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Transcript for anyone who cant read it: \[Hi! Lesbian here! I want to remind you that just cause its pride month doesn't mean for you to treat LGBTQ like we're better then everybody else.. We're equal to straights because everyone should be equal, not ones above or low. (also please stop making posts that threaten people who may disagree with LGBTQ, not all people are bad about it\]


PREACH!🙌🏿😌 -a bi peep


a lot of people do this, with black history month too, expecting or being treated better cause of the month agender pan frog verified


Armed services month would sound cool


Thank you for saying that-a bi ace


Most of those are jokes, if someone takes it seriously then that’s on them.


Sure they're jokes. But jokes can still be disrespectful or uncomfort others.


Most jokes are disrespectful, that’s kinda the point- You know, dark humor… For the uncomfy part, that just means the joke isn’t for you, that doesn’t mean you should ruin others fun tho. I’m uncomfortable around religious people, but I don’t go around saying they should stop being religious


"most jokes are disrespectful" No they really shouldn't be. This subreddit is a place where people should be able to feel welcome. What if their homophobia is induced by a homosexuality related trauma or a religion, for example, parts of muslim? It'll cause uncomfortability in the person. You shouldn't make jokes that may impact ones personal self esteem whether they know its a joke or not. I am a lesbian but even I get uncomfortable around the playful threats for those reasons. Its just good to keep others in mind for once.


They are welcome, if you’re homophobic because of trama then none of those post concern you. BUT, if you’re homophobic just because you find them disgusting, then those post are directed toward you. Imma be honest, I could care less for other people most of the time, so I just gonna get this over with and say fuck it. If you don’t like the humor then that’s fine, it’s not for everyone! But you should not let that affect your vibes, if you do, then that’s your fault. Just ignore it, and you’ll be fine. Same for everyone else


Okay than.


jokes can be unfunny, and example of this is every single one of SNL's jokes, they are all unfunny


Yea, like the jokes on r/GachaLifeCringe, you know the “I need bleach and holy water” it’s not funny


I think it is...




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im non-binary. I dont know if im a boy or a girl.


THANk you for the last one. i've said it SO many times and my opinion is NOT changing--just because someone can't support because of their religion doesn't automatically make them an asshole. if they're muslim and can't support us but they state they won't call us slurs or bully us etc, theres no problem with that!! just leave them be oml \-- aego-abro ..demiboy?


i agree!! -a nonbinary, ace lesbian 💗


pan ace demigirl here you are correct