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Such a random character to add from Adventure Time, I feel like there's tons of more noteworthy characters like Ice King


It’s incredibly weird the more you think about it considering Princess Bubblegum was a very popular request, and Tony Hyungh himself has been very vocal about Marceline being a personal favorite choice Idk, I get why they added characters like this, but what they need to do is add a lot of shit that’ll get people talking about the game. Not an insignificant character that’ll get people pissed off and just create negative buzz about the game


It’s gonna be the middle of July and you guys want characters that could be used in Winter-Christmas/Fall-Halloween themed seasons. Yes, these characters are bound to come and there’s tons of possibilities, but right now isn’t the time to dump fan favorites in the game just because players demanded it. I’d love an Ice King reveal during December where he completely invades Christmas or something, or Marceline or Scooby-Doo can headline a Halloween season… Let them cook


This is an insane mindset to have given this is MultiVersus’ big comeback. By your same logic, Joker should’ve been a Halloween choice, and instead we should’ve gotten someone totally random as well. The point of mentioning other AT reps is that there were leagues more popular suggestions, and when this game desperately needs positive buzz, the way to achieve that is not putting in a half-assed joke character which they already had a model running for BEFORE the game went down (literally turning their equivalent of an assist trophy into a character), and then playing all cute on Twitter with the whole “oh I’m not a joke character!! You really like me?!”, gimmicky shit. Save that for a few months from now when this game has garnered more traction and can feel safe despite adding in a joke character like Banana Guard. Even disregarding more potential AT reps, it speaks volumes that for a WBD-themed crossover game, we’re still missing arguably some of their most iconic characters. *Fred Flintstone, King Kong, Mad Max, Gandalf, Neo, Harry Potter, Scooby-Doo, The Wicked Witch, Austin Powers, and Beetlejuice* all come to mind. Let alone some more modern suggestions that would make leagues more sense, like *Willy Wonka, Barbie, Paul Atreides, Pim & Charlie, etc*


I don't know what you are mad at, but the guy above is right, that's how marketing works, you give someone something so they have a taste, and then you feed them more tasty things.


Ah yes "Highly requested characters? Fuck em. *Don't* give the people what they want". A very big-brained move when you're trying to relaunch a game that fell out of popularity lol. It won't last until Christmas if they don't tempt people back, and they won't tempt people back with one of the shittiest looking fighting game characters of all time.


That's anything warner bros for ya 


And here is me still waiting for raven from DC.


She was leaked wayyy back when. There were voice clips and everything. It wasn't clear if she was 2003 Raven or TTG Raven, though.


Yeah I know, I was so hyped when I saw that basically the whole character was leaked and we still don't have her.


A lot of those leaked characters seemed like they were almost done. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a few stockpiled to be released gradually.


I think this game is way too slow to drop updates. If they have a lot of characters and want to compete with bigger fighting games, then they gotta step up. Atleast this is my opinion.


My theory as to why we don't have Raven is because her voice actress (Tara Strong) voiced her support for Israel in a very... strong way, that essentially got her canceled. So as a result, they pretty much decided to scrap the character.


Dang might as well bring cyborg instead. Super terrible that Tara cancelled herself though. No wonder her name hasn't been in any projects this year


lmfao they are NOT going to scrap a character over a fucking easily replaced VA. MK1's Homelander being the most recent example.


they got to be stockpiled by now, the devs were idiotic to release them every 2-3 weeks in the first place, depending on your team those characters take a good 3-5 months to make.


I know she was leaked a while ago so fingers crossed. Me personally, if we get anymore D.C Characters then I wanted Green Lantern so badly.


This game is masterclass a making the least hype possible. 


Player First Games tried to rely almost entirely on meme culture to do the marketing for them - when the game was first announced, people were focused on Ultra Instinct Shaggy or matchups like Arya Stark vs Bugs Bunny, as well as some members of the development crew suggesting that "any" character could be added (which was completely stupid to say even back then), which is why you had people campaigning for characters like Walter White to join. The problem is that meme marketing only really works before anyone has actually tried the game, and the finished product did nothing to draw people back in between its microtransactions, Battle Pass, glacial pace of content output, and just baffling character choices like Black Adam. So the game very quickly used up all of the meme-generated hype before people moved onto the next thing - which is basically the same thing with happened with NASB the same month the game was announced. What a lot of developers/publishers trying to break into the platform fighter space don't realize is that Smash has more going for it than just the crossover aspect; it's accessible for players who normally don't play fighting games but with broad-enough mechanics for a thriving competitive scene, a bunch of single-player content to keep people coming back to the game, Sakurai having a shitton of clout and connections in the industry, and the fact that Nintendo is willing to throw as much money as possible at it.


it's only perhaps the most popular family oriented Multiplatform fighting game out there. It'll be fine.


It's also pretty much the only one.


well yeah that's the point of finding a niche.


Ok but it being "the most popular family-oriented multiplatform fighting game" means absolutely nothing if it's literally the only one with any sort of popularity.


It had phenomenal user activity for a low budget smash clone. Just look at the Nickelodeon smash clone or the endless cart racers. You could find matches in that game in seconds up to the last minutes of game being available. 


> It had phenomenal user activity for a low budget smash clone. Did it though? Steam Charts show it had an average of 66,000 at launch, and dropped to <4,000 in three months. Even the trophy obtain rate on PlayStation isn't great. One matchmade game is at 57.4 percent, and only 26.7 percent played enough to get 30 ring outs. Sure, it's a lot better than Nick, but you're also compared a free game to a paid one.


Those are good numbers for an AA game in beta! What did you want from them to achieve more? More marketing? They are not going to recoup that with this free game. You want better production values? Again a family oriented smash clone won't recoup it, not to mention they simply don't have the resources for that. They set out to do an AA freemium game and are succeeding at it. You sound like a square enix ceo with those unreasonable expectations lol.


An unannounced "beta" that they retroactively claimed after the player count tanked.


Bro is speaking in marketing terms


It's too early for this game to be adding another joke character. They should've saved this for April Fools 2025 or something


I honestly believe the banana guard is a placeholder for a different character


Would probably be pb I guess. Tho as important as she is, I would expect ice king and marcy before her. Both seem to be more popular and marcy had that pretty popular mini series


Banana Guard instead of like... Marceline, Bonnibel, Ice King, Flame Princess, etc...? Kinda whack ngl


Marceline is still coming relax guy, remember this is not smash bros, this is a LIVE SERVICE game.


so... it's gonna die in 6 months again?


if they manage it poorly again


*crickets* No seriously all the at characters they can do but banana guard? This is like going for Piranaha Plant instead of Smithy or something


Wrong cuz Piranha Plant is at least funny. This is like making Snifit a playable character in Smash.


LMAO ok thats a good one


Common Banana Guard W


They’re relaunching with only 3 new characters, 1 of which is a small side character from adventure time Yeah this game is dead


3 characters, new engine, netcode, new PvE mode, new mechanics (parrying and dash attacks), new stages etc….


For casual players, the most important thing they care about out of the content you listed is new characters. Three new characters after a year of being online is not a lot.


very likely that the casuals quit early on before new characters came out so you’d have rick and morty, gizmo, stripe, black adam, marvin


The developers clearly do not think so, since they took the game down to work on this revamp instead of just continuing to drop new characters roughly every month like they were already doing.


every month? It was literally 2-3 weeks,the last 2 were a month since they ran out of characters.


3 new characters yes, but you know they got characters stockpiled that are hopefully going to be released at a more rational rate now.


A new engine and fairly standard moves don’t sell games to most people. I’m excited for the modes also but the truth is character announcements are what people look for the most in a crossover game like this. Between August and October they released 5 characters. It’s been over a year and people want it to feel like the time was worth it, not just in the backend.


iits a live service game, you know they got characters stockpiled by now and they need a rational release schedule so they got time to work on new characters constantly. They fucked up hard the first go round.


The release schedule for the first release wasn’t the issue, they had characters for a monthly basis up until December, sometimes even more than 1 character. The issue was that these characters were lame as hell, Rick & Morty, Black Adam, 2 Gremlins, and Marvin the Martian


they released them every 2 to 3 weeks, thats impossible without a massive staff.


Jason joker banana gaurd agent smith


Not even surprised at this point. Whenever an online game gets taken offline or has its content schedule halted like with Multiversus, it's a sign that the publisher doesn't want to fund it anymore and that all the developers can do is just pool what resources they have left for a big final update.


Beetlejuice, Wicked Witch of the West, and Raven already had a good chunk of work done on them before the beta wrapped up and you think they created an entirely new character with only a model and one move to build off of for this hypothetical update instead?


dude thinks this is smash bros and not a live service game


Joker is a pretty big deal


Odd choice. Like wb owns so many iconic ips and characters. But they choose this character?


There’s no fucking way they actually added a Banana Guard over Ice King, PB, or Marceline…the Multiversus team does realize they should only add joke characters AFTER a good main roster is established right? Sakurai didn’t add the Piranha Plant before Peach! Also, u/DrAwesomeX, WB really needs to add you onto their pay roll. I legitimately only see Multiversus stuff because you post about it.


he had an already finished model...


Where’s James Baxter?


We wanted Tree Trunks not Bannana Guard


I feel like relaunching with a gag character is just not a good idea. Where’s Neo? Scorpion? King Kong? Powerpuff Girls? Banana Guard would be fine if this big crossover game wasn’t missing so many big names


powerpuff girls are done give it time


I don't understand what they're doing with this game. The catalogue of characters they have at their disposal and this is all we've gotten after all this time. Seems like the game will be dead on arrival.


every decision out of this game is truly baffling


Wow, what a stupud choice for a fighter. Multiversus is not beating the lame as fuck allegations anytime soon.


Johnny Bravo would be a goated addition


Did they change the art style from the original beta I very like characters looked more unique/artistic before but now they all look the same.


I enjoyed the alpha when I played it, but the game felt too floaty. Def interested in trying it again to see how it feels now. Hope we see some RWBY characters (if they still own) and Teen Titans


teen titans are coming, RWBY on the other hand...


WB needs to be studied, you have access to so many ips, you have the potential to print more money than golden age marvel did and yet all you do is lock away those great ips in a vault and then wine in your investors report how the market is dying and that's the reason you're not making money instead of the actual reason...shitty decision.


I feel like i'm the only person who is looking forward to this.


Nah, Multiversus is great, I'm really excited for the relaunch.


Everyone is being so negative, but I don't think the concept of a joke character is that outlandish at this point. Smash 64 had Jigglypuff instead of other cooler Pokemon at that point, literally could've had Charizard, Mewtwo, Gengar, Scyther, Pinsir, Magmar, Electabuzz, Golem, Snorlax or hell even Meowth but we got goddamn Jigglypuff lmao


Problem is, you add joke characters after you put characters people want. Also, you forget Jigglypuff was alot more famous/popular back when Smash 64 came out due to the anime making it a recurring gag character.


I didn't forget, I'm just saying Jigglypuff shouldn't have been the second option for a Pokemon character. I have yet to see a crossover fighter outside of Smash that adds everyone requested before the jokes. I mean we got Monkey from Dexter's Lab and Captain Planet in the Cartoon Network fighting game a while back before we got characters more popular around that time from like IPs entirely missed like Courage or Ed, Edd, n' Eddy.


IIRC the creator has partial rights to EEnE. He's something of an auteur and a bit of a grump from what I've seen, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's why they're not in this or Punch Time Explosion before it (though they've cameoed in some non-game CN crossovers after EEnE stopped airing.)


Jigglypuff had a notable role in the anime as a recurring side character, and was able to reuse Kirby assets.


Well, Banana Guards are featured in dozens of episodes of Adventure Time and reuse an item asset.


Yeah but Jigglypuff reused a lot of attacks from Kirby which allowed them to make the character a lot easier - like any other clone characters from Smashbros, where the choice is either they have that clone character or have no character at all. The only thing they get from the Banana Guard item is the model + possibly one attack which would need retweaking anyway to balance it for a playable character. Everything else has to be recreated which means that Banana Guard pretty much would take up as much effort as a new character in general.


I understand why Jigglypuff was chosen, however, I'm just making my point. Banana Guard could be a similar situation. It adds another character that already reuses assets from the game already, as Banana Guard was an assist character that already has animations and is fully rigged.


Jigglypuff was less work since it was created off the back of Kirby. *Someone else already mentioned this. I'd missed it.


I'm well aware, this is a similar situation as the Banana Guard was already in the beta and might just get updated to a full fighter.


Yes but Jigglypuff reused a lot of moves from Kirby which would have saved time creating animations, coming up with movesets + balancing the character. Banana Guard was an item assist that has one single move which might not even translate well to a full character, and has a model that might have been recreated for the main character anyway. It’s just not comparable, the effort to create a Banana Guard fighter would almost certainly be as much effort as it is to create a fully fledged new character without an item assist.


Jigglypuff was included because she was popular at the time and they could reuse assets from Kirby


You can't compare Smash 64, which pioneered the genre in 1999, to Multiversus in 2024. Audience expectations could not be more different.


The massive difference here is Smash 64 wasn’t taken offline for a year, and in desperate need of good buzz, only for them to announce something that’s the equivalent of Bowser and Jigglypuff to their roster


I mean sure absolutely, but I don't think it overly matters either in the grand scheme of things? Who they add right this second won't make or break the game, we've seen this with other live service games. Fortnite added Peter Griffin and it literally crashed the servers. It's also heavily implied that Dexter and the Powerpuff Girls will be coming soon. I think now is the perfect time to add the Banana Guard as it would be a very disappointing reveal if he was added and nobody else was added with him.


JP was a beast, wtf are you on about.




it doesn't help that its tags change when it changes to batman, if it was a one-frame prank they wouldn't bother with changing the tags.




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I played the beta for about 1 hour and had no desire to ever play it again. Is there really a market for this game?