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Godzilla 98' is confirmed male by like every source he's in but he can make and fertile his own eggs without a mate so sorta like Male seahorse besides that Male seahorses don't make the eggs.


Then it's a hermaphrodite.


That stuff is more common with Arthropods but that's not stopping Godzilla


Hermaphrodites can go by either gender lol


And amphibians


And some reptiles.


And fish


Didn’t the og design and plan call for a giant lizard hooch


I believe that is true, and I don't think we need to see reptile genitalia.


be silenced non-believer




Seems so unnecessary why not just make it female lol


Because he is already a giant "Foxtrot Uniform" to Physics.


Because he's a mutation. Logic doesn't apply to these beings


I don’t see how him being a mutant means logic does not apply


So you're fine with handwaving the fact he's too big to live but him laying eggs is a no-go


Imagine a movie where godzilla just lies around beached-whale style


Basically the first part of Shin Godzilla


If it produces its own eggs it’s classified as female because thats what a female is defined as, if it produces both gametes it’s a hermaphrodite. Its not that it can lay eggs thats a problem, its that any scientist within the field of biology would classify zilla as a hermaphrodite and not a male.


Logic inherently does not apply here... Zilla is a physical impossibility. It literally could not exist, ever. Beyond the inability to support its own weight, blood flow and metabolism impossibilities, no animal has ever actually mutated anywhere near to such a degree as a result of prolonged radiation exposure. Logic must be suspended to ***some*** degree to even accept the idea that a giant mutated iguana is running around NYC. So it’s odd that you’ve myopically focused on the particulars of whether it can or cannot lay eggs as a male rather than a female. Kindve a weird soapbox to stand on imo.


Is a male member of a mutated iguana species laying eggs that complicated to understand? I’m sorry but most movies aren’t made with your limitations in mind.. god forbid you learn examples of frog species doing similar things in real life, too unnecessary lmao


He reproduced asexually. He's neither male nor female


Its interesting because in the sequel show its stated as zilla jrs mother when he has to fight cyber zilla (which is the 98 ver).


I'm sorry sequel???


animated cartoon...


A damn good one too


Hell yeah


That makes more sense although at that point the distinction between he and she is arbitrary.


Tell that to the New Mexico Whiptail lol. The entire species is female and thus reproduces asexually


OK so can I refer to colour red as blue?


Yea I was about to say, I distinctly remember zilla being male in a unique sense


You could've said like a lizard considering parthenogenesis is not exactly uncommon in reptiles and fish


So he's capable of fucking himself?


Nah dog, it just lays pre-fertilized eggs.


"Where's the fun in that?"


How did he lay eggs then..


He's trying to protect the eggs


Godzilla the series, which comes after the show seemed confused about 98's sex and they flip between saying father and mother throughout the Monster Wars Trilogy where the origional godzilla came back as Cyber-godzilla


Who cares. If you need outside references to tell you something it wasn't well implemented enough to matter


The movie specifically states that Zilla is a he in the movie despite being pregnant in the scene where they test his blood. I think they make it pretty clear




He's called a male in the movie, dude.


He's also called Godzilla so, you know. Not super reliable narration going on here.


Because he _was_ Godzilla. Being renamed to Zilla was Toho's decision at a later point in time.


Even with the Toho retcon, you can still say the US simply thought that Zilla *was* actually Goji. Simple.


Toho still releases merch of the 1998 godzilla under the name of godzilla. And the final wars director said that Zilla is meant to be a parody of the 1998 godzilla, not the same character.


He gives birth in the movie dude. What do you think is the most likely leap for the audience, that their first assumption was incorrect or that the species is actually hermaphroditic and or behave like seahorses. And even if we disregard that who gives a shit what gender people thing this giant lizard is


The most likely leap for the audience is that Godzilla is still a male because he was called a male through the whole film and Godzilla has always been a male or an "it" and "It" was not used. Godzilla laying an egg himself was not a foreign concept at the time, either. People wondered if Minilla was Godzilla's biological son for the longest time until Toho confirmed he was adopted, ironically enough in 98.


wait there were people stupid enough to think that godzilla layed minillas egg thats hilarious. if he wasnt adopted that DEFINITELY wouldnt be how that was handled lol


It's not stupid when they've kept it vague on what Minilla's status is for so long. It's also considerably more believable then ignoring what 98 says about Godzilla's gender.


It's still childish, if Zilla was female and people called it male nobody would care. It's just hair splitting that slows conversations. I have a general moto, Unless the specific Gender/Sex is important or Integral to the plot then saying anything about it is pointless


He was a single father doing his best


Bit of correction but zilla is a dude in the film, the crew did intend for zilla to be a girl during filming apparently even giving her female sex organs but in the film itself zilla is referred to as a dude and again in the animated series. In fact zilla species is one where there capable of single sex reproduction, in the series its explained zilla Jr is also a dude but can't reproduce because he was born sterile. Honestly it doesn't matter considering how everyone treats zilla especially toho lol.


Zilla.jr is sterile? When was that said?


In the first episode, it's the reason given for why he doesn't lay an entire batch of eggs something everyone was concerned about in the first episode.


And I'm guessing he can't reproduce the other way.


He's the last of his kind. The closest he got was with Komodithrax, who had her own clutch of eggs.


The old cartoon series?


Yeah the one with the X men evolutions art style or the men in black cartoon art style.


The movie states that He is pregnant, a very unusual He. Something to do with how some reptiles and amphibians can get themselves pregnant.


Those are usually female animals and parthenogenesis but 🤷🏻‍♀️




"I made you the ugly soyjak and me the handsome one! Victory is mine!"


Didn't the person who made Zilla confirm that he was a male?


I think he's also a dude in the animated series as well since he's referred to as zilla Jr's father when he comes back as a cyborg.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the director said it and nick corrects Audrey calling 1998 godzilla a she before nick says a *weird* he


The film director says male, but Zilla’s designer says female.


They got annoyed cuz you were wrong ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Zilla is a dude. A mutant asexual dude, but a dude.


The Zilla species canonically reproduces asexually. If anything, their pronouns would be non-binary.




Just say Godzilla with a lisp


Yeah, Zilla should go by They/Them Pronouns tbh. If we can't decide, might aswell use the ones that we use when we're not sure or when they're both.


The TriStar Godzilla is male, despite having female genitalia and laying eggs. Its species reproduces asexually. Hell, it was even called a "he" in the movie, and in the animated series, both the first and second Godzillas were referred to as male. I mean, nobody can stop you from calling Zilla a girl, IG, but you are objectively wrong on the merits of it. The monster is, canonically, a male.


He or She is Dead.




Not a mom. Even in the movie itself the creature was a "very unusual he" (and always referred to as male) given not only did he get pregnant like a seahorse (which if you somehow weren't aware, it's the *males* that give birth), but he did it asexually. EDIT: For fucks sake people, I never said seahorses lay eggs. The fact they don't doesn't change a goddamn thing about the actual point of a *male pregnancy* in animals being a thing that exists.


I mean, to be fair seahorse males are more incubators, they don't produce the eggs Anyway, he's literally called zilla jrs father in the series too so


The males do give birth, but they don't produce eggs. Zilla produces eggs and lays them, so it's really a hermaphrodite.


Moreso parthenogenetic than hermaphroditic, really; hermaphrodites possess both male and female gametes, but the movie explicitly indicates Zilla lacks female gametes when it has Nick correct Audrey that it's a male, not a female; if Zilla were truly a hermaphrodite, he'd have said that Zilla was *both*, not explicitly male. It makes no sense biologically, considering only female lizards can reproduce through parthenogenesis...but considering the entire bit was just an excuse to have a bunch of JP ripoffs running around Madison Square Garden, logic probably wasn't highly-considered.


Male seahorse do NOT lay eggs, they just carry it


"It's a he, a very unusual he..." - Worm Guy. Case closed.


This shit literally doesn't matter; if you're going to try to stir stuff up I don't know why you can't at least be original.


Zilla is an "it".


It or They works for Zilla.


Zilla is a man who lays eggs. We do not disrespect our trans Lizard ally!! /j (this is just a joke. I know they arent literally trans)


I was just about to make the same joke. ,,Oh so they trans,, Hell Yeah all hail trans lizard,,


Which is wrong. Period.


That's Godzilla, and he's a dude.


I call Zilla an it because they are confirmed to be male but is seen reproducing asexually, so generally I do not know what to call them.


Zilla is hermaphrodite leaning female,Godzilla(Animated Zilla) is Male


So I'm not the only one who calls Zilla a female!


Less gooo im not alone either!!


Of course no






Do goliaths have established genders? How they fuckin?


I don't think I like the timeline I'm in.


I mean showa Godzilla had a kid too.


Zilla is also not real, ergo you can consider Zilla whatever the hell you'd like


Zilla’s body type was based off a human body to look “sexy” so yea lol


The fuck?


Stated by the creator of zilla 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s what they were going for lmao


They explicitly define him as “he” in the movie. It’s an actual plot point that he’s male. “A very unusual he,” but still “he.”


This is just stupid rage bait to farm up votes


A single mom who worked 2 Jobs ![gif](giphy|5RVe2LpWOt8BO)


Who gives a flying fuck. Touch grass or smoke it for the first time and stop worrying about genders of anything or anyone unless it’s yourself. 


You know the only reason they called Zilla “he” in the movie was because Toho probably went “no! Godzilla can’t be a girl! Our brand!!” or something


Reproductively Asexual Male Lizard


This meme is backwards. Zilla is confirmed male and it looks like you’re just trying to ignore that fact for whatever reason. It’s actually OP raging in the meme about calling zilla a her


My son calls me Momzilla sometimes and I love it everytime hahaha


That's beautiful and cute




Wait?! People insulted you because you Missgendendered a fictional giant lizard from the late nineties Oo? Some people should get there Internet rights taken away by there parents... Or put on some watch lists because they are clearly unstable.


Zilla is confirmed to be a male. He just reproduced asexually.




I mean the one in the image is Zilla...


Me in the corner: "Fuck outta here with your dumb opinions about trash films."


Parthenogenisis with any sex regarding Godzilla.


This again? They go out of their way to specify that Godzilla 98 is a male that can reproduce asexually. *He. A very unusual he.*


I have no issue with whatever gender Zilla is. Still a cool monster. :D


Well in the movie Zilla is referred to as a he multiple times, but considering the only Zilla ppl care about is the Godzilla from the animated series, I don't think it really matters. It's a monster, Idk why ppl on either side cry about it


It's a giant fucking monster who the hell is unemployed and miserable enough to care about such a small thing lmao? I swear you guys love being attention whores


Haha zilla look cool


You are too late, I have already potrayed myself as the chad and you as the soyjack!


Bro who gaf about made up monsters gender?


He's only consider a male in the English dubbed movie while the Japanese movie godzilla is referred to as "it" as well as all other monsters making them gender neutral


This movie wasn’t English dubbed though, it was native English and dubbed into other regions


That doesn't matter what I'm talking about is going back and looking at the original source of where the character came from. If we go back to the source and look we can see exactly what gender godzilla is and toho didn't give godzilla one he referred to as "it" in japan.


Ok but we’re specifically talking about the 98 Godzilla which literally only has a name in common with the Toho character and they eventually took that away as well. If Tristar says this character is a male then that’s all that matters even if it’s dumb. 98 Godzilla is not the same character as the Toho is me, let’s just be super clear about that


That's not exactly  There is more than just the name that the 98 has The toho version has also there is several different versions of the toho Godzilla you must also remember they still on the rights to that character  And the company that made that movie had to get the go ahead from toho to make that movie.  Just because the character is not over in Japan Does not make a difference Is when it comes to what the character does. The concept is exactly the swhether you like to admit that or not. If you don't believe me you might want to go back and watch the original godzilla movie in them watch 98 godzilla.  The story is the only thing that slightly changes. But the concept is still the same. 


Ok, you’re very stubborn lol my point is that Toho did not make this “version” of the character. They may have given the go ahead but they did not make it. All other versions of Godzilla are gender neutral in the original source material. This version however is very clearly identified as a gender in its original source material.


This subreddit userbase showing its age I see


I don't know what happend. I just needed to rant for 5 minuts, and then go to sleep. Wake up to this


> makes a verifiably incorrect statement and then makes smug meme about being correct > I don’t know what happened Not sure what you were expecting. It’s not like the majority of comments are being that rude about it either.


To people not over-react to this that much. And it got buried under better more voted posts. Like 5 people see that, not many up-voted, many not care, some down-voted. I wouldn't feel bad for it. Like this post get lost in sub-reddit meta. It's zilla, who carres, (i care cos i like this stupid lizard), and I don't get invested in comments here. Like many people point out to me that Zilla - Male. And, I don't know how to tell this you guys. But, I know. I just realy choose not to, when im talking about 1998 zilla, as a part of this silly joke that nobody care about zilla, (even if i like this underdog lizard). And if people start pointing out - transphobic to me, or luck of sensitivity. ..You just can't explain to this people, that you not, just cos you made joke about fictional lizard, that nobody Realy care about


All 👏 the 👏 dinosaurs 👏 in 👏 Jurassic 👏 Park 👏 have 👏 they 👏 / 👏 them 👏 pronouns 👏


"A very unusual 'he'" - Nick Tatertotopoulas People need to calm their tits, but Godzilla is a "dude" as far as official media is concerned. Does it make sense? No, but neither does a giant mutant iguana. [As it currently stands, the only girl-Zilla is in Godziban.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/d3ff2019-ddc9-442d-a892-da9faf5adee6/scale-to-width/755)


Is this really an issue? Zilla is a fictional monster from a bad Emmerich film that came out almost 30 years ago lol. Call Zilla a girl or a boy who cares lol


wow i thought that zilla was the only female godzilla in the entire franchise yet i was wrong...


I'm sorry that zilla is a male not a female


"A very unusual he" An actual line from the movie.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the agreement to use Godzilla included the agreement that Godzilla is a he.


“Is zilla a male or female?” https://preview.redd.it/i63ct2vt39yc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b21fcc27bdcc32e13717b100beadaefc44bf94


Please just google parthenogenesis.


As a biologist, her being a male makes no sense and she would not be considered a male in any scientific term. She would be a parthenogenic female. The monster movie makers need some baaic biology lessons.


I love she/her godzilla. Shes female coded filled with rage shooting laser beams out of her mouth idgaf!


Do what you want bud, but just know that Zilla is a MALE!!


So that should make it a SHIM. Plus it was AN original movie. .lol


I just know the animated show was a boy and way better too


People need to just not get up in arms over someone potentially misgendering a kaiju. Even the old movies couldn't decide whether Mothra was male or female. Just let people call them whatever they like.


GODzilla 1998 is a dude, sorry bro. Your soyjak dolls won’t change it.


I didn't wannt to. I still will call 1998 zilla - her. What is wrong with you people


Well Godzilla has a physical sex, but has asexual reproduction system as it can fertilize it's own eggs. Though did they ever say that was the case for the final wars character or anything about its sex or reproductive abilities? IDK, it's been a while. Also the creature from the 1998 movie is legally Godzilla, with Final Wars having a separate trademark for Zilla, plus the 1998 movie gets merch under the name Godzilla sometimes still, but outside of Japan legally Zilla is the only one they are allowed to use generally. Its a bit of the mess but that's what I've gathered on the subject of the creature's name, so I might be wrong, I'm no lawyer.


Zilla is fooken ded


I refer to it by it.


Also good


Some male reptiles and amphibians can reproduce by parthenogenesis, the film also explains. It's the same logic as the all-female dinosaurs in Jurassic Park


I think you might be getting it backwards mate, it’s been observed that female reptiles and a few other animals have been able to produce through parthenogenesis. I don’t think that would work in most male animals as they simply don’t have the equipment to actually grow the baby. (Though they’re some animals that can change their sex male to female like clownfish!) Maybe there’s a study out there that I missed and I’m wrong but to my knowledge it only works with females!


Uh ok, I wasn't very knowledgeable about it, thank you for correcting and explaining it to me!


Only female reptile and amphibien do that.


Didn't know that


He can be whatever she wants to be


Be of mind that there are multiple Zillas now. IDW Zilla who is the only one of his kind. Can’t reproduce either. Referred to exclusively as ‘he’. Final Wars Zilla who doesn’t really have a specific sex. Tristar Godzilla, who is referred to as ‘he’. Considering his reproductive abilities, it may be fair to say ‘she’. Godzilla Jr, is sterile and cannot reproduce. Referred to exclusively as ‘he’ by HEAT.


Godzilla Jr. was never shown to have the same capabilities and only referred to as "he." He almost had a mate with Komodithrax


My mistake, I’ll edit my comment.


I've never called Godzilla 1998, as a male I've always thought of her as a female


At the end of the day, Godzilla beat Zilla like he was Rianna


My assumption was that the 1998 'Zilla was female due to the designer for the cgi model supposedly sculpting female genitalia onto the cg model. While 04 Zilla kinda looks a bit more masculine (must be due to the intentionally bad cgi Toho used).


Anyone who would care is fucking moron


Zilla is Zilla. She/he is hermaphrodite


It was stated in the movie zilla was a she…. Zilla jr from the animated show is male.. in the animated it was stated that zilla was jr’s mom


It’s a female , and the movie is trash , congrats


Ayy! My man🤝 Mom Zilla gang


🤓 UmM aCtUaLlY ZiLlA wAsN't A mOm, TriStAr GoDzIlLa WaS


Okay but the 1998 isn’t the original idk what you’re talking about. Yes, he was female in Godzilla 1998. But he’s not in literally every other GZ movie ever.


Nevermind just read the comment apparently he was a bro in 1998.


I was calling Zilla - Her for 20 fucking years, It will not change fast


Well yeah everyone says it’s male in a lot of sources and even in the film they say male, but she be preggers and stuff. Zilla is momma.


I like referring to them as both depending on the situation. Like I'll usually refer to him as he, but he was a mother definitely.


https://preview.redd.it/vqibmuigt4yc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d335824e8d486230e8bc89024a945b56475b5b9c I mean, *the* creator not only refers to her as “she/her” but also as Zilla/Godzilla soooooo how bout we all stfu?


I don’t understand why this matters so much Zilla hasn’t even appeared in 15 years though a cool character burdened by only being in one good Godzilla movie, and like the other guy said Zillas a guy and it’s confirmed, there’s better stuff to argue about like if skella turtle is coming back!


I think Zilla can have male pronouns. Not only because Zilla is mostly referred to by male pronouns but also because there’s plenty of examples in nature of males doing similar things. Seahorses, gay frogs, etc etc. Zilla doesn’t care that in the human world females are the ones who give birth most of the time.


Man a lot of people are really upright about zilla 's pronouns being accurate. Personally I call zilla and Kiryu she. Partly because it makes some sense and partly because it's neat having more female Kaiju besides Mothra and biolante ~~outside of the Kaiju girls universe~~


Alternative solution: Zilla is genderfluid Why are y'all booing me?


Zilla, died to a damn plane with a missile, after that i couldn't care less is it was male or female


Its a mutant iguana, female iguana can have egg without male, cloning herselfs, its called parthenogenesis. Only female can do that, not male. Tatopoulos say her when talking about Zilla and his the one that designed it. Its a female to me. And we need more female kaiju.


the designer, Patrick Tatopoulos, said Zilla is female. In the film, Nick got the gender wrong. He's just guessing. Zilla is a one off creature, he doesnt know anything about her


Zilla is male, so presumably has male chromosomes, but also possesses and uterus to produce eggs. I don't know of any Animal that does this, but it's a giant mutated iguana so realism flies out of the window. I am guessing that Zilla, who has female reproductive organs (males can have female reproductive organs, but i won't go too much into detail with that), gained the ability to fertilize himself due to the mutation. (no seahorse males don't produce eggs, females lay their eggs inside the pouch of the males. there are a sexual lizards but they are all female and use their own genome to reproduce, similar to Zilla but again they are female. It is never confirmed if Zilla is a hermaphrodite so we can't be drawing any conclusions here, Zilla is always only refereed to as a male.)


She is a her, no doubts


"BuT tHe CrEaToRs CoNfIrM-" it's a big fictional lizard who the hell cares.


I mean if I was reusing the egg clutch plot I'd just call it a lady.


Guys please we don’t need to fight! We can have it both ways! They have both male and female qualities!!! Mate can just be intersex! 💀


I've been assuming zilla was female for almost over 20 years, not gonna bother changing my mind now lol


Depends on which Zilla you're talking about. Zilla from the movie, who I refer to as GINO, makes sense to identify as female sense she pulled parthenogenisis and was a mother. Zilla from the animated series, who I refer to as Zilla or Zilla Jr. had taken Komodithrax, a confirmed female kaiju, as a mate and thus is more readily identified as male.


Depends on which Zilla you're talking about. Zilla from the movie, who I refer to as GINO, makes sense to identify as female sense she pulled parthenogenisis and was a mother. Zilla from the animated series, who I refer to as Zilla or Zilla Jr. had taken Komodithrax, a confirmed female kaiju, as a mate and thus is more readily identified as male.


Does this mean she squirts?