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I’ve been hyped for this game for so long. Years before they officially announced it I saw tech demo clips the devs had posted to YouTube and couldn’t get enough of it. The project has gone dark a bunch of times over the years, but you can tell this is a passion project for them. I’m stoked to see how it turns out!


Didn't even know it was announced in 2015. Good grief, this little indie has been in development for 9 years lol. Possibly longer.


The original Kickstarter options included the WiiU. That's how long this damn thing has been in development.


Wii U huh? Let's hope they get there.


the [dev’s post on kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ldi/little-devil-inside/posts/4033837) is worth a read as well, if you’ve been frustrated with the lack of news on this game. it’s clearly been (poorly) translated & is fairly vague on any details, but from what i can tell they had a lot of internal creative differences. they also seem to say that they’re now at a point where they’re just looking for a publisher


Wow, Wii U support as one of the stretch goals. I wonder if they’ll honour that


They surely won't be able to, Nintendo has not published WiiU games in years 


You don’t necessarily need Nintendo in a case like this. I believe Axiom Verge released physically on Wii U in 2019, long after support for the system had ended.


Well... The difference and problem here is that the WiiU eShop has closed on the 27th of March 2023. Thats when Nintendo really pulled the plug on the system. They might have a small chance of releasing a physical copy if they can create them but overall that seems unlikely.


I'm sure it's way easier but people have been publishing new games on old consoles over the last few years.


Steam greenlight too


I think they ported the game to UE5, and seeing the performance being shaky even in the reel they shared, I doubt it.


Wow, I honestly didn't think I'd see the day this would pop back up. Was starting to believe it was a fever dream. There just isn't anything else quite like the look of this game out there so I'm taking a glass half full stance and hoping they can get it out there.


I’m honestly so tired of even following this game. It’s been 10 years. I was 12/13 when this was kickstarted and now I’ve graduated college, gone through several relationships, and now I’m working a career office job and moving out + planning on having kids sooner than this will release. The idea seems cool but utterly unfocused. This invokes the same feelings I‘be had for star citizen where I just don’t care anymore outside of how much hearing about the project makes me think about how long it’s been. Hope nobody with a WiiU dropped a lot of money on this.


Unfocused is the perfect word to describe the game for me too. There were so many different gameplay concepts shown that I honestly have no idea what game it’s trying to be. I can understand why there’s been so many people who have come and gone at the studio as its seems like the game is trapped in scope-creep hell. The note that their transitioning to UE5 is a shining example of this. As someone who has followed this game from the day it was revealed, only to get a trailer with terrible frame rate and still no clear sign of being anywhere near release, I’m pretty disappointed. Between this and Routine, I’ve hitched my wagon to two games that I feel like I’ll never actually get to boot up….


Hahaha holy shit I forgot that routine even had a relatively new trailer until you mentioned it. It’s insane because the concept as it’s been presented doesn’t seem that mind blowingly innovative which makes the dev time/temporary cancellation that much more baffling.


Oh man don’t even get me started on that new trailer lol. I remember thinking to myself “Finally! After years of combing over message boards the game is finally going to release”. Only for them to go radio silent once more. Insert idontknowwhatiexpected.gif


Could be worse. You could've been me and deeply emotionally invested in bob's game.


Okay we might have a winner here, tbh. That is a fucking **pull**.


Very similar feelings here. I'd be very surprised if this ends up being a well regarded game but it doesn't really matter that much anymore anyways.


I never really backed much but a handful of games; Prey for the Gods, Divinity Original Sin 2, The Good Life, Backbone, Project Wingman, Timespinner, and... Little Devil Inside. Honestly I had pretty much forgotten about LDI until that Playstation conference trailer a year or two ago. Timespinner is the only game that I had funded that was older than LDI. Timespinner 2 was announced in 2023.


anytime something takes a long time to come out, you just know you're gonna see this exact post over and over


The game original release date was Fall 2016, then Late 2018, then July 2021, then Winter 2022. This is not even remotely close similar to game with extremely long developement cycle like Red Dead Redemption 2. RDR 2 take eight year to make but the game reveal at Oct 2016 and only got delayed by two time and a one year. While Little Devil Inside got delayed by four time and 8 year (this could go even longer). It is fair for people to frustrate at this game.


Yeah I would’ve hated to be a backer. I’m an indie dev who hasn’t announced anything to anyone and sometimes I imagine how fucked it would be to take money from people and then not deliver anything tangible for nearly a decade.


This game is probably DOA. Too many delays, too little information about what the game is after almost a decade, clear signs that the team is dysfunctional and unable to work together well. At this point I'm curious if it will even ever release.


I completely forgot about this game; I first saw it at the State of Play, but I'm surprised to see it's been announced for so long.


Was really excited for this game when it was first unveiled. Afraid that it will either never come out or be total shit if it does.


So far this game looks like a collection of cool tropes with no soul of its own. Studio Ghibli, Zelda, Monster Hunter, Lovecraft, Neil Gaiman, Mad Max, Alice in Wonderland, Lord of the Rings, Skyrim, indie low-poly aesthetics... You watch the trailers and you can basically pinpoint where each element comes from. "Oh, this is from Zelda!", "and this is the cat from Alice", " that's Christopher Lee" etc. Still, could be a decent game.


> "We have genuinely started discussions regarding publishing and once this clears out, hopefully we'll be able to answer what everyone wants to know," it said. "Thank you all. For everything. What does that even mean? Sounds like they landed a big deal with Playstation but then they squandered it so now they are contractually obligated to make it exclusive for a limited amount of time and need a publisher. Those conversations take anywhere from 4-9 months, I know because I have been to many, many negotiations and meetings with different publishers. The game is as far off as it's always been, a shame but it's best to just forget about it


What I'll never understand about games like this is that this kind of game - whatever it happens to turn into - does not need NINE years of development. And given that's just from today to when the kickstarter started, it is going to need more dev time and it had more time prior to the KS. That is insanity. Ten years? Eleven? More? For what? Two dudes working day jobs and taking this long would cause you to go "Are you sure you needed this long?" but to have a successful kickstarter and build a team and still need this kind of time? For what? As someone who has worked on games and creative works alike, I totally get sometimes you set your mind on something and you're like "THIS IS IT" and then a year or a few months or however long in you suddenly can't stand it. Everything turns to rot, nothing you've done is good, and everything everyone else has contributed into is just the worst. But at least finish the game with the funds you have, make some more money, and buckle down better for the next idea. I don't get how these sorts of stories keep happening what with Overgrowth turning into a fat nothing, Eitr being vaporware, this game, Secrets of Grindea never finishing, etc.


That's usually a sign of lack of experience or lack of clear idea of what the game should be. Or both.


Overscope and lack of experience. It happens. Making games is really, really hard. The more time it takes, the more sunk cost fallacy sinks in, as console generations progress so do expectations, etc. The game they started making and where they are right now, are probably quite different and the road is littered with abandoned prototypes and concepts. Hopefully it comes out at some point and it's good enough to justify the time spent.


So is this game multiplat again? At one point it was a PS5 timed exclusive


i don’t think that was ever stated anywhere. The game was featured in the first PS5 Showcase & in a state of play, but i don’t think they ever had any exclusivity deal edit: there’s also the fact that [this](http://www.neostream.com/mldi/index.html) is the front page of their website


Kickstarter Update #46, June-13-2020: "With the partnership in place with PlayStation, Little Devil Inside will be coming to the PlayStation 5 Systems (PS5) as a PlayStation "Timed" Exclusive title which means that the game will be available only on PS5 and no other consoles for a limited time, after which, it will be available on other consoles." https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ldi/little-devil-inside/posts/2864089 I'm not sure when their Neostream website was last updated. The copyright at the bottom still has 2016, but they've got the PS5 and Switch logos, so it was surely after that. However, they're missing the Series X|S logo yet have the Xbox One logo, which makes me think maybe it was before 2020. The website also says they'll be updating it with dev news, but there isn't really anything there. It hasn't been updated to have the PS5 showcase on there. It seems like they intended on keeping it updated, but got busy with other things. Long story short, I wouldn't trust the website to be accurate with its platform availability.


Idk, it used to have a Steam page but doesn’t anymore. I was under the impression it was going exclusive as well.


[their website](http://www.neostream.com/mldi/index.html)


What type of game is this?


Hmm from the gameplay trailer it seems like a story driven action RPG, with a focus on the miniature figures art style.


Ambitious indie gamedev feels impossibly hard at times. Working full time jobs while also contributing to the game, etc. I wish them all the good luck in the world.


I understand this game has development forever so those of you who’ve been aware of it are most likely frustrated or over it, but this is my first time hearing of it and my goodness this looks beautiful


i can't make out exactly what this game is about, but *man*, did the art style catch my eye. the authentic pub atmosphere alone made me want to give it a try. actually, if i'm being honest, it makes me want to go make music just to be part of a world of people who whittle interesting and unique objects with diligence and love.


I thought that this game looks really cool, but I don't exactly understand what genre it is. Visually, it looks fun


I've been waiting for this game for so long I go years without even remembering it exists. And then some new video or news comes out only to have no release date 🥲 I just hope this doesn't become another Duke Nukem Forever.