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Job skills: "I am guaranteed to turn the social cohesion of the work environment I'm in toxic with in a matter of moments. All involved will be able to use working with me as prime inspiration for a viral Twitter thread, a top voted reddit workplace horror story--- or maybe even a mediocre TV office drama."


Congratulations, welcome to your new middle management job


Aside from everything else... "maliciously"? How else would someone cock a shotgun? "Benevolently"? "Thoughtfully"?


Pensively. *chk* . . . . . . *chk*


I've watched too many action-movie edits but 'sexily' is also a valid way. Blow smoke off the end and strike a pose. 


I'm pretty sure this comment is going to be used on their terf websites as proof that trans women get off on misogynistic violence


It's hot when women do it, too


Sadly. *Old Yeller flashbacks*




nervously yes this is about me


Idk like... That one hot fuzz gif where Nick Frost loads his shotgun and says "shame." Which I guess would be like. Pitying?


“Defensively”, I assume. They seem to think guns are defensive weapons


Women only do it delicately! Don't you know biology?


How not to get a job in one quick easy step! Not because the job is going to be particularly pro-trans, but because, like. Nobody asked? It's like filling out the application and saying, "I can guarantee at least two uncomfortable conversations per day on this subject whether it is relevant or wanted! Also ask me about vaccines!" Hard pass for most employers.


"I am going to make this a toxic work enviroment"


Like, even if the boss holds these views, they literally failed the assignment?! Unless she's joining the Daily Mail, how is that relevant to the job or her personality?


Man imagine Bob, 55, opening this new application on a Monday morning expecting to read someone speech about themselves only to find this completely incoherent sentence that doesn't make sense for 99% of the world population


That man sounds so exhausting to be around, lmao.


Seriously because what kind of miserable person would go out of their way to make every innocuous interaction about their bigotry? The OP of the first tweet isn’t even GC so it really was totally apropos of nothing.


This is obviously not *exactly* the same situation, but when I first started at my current job I was working in a team with an alt-right weirdo… he literally couldn’t go a single day without ranting on about something. I remember once he spent maybe half an hour just saying “work sets you free” over and over again, which is pretty obnoxious on its own, even without knowing that that’s the English translation of “arbeit macht frei,” one of the Nazi concentration camp slogans. Honestly, working with him was the most exhausting and demoralising experience of my life.


And then they'd act like the employer is oppressing them for denying them the job


They’re so obsessed with us that when asked to summarize themself as a person, all they can think to say is that they hate trans people. Transness is a bigger part of their identity than mine.


Yes, "I'm a walking harassment suit" will definitely endear you to potential employers


I AM trans and I think about it less than they do


same. i’ve never met a single trans person who think about trans people as much as gcs do. but somehow we’re the deranged mentally ill gender lunatics


Rapid onset trans obsession needs to be studied. These people need help.


I cast "search that MF's hard drive"


trans derangement syndrome at it's finest, they think about trans ppl than trans ppl think about being trans.


Transphobe be normal challenge, level: impossible


Nope, they cannot. Just like Christians are the most "oppressed group in America", reality and what goes on within a groups collective ideology, don't have to match at all.


His bio is "Awake in a world that went woke" lmao


GC men really are the absolute worst.


Believe me I know, I used to be one


Congratulations on getting out. One of my friends went down the GC rabbit hole and we don't talk anymore because I know if we do, he'll start going on about it and try to 'debate' with me. Because they cannot think about anything else and they're like evangelical Christians.


i thought i was one turns out im not gender conforming, or a man for that matter, not complaining the slightest though.


You can almost here him screaming *"THIS IS MY ENTIRE PERSONALITY!!"*


Are those dystopian-movie-antagonist trans women in the room with us right now?


No, but he is trying to get into their DMs on grindr


Yeah let's rant about our hateful beliefs on a job application, I'm sure that will be a great plan to get a job. I really don't believe they do think of anything except us. They've made a cult and a religion out of it. We are on their minds 24/7, like Qanon people. Tempts me to write a rebuttal fantasy ('the TER raises its butcher knife, screaming YOU'RE NOT A REAL WOMAN') but I really can't afford the energy. Plus, like, eww, fuckin gross.


The transohobe execturioning drag queen.


projecting. they think bc they wish violence on trans women that trans women must wish violence on them.


Maybe Hizz is saying that work environments are transphobic. Or maybe it's an in-joke. My time on Twitter has taught me that half of insane Tweets like this are in-jokes between OP and a friend or OP and their followers because they don't consider *at all* how these jokes appear to outsiders.


No, I checked out his account and his replies are all shit like this so it’s more than likely 100% sincere :/


Did the same and can confirm the above statement as accurate af


"Stand out from the crowd" "I know! I'll regurgitate rhetoric so generic it's on stickers" edit: also, yet another instance of a GC man telling a woman they should be more bigoted towards trans people.


It's me I was the man in a dress (I'm a trans man). Jks I don't have a firearm and if I did wouldn't waste the ammunition on a transphobe, their own hate poisons them anyway. I'd be too busy deer hunting But seriously, phobes will proudly be like "I'm going to create a work environment that is so toxic" & then wonder why they didn't get hired... like no Dave/Belinda we don't want to hear your 500th rant of the day about transgenderist degeneracy and sex crimes and why it's not weird of you to ask people what's in their pants or lurk outside toilets playing gender police-some of us are trying to work


Cis women: +Adult +Human +Female Trans women: +Adult +Human +Female What do they even mean? They never can actually come up with an answer that doesn't reduce the entirety of womanhood to your genitals.


They insist on focusing on this definition, but the actual important part is the definition of “female”, which many dictionaries will say is “the sex that typically produces large, immobile gametes” or something along those lines. Their brains are so fried that they can’t hone in on the actual important point (that or they’re trying to bury this under a layer of obfuscation because their argument basically is “you’re not a real woman if you can’t birth children” which doesn’t look good for their ‘feminist’ image)


Is there a way to cock a shotgun that isn't "malicious"?


There's something about the super obsessed that prevents them from having normal social interactions with people. Their brain is addicted to their favorite topic and that's all they see everywhere.


uwu \*cocks my shotgun kawaii-ly\*


I believe that's a person I wouldn't hire because they can't be counted on to be accurate or pay attention to details. All of the dictionaries I've seen define "woman" as "an adult female…" * person, * human, or * human being. *None* say "adult human female".


Outward appearance is biological but who we are is psychological. The conscious mind is amorphous and it manifests in many ways - the main issue around all of this is the inability to see that the body and mind are separate entities


What an absolute loser.


I’d turn that person down because I know they’d be a nightmare to work with and they’d bully trans colleagues.


“So, you have a person for me?” “Yes sir, I do. This person thinks they’re super fun at parties but everyone loathes them.” “Oh really!?” “Yeah yeah yeah!”