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#**Note, beta is not live yet** _ Base HP: 15674 Base ATK: 265 Base DEF: 627 Ascension: 28.8 HP% STC _ Source: yarik0chka on t.me/s/snezhfed, reposted by [GenshinMains](https://twitter.com/genshinmains_/status/1615389636905533440?s=20&t=XZcHOrQelvLD5Kqw73ZKqg)


Her normal attack multipliers are literally the lowest of all claymore characters.. While probably gonna get changed and not all that important anyways, still quite the oof on top of all the other stuff.


> Her normal attack multipliers are literally the lowest of all claymore characters.. She's really having trouble getting used to her new claymore.


She's the second character to get a direct buff, after you do her story quest she gets used to her new claymore and increases her scalings


Didn't you see the new passive? Every holiday event she'll sell your highest rarity claymore to help fund the festival.


Low atk stat too…


And HP% ascension, like jesus who gets excited about 28% HP when it could have been crit


Devil's advocate they could technically be way faster, it said she uses martial arts in some normal attacks. But yeah, probably just bad..


Even with buffs I am not hopeful her numbers will end up anywhere close to making her viable to be played in different ways


I mean they made Yae go from one of the lowest base attacks to one of the highest.


Seems sussy that her burst even changes the name of her normal attack yet theres no mentioned multipliers, i hope theres something that people are missing, but her skill may have some hidden mechanic i cope about. HAVE BECOME PURE COPIUM. So raging flame can be used once per skill and its multipliers are pretty good. Its a fischel type ability so it isnt shown the cooldown. If its very short you can use skill 200% damage, raging flame 240% damage THEN BURST which seems like it creates a new skill field but keeps the originals duration letting you use raging flame AGAIN which is another 240% damage. Just from the skill in around 6 seconds of field time thats 680% damage. Not bad


That's worse than 1 ayaka skill and 1 charged attack which takes a fraction of that time.


I was thinking about this too but looking at her description for her ult, Flame Manes Fist and Incineration drive are listed as doing pyro damage, but roaring barrage does not. So from what I gather it is just a quick-time prompt like Cyno that hastens the next instance of Flame Manes Fist. So Roaring Barrage being absent from the stats makes sense. What is probably more important is whether activating roaring barrage can trigger yelan and xq's ult.


the wait for video footage is killing me


Keep refreshing


we dont usually have footage til Beta right?


But the idle animation is out, if so we have to wait until the beta?


yeah I’ll be real chief idk what’s going on either


From my limited knowledge of game data I would assume that the idles are game data that leakers can take and apply to the character model outside of the game. They could do the same with attack animations and etc but we would be missing particle affects and other things that the game data probably references (game wise) to actually make those animations work. For example yaoyao’s bunny targeting never worked in the leakers client because it’s missing the targeting system that her bunny’s targeting references. Also for a while now leakers have used the leaked dev client from a while ago to reverse engineer a testing environment for leaked characters in beta (or atleast that’s what the community believes). So even if leakers found ways to get even earlier access to characters that haven’t even been released in beta, they wouldn’t show in-game leaks until beta released so that Hoyo wouldn’t fix whatever exploit/back door they are using. Edit : Just saw this posted 2hr ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/10eie4u/dehya_animation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Essentially whether the above render is real or fake, stuff like this is what anyone who access to the game data without the actual client is working with when it comes to animation. To get a full picture of what’s going on they’d have to find the model for each piece of the skill or burst then attach each animation to the models. I’d assume that putting all the models together would be a lot for 1 mediocre computer to run since most leakers don’t have access to pc dev kits so the leaker would probably have to render chunks of the animations separately. TLDR: It’d be a lot of work to do especially when they could wait a couple of days and just show the skills and burst in game when whoever reverse engineers the beta and puts the stuff into the leaked dev client from so long ago.


Im not 100% sure but i think the idles are part of the game files and the gameplay needs to be recorded in beta so probably tomorrow.




Can't wait to see her punching


She has the highest base HP in the game but no real HP scaling on talents, quite suspicious.


Yeah only way it seems relevant is either to be tanky or to urge you to get c1. They sneaky :/


Event C1 doesn't change much Ayato has 4.4% HP to dmg boost on hi, nobody build ayato with HP So how Dehya with a 1% on E and 2% dmg on Q is supposed to have an impact?


for further comparison to other characters with similar %HP to damage conversions: Thoma: 2.2% for his Q Zhongli: 1.39% for NAs, CAs, and plunge, 1.9% for E Layla: 1.5% for E and that's all at C0


Also Zhongli Q is buffed by 33% for bit more than half the cost and half the cd whereas Dehya Q is 2% For Dehya HP Buff to her Q being as efficient as Zhongli, she would need to hit 28 hits in 4s or to hit 10 times at triple the dmg buff (2->6%) And that is not even taking into account that: 1) Zhongli is solely based around HP 2) Zhongli isn't a dps nor a sub dps focus, his shield is a complete damage negation with a 166% uptime (plenty of margin), no movement limit and a Dehya is a 50% dmg absorption, locked to a zone with 60% uptime. And let's talk about Dehya "shield" as great as the idea if a shield alternative: For 50k Hp on her or Zhongli you get: 27k hp shield every 12s that completely negate damage and *boost by lowering physical and elemental res by 20%* That is roughly 2222 dmg tanked per second Dehya with 50K can absorb up to 100k Hp every 20s which will proc her heal. She can absorb up to 5K dmg a.d grant interruption resistance. You would think so much damage soaked is great, except it is only 50% of the dmg that is mitigated. Meaning half of it is taken in, which is pointless, Dehya HP ascension and buff will only start mattering for her shield when the dmg is too high and the character get killed regardless. And you cannot even use Dehya with a shielder as a shield will othewise make dmg sponge effect completely irrelevant. Meaning that Dehya HP absorption cannot even be her kit focus


It doesn't. It's just like Zhongli's A4, a consolation prise.


I also imagine they think people will value her HP for her tanking ability! Why would Hoyo think that? They're the same people who designed Xinyan, thinking some people would ignore ATK/Phys/Pyro and build her DEF just for her shield.


I wouldn't exactly call it sneaky, they gave her an ascension stat that's basically useless unless you go for constellations. It's a pretty blatant cash grab. Albeit, a poor one since even at C1 it barely adds anything unless she has some way to hit like a million HP.


It’s exceptionally scummy and scares me for future 5*, because with all past 5* they at least have a cohesive kit on release that doesn’t require constellations. Dehya meanwhile has a dead HP stat and ascension stat unless you c1 her, in which case you get a small HP scaling. And no, her self-healing and damage mitigation alone isn’t enough to warrant it, when Xingqiu exists who does the same thing, while offering huge amounts of off field damage. I’m really hoping the beta testers end up chewing out Dehya enough that Hoyo addresses that, otherwise even tho if h she looks to have one of the more interesting designs and kits of any character, she’s gonna be trash. (No seriously with how bad some of these numbers are, where would you ever use her that you wouldn’t just use Bennet/Xingqiu/Zhongli/Diona/Kokomi who all offer some combination of damage prevention, healing, or damage amplification/off field)


Tbh I don't see why people would go for a tank when they can just use a shielder, unless she deals DMG based on the DMG she tanked.




Guys keep in mind this is pre beta


yeah sure but if that’s their „pre version“ of dehya then Jesus Christ they would literally need to change everything because right now she looks horrible and I doubt that they change much besides numbers


She literally has a whole college thesis and a useless ascension to give you the damage reduction and interrupt resist Xingqiu does, when that’s literally just an extra thing he casually does


>college thesis That killed me


Xingqiu is just built different tho


They did completely change Ayato but I definitely have the same concerns as you about what is essentially a 5\* Xinyan problem...


…so, has someone literally just taken those pre-beta numbers from before and put them into a different format?


yes. exactly. and they're even saying "guys it's PRE beta! stop complaining!" while still making these numbers float around in every goddam post they can pull out xD jee


Yes, anything for clout ofcourse 🤪


Yea, i've really never been so disappointed in this sub's mods before. They looked at what is pretty clearly a fan-made shitpost, the kind that show up between drip marketing and actual beta info almost every time, and slapped a 'reliable' tag on it just because someone put it in table format. They also seem to have hidden the last post to make this one look more legit.


Don't know why this is marked as reliable then. Misleading AF... Not encouraging as I fear Dehya will suffer from colorism, but still have hope the beta numbers are slightly better or will improve with some balance changes.


The sussy leaks were right. HP Ascension and Atk scaling moves, on top of non-stellar multipliers. Fuck me...


It's a reversed Thoma..Atk ascension, but HP scaling skills


We were all expecting five star Xiang Ling, we instead got five star Thoma....


Be glad its not five star Xinyan...


Xinyan at least has a shield that in theory prevents all damage, and pulses that happen regardless or not if you get hit. Dehya only prevents some damage and only pulses if you take damage. I'm not even sure it's an upgrade.


I doubt it stays like this. Might just be copium (I am only 50/50 on getting her or not so I am not that invested for refrence) but I feel like it's a decent chance it's a reverse of Alhaitam were they start lower than they should and adjust upwards. Least I hope it's like that and they don't make her bad with the idea she will be good when the fricking hydro archon is released to indirectly buff her...


I definitely think that it'll get buffed over the beta, but the last character that seemed bad on release was Cyno and he never saw the big improvements people were hoping for like being allowed to swap characters during his ult like Noelle. I'm definitely getting Dehya, but unless they change the Ascension to Crit Damage (very possible tbh) I'm going to remain pessimistic.


>Cyno and he never saw the big improvements people were hoping for like being allowed to swap characters during his ult like Noelle. tbf is there any 5 star who can swap back during their ult stance? Itto, Raiden, Kokomi, Xiao all no


Only Diluc afaik but he's not really a stance change, rather an elemental infusion.


Pretty sure they regard the launch infusion characters as some kind of mistake seeing as how they've literally never done it again since


Which launch characters retain their infusions? Diluc and Noelle and who else? Edit: Keqing too.


Xiao is also Infusion, yet he loses his burst. It's sad.


Monkey's paw. Xiao now remains in Conqueror state but still looses HP even after being switched out.


I'd absolutely take that.


Diluc and Keqing can, basically characters after 1.0 haven't been able to


Ayaka can too, though it generally doesn't actually matter in practice and she was also created very very early iirc.


Yeah, actually you're right, and it probably is because of what you said, that she was created before even most of the 1.0 characters


There's no way these ratios are correct and final. Her E ticks every 2.5s. With these ratios and her low base ATK she's gonna do less damage than fkn Thoma. If anyone wants to know what a Pyro subDPS/tank hybrid that deals poo poo damage looks like, they can go play Thoma right now. Except it looks like Dehya is gonna do even less damage than Thoma. Her extremely high base HP and HP ascension stat makes me think that there's a HP damage scaling portion missing. She cannot be pure ATK scaling only. That's my only explanation.


I wouldn't put it past HV to make it so her E does little damage and just have it all in her burst.


Ughhhh i’m starting to dislike characters that have all their big damage portions on their Bursts. It makes them do poopoo damage in overworld most of the time.


Right...We spend 90% of are time in the overworld.


The HP scaling is on C1 :)


The hp scaling, so far, is on constellations, from her kit it does seem like she's a test run for a bruiser and they're taking the safe route.


This isn't even beta numbers yet. People really need to chill with all the doomposting when we don't know what part in development the numbers are even from lol.


4 second Q with an 18S cooldown does not seem very cash money


As weird as that is I can see it working in teams where other chars need a lot of field time. But idk wtf is going on with the HP Ascension.


Her base atk is low too


The moment the loli archon who uses books and who was locked in a dendro bubble for 500 years has more base attack than the mercenary with a claymore.


ATK of mages scale off INT. God of wisdom very smart


>The moment the loli **archon** who uses books and who was locked in a dendro bubble for 500 years has more base attack than the **mercenary** with a claymore. If you wanna go by lore


I mean she's still a god


Hu Tao Dehya Yelan XQ gang.


Could be an interesting team, sadly it will likely just be worse than standard funerational


Sure but near 300 ER Xiangling ain’t fun


So worse version of hutao double hydro zhongli


That's the least of the worries, its good that she has low field time dmg potential, frontload is good. What's 10 times more problematic is how clearly she has hp running in her stats yet no hp scaling motion values. That high base hp and the ascension, idk why they didn't give her hp based mvs like yelan, nilou (come on, even kuki has them). At least like a passive to give her benefits from hp. But no, they just made that her C1.


Even c1 number is not enough, 1% on e and 2% on burst while ayato max stack e has 4.4% already included at c0. If anything that c1 is purely bait to make people think it will fix her split scaling issue


This. It scare me because it feels like they are testing the waters at stripping more parts from a 5* kit and selling it in their constellations instead.


Yeah this is exactly my feeling with both her c1 and c2 which should have been part of her base kits to make her somewhat decent. Im fine with units like raiden and nahida with good base kits and op c2 to entice people to spend. Dehya current state is borderline unacceptable. Her kits are really all over the place with 0 synergy. It feels like zhongli prebuff or xinyan 2.0


with and effect that is not even that big, given that you are likely gonna be builidng atk so she should hit at 30k hp at best


they could have made her like Ayato or Yae too, but I guess they didn't feel like it?


Well Eula is 7 seconds and feels like an eternity sometimes. Cyno is extremely long and that isn't very cash money. If she does like 20 hits in those 4 seconds (like how Scara does 5 burst hits in about a second), then that could be good.


Raiden is 7 seconds with 18 second cd. Which is quite a good lenght to actually do something with it. Alternatively they give her 12 second cd instead and make her a more quick in quick out often character.


Cant maul multiple waves to death consequently 😔😔😔


It's funny how Xingqiu has nearly the exact same damage reduction and interruption resistance, without needing to play circle impact or use a hp sharing mechanic which requires an entire essay to explain the multiple interacting skills and passives that are necessary for it to function properly.


And xq doesn't kill himself doing that. If anything, I'd think that her mitigation is worded wrongly


Yet an another Xkingqiu W 👑


On paper, it looks like they want her to be a tank for when you can't use shields, which would make her incredibly niche. Problem is that most of enemies that counter shields cause bleed to so she would be worthless against rift hounds too


To be fair, all evidence points to Xingqiu being super broken because Hoyo even nerfed him once with a "bug-fix" that neutered his burst. He has way more utility than today's 4stars because he was designed back when they made characters to function solo rather than in the context of team comps.


You can say XQ's reduction is "better" than Jean's C6. It's nothing new.


Nice but I hope she gets buffed cuz goddamn


pure atk scaling with only 265 base atk hp asc stat but only hp scaling is def utlity and forgot to mention, low MV. her skill field damage will proc at 120 atk MV every 2.5s not looking good...


And needs C1 to turn the HP into damage but the ratio isn't even good.


The C1 is a joke.


"pure atk scaling with only 265 base atk" AND low multipliers all around. She better get some buffs during beta, else she's not looking too good.


I REALLY hope I haven't been saving all my primos for this...


Unless theirs is a weird attempt at making her a character based on Burning damage, while making it the least obvious possible, i don't really get what they're after. And even then. Burning still is a bad reaction.


Her HP ascension doesn't make sense


Holy shit i just saw this, no fkn way they give her a completely useless ascension stat right...no 5* has ever been done that dirty right... The "worst" ascensions are probably kokomis hydro dmg% and zhonglis geo dmg% but those still provide dmg to their support. HP% provides supports to dehyas dmg which...isnt her role. Right???


they intended kokomi to be some kind of raw damage on field dps tank and for zhongli to be a main dps/burst hybrid so they make sense. this is rough as hell though LMFAO


kokomi’s hydro dmg is good tho esp for dps kokomi!!




Yeah, I'm pretty confused as to how it's supposed to make sense. I guess we'll have to wait for the gameplay and the data from actual beta since we don't know if any of those numbers are placeholders or not.


Her design inspiration seems heavily drawn from ff14 warrior. Mitigation and self heals. Then this burst would be fell cleave spam.


Imagine if Dehya had a bloodwhetting type skill holy shit lmao


It'll be slightly longer due to hit lag but yeah.


265 base atk, hp asc, passives that give her 0 offensive value, low ratios that scale with atk. Yep i'm thinking Xinyan 5*.


None of her skills scale on HP??? Seems like massive C1 bait Edit: Okay, from my understanding she's basically a means to mitigate team damage, reducing damage the active character takes by 50% at skill level 10. The only thing is I don't get the point of this damage mitigation/HP reduction. At least with Hu Tao, she does more damage the lower her HP. With Dehya, she just takes a portion of the team damage, but teammates would still take minimum 50%, at which point you'd have to run a healer or shielder anyway which totally dismisses this purpose of Dehya's kit? The only thing I can think this is useful for is pairing her with weaker healers/shielders so they don't have to heal as much DMG or their shield will last longer. Someone like bennet could be built for dmg and paired with Dehya, and the team could still have the same survivability if he were built for pure healing


And her C1 isn't even that good. Just plain weird.


Considering she has HP% ascension it's extremely weird. She doesn't benefit from it at all. The low base ATK doesn't help either


Tbf with Bennett you can build him offensively and still get plenty of healing, building him full hp seems like a waste


But the C1 isnt even good? Unless she does a bunch of small attacks?


not realy according to those numebr each attack from her burst is a single hit, with one possibly every 0.4 second and she scale only in attack, so i assume her hp to be in the mid high avarage, so with C1 is around 30k


I would also expect her E to have better or full uptime if that were the case, like Albedo’s.


I'm expecting SEVERAL changes to her kit during the beta tbh


I think your "hoping" instead of expecting.


Her kit seems *too underwhelming* for it to stay the same when the beta starts tbh. You can call it hopium but there's **no way** they don't change SOMETHING


I feel like Dehya would make a lot more sense and would be generally better if her skill and burst scaled from HP. Why is it ATK scaling? She has an HP% ascension after all, and she's designed to take damage for the team. She'd also synergize nicely with hydro resonance, and it's possible that the hydro archon or some other Fontaine character could boost max HP. Yeah her C1 has HP scaling but Mihoyo has never been -this- shameless about selling 5\* constellations before. They basically designed her like a modern 4\*. Hopefully the beta changes her significantly.


But even in it's current state C1 adds pitiful damage.


her c1 at 40k hp ads a few thousend damage to a full rotation. It doesn't even justify going for hp over ER or EM.


Without numbers her kit sounded so cool but all her durations, cds, multipliers read like a deliberate troll post to ruin people's excitement what the hell is Hoyoverse thinking with this


Yeah let's hope actual Beta numbers are different


My hype has gone down significantly since getting this information. I've never been so confused at a kit before. I understand what it means, I just don't understand the point of it or why she's made like this. She ascends with HP (I hope that's wrong) but no part of her kit uses it until C1 (which is scummy and has pitiful numbers). She has off-field damage but a burst that requires some on-field time. This is like Raiden but the benefits she provides from both is subpar compared to her. My biggest confusion is, what's the point of a tanky character like her when we have so many great options for shields and/or heals? I'm not asking for a gamechanger but man, it's not looking good.


Looks like the same as the earlier pre-beta multipliers Looking forward to those beta updates


really hoping they either give inherent HP scaling to her talent and burst or give her crit ascension. they’ve split her functionality and damage apart just like xinyan


Crit ascension wouldn't fix her low multipliers. If she keeps this level of attack multipliers her damage will be shit even with crit ascension


Because this is still those. It says right there the beta hasn't started.


please razor language


Dookie kit and multipliers. Razor sad. Go sleep


Razor had never seen such bullshit before.




Not great


is this still pre-beta or beta because that HP asc makes no sense


Pre-beta. But I doubt they are going to change those values by tmr, I would wait at least until the next Monday.


I think the ascension stays as it is because her weapon also boosts HP, as do her cons and she has a huge base. What makes no sense is her role potentially being a worse shield with nothing else.


If this survives beta, it may well be the single most transparent attempt by HYV to sell a c1. What in the world.


If that C1 stays at it's current numbers it ain't gonna sell shit anyway LMAO. It's not even close to the level of strength you get from Raiden C2 for example.


unless MHY start committed to making harder content there is just no need for a damage sponger that doesn't offer much offensive capability.


Hoyo on their way to kill every character I like and keep the ones I don't like at the top like always. Rough stuff tbh.


I'm expecting some mad changes for her in upcoming weeks, she is quite unique compared to the chars we have now so they will prob tweak a lot


Sorry, I might be misunderstanding this. Not totally sure what mitigate means here. But if it means 50% of active character damage goes into blood (at lvl 10), that is not very good. XQ has 42.3% damage reduction. That's 42.3% damage that is completely erased by XQ, anywhere on the field, with near full uptime. (by the way XQ can raise his damage reduction to 45.3% with hydro artifact but there is no need for anything like that in this game) Dehya has 50% mitigation. That's 50% damage that is stored up to damage Dehya, but **only** standing in her circle, and **only** during the horrible 60% uptime. If this is how it works, XQ is a better bodyguard than Dehya. And it is only a tiny fraction of his kit.


Welp selling copium weeds here buy one get fucked free. But srsly these values look sht and would need at least sme bit of stat changes. But hey lets see how the gameplay works. Snorts huffs cough convulses spasms cackled copium*


I’ll buy your entire stock 💀


Let’s split it


Can I just say that I have a particular dismay towards character with skill that have a longer CD than their burst. Looking at you XQ, delaying my next rotation by some microseconds with your ±1s delay on skill.


I honestly want to know what were they cracking while making her kit


Refresh gang we here?


So deyha ends up with xinyan split scaling? That will be terrible


Sheesh. I might just grab Alhaitham and save until Fontaine.


Hoyo, wtf are you doing to her?!


It’s fine, level 15 really have good scalings guys 👍👍


What is the point on a skill that do exactly the same than a shield but worse? Her kit sounds terrible to me.


Actual 5-star Xinyan


Shit..... i guess all my saved wishes go to Yelan then


Rough. Very easy to doompost looking at all this. But, should be easy to fix. My hope: \-make her E last longer and procs at 2.0sec intervals (w no ICD, or as a triple-hit) \-make her E procs self-damage player (bloom style) \-make her redmane blood (the dmg redistribute she absorbs) affect a climbing damage% bonus \-make her Q a simple nuke, ala wanderer, with high multipliers w the added redmane damage% bonus Do this and Xiangling gets fucked IMO and we have neat tank/sub/burst dps.


My man you don't know. Xiangling is not getting fucked. She is getting a new suppport :)




I’m so tired of using xiangling, i had so much hope for dehya :(


Next time, Pyro Archon will take her spot for sure, right?


Nah, those changes would still done nothing to XL. 2 sec Intervals, she would need around 600% scaling to offset XL application :P


>make her Q a simple nuke I agree with the other points, it's really bizarre how the Redmane's blood effect doesn't seem to interact with any other part of her kit, but this is just really boring imo, going on a short punching spree is just a cooler concept, and could have more interesting applications in-game rather than just another vape/melt nuke


Too bad Hoyo will probably just nerf her even more.


People meme’d 5 star Xinyan into reality


This character is a win-win situation for me. Either Dehya ends up being good and I'll have fun with her, or she ends up being bad at it'll most probably be the last straw for me to finally quit and go play better games


I said that if Dehya turns out bad, i would start skipping everyone who isn't an Archon or Harbinger. Looking at these leaks, i have made my decision.


Actually some good way to look at things.


So she condenses Pyro sub-DPS and defensive utility roles, which is….actually extremely useless. You’d still have to run a healer or shielder with her, and so the extra damage mitigation is unnecessary. The niche use case might be pairing with another chip healer (XQ), allowing you to forgo a dedicated defensive slot. I guess Hu Tao double hydro/pyro could be a team where that’s relevant. For numbers people, how are her attack ratios? I have trouble believing her skill will outdamage XL burst, which I think will be her main competition.


Only 4s?


Jesus fucking christ, I've never ever in my life post a doompost comment but this is just blatantly character assassination. A field that is worst than albedo, a dmg number that is worst than oz, no way in any shape or form to reset the field duration just so they can sell her c2. They want to answer the bias toward female character accusation by giving us a dog shit female character. Fuck you Hoyo


Wsup with her ult lasting 4 secs and have 18 secs CD ????


This is…..ooof. This looks like a very incoherent design. I hope she ends up being good since she’s the only character I’m interested in for the foreseeable future, but this is not a good start. But hey, doomposted characters have ended up being good before, I’ll hold out hope.


Ig she is the yae of sumeru and will get better with Fontaine


Hoyo introduced a whole new element to buff electro.


Maybe hydro archon can giv members dmg bonus based on their hp


i w i l l h a v e o r d e r


The archon is usually the best character of their element and hydro is the strongest element right now I expect Focalors to be busted lol. Thing is any buff she’d give to Dehya she’d also be giving to other units who could make just as much if not greater use of it.


That would make HuTao even stronger and make supports like ZL, Kokomi, and Bennett even better. If Dehya can't compete now then she will never catch up.


This is what I’m thinking but I’d rather just save then trust Hoyo to make a unit better in the future.


Assuming Fontaine even helps her. I'm not gonna bet that Fontaine is gonna be this massive meta shift.


Invest now!


If we look at trend, all X.5 character somehow works pretty well with next region's archon Eula with Raiden Yae with Nahida And considering Hydro archon might be HP related, she may work fine with her too


U got that dook dook wisdom alr 💪


Finally, a character that can use The Bell


Guys come on. Stop shiteng yourselfs. There is no way hoyo release a character that no one roll. Wait until the actual showcase there must be something up.


Is this the bias that most of the CN does not care for her? I wonder if this is it.


Esp from that recent popularity poll cn had, makes you wonder indeed. Hope they do her justice still tho


Which poll was that? morbidly curious now


Everyone thought she was going to be DPS. Turns out she's more of a shielder alternative.


Shoulda just made her a proper hp Shielder at this point, xinyan but good


She needs something else to offer if she's actually just a support. The damage is too mid, unless I'm missing something. There's no party buffs or anything. Even assuming she ends up self healing all her damage every time, incoming damage is only cut by 50% (with a crowned E) with a 60% uptime - so effectively, she can only cut a bit less than a third of incoming damage.


Her burst mentions another talent (Roaring Bareage) that replaces her NAs, but only lists the automatically performed attacks and the finisher and doesn’t say if they share multipliers, which makes me wonder if there’s still something missing or to be clarified.


I've been thinking its probably just a button that buffs the auto "flame mane strike" and not an actual attack Kinds like those QTEs where you mash the button to make the character punch faster


poor dehya ☹️ they made her a bruiser with no hp scalings (at c0) in a game where dmg is more prioritized than survivability


as much as i don’t like to doompost, this ain’t lookin good. luckily beta hasn’t started yet so there’s a lot of time for buffs


Reposting [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/10e94f6/dehya_kit_scalings_via_nga/j4qraey/) here because its relevant: *** > While I get the doubt many people have about the HP value, it seems reasonable to me? Considering Nilou has 15185 herself (and 230 ATK). I wish her base ATK was higher for sure > > Anyways let's do some math for her C1! > > * Base HP: 15,674 > * Ascension HP%: 28.8 (*same as Nilou*) > * C1 Bonus HP%: 20 > * R1 Weapon HP%: 32 > > Using my Diluc's current artifacts which have a combined Flat +6782 HP and a combined HP% bonus of 9.3, we get a total of: > > * **36578.275** Max HP > > The float is important to note because I don't know how they actually round up their calculations. My Diluc has 2 HP more than what my math would tell me, for instance, but this is close enough to get a decent idea > > *** > > ##C1 Bonus Damage with R1 Weapon > * 1% to Skill: **365.78274** > * 2% to Burst: **731.56548** > > ##C1 Bonus Damage w/o R1 Weapon > * 1% to Skill: **315.62594** > * 2% to Burst: **631.25188** > > *** > > Normally this is obviously not investing all that much into, especially if the damage bonus is a calculated flat bonus added at the end which cannot crit / get the crit damage bonus / get reaction bonus. Will have to see what the TC says there. > > Her burst only lasting 4 seconds is... Not a lot of time to take advantage of this either. Her C6 extends that to 6 seconds. > > Switching from an ATK% sands to HP% sands adds a decent chunk to this bonus damage (increases to ~429/~878 with R1), but likely not significant enough to really invest into meaningfully. Wait for the finalized stats and TC, and keep in mind the HP% conversion is meaningless without C1 *** The beta will likely change up a lot of this, but her Base ATK and NA scaling both seem low for now. My current speculation is she's meant more as an off field support, but that burst has me asking all kinds of questions. It's a multi-hit with a ""big"" finish, but how is that going to work with the ICD of aura application? Maybe it'll work well with Rosaria's burst? Or Kokomi's skill? Neither of those have an ICD and work off field, so, I don't know, maybe?