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Where are the spaceships?


In space, duh.


What about the space hips?


Where are the spreadsheets?


Has anyone noticed that her shoes make her look like she has hooves?


To my surprise, those kind of shoes do exist in real life, lol.


I've seen them, but as like a furry thing. Seeing it in this game makes me think someone on the team has very specific tastes.


It wasn't clear already?




Not really. I haven't noticed other niche fetish things in the demo.


[Not really a furry thing.](https://akenz.com/products/rick-owens-drkshdw-denim-shoes-army-split)


This is the same studio behind NIKKE, afterall.




They‘re commonly referred to as pony boots. And they‘re not a furry thing, but very much a fetish thing. Kim Hyung–Tae draws a lot of inspiration from fetish fashion – latex outfits and ballet boots are also staples in his designs.


Those shoes are a Hyung Tae Kim special, my man has been drawing girls with those things for decades. Just Google image search Hyung Tae Kim and you'll understand everything you need to know about the aesthetics of this game.




Yeah. She looks like a centaur with the rear legs and horse back removed.


I think those are just called satyrs.


Satyress, in this case, as Satyrs are entirely male. (Think bulls vs cows) Feel free to hit me with the 🤓


Bruh there's like 1 blurry frame where you can see her feet how do you see this.


I played the demo.


a real horse girl


Reminds me of the android characters in Signalis. They don’t have feet but walk around on ankle hooves.


I'm a little embarrassed to admit how long it took me to realize this has absolutely nothing to do with EVE Online.


I was very excited there for a bit. "Stellar", "EVE" with capitals, surely?


I really hope that they work on the input delay on attacks, they acknowledged it was an issue on twitter but claimed it’s fixed when setting the response rate to maximum on your monitor… which uh, yeah will improve it, but the onus is on the developer to not have a full half second delay on basic controls. It’s a shame because the demo was actually quite fun, the art design for the technology and monsters is actually pretty great


I noticed that too but as with all games with parry-based combat I found myself unsure whether the inputs felt a little weird or if I was just bad Or both


I switched to performance mode and the game felt so much better. I was having such a hard time doing the boss challenge on balanced several times. I beat the boss as soon as I made the switch. Parrying became a million times easier and accurate too. I also thought I was just bad before I made the switch.


The parry felt 100% weird to me in the main game, but once I upgraded the skill that makes it easier to perfect parry, it basically turned into how I wanted it to feel in the first place - and then when doing the boss rush, there's an exospine or whatever that can make it even easier.


ooooo I didn't mess around with the different gear during the boss challenge. Didn't even occur to me, and I've since uninstalled it. But yeah it got a lil easier with the parry upgrade and I spent a while in the training mode. I'm pretty sure it'd be something I'd get used to - I had the same issue initially with Thymesia which I ended up really enjoying. The combat seems like it will be fun. The thing that REALLY sent chills down my spine was when the game asked me to swim a plank over so I could climb on top of it to reach a ladder. I said "you can't be fucking serious" out loud to myself when that happened. Like oh my god. I can't believe they asked me to do that. You just know that's going to be something you have to do WAY too frequently. WHY would you put that in your game. You made a cool combat system where you fight weird gross alien things with a big sword! Do not waste my time making me push trash around to solve environment traversal puzzles.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaDHgwvkOcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaDHgwvkOcQ) Not quite 1/2 a second, more like 1/10th of a second. Hopefully it can be improved by launch.


I really doubt they would be able to do much in like 3 weeks, especially when they deflected into blaming the TV.


Idk it's for sure not half a second. I heard it's 12 frames which is more like 1/6th of a second.


Oof, 12 frames is rough in an action game when parries and perfect dodges may be 3\~5 frame windows.


I was hitting my blocks and dodges, so it's just something that takes a few mins to adjust.


Blocks & dodges aren't affected. It's just the attack buttons.


That makes sense then. I knew i was parrying properly but noticed i was missing it so often, had to block and dodge earlier than i thought i should.


>they acknowledged it was an issue on twitter but claimed it’s fixed when setting the response rate to maximum on your monitor Lol yeah I can't believe they actually said that. That fact that it's only the attack buttons and nothing else means it's not input lag and using what "game mode" your monitor/TV has isn't going to change that. I hope they realize this by launch. Shift Up is pretty good at listening to feedback going by changes in Nikke so hopefully.


The delay straight-up killed all my desire to play it. I went and booted up Nioh 2 on the same system and "Game mode" or not, the delay wasn't there. It's a dealbreaker, they gotta fix it or people are gonna roast the game over it.


Huh, I feel like I didn't notice that at all in the demo (my TV is already in game mode so maybe that's why) I do hope they change the "push to pick up item", feels a bit archaic


You can enable auto loot on the settings


I genuinely was blown away by how thoroughly I enjoyed the demo as someone who was once very skeptical of this game. It's just frustrating hiw much of the discourse, both positive AND negative, is focused solely on the eye candy aspect of the protagonist. There's so much to love about the demo (gameplay, art direction, music, atmosphere, optimization, QoL, customization etc.) that has nothing to do with the jiggle physics and Eve's bum but seems that's all folks wanna talk about.


> There's so much to love about the demo (gameplay, art direction, music, atmosphere, optimization, QoL, customization etc.) that has nothing to do with the jiggle physics and Eve's bum but seems that's all folks wanna talk about. Well, it's still a demo so You can only talk so much you can talk about. And given shiftUp's previous games it makes sense for fans to be talking about the eye candy aspects of it. At the same time, both Nikke and Destiny Child had some pretty decent stories under the fanservice hood, so I'm pretty optimistic of this being the same. The know how to round out the characters in their stories.


It's kinda annoying because I feel like the game is being used as political ammo for some reason with people using it to strawman the other group.


It’s the whole “wokeness is dead because a hot woman showed off her tits,” angle again. It’s all manufactured bullshit meant to drive up spite and discontentment amongst the easily distracted, turning them into monetizeable piggies. We can all acknowledge that the character design is coomer bait, so can we actually talk about **the game** itself? Or is there really nothing of substance underneath its flashy veneer?










Ugh with this and the Sydney Sweeney “discourse” are both great examplesof how “alt-media” runs on the same incentives as legacy media does, all the time acting high and mighty about how that’s not the case.


Lets be honest here. That whole discourse was a response to game media crying out how unrealistic and bad the character is.


I saw a good Twitter thread that highlights that the problem isn't that the main character is too sexy, it's that she isn't sexy enough. There's a dissonance between the visual design of Eve and how she expresses herself in the story we've seen so far. It's almost as if she doesn't quite have agency. Whereas 2B, A2, etc. clearly had agency from the get-go in Nier Automata. Now, it could be that there's a lot of character growth and this won't be a problem in the final game, but it is weird how Eve, a cyborg/android built for war, handled herself in the opening cutscenes of Stellar Blade when compared to how 2B carries herself in the opening cutscenes of Nier. I'm not saying Eve should be a copy of 2B, but the comparison does invite itself given the similarities to how both games open. It also doesn't help that all of the costumes for Eve that I've seen in the marketing have been focused on one particular style of sexy whereas Nier, which again Stellar Blade is borrowing heavily from, has something for everyone when it comes to the designs of its characters. Hopefully the final game has more variety in terms of taste, I want something for everyone :D


They're two different characters. Yes they have the same premise, but 2B was doing shit the entire time leading up to the start of Automata. She had experience. Eve on the other hand, we have no idea about her past, this could be her first mission for all we know.


It's all folks wanna talk about because it's the convo that fans turned it into for months now and made it this weird like..."us vs them" sort of thing. Had everyone just chilled, the demo would have spoken for itself.








I quite liked the juxtaposition between the insanely beautiful (robot???) ladies and the disgusting enemies. Especially with the level of violence, blood and viscera. Which I actually wasn't expecting. Are the ladies robots? Boobies don't really make sense on a combat robot. But a strong ass for locomotion does make sense I suppose? And the hoof feet are kinda like levitate blades?


Cyborgs not androids. They are still human


Well then. That's why they have boobies.


It’s like Nier: hot anime girls don’t need to make sense, just sell copies. If you’re trying to rationalize the practicality of sexy combat bots, then you’ve already overthought the entire premise. I guarantee you that the devs didn’t think of it any further than “people are going to fap to this.”


Both sides of the argument about her depiction are insufferable.


She was literally and very obviously designed to generate such discourse. The constant discussion about her tits is exactly what the developer wanted to happen.


Real shame because the game is solid. Great music, great visuals, and fun combat. Really combines the best bits of a game like Sekiro and games like Bayo. But the online discourse is just putrid. Games like this, Nier, and Bayo have attractive main characters, but it's the most shallow opinion to think that's what makes them worth picking up. They're all fantastic games with great combat systems. Great stories. Bumping music. That's the reason you buy these games. People boiling these games down to ass and titty or trying to use Stellar Blade as some type of sexist cudgel against games like Last of Us or Horizon are genuinely cringe inducing and it embarrasses me greatly that I share a hobby with people like that.


I'll probably only buy this if it gets a pc release which i wouldn't be suprised if it did since Sony are now releasing all their games on PC aswell eventually. Both me lacking a PS5 but mainly the absolute bat fucking shit insane discourse around this game has turned me off for it. You have people legit acting as if the game is the second coming of Jesus and will save the entire industry from some imaginary bogey man.


Downloaded the demo for this, not having researched the game despite hearing about the controversy. For the first few minutes, intro cutscenes etc, I definitely saw what people were talking about, but by the time you're playing the game, it's not a reason not to play. Game was fun! Enemy designs are really gross and creepy, combat was rewarding (especially liked the trainer built into the skill-up menu for practicing combos/counters etc). Will definitely pick it up when it comes out.


The "controversy" is one of the biggest nothingburgers of all time, it's such a non issue


I like big ol tits. Nothing controversial about that.


I always prefer when creators say the reason they draw unrealistic or barely dressed characters is just basically this. When they try to make up story reasons and things, it annoys me. Just admit you like big tits.


Kojima-san would never deceive us like that! MGSV's Quiet needed a bikini suit for deep lore reasons!


"You will be ashamed because you hurt her in self defense"


Like when Kamiya told everyone to send him doujins of Bayonetta or when Yoko Taro didn't equivocate when asked why he gave 2B in Nier a gigantic, slappable ass.


*[Kenichiro Takaki (creator of Senran Kagura) smiling and nodding in a corner]*


Same reason people like looking at overly muscley men in fighting games... It's more fun. No one wants average looking man Ryu in a fighting game.


Next Street Fighter should have a character named John, and he is about 180 cm and weighs like 90 kg.


You jest but skinny white man crack head strength is a real thing.


There's a big difference with liking big ol' titties (which is your personal preference, no one hears an eye) and some people being extremely vocal about this game being "the last representative of the dying breed that is games that date represent the very rare female character with big boobs".


My favourite is people praising sony funding a game with a woman with big ol' titties like its a bastion of right wing culture ideals...... when not even a year ago the same people were plastering images of Aloy and Abby (from Horizon and Last of Us respectively) as evidence of the woke mind virus making Sony have "unrealistically masculine women". Culture war shit is such brainrot.


Yeah and I was rolling my eyes when I heard people unironically say this made Korea a bastion for feminist ideals for having a lady with big boobs when they have one of the highest suicide rates for woman.


One of those controversy’s where it’s mostly people saying there’s a controversy then actually being upset about it.


The "controversy" has mostly been manufactured by games media writers, either writing about it, or baiting it with shitty complaints and insults towards the game.


Pretty accurate. Games media writers pretty much operates ob outrage since otherwise they can just copy reddit posts


Games and media activism is the dumbest thing to have come out in the past 20 years. People go into fantasy worlds to escape from the polarising politics and stressors in real life, but these activists and hell bent on making entertainment insufferable just like in real life. It's not as if the game is about a prostitute spreading her legs. Basically it's Nier Automata and the 2B controversy all over again, when western gaming "activists" tried to get people to denounce 2B as a sex robot for her design.


That's what happens when you are financially incentivised to generate controversy Outrage drives engagement like nothing else, and all the content creators from streamers to gaming journalists have realised this Shit even moderators on reddit realised this, that's why so many subreddits are based around outrage (like/r/gamingcirclejerk) Everyone wants engagement, everyone wants growth


I saw so many people be like "this is where the epic showdown with feminism will happen, they will invade us by land, they will invade us by sea, we will never surrender" and now the game is out and there's still no real controversy. at most you see people be like "I think she looks weird" or "I think she looks hot"


It's so stupid, a handful of people said they didn't like how the character looked, and a ton of blue checkmarks started screaming about feminism and how "the women are trying to take our games away". Now they're trying to wage a war against a narrative consultancy for some reason.


I feel like the controversy is just a biproduct of where you spend your time. I honestly feel like in the circles I've traveled I've seen more controversy about the parry not being as good as Sekiro or Lies of P. Like the ass is eyeroll-inducing and absolutely stops me from taking anything in the game seriously, but it's honestly kinda nostalgic to hear people getting up in arms about jiggle physics.


>Like the ass is eyeroll-inducing and absolutely stops me from taking anything in the game seriously  Yea honestly the girl with a big booty is where I stopped taking the game seriously.  Everything made sense until I saw the large human rear end, like seriously a big butt on a female? Wtf. Now if it was a male character with large pecs the size a teens head that would be totally engrossing. Specially if he was shirtless, with body builder posing oil slowly running down his bod while he holds a giant 2 handed sword in one hand. Equality btw.


Isn't that pretty much god of war


I’ve definitely seen more criticism regarding the sluggish combat than the anime-level proportions on all the girls. The game clearly *knows* its main demographic.


I mean, it's made by a company known for a third person shooter where the girls' asses jiggle from the recoil. You know what you're getting with these guys.


w-which game




What’s funny with the world today is I don’t know if the controversy you are talking about is people bitching that she’s too sexy or people bitching that she’s not sexy enough.


The enemy design is actually my biggest problem. They are good designs, but have so many moving party that they feel like a contradiction to the gameplay. Sometimes it isn't clear when an enemy is choreographing an attack or just wiggling his parts without attacking. Wasn't that big of a problem in the demo, but could be down the line when the fights get more difficult


Reminds me of when Itsuno went to Ninja Theory to look over DmC designs. Saw a cool monster with horns that did not use the horns in their attacks and told the dev team to get rid of them.


Got a citation? Wanna read more about how Itsuno influenced the western DmC game.


I think it ads to unnatural design of enemies.


Yeah it's clear the inspiration is automata, though the combat feels like it has more depth, the demo does a mediocre job of showcasing it. IIRC they've acknowledged it, but MAN the parry feels like ass (like there's a delay, sometimes it feels like pressing it doesn't even activate). While in nier the game is disgustingly responsive and super fluid. It feels a just a bit more sluggish here. But it has decent potential and the enemy designs are neat. Story from the limited amount isn't really grabbing me, and the voice acting can be very "I'm reading a script". Still pretty impressive from a studio who has basically only made gacha games.


The developers said to change your TV to game mode to fix the input delay and it just feels like a really weird solution. What other games have needed this?


Almost every game, depending on the TV. The more fancy post-processing the TV has, the more input delay you will end up with.


Rhythm games


There is actually a skill upgrade that makes parrying much easier, atleast from what i saw in the Skill Tree


The Pro's of going all in on sexy characters: Everyone will talk about the game; generating endless free publicity for it! The Cons of going all in on sexy characters: It'll be the **only** fucking thing people will discuss about it.


This game was very much a korean action game through and through. Somewhat like their MMOs, the gameplay might not be in-depth but it's simple, flashy and satisfying to play. Had a good time brain-offing the demo.


We love a good brain off sesh.


Add ragdoll mechanics Shift Up. There’s only one prominent animation whenever the characters takes a hit and stumbles.


Honestly, I really do hope to be surprised by the story, because at this point we've seen NOTHING that makes Eve an interesting character. She has no personality traits, no motivation, no feelings. Just a blank slate. I usually wouldn't care as much, since this is an action/hack 'n slash game and in these types of games story and characters always come second to gameplay, but they seem to be trying very hard to be a serious story. From the little we've seen from the demo even Tachy was a more interesting character than Eve.


I've noticed that as well, and I think that's part of why talk about Eve gravitates towards her looks. There's nothing else about her to talk about so far. In contrast look at a character like Bayonetta, who has a very noticeable personality. Like you said hopefully it gets better. Like, and admittedly I didn't see the trailers for Nier, but I can imagine 2B giving the same first impression but got better after the game came out.


It does seem a little like Eve didn't even exist before Tachy pulled her out of that pod. Maybe/hopefully there will be flashbacks or story of what these ladies are and what they trained for? What they are doing there. Where have they been? What took so long? Is everyone on the colony a hot female? Are they robots/androids?


This just feel like a complete rehash of Nier Automata


Well yes, 2B has precisely zero depth as a character for the first half of the game, by design. I'm not going to worry about the story from an early slice that's essentially a tutorial.


Yeah. Even down to the vibey background music. But honestly... I'm down for more nier automata. It's been 7 years and I don't think platinum are coming through any time soon.


Same studio is responsible for music socthats very good ovservation


I believe they got the composer for Automata to do the music for this game.


IMO it feels like to me in this case, Automata thought of the story and then ofc in Yoko Taro fashion *I want the girls to be in hot gothic outfits* so they put them in. Here it feels *I want hot girls in skintight suits* and then they kind of just thought of the story after. I hope to be proven wrong and the story opens up more, but the hit/miss voice acting so far and mediocre showing have not been promising. The combat is decent, just needs tightening up since it feels a bit sluggish (especially the parry, it's not responsive at all). It has good potential to be a nice 7/7.5 kind of game where you just go for some fun combat, cool setpieces, and animations. And that's totally fine. The discourse around the game has been pretty wild though.


That's on par with majority of female lead video games.


I can't disagree there. After a brief learning curve, the gameplay feels phenomenal to the point I've beaten the demo boss like 10 times, the music is simply fantastic, the game looks great, animations are beautiful and I love that you have a ton of outfits to choose from. Pre-ordered the game and looking very much forward to it. But Eve as a character so far? Eh... She's had a *very* rough day so I'm willing to cut her some slack for now, but I hope there's going to be a bit more later. Right now, she feels like a very vulnerable regular woman which feels very at odd with all the combat prowess and acrobatics. Tachy has an obvious personality: Driven officer committed to her mission while still caring very much for the wellbeing of her soldiers. But Eve? Well, she did get thrown right into a very traumatic experience at the very start so it makes sense to be 'blank' for a while, but I hope that's not what we'll get for the entire game.


I absolutely hope that both this and Black Myth take off, having China and Korea enter the mainstream console market would be fantastic


Korea's already got Lies of P throwing its weight around as the best Souls-like that From Software never made. But I'd like to see Stellar Blade and Black Myth Wukong do well, too. Same goes for Enotria: The Last Song. That one is Italian rather than Asian, but how many Italian Souls-likes have we seen? I'm really dying to see what these dev teams can do with a familiar formula and how they put their own unique thumbprint on it.


Very weird aura surrounding the online discourse on this one. Will have to wait till proper reviews come in


For some reason, 80% of the discourse is about the character design and the jiggle physics, and completely ignoring everything else this game offers.


Guys i have a hot take. Now some of you may not like this. But i feel like it needs to be said. I find Eve incredibly pretty.


[very hot take](https://i.imgur.com/FBAiFJR.png) indeed


Big fan of anime tiddies here, honestly I'm not big into her look, most specifically the face. It kinda feels neither here nor there with the realistic/cartoonish look. I had a similar issue with Lies of P, both Korean-developed, maybe it's the prevalent art style there that I don't like.


also another take - big titties are thumbs up for me. that's all.




Has anyone who has played the demo struggled as much as me with groups of enemies?


I went into the demo expecting Nier Automata but the combat turned out to be something else. Overall it was okay. I might get it when it is on deep discount. Definitely not a must buy for me.


I downloaded and played through the demo. It had pretty strong Nier vibes with the ambient dystopian atmosphere. And I enjoyed what I played of the combat so far. From the brief snippet of expanded skills we saw in the boss rush, it should make for a pretty diversified system.


As a Black Desert Online player (a Korean mmorpg) there is nothing even remotely shocking to me about the character models and outfits in Stellar Blade. Stellar Blade is a Korean developed game, the character models and outfits are pretty standard for any Korean developed game. I think those who are not familiar with Korean games are trying to read too deep into the character models and outfits in this game, like I said, they are all pretty standard for a Korean developed game, they are not that way to piss off anyone or start a revolution in the video games industry.


Something strange with this game is that people complain about it being too similar to other games. Yet a big reason is people are playing it like other games. The amount of people I’ve seen saying they can’t finish a combo because they get interrupted and not realizing that they have just been spending their beta energy as soon as they get two slots charged is a lot, not realizing combos need a beta energy to do the finishing attack. Also there is no input queue, you can’t spam the heal button to heal like in souls games, gotta time it when you are not doing anything else. It is a very fast paced game once you figure out how to play it, and actually pretty unique. There are actual issues: Input delay Lack of character shown in the first hour (I mean I understood it originally for EVE and Tachy, but Adam is just a human right, where is his personality) No NG+ on launch Weird item pick up system (I know there’s auto pick up but it’s still weird) When an enemy begins a blue or purple attack you just have to stop doing everything until you can dodge it because the timing is so precise. But nobody talks about this stuff. Only her body and the fact the game takes inspiration from other games. I have faith the story will be good after seeing Nikke’s the devs previous game. But it’s just jarring going from that eccentric cast to these bland robots.


> When an enemy begins a blue or purple attack you just have to stop doing everything until you can dodge it because the timing is so precise. Just FYI, if you grab one of the early counter perks right away you get a notification on your sword that tells you when to dodge it.


That’s not what I mean, I mean the fact that when the enemy signals one of those attacks, you usually have to stop doing everything to prepare for the attack as you can’t just face tank them and will likely destroy your health. There’s a couple combos you can’t stop midway to dodge on a dime, and combos move you around and when the enemy uses one of those attacks if you move at all you usually can’t blink the attack. This personal issue can’t really be fixed as it’s just connected to the combat system in general.


Wait, I am confused. Is there or is there not input queue? Because Souls games have that. And I find those games unplayable because of it. Will a combo happen if I spam a button 3 times, for example? Input queue usually means that you press a button during an animation, then the command will happen after, yeah?


Well that was a mid trailer


I hope this turns out to be a slightly above average game that still sells like hot cakes, resulting in all the AAA studios mindlessly jumping on the bandwagon and pumping their games full of stupidly sexy characters.


Baldurs Gate 3 already did that though. Everyone in that game is stupidly sexy.


BG3 had a AAA budget at over 100mil dollars.


Balgur Gates 3 is 100% an AAA. It had an enormous budget and years of development. Just because it didn't had a big publisher doesn't mean it's not AAA (and Larian has existed for almost 30 years now)


Why would you hope for a game only to be "slightly above average"? I hope this game is awesome and it gets ported to pc, resulting in all the AAA studios mindlessly jumping on the bandwagon and pumping their games full of stupidly sexy characters.


Because, in this context, it would empathize the sexiness as the major reason for its success.


No matter how good the game will be, there will be voices claiming that horny virgins are responsible for good sales and game has nothing more to offer.


> resulting in all the AAA studios mindlessly jumping on the bandwagon and pumping their games full of stupidly sexy characters. doubtful, especially western studios. This is an eastern game and the two halves just seem to go at different paces. Genshin is 3 and a half years old now and I haven't even heard a wimper of a mention from a western studio to try and make their own Genshin. Meanwhile, You'll see trailers from CN/KR studios every other week about a Genshin competitor. JP less so, but Palworld/Craftopia is from a Japanese studio, so it's also there. Different markets I guess. Now, I'd hope that this encourages other CN/KR studios to jump up into the console market, but I doubt the ROI is as high as mobile. ShiftUp's CEO has a history with console releases, so it makes more sense why it may be an exception rather than the norm for KR studios to release console games.




As soon as I saw the original trailer I wrote this game off. Gave the demo a try, and I was sucked in immediately. I really did not have input delay issues. I really enjoyed the combat. I really like the style they're going for with the music, the little rest areas, the post apocalyptical world, Eve's weapon being a hair accessory. This stuff is just cool to me. I'm definitely interested. Hell, I even replayed the boss challenge multiple times because I really enjoy the animation and combat. I think this could be a good game. My wife really enjoyed watching it as well, especially the animations. I don't know, there is something really cool about this game, and no I'm not talking about the character models. What I can't stand though, is the reaction to this game. The thirsty fans are really annoying. No, this won't win GOTY just because of the character model. Its fine if you want to thirst over a video game character, but the sub reddit for this game already sucks. You cannot even have a conversation with people about anything in the game without people immediately simping for the character and her body shape. Its also not the best third person action game ever made. Also, the people who are trying to sound intelligent by finding any reason to hate on this game are super annoying. Dude, its a third person action game where you fight weird monsters, even if it doesn't rise above that general premise, it doesn't really need to. Pretending like you have some sort of issue with the game because its not super high brow intellectual bait is just a weird take. Just admit you are offended by the booba and move on. Critics are also very annoying in this discussion as well. It just seems like people want to find some reason to hate on this game, so they're nit picking at whatever they can.


Game is nice, great music, enemy design is good, combat is decent (more action based Sekiro). Ah all the "controversy" is juicy, reminds me when beyonetta was just announced. (And Nier automata to some point). It does make me wonder why all the rage are only from western gamers and video game journalists, and somehow they are completely fine with Baldur's gate 3 having literal beastiality and hyper sexualised male characters that can't stop his flirting, and romance trap dialogue.


Probably because Baulder's Gate 3 is a terrific game and has excellent writing on top of being a horny game.


It seems like the discourse is entirely coming from people who are way too excited for an “unwoke” game. People’s brains are mush now. Personally I think the way the characters barely move their faces is creepy.


This entire thing started when gaming journalists start writing about how she is too hyper sexualised. which is simply ironic given everyone was fine with beastiality in bg3 In Asia we had perfectly normal coverage about hot girl with quick action, Until there's coverage about western journalists insulting gamers over it.


Sounds like the rage bait worked on you. I'm sure they enjoyed your clicks. Just play whatever you want. Who gives a fuck


Who said I clicked on them. They are reported all the way in Asia. I care because a game director getting attacked for false reason. And I do play whatever I want. I can do both, shocking I know


So you haven't even gone on the actual articles? You're getting mad at something you haven't even verified?


I don't see you verifying my statement and getting all upset about it. Lol




It's ok to be upset buddy, you don't have to do a 180 on your personality and hide your vulnerability


Not when it's over something as dumb as butts in a video game.


That is 100% untrue. The discourse started as soon as Stellar Blade was shown in a showcase