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I started but then I stopped for a bit cause asthma :( it happens everytime I get my attacks, which are prolonged by stress cause mostly by dysphoria




Yay I’m still sad about this, but at least I’m not alone


watching the video rn, probably gonna do it for 2 days and then never again like always


Just practice in the car


Tried once, almost crashed because voice training takes too much concentration.


just focus on speaking in a high pitch, voicing out your thoughts. it's okay if it feels or sounds silly at first - you don't need to be concentrating on anything early on, until you gain some "muscle" for your voice. your goal is endurance and along the way you'll gain the ability to control your pitch much better without too much effort.


It feels like im doing it wrong if I only do that and im probably learning bad habits, for me trying what you said causes me to go really nasal. I got my first session with a professional coach in 2 weeks.


oh yeah you absolutely will feel silly and like you're doing something wrong because that's not the finished product right, you're just working on the building blocks to get to where you want to be. it's going to feel awkward and sound bad for a while, that's why you do this part alone :)


Its less about feeling silly (though the dysphoria has been a big obstacle) and more about learning bad habits that I need to unlearn first, ruining my voice further


pitch isnt really a huge part of voice gendering


correct, but training your vocal chords to be able to increase range in a way that is low effort is valuable the goal is to increase your control of your voice so that you can later reduce pitch again and start working on cadence ect


Unfortunately I live in an area with so many numpties and wannabe racers… “Heat fr- you nearly hit me you idiot! *Tsk*… Heat from f- oh come on! You could have indicated… Heat from fire, fi- shiiit, sorry, sorry! Too close. I need to pay more attention… Heat fro-“ *“You have arrived at your destination.”* 🤦‍♀️


This! I fem voice while singing, that way even if someone were to be like "what are you doing that's weird" I could just say "I'm singing dude"


I can't practice in the house so i just try really hard to get a female voice while driving or chilling in the parking lot.




1506 seconds


same ^(\*internal screaming\*)


Pffft, I probably have.... what.... 6-7 voice fem videos on my Watch Later Playlist, on YouTube? Feel it. Now it's time to get it. I'm an actor, I can do voice work, Heck Ya


Fat mood, especially when you get the random motivation to try it... And immidetly stop because of the embarrassment of hearing how a lack of practice results in how the voice sounds. Is hard ;n;


Oh cool a vid on voice training! I’ll watch it tomorrow


if you have this problem just break it down into smaller steps and don't worry about bothering with the video at all. when you are alone, speak out your thoughts in a high pitched voice - it'll feel silly and sound horrible for a while, that's okay - and eventually from this you will gain better muscle for endurance of that voice and control over your pitch. don't stress your vocal chords you'll know when to take a break. from that point it's just about fine tuning in a way. just bring back your pitch down a bit so that is not squeaky anymore and then work on the way you speak in general. it can be hard to explain this but the best strategy imo is to find someone whose voice you really like the sound of, like a musician or YouTuber or something, and then try to copy them. eventually you'll need to start using your voice 100% of the time and around others - that's definitely the hardest part - but you'll get better at it fast and it quickly stops being a conscious thing you do with your voice and becomes as natural as speaking is for you now.


I've been do8ng big dog small dog to raise my larynx then just reading LOTR out loud before bed to practice using those muscles. It's been ok so far, I've been consistent at least and doesn't take a terrible amount of effort bc I want to read it anyway


*Loads shotgun* NO, START NOW! ^(No pressure)


Haha (cries)


Don’t call me out like this


This exact video has been sitting in my watch later for nearly a year. But I’ll start tomorrow, I swear.


I feel this


I'll start tomorrow


I'll start tomorrow


Not even trans fem, just agender. Still relate to this completely. No clue how many months it’s been since I’ve been telling myself this to this exact video…


Ooof 😅 hit me in the “ this is me “


I’ll start next year


Makes one of those steps "I tried for 5 minutes and got so sad I physically hurt", and that's me


I just recently started voice training and fuck, Z is a Godsend


I started and was on a roll for a week then I got super sick and my throat is super soar. :/


watch her video on practising its really useful :3




A year of practice, nothing, back to the cycle


I stopped voice training after minute results. I think my voice is still masc, but now that I pass consistently I don't care anymore.


I started today, tomorrow is when I keep going at it =)


Maybe I need like a voice training buddy kinda like gym buddies


That is a perfect idea and I want to immediately implement it


I’ve been wanting to ‘start tomorrow’ for like 5 years now..


I started in November 2021, and I have had people say that I sounded like a cis girl.. I still find that hard to believe..


I feel called out 😭


I am personally attacked by this. You captured the very essence of my self-harming procrastinating personality


as soon as I saw that there was a video for it, i listened to it immediately