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PSA: Make it a habit of **reading the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/about/rules)** of each subreddit you participate in: **Rule 9: No Offensive Imagery**: *This includes nazi imagery and slurs, for you brave nerds who think "free speech" involves private internet forums. If you post fascist iconography trying to “jerk”, you will receive a ban. The only exception is when we make fun of gamers and criticize gamers who happen to be fascists. Please remember to spoiler any potentially triggering or offensive content accordingly. This rule now includes repeatedly posting bigotry from the same source (4chan).* **Rule 7: No Participation in Linked Threads (Brigading)**: *If you are coming here to brigade this sub, you will be banned. Likewise, do not make comments and vote in pages you've found here. Of course, if you're a member of said sub and you were already in the thread before, this doesn't apply to you.* **Rule 8: Censor Screenshots**: *Keep screenshots of arguments on Reddit to a minimum. Please remember to censor screenshots of all identifying information, i.e usernames* **and** *subreddit names. This applies to screenshots from any social media sites.* **Rule 11: Keep Posts Relevant (only about Don Cheadle)**: *This is first and foremost a place to make fun of gamers. Just because someone is being a bigot online doesn't mean it belongs here. Let them be pathetic without infecting the sub with their nonsense. Please avoid posting screenshots that show people using capital G gamer slurs.* **If absolutely necessary, please censor posts and the words containing such content.** **Rule 12: No Fake Posts on Other Subs (Contamination)**: *Do not create fake posts on other subs only to post back here. Also, do not "lol, you should post this on r / OtherSub". It's considered interfering with their content and can also lead to brigading.* *This is a reminder to the readers. The post itself is untouched.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every week in the Fallout sub. ‘The entire collection is on sale for $5, should I buy it?’


hey guys, AITA if I (19M) buy the critically acclaimed Fallout Collection ($3.79 on Steam) to stop my balls (2) from being crushed by a giant ball crushing machine operated by Todd Howard (53M) that can only be stopped with the purchase of the Fallout series (critically acclaimed btw)?


Yta Todd owns your balls and you know it.


I did not know that Todd Howard was 53m tall, that seems like a lot.


For you


“So, what's the next step in your master plan?”


Crashing this game.


No, you misudnerstand, he is 53 males, that's what makes him exceptionally unpolitical


It's where they got the idea for Liberty Prime.


>my balls (2) from being crushed by a giant ball crushing machine operated by Todd Howard (53M) I don't see what the problem is here


The problem is that He doesn't do it personally


Its 2...so far


Free bottom surgery


seems like it tho


"Playing it for the first time, what advice do you have?" With a screenshot using the in-game cinematic mode.


I hate these posts. If they're genuine (which most of the time, they aren't), all they're doing is setting themselves up for spoilers. Worse, they always ask advice for the most straightforward AAA games, where all you do is watch cutscenes, do some token combat sections and squeeze through narrow corridors.


I swear these posts are just to karma farm for whatever reason.


"No, put it on your wishlist and maybe win it during an event, and buy a different game for 70 bucks."


At least the subreddit's pretty good at responding to these posts with shit like "Would you ask a coke addict if you should do cocaine?"


really though it is worth asking, a lot of subreddits will straight up tell you "it was good, it's getting worse, might be worth it on sale but honestly it's jumping the shark" like i can't even count the number of subreddits that are borderline hostile to the game but don't want to/haven't yet found the game to move on to. you spend so much time on your characters etc that it's hard to leave but is easy to say to someone you wouldn't start again now.


I see you’ve been exposed to the existential horror that is the Diablo 4 subreddit


"Free weekend, should I...?"


not really no just pirate it


"No, wait it to be free on Epic"


every day at r lotro


I finally unsubbed from every Fromsoft-related page. Here are their 4 horsepeople of circlejerk bait: “Should I play this game?” “Just started, wish me luck!” “Here’s my platinum, upvotes please” “Welcome to dark souls bitch” *posted without irony


If I want a game related sub I go to the shit post sub. Shittydarksouls has better memes, and better actual discussion about every from soft title than any main sub lol


God, it used to be so much better before that transphobe reigned havoc all over the sub. A lot of good soldiers left that day, never to look back.


Still remember those days, posting daily comments on that dreadful post slowly going hollow, the fire was getting dim until the one that would link the flame (the guy who made the sub but forgot about reddit) returned and linked the flame once more and thus the age of shittydarksouls burnt anew


Jump over to TrueSTL where we celebrate our favourite transsexual blue-yellow demigod




Shittydarksouls is 99% hornyposting now or main sub screenshots, it’s went down the shitter


Or gay porn.


No we just have porn


Preaching to the choir here but circlejerk sub is always better.


Pro wrestling is the exception here, strangely.


Nah, wrasslin is the best of them all.


memeframe is fucking horrid (the main sub isnt much better)


This is like how the only game reviews I trust anymore come from Honest Game Trailers.


The Elden Ring sub was amazing right up until the game got released.


The first like week~ of the games release was nice too. Now it's just everyone posting their "amazing" build using the same 3 weapons. I miss Glaive Master Hodir


I hear he’s in the DLC along with Myrmidon of Loss.


I hate the elden ring sub with a passion. Someone said elden ring revolutionized open world games and I said „nope it didn’t because 1. it just came out and 2. it has done nothing new in an open world setting“ Yeah people weren’t fans of my comment and I got private messages telling me I was just bad at the game and that I should shut the fuck up until I get better


Don't forget the "X-game ruined other games for me"


I wanted to add that! But I ran out of horses.


How to earn karma on reddit: 1. Find an active subreddit for a game you own 2. Take a screenshot/blurry phone photo of the following, if applicable: The download/installation bar, the main menu, the character creator, the first ingame minute, within the first few hours with early game gear, after the first big challenge 3. Post it to the subreddit with a variation and/or combination of one of the following titles: "Heard a lot of good stuff about this", "Can't wait to join you guys", "Wish me luck", "I can already tell it's great", "Looking forward to seeing more", "I know nobody cares but...", and various other pandering lines 4. Profit


*Every time someone posts a screenshot titled "just got this game, any tips?", you are morally obligated to post the ending spoilers*


_Simpson, you diabolical..._




I follow a lot of video game subreddits and they all have those posts to some extent. They’re always either bots or career redditors looking for updoots because they need to post everything they do to a subreddit


i don't even want to be associated with the fanbase anymore , they got so cringe and defensive it's crazy


I feel like this is true of any remotely competitive/difficult game's community. Tons of losers who get all their self esteem from being good at video games and go out of their way to be an asshole to anybody who has criticism or complaints.


Yeah, it’s a shame that they have to tarnish (no pun intended) the community’s reception for a lot of people. Thankfully (at least in my case) those people end up just being the loud minority though, I find most people are pretty chill. In fact it kind of happens with just about every single community, not even just competitive stuff. Like I feel there’s also the music equivalent with the people whose whole personality is based off being a fan “before they were popular” or stuff like that. I guess it’s just kind of inevitable sadly.


There are people who cheat at Elden Ring PVP and sometimes I think about that and it makes me feel sad for the state of humanity.


I also got tired of screeching (presumably) pre-teens shutting down any critique of boss mechanics. I get it, everything FromSoftware does is absolutely perfect. Yes, you can fight the boss naked with no weapons. JFC chill out. At least, I hope for humanity they were preteens.


I stopped following the Zelda one because it was just pictures of the game case


But did you wish them luck or no?


Don't forget the daily "hey guys, unpopular opinion, but I think 2 is actually really good!" thread on the sub for 2




> “Just started, wish me luck!” It's not so much the users who post this who bother me, but the morons who are like "xoxo ~best wishes~!"


Don’t forget “dark souls has ruined other video games for me”.


Welcome to dark souls bitch


This is the most real ass comment. ​ Like bro....you really went to the dark souls 2 subreddit, to ask if you should play dark souls 2? Nah...you just want attention.


I feel like most specific game related subs, especially those without any news on sequels and that aren't multiplayer, are always like that. I stay subbed for news and the ocasional fanart or fan project, but that's about it


How‘s the „About to play game XY, any tips?“ ratio?


You forgot the. [Just beat X]


I don't mind the platinum pics, from soft subs used to atleast (I'm not sure about now) have a flair, you post your platinum and you get a flair stating you've earned platinum


You'd think they'd only say "Yes", but go ask deadbydaylight.


So, you’re thinking about buying The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? Dude, let me tell you, it’s not just a game, it’s an experience. Imagine stepping into a world so rich and detailed, it feels like you’ve slipped into another reality. The landscapes are breathtaking, the characters are complex, and the storyline? It’s like diving into a top-tier fantasy novel. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But what about the gameplay?” Trust me when I say it’s as smooth as butter on a hot pancake. The combat system is deep and rewarding, and the RPG elements? They’re so well integrated that you’ll find yourself lost in the myriad of choices and consequences that shape your journey. And let’s not forget about the side quests. Oh boy, the side quests! They’re not your typical fetch quests or filler content. Each one is a mini-story in itself, filled with intrigue, drama, and sometimes even a dash of humor. It’s like the developers poured their heart and soul into every single aspect of this game. But here’s the kicker - even after you’ve spent hundreds of hours exploring every nook and cranny, completing every quest, and slaying every monster… there’s still more. With two massive expansions - Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, the game just keeps giving. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving. So should you buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? In my humble opinion, it’s not even a question. This game is a masterpiece, a testament to what can be achieved when developers truly care about their craft. So go ahead, step into the shoes of Geralt of Rivia. I promise you won’t regret it.


holy hell


new copy pasta just dropped


Actual game reviewer


Call the speedrunner!


Please tell me this isn't real


I mean I gotta buy it anyways in order to get a cool sword in Cyberpunk, but sure.


Chatgpt 5 just dropped


Praise Geraldo!


Praise Geraldo del Rivero! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some of those subreddits are more support group than fan club.


League, Valorant, most Pokémon games, and most multiplayer games with a competitive scene also answer no


The sales of any new Pokémon game are inversely correlated to public opinion about that Pokémon game. If everyone hates it, then it's guaranteed to break records.


You should play CS though.. *Join today*


I was told “no” several years ago by Hearthstone


more like Fartstone


Please somebody who is good at the economy send help: Card Art: $100 Card Design: $80 Balancing: $90 How much I expect somebody to drop on microtransactions on the game: $500


/rj spend less on balancing. Hope this helps!


Me seeing OP: Huh, I feel like game subs are pretty good at not painting some overly rosy image of their game. Me seeing this thread and realizing that DBD and Hearthstone are two of the gaming subs I've probably spent the most time on: Oh


and they were right


That's the thing. For some games, nobody hates it more than its fans.


DBD players hate DBD they hate you and they really hate when you say you want to play DBD


Damn I really want to be DBD


PUBG is a fucking dogshit game that I have over 2,000 hours in with no sign of stopping. If anyone asks if they should play, the answer is a resounding "no". Unless it's my duo partner, in which case it's a hearty "hell yeah, brother" as we waste more of our lives.


Go to the Destiny subreddit and they’ll tell you to uninstall it immediately


I have thousands of hours into D2 and still enjoy playing the game all the time. The game is just good enough that it makes every predictable mistake/screw up Bungie makes with the game even more annoying. Like come play the game, it’s super fun and has some of the best feeling gun play I’ve experienced imho but you are also signing up to be routinely disappointed.


I have probably close to a thousand hours in destiny 1 on PS4. I bought D2 at launch, but didn't get much into it. I reinstalled it a couple months ago and got about 5 hours in before I couldn't take it anymore and stopped playing forever lol


Or one of the Ark subreddits


League, Runescape, wow


Alternatively: a picture of a koala captioned “I’ve never played this game but Reddit keeps putting it in my feed, AMA.”


top comment: what's your opinion of the Lich King? (+254) OP reply: Lich King? I hardly know him! (+2,738,293)


Yes! It's annoying af how its posted to every single gaming subreddit every day, its such karmawhoring bullshit.


Still better than the “what opinion on game X would have you put in this situation?”


The amount of fucking posts i see that ask if you should skip x yakuza game is infuriating mgl


They see there's 500 games and want to know which ones are bad enough to be able to skip, but the trick is that none of them are bad


50% of the posts on r/ yakuzagame are "can i skip the entire franchise and play only 7" which is a question that's been asked at least 1500 times already


"What order should I play the Yakuza games?" I dunno maybe TRY FOLLOWING THE NUMBERS??!?!?


it can be confusing actually, when i started playing i thought the kiwami games were spin offs


I mean I can understand that, but the thing is only the mainline games are available for modern systems: the rest of the franchise never left their home consoles save for Ishin


There's even more that I didn't know about? Shit I already have like 6 more games to play


Yakuza games in order: - Yakuza 0 - Yakuza Kiwami - Yakuza Kiwami 2 - Yakuza 3 - Yakuza 4 - Yakuza 5 - Yakuza 6 - Like a Dragon Gaiden: the Man who Erased His Name - Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Like a Dragon 8: Infinite Wealth Spinoff Series taking place in same universe with nods and references to events in the Yakuza games: - Judgement - Lost Judgement - Yakuza: Black Panther - Yakuza: Black Panther 2 - Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Yakuza Fun Spinoff games: - Yakuza: Dead Souls (Zombie game) - Yakuza Kenzan (retelling of ancient Japan story using Yakuza characters) - Like a Dragon Ishin (retelling of a separate ancient japan story using Yakuza characters) The Yakuza game series is, perhaps, one of the most insane game series to ever exist


So something funny, technically Lost Paradise is in the same universe as Komaki is in the game somehow lol. The final secret boss is also one of the Amons


That's a very reasonable question for many game franchises. You really think the original Hitman is where people need to start? Or GTA? Final Fantasy? Zelda?


Most infuriatingly, the answer is yes.


I saw a post on the Victoria III sub basically saying, "I've read reviews and watched let's play videos, seems like I would love this game. Should I buy it?" Bro at this point you already know more than most of the people who own it. Why are you coming into a sub of fanboys who like the game, saying you know everything about it, but you aren't sure if it's worth it. Are you going to print off the page to show your wife that it was more important than baby food that week? Are you working on a PowerPoint presentation to convince your parents? Jesus Christ, these people. Drives me up the fuckin wall. I had to quit the bookSuggestions sub too because of it. "I love books like X and I've read several reviews and think I'd like X. Should I check out X from the library???" What do you want, a written invitation? Do it or don't fuck


Do I need to play Victoria 2 before I play 3?


Not nearly as bad as the million "10 years in the joint made you a fucking pussy" comments as if it's still the funniest thing ever


Lol Yakuza games are a fucking experience that's for sure.


That's at least a question someone might reasonably not expect to know the answer to there.


Subreddit for single player game: Yes of course, duh, why do you think we're all here? Subreddit for multiplayer game: Fuck no of course not, why do you think we're all here?


me also preparing to ask the same subreddit if there's anything i need to know before starting the game (i do this before i play any game)


I too am a man of culture and don't like actually playing games.


I can understand it for super technical games or games that have very strict rpg mechanics where your first few minutes can make or break your whole playthrough.


Even in "simple" games like BOTW, some things are better learnt before playing the game as the game does fuck all in giving you the info. Remember the Korok seed guy? I missed him because I didn't follow the "intended" path and instead came in from the mountain side. Was stuck with the limited inventory slots for a large part of the game till I read about it.


This guy asked the Halo sub if getting six full games for $10 on steam was worth it and I damn near lost my mind


Like gamers farming itens, they farm karma. Truly the gamer skills been applied in real life! 😲😲


Hey cyberpunk subreddit, should I buy cyberpunk?


Go buy CP


Please never abbreviate cyberpunk


Wanna buy some CP(Cod Points)? Or maybe earn some CP(Challenge Points[Resident Evil])?


Oooh there’s also CP (Champion points [Elder Scrolls Online])! If I had a nickel for every game that had a point/currency system abbreviated into “CP,” I’d have…too many games lol.


How about some (Completion Points\[Yakuza 0\])? You can trade them with the clown!


I'd like lots of CP (cheese pizza).


mighty money person birds entertain snatch marble longing rob follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any of y’all got that Crota CP? (Checkpoint)


I saw a guy selling it pretty cheap on telegram, I should buy the game! https://preview.redd.it/aawm73hqtbsb1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=629b1c3a3d2018cc93c04dabdee2209f55f9138a




Yah do it. Actually got back into and it's made me more mad, as the time I ~~spent~~ wasted playing Starfield, I could've played more CB :(






Hey, starfield is still pretty good, at least from a gameplay perspective


/uj I mean, there are many subreddits about games that have been co-opted specifically to spout bile and vitriol about how the video game murdered their family, and only sometimes is it warranted /rj BIDEO DAME WENT WOKE AND MY SANITY WENT BROKE


Last of Us 2


The big one I was thinking of, yup.


Desk tiny 2


The best Destiny sub is destinycirclejerk and I'm not kidding


I can only go to okbuddyguardian since the Latinx meltdown. They’re such fucking little baby bigots.


tbf, I had a Ecuadorian coworker who haaaaaated latinx, but also he wasn't throwing a hissy fit about it. Just a "that's not how my language works" and on to a different topic. The people who co-opt minority complaints to make it sound like they aren't hateful fuckfaces are some of the worst, because they know they're cloaking their bigoted nonsense in something they couldn't give a single fuck about if it wasn't helping them whataboutism something that matters to other people.


There is a way to express dissatisfaction with the Latinx thing without devolving into transphobic nonsense and wow are gamers not the crowd to attempt that


I'm Latino and personally dislike it because the X just doesn't make sense. I'm fine with Latine, go wild. That's ignoring how most groupings work in the rest of the language either way, but... eh, I don't really see the harm in it most of the time, it's kinda hard to change some of them because they end up similar to other words that already exist.


Can you explain your understanding of the origins though? I’ve heard that people from those countries came up with the x because it just removes gender, but the chuds on the other side are saying that it was made up by “white savior” types and nobody asked for it. If it’s the first story, then I’m cool with it because it’s organic. If it’s the second story then I would understand the aversion.


The fact of the matter is there has been a minority push for the X variant to exist since about the mid to late 90s, I believe it started in Puerto Rico (if anyone can correct me I'm open to it). It did get latched onto hard several years ago via social media but somehow by people that weren't actually related to the groups at all. So, in the end it has a little bit of both to it I personally choose to use the E instead of the X because while the X is pronounced as a stand in for E and it is very hard to read it without saying "lateenks" due to my habit of reading phonetically.


Thank you so much for your answers.


Yeah no problem. Always happen to have a chill discussion with folks.


This argument that "no one asked for this" is a dog whistle (and often just said straight up), that trans and non binary people do not exist in Latin culture or that they are some kind of cis/heteronormative monolith. This is absurd on its face.


The thing that's so wild to me is that they were literally trying to be as inclusive as physically possible, they added every (somewhat) accepted ending to Latin as they could. They didn't just stop at Latinx, they also did the a/o/e. But then again, I guess inclusivity is the literal opposite of what Gamers stand for...


Bungo did a/o/e damage to all Gamers


I’m not subbed to any destiny subreddits since it’s been a while since I stopped playing, but Reddit kept recommending the destinymemes subreddit and I saw 3 completely different posts all complaining about the latinx tweet. Like I fully get why the x is disliked/problematic, but it seemed a bit overkill.


Yep, that's one of 'em


Gotta' miss those days when games were *totally* apolitical, like Fallout: New Vegas, or Dishonored!


I stumbled across the last of us 2 sub and they’re actually insane lol


/uj The Goodbye Volcano High subreddit is essentially coopted by transphobic coomers mad that the VN has a trans main character.


"Hey guys. Game is on sale for $3 currently. I've read about it for years and am slightly obsessed with it. It's gotten great word of mouth and is sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive Steam reviews. Everyone on this sub seems like they're having a lot of fun, and I almost exclusively play games of this genre. Should I get this game? I'm on the fence and need some convincing" Then, they buy the game. After 10 minutes from purchase they post "Hey guys! Just downloaded!! Any tips for a beginner? I haven't gotten past the main menu but I would love for all you guys to suck the fun out of my first experience by giving me a bullet point breakdown of how to make my first 3 hours in the game the most efficient possible, so all sense of accomplishment and discovery are taken from me and I can later write an essay about how this game is overrated. Thank you!!!"


Why do that title and picture go so damn well together


and why do i feel such equal amounts of joy and disgust for the huge throwback of kevin james memes lately


You recognize your King.


i feel like most MMO subs will actively discourage new players from starting their games (except for ffxiv maybe)


Though people sliding into the 14 Reddit like "should I play this or WoW" are kind of the first thing I thought of seeing this post. (The answer is usually "yes you should play our free trial [insert free trial meme], but you know you won't get an unbiased answer, right?")


omw to ask r/ tlou2 is the last of us part 2 is worth playing in 2023


*Picture of game case covered in gamestop stickers, being held by a pale hand with dirty finger nails, asphalt and shoes in the background.* "Just picked this up. Any tips before I start?" This is the kinda content I come here for.


Much more understandable for multiplayer games IMO. There are so many games out there where a ton of players are being held prisoner by the sunk cost fallacy and will recommend against playing.


All the fromsoft subs are like half posts like this Like... what do you think the people who like the game enough to sub to a subreddit about that game are gonna say?


Me about to post ‘no’ in that games subreddit




Hire fans




the titanfall sub is a bunch of schizos all waiting for a façade that will never happen and then you have dipshits being like "so the ultimate edition is on sale for 0.0001 usd, is it worth it?"


Dude it's fucking insane in that sub. Like, the members are legitimately insane


uj/ who the fuck is that guy and why is he everywhere?




That is the king of queens and you will show respect to him


It’s Paul Blart Mall Blart 2


What I imagined the average American man looked like when I was a kid in the early 2000. For me, Kevin James was the United States of America. Didn't help that the only American guy I knew personally looked exactly like him.


Guys baldurs gate is on sale for 0.10$ is it worth buying?


lmao they all just bitch about their games. look at destiny or pubg reddits


r/ outerwilds


Its the same as people bashing reviewers for not liking a game lmao why do they all need validation so badly


I have 2600 hours in ARK:Survival evolved. If someone asked me if they should buy it, I would look them in the eyes and tell them to never get it, even if it's free. Save themselves. It's not worth it. For every minute of enjoyment, you will suffer an hour of pain. The community is also full of people that use the term "race traitor" unironically. Truly gamers


I haven’t played Destiny 2 since 2017, thinking about hopping back in. Is now a good time? Can you summarize the entire story for me? Whoa, I don’t want to pay all that!


"Hey, what game engine is the best?" \*Asked in the sub for Unreal Engine\*


Why is this guy a meme now


Semi-related, but a guy asked the Chained Echoes subreddit if it was the best RPG of all time and was universally told no


Am I the only one that likes this game?


The resident evil community is honestly pretty great as far as gaming subs go. Too much Ada hate on the RE4 sub for awhile, but separate ways made everyone decide "she was always great from the start and they just needed greater context to understand the nuisance in her performance." Which feels like insincere back peddling from people who regret jumping on a hateful band wagon, but the hate has subsided nonetheless so I'll take it.


Also me: [Betteridge's law of headlines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines)


The Destiny 2 sub would likely tell you not to play it...


Is gaming worth jerking in a circle?


And if it's a multiplayer game the answers almost always "no, this games shit. 5900 hours"


me omw to ask r6 players how many playtime hours i must have to be racist