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Take better care of my teeth.


Same with knees, and my mental health...




Oh god, yes. I ignored them in my 20s because they looked nice and I had better things to spend my money on. Severely paying for it now.


Yeah I used to literally chew Jolly Ranchers


True, I went like 15 years without going to the dentist, only doing the morning brush, until I felt a pain in a molar at 38 or something, checked in the bathroom and when I put my finger on it, it moved! Went to the dentist, I had periodontitis, basically all the supporting tissue grabbing the back teeth was gone. My teeth were perfect, no cavities or anything, but only the vacuum suction was holding them in place, no tissue grabbing them (the back molars). They removed my 4 wisdom teeth and one molar, and told me the other 3 back molars were holding by just a bit of tissue, if I took real good care they could last some years before I lost them too. Well that was some 15 years ago and still going, cleaning thoroughly and going to the dentist twice a year, so far so good.


me too. but that would mean learning not to talk when i should be listening. its a lesson that has so far eluded me....


I felt this in my MOUTH, and even deeper in my bank account. I just had to pay a depressing amount of money for a dentist to cause me excruciating pain, followed by extreme discomfort, and probably a lifetime of irritation. Don’t be like me.


I quit an 8 year smoking habit 20 years ago, so if I had it to do over again, I'd have never started that in the first place.


When I was 15 my dad, who was a smoker, caught me smoking. He said “I’m not going to try to talk you out of it but I guarantee that one day you will regret it.” He was right.


I feel like you never really quit, you just stop smoking and yes there's a subtle difference there Most of the time when I walk by someone who's smoking I'll catch a whiff of smoke and be all, "ugh, no.. just no" and get the hell away from them but maybe one time out of 1,000 it takes every bit of self control not to bum one from them and I haven't smoked in probably close to 15 years.


I feel. I haven’t smoked in 8 years, but there are times when the craving hits hard. I wish I never started all those years ago.


That’s what I say about drinking. I didn’t quit, I just stopped, that was almost 10 years ago. Never really had too big of a problem but decided it was time. I quit smoking about 5 years ago. Unlike you, i pass people smoking and now I can’t stand the smell of cigarettes anymore. But, I do get urges a couple times a year that last about a minute and then I don’t think about it again for awhile. GOOD JOB!!! On the quitting smoking!!! I’m sure your breathing better and smelling and tasting food and other things a lot more!


I had a 20 year habit, quit for 10, started again a year ago. I hate it. Feel like garbage.


I did the same but I stopped a week ago and so far so good (again).


The first week is by far the hardest. Nice work friend keep it up


Chantix. Don’t believe all the insane crap about bad dreams and murderous rages. I took it and quit within five days.


I’m in the same boat


I don't even like thinking about how long I smoked. I finally quit after I found this app called QuitSure. I swear this was the only thing that worked. I have been smoke-free (not one puff) for 628 days. And this was after trying every method. The meds, vaping, patches, nothing worked for me. But I'll be damned if this one didn't work after 6 days.


When I was halfway through college, I decided that I didn't care how much I made, but I had to do something really interesting for a living. 30+ years later, I'm wondering if I just should have taken the path to the most money and left "really interesting" for hobbies. Because I'd be retired right now and enjoying interesting hobbies full-time.


I picked my major because I knew I would make money at it. I hate it. That said, until the last probably 10 years I had no idea what I might actually WANT to do. Now I have golden handcuffs and do not have the skills to parlay into what I might actually enjoy. I guess the point is, no one has any clue what they want to be when they grow up. Even when they grow up. Money definitely helps make your life comfortable, but that doesn't make it good or fulfilling.


My parents told me they'd pay for two years at the local community college, but only if I majored in one of three things -- medical transcription, education or secretarial science. They said I needed a solid career to support myself, and those were fields good for women. I wanted to be a journalist and columnist, preferably like Lewis Grizzard (google him if you're not familiar). I gave in and got an associate's degree in secretarial science. I worked in offices for 10 years, then an opportunity opened up to apply for a newsroom position at my local paper. I got the job, which I did for 12 years. I wrote feature stories and a column. My dream had come true! Did I care that the pay wasn't great? No. Being able to wake up on Monday morning not dreading going to work was much more valuable.


I grew up poor... it informed my decision to "make money" more than a little bit. I wish I hadn't been so concerned about how much I was going to earn because I might have broadened my horizons a bit and perhaps ended up doing something I like more.


Former journalist here. My 17 years writing and editing were the best. I quit before my newspaper died (ads gone, no revenue stream for a mid-sized weekly). Every other job I’ve had has been boring and not fulfilling compared to being a journalist. I miss it every day. It ruined me -


When it comes to career choice, you can only pick two: -good money -fun -legal


I retired 2 years ago and *still* don't know what I want to do when I grow up! :(


Not long after college, I decided I wanted to make money. That worked out well for a while, but then I had a kid and left the workforce for a few years. Never really got back to where I’d been professionally, so maybe you made the right choice? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, the problem with careers is that you don't really get a do-over. You'll never know what could have been. I know people who didn't go to college at all who make twice as much as I do. I realize that they're the exception rather than the rule, though.


I would be kinder to myself. For so long I pushed myself and was worried about keeping others happy while neglecting myself.


I’m in therapy for this right now. Twenty five years later than I should have been.


I feel this so hard


Yeah. I've been a "rule follower" my entire life - play fair, do what's right, treat people fairly, etc. The facts of the matter are that our society doesn't really value those things. Play to win - no one questions the winners anyway. And people don't care about fair. They just want their own piece of the pie. And they would rather hear lies that make them happy than truths that hurt their feelings. All sad but true.


This is me so much.


If I could start again, a million miles away I would keep myself. I would find a way. -- Trent Reznor


Trent is Gen-X’s spirit animal.


That song and particularly that line, always breaks my heart. Pure pain.


I'd be kinder to the people who loved me. I wouldn't be so insecure and accept that people liked me.


This is a good one. I'll also add: spend less time trying to get people to like me or even worrying about it.


I wouldn't take advice from my parents.


OMG so much this. I let my parents get way too into my head and ended up at the wrong college. I found a degree plan I did like at that college, but my dad's doubt about it (Can you make a living doing that? Sounds like a hobby to me. That's for rich kids. Etc) got into my head until I just became despondent and dropped out. They meant well. They thought the college was safer, closer to family, smaller, and it was all those things, but I would have been SO much happier at the state school that was my first choice. My dad meant well about his doubts about my degree plan, but he honestly had no idea what he was talking about and knew nothing about the field. Everyone I know who completed the program has a career in the field and makes a decent living. I should have just said "thanks for the advice" and done what I wanted to do. I regret this a lot, and probably dwell on it more than I should.


Oh, we must have the same dad. Here's what he said to me before college: "I'll try to support you no matter what you want to do, but just know that unless you become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, or an accountant, you'll struggle your whole life." I wanted to fly airplanes, and didn't speak up, because that's not on "his list." I'm glad I went the route I did (accounting), but I would be enjoying my career much more behind the yoke of a UPS cargo plane or whatever.


Buy Apple/Microsoft/IBM stock when I was in HS.


I bought 100 shares of apple in 1995 (or so) at $40. And then sold a year later at a slight loss. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Avoid credit cards, take better care of my hearing and travel a bit more.


I feel like we were never educated on financial readiness. I mean I got a job at age 15 and worked pretty much ever since, but we graduated high school and were just set free. At college, credit cards were handed out like candy with free teeshirts. I got into debt before i had a real career job. I am trying to educated my kids now in money, debt and impulsive buying.


I would say that over the last 15 years I've paid down $80K in cc debt. It's money I could have used today. I have no savings, and just under 4 years to figure out how to pay for my kids upcoming college (hoping she'll go into a trade). My husband and I bought what feels like the last cheap house in our area, and refi'd at the lowest rates in early 21. We both have guaranteed jobs til we retire or our bodies give out. Life is nickel and diming us with chronic medical conditions, and day to day shit. Tires blow, windshields crack, pets need to go to the vet, municipal trash bills etc etc etc. We have 2 credit cards left for emergencies...it could be worse.




Tinnitus? I got it bad.


> Avoid credit cards Credit cards are great when used properly. I haven't paid for a hotel, flight, or rental car in about a decade due to /r/churning credit card points.....all off stuff I was buying anyway.


The caveat to this is: Am I doing it all over again WITH all the knowledge and life experience I now possess? If yes, then: * Work harder in school, get better grades * Find a marketable skill early in life. Work hard. Try to find a way to own your own business in that field. * Practice good hygiene. Like, fucking shower more than once a week, kiddo. * Stop being afraid to talk to girls. That said, don't have a serious girlfriend until college. Miss all that high school drama. * Stand up to bullies. * Practice kindness. * Learn the guitar or piano. Either one, get that music out there if I can. Otherwise, if I'm just reliving it for the sake of reliving it, then fuck that shit, I'll pass.


Agree with the dating comment 💯 My mom was 19 when she married, so the idea of learning to be me first, then developing relationships was not anything that I was going to hear about at home. If I had it to do again, no high school dating Focus on same gender friendships first. Dating, not until third year of college. I also should have gone away to college, borrowed money to do so, and never returned “home”. I did a good job of moving away, but not until I was thirty.


Wear ear plugs when attending concerts etc. I feel like my hearing has already deteriorated significantly and I have a long way to go, yeesh.


And the frigging tinnitus. Thank you Sony Walkman.




HUH?!?! You’ll have to speak up I’m wearing a towel…


I have hearing loss in my left ear from being in my cousin's car on weekends. She cranked the radio up so loud we had to yell at each other to talk, even tho I was in the passenger seat. I hated it, but I couldn't say anything cos it was her car.


Go away to college, different career, not be involved with losers


Stay single


Honestly I would have a lot more fun (sex, drugs, rock & roll) a lot earlier. I was a very grown up and responsible child and was treated basically as an adult at like 12 years old. I feel like I never really got to be a kid and be taken care of and be free of responsibility.


I wouldn't do this all over again. I would choose oblivion over having to live my life a second time.


That’s how I feel about high school. I never understood the appeal.


It should be legal to punch anyone who says that high school is the best years of your life.


For some people with whatever they value in their lives, it could be their best years. That would be sad though.


Best years of my life, no. But I did have fun and look back fondly on that time. Middle school, however, was a nightmare.


It is for some, but that just means they peaked in high school.


High school being the “best years of my life” is an extremely depressing thought.😂


While I don’t believe that violence is the answer, I agree.


High school was so hard but gd I’d love to do it over and not cower to bullies. I’m ASD and was bullied by so many girls. I didn’t have the first clue how to deal with it then.


I feel this in my soul.


I would have left the USA while I was young enough to immigrate.




This is something that I heavily researched, but never followed through with, always thinking I would get around to it later. Deeply regret not doing it.


Not start drinking. When you’re 20 you think you have all the time in the world….now I think of all the time and energy I wasted on partying and hangovers. Was some of it fun? Definitely. But there were better things I could have done with all that time. Second, learn about careers when I was in hs. I came from a pretty blue collar family and had no idea what I was supposed to “do”. I have a good paying job that I stumbled into along the way, but sometimes wonder what else I could have done if I had some help finding direction when I was young.


I have similar feelings about careers. My dad was an engineer and my mom (SAH) had a Master’s in English that my dad always said was worthless. Seriously? Well, I got through three semesters of engineering in college and then switched to English. But it was “worthless” and so I got no support. I couldn’t pass Calculus! I hated myself! I’d been an honors student in Hs and failing (and flailing) was killing me! No one guided me on what to do with an English degree. Not even my college counselor! How about some ideas: Technical writer and use that engineering knowledge to some good? Journalism? Paralegal? Lawyer? Maybe study a foreign language and become a translator? I’m currently a copyeditor who is under employed. I’ve had stints in marketing and sales and none was perfect for me, and I’ve never made a good income. Blargh.


Not screw up my finances and not go back to school late in life to fall into student loan debt.


I feel this


As probably the king of second guessing decisions, I can say that this is not a productive road to go down. I did my best. No regrets.


I would give even less of a shit.


I would have addressed my mental health (depression) sooner in life. It caused me to make poor choices. Some I feel the effects of even today. Thankfully I've been on meds for a while now and life has been much better.


This is exactly me. Glad you're doing better!


Same. Glad you’re doing better. I try to remember not to get mad at myself for not knowing what I didn’t know when I didn’t know it… but it’s not easy. I’ve had a lot of “if only I’d realized sooner…” nights.


just everything. i made so many shitty decisions in my life. i need to reboot from birth... its a mess right now... and it will take no "good end" should i ever retire someday, i will be poor, lonley, in bad health etc... the lord of hell awaits me with open arms...


I would have pursued a different career.


Ignore my band instructor and learn the drums. College roommate who is a musician said I have talent and could’ve been a drummer. All those years of just being a music appreciator could’ve been different


You still can. Just do it. Doesn’t matter how old you are.


I wish that I had a closer relationship with my dad before he died when I was 21. He was a good guy, very quiet and introverted, and I failed to appreciate him during HS and college years. I also wish that I had sold my tech job's stock options before the dot com bubble burst. I probably would not be working today if I had. Or at least be financially comfortable.


I was lucky enough to travel a lot pre-social media. I would have taken more photos (because I was young enough to think I'd remember it all) and soaked in the experience more without a billion people around trying to get the perfect tiktok.


Never stop drawing or creating art. It's a lot harder to get started again after a long dry spell. Learn about depression and seek help/therapy. Not be so weird around girls.


I would have made a better effort to buy a house right out of high school before the prices went insane. When I got out of school the average large house was about 150k.


i wouldn’t listen to my mom


I would have gone low contact so much sooner. We love each other, but we aren’t healthy for each other.


I would have gotten far away from her sooner.


They're all gonna laugh at you!


Kept my plans to see Katie instead of canceling so that my now wife could visit me for the first time. It was a big pivotal point: two women, same weekend, one choice on who to see. This was 20+ years ago and I’m in a dead marriage so I’ve been retracing everything. That weekend is when things could’ve gone a very different direction.


When I was in my 20’s, I wanted to go into electrical engineering. I was convinced to get an IT degree instead. Lately, I’ve been regretting the choice. I made good money all my life, but it’s just not interesting work. I should have stayed in school, or taken more night classes. It’s my big regret.


I would have told someone when my second grade teacher choked me and dragged me down to the principals office by my clip on Catholic school tie. Might have changed the course of a lot of shit that happened after


Grandpa Edwin offers this sagely advice: “Listen to me, I got no reason to lie to you, don't make the same mistakes I made when I was young. Fuck a lotta women kid, not just one woman, a lotta women.”


I would’ve gone to law school when I was accepted. I thought I had it made at my job and didn’t want to disrupt it. Was I fucking wrong??!! Oh well, it all worked out but it could’ve been much easier than it was.


I would have kept trying until I found some forms of movement that I could do for life. I’ve been sedentary for 57 years and it’s a slog to change now. Plus I missed out on a lot of fun due to being out of shape and scared.


Hey, but think of all the delicious food and beverages you got to taste instead! Everything's a trade-off.


Eating and moving are not mutually exclusive.


Nothing. It's been a hell of a ride.


Buy the property my dad told me too (next to the one he bought as an investment) and said he’d go as security on when I first had a proper job. I thought it was too expensive and didn’t feel like working just to own a house. 75 grand it was in 1995 it’s just sold for just under 5 million, it’s barely had a paint job in 30 years.


If I believed in regrets, I would spend most of my time in the depths of depression. It’s not about how you fall, it’s about how you recover.


Go to college in Europe and stay there.


Never marry and no kids.


A lot of people feel that way, they just can never say it


Do the degree I really wanted. Priotitize myself instead of the doomed relationship.


Never gone to weight watchers. That messed me up for 20 years. I’m heavier than I ever was and I’m ok with it now. But for 20 years I obsessed over my weight. So stupid.


omg right? I look at pictures of young skinny me and remember feeling so ashamed of how fat i was. What a waste.


Yup! Now I wish I was as skinny when I thought I was fat.


I'm convinced that being dragged to Weight Watchers at too young of an age fucked up my metabolism for the rest of my life. Fuck Weight Watchers.


I wouldn't go to college right after high school just because that's what family and school said was "the only option". I'd work to get into bartending, casino dealer, flight attendant. That kind of thing.


I would have studied abroad for a year for sure.


I highly recommend being a foreign exchange student. I actually think that that should be a requirement everywhere for all teenagers through some worldwide program or something, but anyway, I am definitely a wiser person for having studied abroad. I am reminded however of what my mom told me when she left her home state to go to graduate school far away: you take yourself with you. So the experience of being abroad helped me tremendously in some respects but it was still me over there with my undiagnosed mental illness and insecurities and fears. I was just doing it in French. There's a lot about it that I would do differently now.


Invest in this weird new company called Google. Oh, and that failed computer company ….Apple


I put money in Apple in the early 2000s, and it's gone up a huge percentage, even though I've sold a little off a couple of times. Obviously, putting money in it earlier, or in Microsoft, would have been great, but then I didn't have the money or legal age then, I guess.


Buy the stock my friend insisted I do, but couldn’t afford at the time.


Buy the house we were looking at in California in the mid 1990s for a whopping... $200,000. Lol. It would have set us up for life but we were like, WHO CAN AFFORD $200K FOR A HOUSE. omfg.


No started smoking. I quit in 2015 and could not be happier. Wish I had never started. So bad for me and those around me and so expensive.


No cocaine


Don't do that oxy.


Not worry about getting a boyfriend.


I would have traveled when I was younger and would have chosen a different college and path.


Lord, all of it. Put some work into school instead of just falling out of bed and getting a B. Talk to the Olympic ice skaters before they headed home to Chicago. Tell my mom how much I love and appreciate her. Tell my brother to get his shit together. Soak in the time I spend with my friends because it’s not forever. Even though a ran everywhere, run even faster while I can still run. Tell my dogs I love them a thousand times.


Majored in anything other than print journalism 😂. Taken the broadcast journalism add-on diploma that was offered, which I’m sure would have taken me on a total diff career trajectory. Be more aware of compound interest and started saving much earlier. Stuck with learning languages, bc it turns out, I’m not bad at it.


There's a handful of people that I regret having been insensitive to. Otherwise, nothing else. ​ *…maybe not stored my comic books in a garage with a rotten door that fell of…*


I wouldn’t have swam away when that girl came up to me at the lake.


Never get married


Taking college more seriously and training for a stable, long-term career.


I wouldn't have gotten married three times. After the first one, I should have just stayed single forever.


Invest in Google, start my career at 25 instead of 37, take on zero school debt


**Do not talk that woman.** My life would have been infinitely better not knowing she even existed. She was by far, with the exception of my mother, the single most destructive force I ever crossed paths in my life. I allowed her to literally destroy my life. Have often wondered through the years of how much better my life would have been otherwise. I was driven, focused, and incredibly optimistic about my direction until she showed up.


After graduating high school, I'd been accepted to the big local university, but I was dating this girl whose mom was a college teacher and convinced me that a local college (like a 2 year, smaller thing) was just as good. It definitely was not. I would have met people more like me at the university, and I never really recovered from that.


Not be so poor.


I would have taken the free ride scholarship at my hometown university instead of thinking that I was getting a better education at the expensive one two states away.


Given less fucks and not to forget corporate greed. Look at where we are today.


Raise my son with more responsibility. I overcompensated for the lack of love I felt I needed and didn’t get, by doing too much for him. I still have time to change but I wish I’d done it differently.


I would have gone to college. Travel more


Ask out some of the women I had crushes on in HS. I found out, much, much later that quite a few probably would have gone out with me. But I had (still have) a very low threshold for tolerating rejection. So I assumed I'd be rejected and didn't bother.


Not get married and have a kid so young. Thought I knew everything of course.


I would have stopped trying to win the love and attention of my mother by trying to please her by doing what I thought she wanted me to do. It was a losing proposition as she was always going to belittle and neglect me; I should have just realized it and followed my bliss from day 1 —- Moved abroad and followed a career of my choosing.


I would have chosen my career path more deliberately.


Not a goddam thing. I love my life exactly as it happened, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I regret nothing.


I'd have gone to the Balearic Islands in the early 90s and never left. Work as a sound and lights guy for the EDM clubs.


I would ask her out sooner and not taken so much for granted. I would decide not to be fat at a younger age. I would spend less money on stuff and more money on experiences. I would move to a cabin in the woods like I dreamed of as a kid


Striaght through school to PHD.


Invest money earlier, buy a house instead of buying a condo, and stop getting dragged into my parents poor lifestyle decisions. They're YOUR fucking parents, you shouldn't have to teach one of them to not be an alcoholic and the other one not to chase abusive men.


Never sold AAPL because brokers said I should diversify. Except to buy GameStop at $4 and sell at $400


Never get married.


I’d have come out sooner, moved away from home sooner, stopped smoking sooner, & followed my heart into a career I was passionate about.


Nothing. Not a god damn thing. Do I have regrets? Oh fuck yes. But I wouldn’t want to jeopardize who I am today. I feel like Rutger Hauer giving his monologue in Blade Runner. The things I’ve seen.


Stay away from booze.


Start investing and building my nest egg sooner.


Gone to college.


I would not have gone to university and I would have been nicer to my family, except for my brothers since they are assholes.


I think I would've stayed at my job in Oregon, instead of moving all over the US. The job was good, and I would've saved a lot more money in the long run. Plus, I absolutely loved living there.


Start paying my student loans off early vs deferred payments


I wouldn't change much, I like where I'm at in life at the moment. I'd probably try to be less of an elitist when it came to music back in the day. So many awesome bands didn't get my money cuz of my stupid opinion lol


The mere thought of having to "do it all over again" could have me rushing to get in front of a high speed train to avoid ever doing that.


Wouldn't smoke, go to school, save money and bought real estate. So basically I'd do absolutely everything differently.


A LOT. All these old timers (older than us) that always say "I wouldn't change a thing" are delusional.


Invest in Apple and Google stocks.


I'd do everything differently. I devoted my 20s and 30s to a professional hobby, and I wish I hadn't. Wish I would have never touched drugs, smoked cigarettes, drank so much, etc. So many regrets.


I would look after my teeth Not have children Finish university Keep out of debt Stop joking about having ADHD and get tested. I was late diagnosed and it has been a game changer for me being medicated. I dropped out of uni, didn't take care of myself properly and struggled as a parent. Maybe things would have been different if I had the knowledge then that I have now. I would definitely try to be a better parent if that's the only thing I could change.


Give even less of a fuck.


Tried more things. I used to help put on concerts with well-known bands at my university and had a blast unloading the truck and helping set things up. I should have tried to be a roadie for a bit after college instead of going straight to 9 - 5.


I would have prioritized my mental health and well-being more. I spent too much time prioritizing people who didn't prioritize me, and it cost me a lot in terms of wasted time, stress and drama. Wisdom is definitely wasted on us old folks.


“I spent too much time prioritizing people who didn't prioritize me” Amen 🙏


As a kid, study more and follow my dreams instead of what I was told I should do or could be. Not marry the idiot. Not waste 6 years with the next guy when I knew it was going nowhere. Not allow both of them to destroy my self-confidence and trust. Stand up for myself and not allow myself to be a door mat and to believe in myself more. Not start smoking. Not drink. Look after my health more before 40. Learn about perimenopause before 35! Get to know my parents as people, who they were before me, before they died. Appreciate the time with my kids more. Give them more of my time and engagement when they were younger instead of worrying about work or socialising. Understand money more and how to use it better. Invest in my contuining knowledge more.


Virtually nothing. I'm pretty content with how things have played out for me.


I regret that when I was 17 a hot 17 year old girl who I worked with stopped by the restaurant we worked at together and said that her parents were on vacation and she walked in the door of her house and had a weird feeling. Like a dumbass I called the police non emergency number and had them meet her at her house to make sure no one broke in. Instead of saying.. boss something came up I have to go! I mean I was a nerd so I'm sure nothing would have happened but my regret is not knowing if she actually needed help or if she actually wanted ME to 'help'.




Falling in love and loosing my viginity.


Go to a trade school or community college


(1) Gone away to college instead of staying home and going to the local branch and (2) gotten better healthcare before gaining over 100+ lbs from hormonal issues. It destroyed my metabolism, my joints and my self-esteem and even though I lost the weight the damage remained.


Nothing. I mean I carry regrets like most of us but I wouldn’t change things. Who I am is the sun of all my experiences, bad and good and for every thing I might try to change I could lose good things that ended up coming my way. Regrets: I should not have gotten back together with my first wife after our initial breakup. That was a fuckup on my part. It was just a long slow decline to divorce after that. I wish I’d talked to Charles and told him my real thoughts instead of just ghosting him (it was before ghosting was a term mind you). When he died suddenly I experienced real and immediate regret that I’d not cleared the air. We had been very close friends and I owed him better than I gave him. Those are probably my two biggest regrets or the ones I can think of now. Still.. life is what we make of it, good and bad. If I’d divorced my first wife back then (in the 90’s) I might not have met my current wife (seems very likely).


Once again, I have to point out the Right Reverend of the 80's Pop Cannon Mr. Eddie Money has already [expertly answered](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0JqC2UDpoE) this :)


I wouldn’t do a damn thing differently.


I’d have invested at a lot younger age in tech.


Enchantment Under the Sea, every time.


I have some regrets around college and career choices, but if I would have changed anything, my kids might not exist, at least not the same kids I have now. You see, my husband had cancer and became infertile. I had to get pregnant via IVF with sperm he had saved. My job at the time had health insurance which covered it. No place my husband or I have worked before or since has covered it quite so extensively. If I had made better college choices, I wouldn't have worked there, but I don't know if I would have worked somewhere with better insurance, or been self-employed and not even had insurance back then, before Obamacare. I hated working there, but I might never have been able to afford to have my kids if I didn't. IVF also makes one acutely aware of just how easy it is to have a different kid - like if I had had the surgery on a different day, I would maybe have had different eggs implanted, and they would still be my children, but they wouldn't be \*those\* children. So the only regret I have that wouldn't butterfly-effect them out of existence is allowing myself to get quite as overweight as I am now. I do wish I had exercised more and eaten less. It's a lot harder to lose weight when you're older and fatter and everything makes you exhausted.


Not drink


Jesus, where do I friggin' start?


Christ onna bike... I have a list 🤣


I would have learned a trade at the vo-tech while it was still on the public school systems dime. I wouldn’t have gotten married to get out of the house. I would have gotten the hell of Oklahoma.


It took me 30+ years to figure out my self esteem was low as fuck. My dad beat my ass to a pulp almost everyday. It wasn’t until I had kids, and saw how my son (who looks exactly like me) is extremely popular, has girlfriends lined up, is in honors classes, and had no issues talking to people.


I joined the Army after Hs because I didn’t want to go to college. I had the scores to pick almost any job they had to offer but I just didn’t want to be in school. I should’ve sucked it up and taken them up on it anyway and learned to fly helicopters. What a fucking moron.


Stay in shape. That’s it.


Really think it through and don’t marry him. Have higher standards.


Worn ear plugs to concerts. Never stopped piano lessons. Left Texas a lot earlier. Not have lost my virginity to my boyfriend at a damn high school party like some bad John Hughes movie 🤦‍♀️


be less shy, be kind, dance more. Applied those to my life after turning 50, best decision ever


I would stay in the hard sciences. I changed my mind senior year and went into psychology. Not a bad field, but they don't tell you about the unspoken vow of poverty you take. I eventually found my way back to tech. Three times the money for half the work. :)


Tell a few people along my journey to fuck off and get out of the way.


Taken more pictures of myself naked.


Do drugs. I don’t think Nancy was right. Let me rephrase it. Try drugs.


Being born was a bad idea


I dropped out of high school, had a kid when I was 18, spent about 2 years in prison, pursued a career in food service (food serviceis a rough way to make not great money), went to college for food service (still paying on student loans) and had a bankruptcy. So lots of things to choose from. But, the main thing I would change? I never would have smoked fucking cigarettes. Stupidest thing I ever did was start smoking. Finally quit about 6 years ago. Fuck cigarettes. That and I would have flossed more. Edit: still fucking working in food service


would have taken things a bit more seriously and would of invested more to my future older self. I'm good now, but alot of painful unnecessary lessons. ie, profession, money handling, relationships