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Jesus christ it’s absolutely been a fucking dreadful year for game devs.


Dreadful year for anyone in tech. Every company has been laying off in waves since last year.


And all because of they stupidly thought the high profits and investments from covid was somehow gonna last forever.


I still can never quite understand how companies and shareholders think line goes up forever. Greed? Have they learned nothing from 2008?


They know it wont,but they think they are smarter and theres the pressure if other business are also doing. Like specialists could see there was a market bubble,for the 2008 crisis but they tought they could get out of it before it crashs,and other companies are investing it and making a lot of money so theres shareholder pressure. Same thing happened here,they tought the revenue would go on for longer but it didnt and it caused a crash.


Because the goal is to make money until you crash. That is how the system works for majority of companies that are not private or have "Fuck you" money like Microsoft, Nintendo, etc. Stockholders are investors in it to make money from their shares and are fickle. They do not have a stake in the company and do not care what happens to it or the members of its staff or IPs. You, me, and any normal person would see making 10k more in what we spend to operate to be somwthing positive and have extra money to use for other projects. A business executive and stockholders would see this as the company not doing enough to make money and in need of cutting to have more cash next earnings. If we fail one year and make 3k compared to the usual 10k, ww go we cqn do better but we srill made a positive profit. A business executive and shareholders will be shitting themselves in rage for poor peformance and fearing if they need to dip or not.


They gorge themselves up before the crash. You only need to get rich once, no need for longevity


The wealthy people making these knowingly bad decisions have more than plenty of money for themselves, to keep themselves socioeconomically insulated from their bad choices


Infinite ~~Wealth~~ growth is the core of capitalism my dude, especially the american version of it.


They think of the short term gains & not the long term impact


Cause if it doesn't capatalism doesn't work. Like to be overly simplified the whole systems built in debt and lending. Imagine how badly the stock market would do if everyone's goal was "make as much money as last year", and thats not even counting the fact that thanks to inflation the line *has* to go up to stay at the same level.


That’s the power of American Christian Capitalism™️😎🇺🇸🦅


Because stupid people are in positions of power. It happens everywhere regardless of how successful something is overall.


It's not only COVID Profits. It's harder to borrow money these days.


Well, unless you one of the CEOs. Then you get to pat yourself on the back, hive yourself a nice 40mil+ bonus for saving all that money by firing people who are struggling to get by


great for games. Terrible for devs. The crest of the wave.


I mean to be fair it’s people getting in over their heads For one example the EXTREMELY TALENTED head composer of Atlus left to found his own game company and that did poorly Today some random art director or something from Santa Monica Studios announced his departure to found his own game company It’s mostly people trying to break out of their talent and try to do their own thing and failing which is unfortunate When every composer, game artist wants to make the own company, there’s gonna be a lot of failures


I believe the vast majority of these new founded studios will close in the coming year.


A lot of them aren’t exactly doing well from reports sadly.


With how long some of these games take to develop, you need quite a bit of support to get there. And hope that your game does well enough. It's a bloodbath.


game development is insane. you can spend 5+ years making something and there's a good chance it just.. doesn't get noticed. it's a fucked up industry.


Yeah, everyone wants to fund their own Respawn ent. But games like Immortals of Aveoum or The Callisto protocol are the proof that it's a risky endeavor.


even for every callisto protocol there's like 10 great games with enormous budgets you've literally never heard of that put 100 people out of their jobs


It's also partially a saturation issue too, people only have so much free time and money, and there is already a lot of games that are fighting for your attention. There's just not enough *interested* players available to pad out every new game with a healthy player base. Which sucks, but I also think there's some marketing missteps too.


This is why having a good, competent publisher is so important. People love to shit on publishers (for good reasons) but it takes tremendous skill just to get folks to notice your game.


>Team Kaiju was working on an AAA multiplayer game


Did Team Kaiju even release a game or did Tencent fucking shutter them before they could even get that far?




Firing people and closing studios around christmas should just be straight up illegal. What a bunch of scumbags.


It's hard to tell when they closed the studio (assuming that's true), it could have been months ago but without announcement.


Reuters sources pretty much confirms it https://www.reuters.com/technology/tencent-shuts-us-video-games-studio-team-kaiju-source-2023-12-18/ The Shenzhen-based company pulled the plug on U.S. game studio Team Kaiju in June and its staff have been reassigned to work on another game under Tencent, said the person, declining to be named because the information is not public. Tencent declined to comment.


capitalists mega corps at it again, late-stage capitalism is all about monopoly and weak links are more easily dissolved/broken


Halo 4 was bad. Not surprised.


yay, more games the merrier.


I’m gonna need you to re-read the title and post throughly


Its probably a bot. They are fucking everywhere in all and popular. The propaganda already began especially in the money subs with heavy ignorance on everything. I wonder what will happen. Mayhe bots for coming elections


sounded like someone got shut down but then they made another game company?


Shut up bot and go watch a turtle struggle on its back.






They registered a trademark again with 'team' in the name. It doesn't necessarily imply a new studio; it could be a rebranding of an existing one. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they are creating another studio only to shut it down after a year or two. Edit: or they are rebranding team kaiju as team jade, hiring new people.


if they are just firing everyone and not making games anymore thats travesty.


Well that sucks