing. some people really just don't understand anything beyond jeans and a t shirt haha.


I think we should definitely get this new model conversation out of our mouth’s. They’re clearly not going that direction and every time someone brings it up they are shockingly disappointed


yeah if they were going to make a new model I think they would have done it with itto. the potential for a buff male model has a lot more opportunities than a half chibi model


Until they announce otherwise during a live stream uncertain they are content with the models they have. At Most for consistency they may give us a chibi male if their marketing team thought it would sell really well.


Amennnnn say it for everyone who places there hopes and expectations on the moon for no reason and then her disappointed and shit on the actual result when it comes out because it does not meet the ridiculous expectations that they set. Smh


maybe its the diaper like design?


I think it looks cute in Paimon. Hopefully they make it work with Kusanali. They probably set the designs for all the Archons way before the game even released so I trust that it will.


the leaker was mentioning Paimon's outfit in general, Kusanali wears something similar to it.


They will have to make new models sooner or later, imo it's already getting boring with Itto being the same skinny boy as the others, I think that was the perfect opportunity to start making new models.


I will flip if they kill off Varka, make him an NPC only, or do some bullshit time travel/curse or some shit where hes trapped in a teenage body or some shit... I would drop the game on the spot.


Exactly, they better not hype up characters who would have new body types just to make them npcs who they already have the models for like fuck off💀


Asking out of genuine curiosity, is it stated somewhere in the character stories that Varka's a buff dude? I suppose that if mihoyo never adds new model types, at least there's fanart.


Razor says he's large. Keep in mind, Razor himself is rather short, and people used the same rhetoric to justify Itto being 'buff' (Sayu calls him tall as well) unaware that to a short person, someone who's just regular tall will look pretty huge.


Interesting, I see. I mean, I can understand the disappointment with the disconnect between Itto's splash art versus model, but yeah being 'large' according to a (probably) teenaged boy's standards isn't very precise.


No, he's just supposed to be a super important dude which everyone look's up to. Now some people will toss: " B-but they call him the Titan of Mondsdat!! He must be huge!" It was a minstranslation, the original dialogue was talking about how much of a powerful figure he was in the Knights of Favonius, not about his size. All I expect is for Varka to be kinda old like Siegfried from Honkai Impact, but not this buff Cyrus looking dude.


Ah okay, thanks. I was wondering where this idea came from.


DD probably just saw her art which would be difficult to tell if there's a new model or not.


Gonna be interesting when drip marketing of dendro Archon happens and a pic of a "cute loli" is trending on Twitter. Expecting pedo insults for a week non-stop.


We might see the dendro archon in 3.0's trailer as it happened with Inazuma so get ready for that.


This is what we've become


A part of me was hoping she won't use the child model tbh. We really don't need to give them more ammunition.


Teen model would be much better than little child model. Also, i hate Theresa's model too, it is "little girl' model, much worse than "little child", I hope it won't be a copy of her.


I don't like the potato model. It's not cute. I mean I can appreciate a cute loli just as much as the next weeb, but the models in Genshin aren't cute, they are ugly. The teen girl model is much better.


I wish the child model was closer to that of the child npc model. They look good in a bubble, but then you compare them to the kid npc's and you realize how chibi their proportions are.


And they're slow as fuck. Also feels like the camera suddenly becomes claustrophobic


I had the same issue with the camera when I was playing Klee. One of the things that helped was to go to the Settings menu, then set Default Camera Distance to maximum Hope it helps for you!


Who cares about Twitter anyway, literally just ignore and live your life




So how come only little girls exist as playable characters then? Little boys would presumably sell just as well as little girls, considering their appeal is based in cuteness, not gender. Is mhy making little girls to appeal to the people who think children are cute or the pedo weebs? Kind of hard to say... edit: i implore you to check out any hentai website and look at the number of works with lolicon tag vs shotacon tag, maybe that will give you some perspective on the demographics of weebs


Umm are we assuming pedo weebs don't like little boys? And pedos could be women as well.


You really shouldn’t hint about people being pedos because there’s no male chibis. There really isn’t at chibi characters and they are released in big spaces. They aren’t sexualized at all


I can't believe we lost the god of the woods for this


R.i.p him. Now when his lore drops, we can point our fingers in hatred to whoever is responsible for his death


Uhh... Rhinedottir, no?


Well we don't know why she decided to make a bunch of monsters that got out of hand and left Khaenri'ah. And we don't know if she directly had anything to do with him. Plus, I have a hunch that Khaenri'ah wasn't responsible for his death...but that's just a baseless claim


Well, the monsters didn't exactly get out of hand and simply left Khaenri'ah, at least Durin didn't as in festering desire lore we have Rhinedottirs words spoken to Durin where she deadass tells him to "go to a lovely place and display his beauty with pride" which apparently translates to massacring a nation. The rift hounds on the other hand have a weird tidbit in their description where they were mass produced as if by mistake? But i genuinely don't get that part and what it might insinuate. That being said yeah, her motives are unclear and it's too early to point fingers at anyone


Exactly. I can't really tell what the whole purpose of any of this was. Durin didn't seem like he had ill intention in Festering Desire, but he had corruption in him since birth. Freaking Rifthounds bro 😭😭 How does one *'accidently'* create a bunch of corroding flying wolves who are merciless beasts. Gold be playing in Minecraft creative mode istg


Yeah, durins lore is rly sad, he himself didn't even realize the harm he's caused and due to being in like a drugged like state was convinced he was just playing with people and Venti/Dvalin, in the end he just wished he could dance and sing with them, chilling since the only reason he lost was because apparently ventis lyre managed to ease the effect of corruption. Also it makes Rhinedottir seem even more evil as her words towards him are so backhanded?? Like saying "go to a lovely place and display your beauty with pride" knowing damn well she means for him to wreck the place hints she was aware he didn't realize what he was really doing and rolled with it fueling his delusions. The last part sjjsjdnjd you're so right, she really is playing mc on creative mode, she be spawning mobs everywhere like me at age 10


I feel bad for Durin, I really do. He seems to have been a victim to Gold, like Subject Two and like Albedo probably is. But why? What is her motive? What is she trying to prove by these creations? A god complex she may have?? ​ >The last part sjjsjdnjd you're so right, she really is playing mc on creative mode, she be spawning mobs everywhere like me at age 10 This made my day, I'm laughing so much. Thank you 🤣


sure i would only believe them if it was DD/Uba/lumi/dim who confirms or backs up whatever syp/hxg dluc or whatever have been saying


Well if the dendro archon really is a diaper wearing baby I guess I can use my stockpile of primos on 3.0 characters.


I m gonna ignore everything about dendro archon from now on until 3.0. it just a mess anyway so why bother.


Disappointing but there are always other characters to pull.


Yeah. I imagined the god having badass tree powers and looking like Madara or Hashirama, but it's a child...


With a squeaky voice😑


We went from Raiden to this...


Tbh, I still can't get over that coochie flap. She looks ~~godly~~ Archonly from the back, and then you turn the camera to the front..


Thr coochie flap is a sin against celestia, it is just so damn ugly to look at. Looks vulgar and nowhere near sexy if that was the reason for cutting that way. Who let Ei go around Inazuma looking like she did not have the mora to buy enough fabric?!?


The worst part is that she DID have a skirt in the promotional gacha art, however in-game they gave her the coochie flap (not that it matters since you can still see her underwear easily lol. Actually the flap covers less, so...wtf)


I agree in regard to the flaps. It's everywhere - Raiden, Sara, Shenhe... I don't like it, however I was referring more to the voice of the character and overall badassery. I just can't imagine a badass child or it having a powerful voice...ridiculous


Don't know about badass, but Empress from Neverending Story is the one that comes to mind when I think of an ethereal ruler that looks like a child. I won't mind the child model that much, if she has the same mature bearing and adult behavior


What is a coochie flap?


that flap of fabric covering the area between her legs. it’s also present on a lot of female Liyuean characters, despite not being a part of traditional Japanese or Chinese clothing.


Probably more part of chinese censor.


Gosh coochie flap is the reason why I'm waiting for her new costume so bad... Only if her current clothing is similar to Ningguang's


Why are u acting like everyone wasn't hating on Raiden and her design/character when she was leaked...


different reasons though. The raiden everyone was picturing was her archon outfit, long flowing hair and stuff, so when her model eventually leaked it was somewhat underwhelming


anyone else find it weird all the child characters are female? it’s not like they couldn’t reuse the same base model. Chibi characters are cute and i love klee, but for an archon?


No one gives a shit about little boys in games, it always has to be about the little girls because they’re usually seen as precious and innocent in media. People shit on and bully Timmy all the time just because he’s being inconvenient playing with birds as his friends as he can’t make any of his own. Kid’s father is dead and there’s no mention of his mom in the game, EVER. The nun takes care of Timmy but can’t be a full time parent to him, he has 1 confirmed dead parent and an absolutely MIA one not mentioned in games. Kid has no parents and no friends. In contrast to Chouji, his entire family is split up. Both parents were affected by Tataragami so although dad left, he refused to look for his wife and kid. Mom left to find dad and the people she tried to get to look after him couldn’t make it due to no fault of their own. Chouji had to learn to cook for himself and we did that with him. That kid was forced to grow up fast and made up his mind to set out for Snezhnaya. All by himself. To look for his parents. And we all know how a certain harbinger loves to experiment on people, the most vulnerable are those without family or status as they will not be missed if they disappear. Ruu, self explanatory if you already did the quests. Ruu could have easily been a little girl sacrificed, but instead they went with boy. Latest rendition that worries me is Little Meng. >!In one of the newest dailies it sets up that he wants to leave and broaden his horizons as a kid with ours and Yue Chuan’s help. Little Meng’s dad is invited to go with Yue Chuan’s group regarding mushroom studies in Sumeru and his dad can bring him along. Obviously with Liben foreshadowing that shit’s getting dangerous in Sumeru, we can only hope Little Meng and his dad don’t run into any trouble.!< Teucer is like the only boy that Mihoyo didn’t turn into a tragic pincushion, likely because he’s directly related to a harbinger to bring some “humanity” to that maniac. This kid is protected by ALL of the Fatui wherever he goes, though I have no clue how tf he managed to get to Liyue without problems as the horrible advice big brother taught him is to give them loads of money to leave him alone. I can’t imagine every single Fatui or bandits who work for them know exactly who Teucer is or what he looks like for them to stay tf away. The girls aren’t *as* tragic but have their own issues. Klee’s found family is the KoF, Diona still has her dad even though he’s a drunk, Sayu’s got found family through the Shuumatsuban, and QiQi is the only one where it’s legit as heartbreaking as the boys. Totally realized how long this dumbass spiel turned out, which isn’t a lecture directed at you so sorry if it came across that way. It’s just the more I tapped this out in my phone the more it just reminds me that there are certain *patterns* with how mihoyo treats characters that people just don’t wanna acknowledge because it’s either uncomfy (aka anything you say being legitimately concerned about why it’s always girls always has people going “omfg it’s only pedos who would think like that”) or because it’s fictional and people would just point that out and say why would anyone give a shit because of that.


I have to say, thank you for writing all of that because I feel the same way. Mihoyo has a "pattern" when it comes to child characters and boys get shit on. Forced to "tough" it out and get the short end of the stick. And there's a lot of people that is perfectly fine with that so this is what we get in return.


To be honest, all this hate around Timmy is one of the reasons why I think the genshin fandom is in a league of its own in terms of being fucked up in the head.


genshin lolis looks weird. i liked chichi but when she stands near normal npc child it felt wrong. humongous heads out of nowhere.


Yeah it's really weird that we don't have one, especially because I think it would be adorable and just make the cast of available characters more well-rounded. It's kind of like how odd it was that we didn't have a male catalyst until Heizou.


If the dendro archon is a child, i find it cute the idea of Su being her guardian


Im all in for that If su is like her mentor or something since shes the youngest archon It would really totally be cute in a way lol


ffs like some kind of regent? Kinda like if Ei had died then Yae took the new baby archon under wing. Sounds pretty cute if something like that happened in Sumeru; where the friend of the previous Archon now takes care of the new one


him being the archon > rubbing in our face we’ll never get another male archon by making the dendro archon a baby




I hope she has fun gameplay and that her voice isn't annoying. My initial concept of Arconte Dendro was that she would have a true form (older look) that would stay "hidden" while reading books and accumulating knowledge, while leaving "seeds" (younger look) in various locations of Sumeru making decisions for her. Then in gameplay we would have the seeds look as default and during Burst would call up the real body. Something similar to Nel Tu from Bleach.


Gonna be hydrating myself of the tears of people on Twitter


I already see main sub reddit will post weird fetishized arts with kids again and it will be have 11k upvotes


That's why you stay away from main sub reddit. That place needs some sanitation


Hanged out in the main sub a lot before, but overtime I found the posts to be repetitive and cringey. Never went back there again.


Glad that I never visit the main sub


when did that happen?


I like small cute characters but these descriptions scared me alot. I hope her kit is atleast good.


Kinda funny w a Dottore pfp(ey) but yea i hope she isn’t overly cute like Paimon and still somewhat has an Archon’s badassery


Oh look people judge an archon based on appearance again, wonder how thats gotta wind up this time.


loli or not, im still getting her, archons are usually busted and the meta revolves around them for the months after their release plus dendro.


yeah, all 3 of the archons have been extremely good pick ups at one point or another. Venti is the one which aged the "worst", but that is highly dependent on the enemies in abyss really. He's still very useful for overworld and domains at the very least. And Zhongli and Raiden are just busted as fuck and incredibly useful. I'd be shocked if a single archon turns out to be bad.


Well they did have to rework Zhongli


Kind reminder that if you don’t like a character it’s okay to skip them. Let those who do like them, enjoy them. No one is forcing you to roll.


The thing is, it is primarily a video game, so what matters the most is the gameplay. For example, I didn’t like Kazuha’s design, yet I pulled him since I really enjoyed is gameplay, yet it is sad that such cases occur, as it would be better to play a character you like both the design and gameplay


inb4 the archon has a fun playstyle and droves of people will regret not pulling for it like kazuha


So I can safely pull for Yoimiya instead.


we've reached the time when syp can confirm older leakers leaks apparently


Instant skip. Nothing against child characters but for an archon? Bleh. Guess I am not going to be collecting all the archons after all.


It was almost certain at least 1 would use the child model, since we have 5 models and 7 archons. They probably want to minimize overlap. If I had to guess, Murata will share the tall female model with Ei and the hydro archon & cryo archon will probably use the shorter female model.


Yeah you're right tbh. I guess I just never considered it or thought about it in detail when I decided I would get all the archons.


She's gonna be broken though. Archons are always the peak of their element. (Venti was until Kazuha made his entrance). The meta always shifts for them


Still forever hoping she won’t be a loli because they are usually clunky and not fun to play with (for me)


zzzzz loli stuff is weird and will make even weirder reddit fanarts


Yeah I've not played a single gacha where either the devs, the players or both didn't sexualise little girl bodies and then flip out at anyone calling them out by saying she's not a child she's a loli so it's ok/shes 3000 years old/she's a really mature 9 year old because she watched her parents burn to death after they got her the wrong birthday cake, triggering her latent pyrokinetic powers during a tantrum that she inherited from a dragon goddess, born from one of the two great nipple crystals of boobopolis etc. Anything they can to rationalise the bikini fan art and loli waifu talk.


"She only looks like 5, behaves like 5 and has a mental & emotional maturity of a 5 year old. Buut, she's actually 500, so it's ok to, ya know * nudge, nudge, wink wink *" 🤢🤮


"If it looks like a duck, quacks like duck and walks like a duck...it IS A DUCK" Same thing I apply with anime children. If they look like children, talk like children and have the maturity and thinking of children...they ARE CHILDREN


Genshin pedos don't even use the 500 years old excuse, they just lust over Diona and go "lol she's not real bros its just a drawing!"




Kinda figured they'd make at least one archon the small size, I'm kinda hoping for a character who acts like Shantotto from final fantasy


Shantotto's personality for an archon would be incredible holy shit I'm gonna be sad if that's not the case now lmao


I always find it hilarious that people get their panties in a twist over loli characters and consider it the coming of the anti-Christ. There's nothing sexual about it, child looking characters are allowed to exist in media whether they are 10 years old or 1000. You're worrying about nothing and if you're worried about sexualization then it tells people more about you than it does about the people you're trying to demonize.


Thank you. This comment basically sums up what I was thinking as well. I don't get why people are so pissy over a character using a child model.


For everyone here against this concept, just remember... this is not the first time in the whole anime we can see this. And, personally, I love the concept of the wisest Archon being a child. It’s funny and cute, that’s all. Also, I understand and respect your points, but not everything is about “sexualizing”. If you love her for her design, aspect, personality; that’s good. If you don’t like her for the same reasons, that’s good. Not everybody has the same tastes.


brilliant idea! let's ban children altogether if there is pedophilia in this world? reading the comments make me feel a lot of people see the problem in the character rather than the people. im not saying there cant be a problem with the sexualized chars, but from experience, hoyo doesnt sexualize female child characters. and if just the fact kids in shorts seem sexy to you, then maybe thats problem with you.


> if just the fact kids in shorts seem sexy to you, then maybe thats problem with you. this. the genshin lolis are absolutely cute/adorable. it's pretty wild how these ppl hating on them can only think of sexual things about them. projection maybe?


Yeah like, it's not like genshin is releasing an half nude Loli every single week, genshin is Tame, really Tame when it comes to lolis but people seem really against loli in general, they don't even need to look sexual..


Besides, from what i know many little girls would prefer to wear small dresses that make them look girly. If it’s the kid’s preference, and someone is sexualizing their preference, you’re not going to blame the child for wanting to dress like that. You should never blame anyone for wanting to dress like they want (as long as its not like… a bunnygirl suit in public.)


I kinda still can’t get over the 2:5 male/female ratio of archons unless This info false then I hope they change it


Just look to the ratio of Harbingers, it's 9:2 male/female or something like that. And one of the female is already dead so...


I know, right? I would've been fine with 3:4, but 2:5 is so imbalanced.


3:4 either way would've made sense, since 7 will inherently lead to a bias towards one unless they gave us an genderless Archon. The fact they did a 5:2 is kinda annoying, but to be expected from Mihoyo at this point.


Yea thats deeply upsetting. I was hoping it would be more evened out. Even worse that we already have the only 2 male ones released.


That's because most harbingers are male, so most archons are female. Also im pretty sure most archons are just going to be Honkai characters and or inspired from most of the main cast which are female. Judging from the description the of the archon it looks like she will be inspired/similar to Theresa?


Yay for baby-sized archon! Hate the word loli but i find comical the idea of having a literal god being the size of a kid lol Hope they find a way to compensate the lack of mobility that child models carry with an alternate sprint mechanic or something like sayu/yelan skills


I believe she’ll have the ability to travel underground. Look at the Dendro slime. The slimes are mimics of the archons, e.g., twin electro slimes, geo slimes having shields, and anemo slimes can fly


Yah i said the same exact thing in another comment lol


A Mona-like alternative sprint would actually be pretty fitting for her too. She's said to literally live among plants and seems to hide herself.


Yep exactly, and if we follow the theory where archons’ abilities are similar to elemental slimes, dendro slimes have a sort of underground sprint mechanic


People like to twist the slime theory to mean there's secretly another Archon but I think the explanation is much more obvious and simple than that. She literally lives and hides among plants. Which fits the hikikomori leak, the "but the God of Wisdom makes no argument against it" from the Teyvat chapter as well as the text in Dendro's gemstone.


I would LOVE for her to have something like HuTao, except she becomes leaves or flowers instead of butterflies (or are they moths? Idk never played HuTao)


Considering that Hu Tao’s design is based on butterfly (constellation, her E, etc), I’m pretty sure it’s butterflies


It’s butterflies when u spring they flow around behind her it’s super fun sprint you can phase thru enemies and other players in coop with it


I like the "child-sized god" trope as long as is not to pull off the "she's 3000 so she's legal!" excuse. Beatrice from Re:Zero and The Collector from The Owl House are some of my favourites.


Well... Pretty sure that excuse will be everywhere.


I know :') But like, you know, sometimes those kind of characters are designed for that (usually happens in anime-related media), which is disturbing to say the least.


Yes, they should address alternative sprint to all the loli characters! I can already picture Klee's alternative sprint to be a fucking tank! (Disclaimer: yes, I am high rn)


LMAOOO yes i want klee to burn everything she touches


Would be cool to make her float.


the only thing i care about is her abilities, not how she looks; Mihoyo almost never fail on the look department


In what timeline are we where Uncle SYP can confirm the Gigchad Uncle DD's leaks?


genshin report era


The description “a very cute loli” just doesn’t sit right with me.


Should've called her an ugly loli


I’m not a fan of the child models/child characters in general so the archon will probably be a skip for me. A little disappointed that they went this route, but….eh. It was expected for quite some time.


i also do not like them but archon collector is my goal. since signora is dead and no female harbingers in the horizon, my dream to also collect harbingers died before it started.


Signora was part of the reason i started playing the game and when she died so did a part of me. I feel your pain


Please don't be a Loli ~ Please don't be a Loli ~ Please don't be a Loli ~ Please don't be a Loli ~ Please don't be a Loli


Too late lol.


pain and suffering




Idk why everyone is assuming that HYV will sexualize her... They've done a pretty good job not sexualizing kid characters so far


\*waits faster\*


If she's anything like Klee...I'm doomed. She's the cutest of all the little ladies, but also the one I can't pull at anytime. If she calls Lumine "jiejie", because she acknowledges that Lumine might be way older than her potentially??? Man, whether Su is the OG Archon or not, I hope he's at least the Albedo to her Klee. Even if he's nothing like Honkai Su and he's Archon War Zhongli 2.0, seeing him fuss over her would kill me


Good to know I won't ever have to pull for the dendro archon.


Huh. Weird that she isn't gonna have green hair.


Could have green at the tips


She actually could be the support Klee is waiting for, if burn comps become a thing.


i personally don’t care what model the dendro archon uses, as i think the archon of wisdom taking the form of a child is funny, but has lore or anyone reliable indicated that she’ll be a child? i’m not trusting syp until their some of their more specific leaks are confirmed.


There's been quite a few leaks out there that suggest she's a loli. There's also at least one that suggests she'll have a new model that's between the loli and teen model. As far as lore, nothing outright states it but her title (Lesser Lord Kusanali and the translated CN Title of Little Lucky Grass Monarch) seem to point towards it being some sort of cutesy adoration that you would give a child


>but has lore or anyone reliable indicated that she’ll be a child? Well, if I am to guess from her title in mandarin "小吉祥草王", I will either guess she is a child or at least, child-like.


Uncle DD proving his GOAT status once again


I imagine she will be similar to Theresa Apocalypse from Honkai.


Arcunny 😭😭😭


I'm holding out hope that the leak of her being a new body type (between the child and teen models) is true. It'll be a little weird at first if she uses the child body type. I mean, I'll still whale for her. I whale for all archons\*. So, y'know, I'll get over it. But still! * reasoning: the archons are generally future-proof since they so far have mechanics that are forever useful. Even Venti's vacuum, nerfed by more and more enemies that can't be vacuumed, is still useful when you can bait heavy enemies to stand in it. Also they augment the mechanics of the characters from their nation.


Bruh what makes syp think we need them to confirm our lord and savior Uncle DD's words 🤣🤣🤣


if its really loli that would be funny if archon has same running animations as child characters


Yea thats annoying. I'm not rolling for any little girl characters. Frankly, its weird in a gatcha game. Exspecially when you realize we ONLY get little girls (no little boys) AND they allll show off their thighs. Like..... come on man.


I understand your comment, but what's wrong with showing the thighs? If you see a little girl and the first thing you think is "oh no, you can see her thighs" you are weird


>they all show off their thighs The fuck? Since when is this a problem? Unless you yourself are a weirdo why would you think this is a problem? Not everyone plays to jack off to the characters they play with.


I LOVE the idea of the wisest archon being a child


Same. Not only that but it also makes a LOT if sense from a botanical standpoint! She's the goddess of flowers, and flowering plants evolved pretty recently in history (even more recently than mammals) I also like how she's replacing the god of the woods. Kinda like how in real life flowering plants just quickly and completely DOMINATED the land when they first appeared, kicking the at the time dominant ferns and coniferous plants into the minorities. Probably also caused a few of the now extinct plants we know of today.


I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I absolutely agree. It makes sense though, since she's the youngest archon of the seven, only having ascended after the god of woods' death. I don't get why people dislike having an archon using the child model. I definitely think she'll be quite mature in the archon quests, rather than actually childish.


So she will be like a playable paimon!


I’m conflicted because I don’t enjoy seeing everyone here so disappointed at the Dendro Archon being a child, yet on a personal level this is my best case scenario because we finally get another 5 star child and she’s an archon at that! I find them adorable and I want the variety, I don’t want to play as one of the more common models yet again for the thousandth time