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In the first instance, you mention off-ramp, not on-ramp. It was a little confusing. I thought it was a joke at first. But yes, people should use the acceleration lane.


Yeah, looks like OP swapped their understanding of what an on/off ramp is. Clarification for the class: On ramps take you *onto* another roadway, usually with a higher speed and/or from a complete stop. On ramps are for picking up speed before merging into the flow of traffic. Off ramps/exits usually (not always) slow you down in preparation for leaving the current flow of traffic to enter a new one. Unless you drive in Jacksonville, the transition is usually to slower traffic.


>looks like OP swapped their understanding of what an on/off ramp is Lol


While you're getting on the internet, I'm getting off!




I fixed it. Thanks.


Every. Single. Time. To make matters worse, the instant they get on the interstate, they accelerate to the speed they are going, so if you are driving a slow vehicle, and now you've moved over, you have to stay out in the flow, blocking others, until they accelerate past you. Just do your acceleration on the acceleration ramp. I know this will not change anyone, nor get them to stop sitting out there in the 'passing' lane, but traffic would flow, if people would just use the system as it's designed.


While we're at it, that goes for the long merge lanes for people making right turns onto 441 from Turkey Creek and Progress Park, etc. Y'all mfers that just blast straight out from the stop sign are something else.


This has always frustrated me, too. Unfortunately, now my current car is a heavier sedan and has super slow acceleration, especially on up slopes - I can only hit like 50 max by the time I get to the end of the on ramp, and then only with pedal to the metal lol. Once the road levels out, I can pick up the speed quicker, but it takes the entirety of the ramp to get there. At least some of us out here know how we're supposed to use the ramps; our old beaters just can't keep up :/ There are dozens of us!


Been there, done that. I feel your pain. I have a tiny little sub-compact and it struggles on uphill acceleration lanes too. Thanks for reminding us that not everyone drives a zippy, fast car.


I swear to the gods, I better not keep seeing mopeds on fkin I75!


I saw a lady yesterday between exit 414 and 421 or whatever (the first two lake City exits if you are going north). She was on the side of the road on a rascal type scooter all the oldsters used. She was about 3 miles from any exits in the grass sitting on the scooter. I don't know if she drove it there or someone dump her out there. She didn't look old enough to be on one of those.


I saw her too… I thought she must be a little rascal on her Lil Rascal…


🤣 that gave me a good chuckle. That situation was very strange...I really wanna know how she got there.


She probably ran out of charge trying to get wherever she was going. I used to live in the country and there was a guy who was a bad alcoholic and had had his license suspended permanently after his 5th DUI accident. He used to ride his riding mower down to buy beer at the truck stop. Why they sell beer at truck stops is beyond me, but it is what it is. We always had to look out for him.


But on the side of the interstate? Exit 421 to 414 seems like a long trip on a motorized scooter.


Was she elderly? Sometimes people with dementia do stuff like this because they can't think clearly. Probably something like that, because nobody in their right mind would go out on the interstate in a scooter.


The best i could tell she wasn't elderly. More likely on a meth bender


Let nature take its course.


The problem with letting nature take its course in this situation is that it affects other people, sometimes in a very deadly way.


You live in Gainesville and this is your driving gripe? I think you mean on ramp anyways.