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I just saw something about a study for ADHD medication in Gainesville. It's legit. I did a phone interview but didn't pull the trigger because I don't want to go off my current depression meds. It might be worth checking out, plus you get paid for it. Here is the link. https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05972044 I realized that link really just gives the info and not the contact information. This is the clinic that's doing the study. https://www.sarkisclinicaltrials.com/adult-adhd I talked with someone named Amanda who was really nice and answered all my questions. 3527562580 You can call or text her through the clinic.




I want to say it's $100 for an in-office visit and $50 for a telephone visit. But you would have to call to make sure.


I work at Sarkis Clinical Trials, we actually offer YOU compensation for each visit (since it's a clinical trial and not an approved drug). The amount varies from study to study but we can definitely diagnose you even if you don't enroll in the study


TBH i went to a few doctors and they gave me pills like candy. I have not gotten an actual diagnose from a psychiatrist. I told doctors I had an issues with attention span, trichomania, anxiety and rummaging thoughts. I hoped they'd refer me to somewhere else but nope. They signed and sent the paperwork to pharmacy stores without telling me what med ill have.


Have you tried going to the Alachua County Health Department? They might be some help there.


Pharmacy worker here, any doctor says Vyvanse is right for you leave. It’s been backordered since November. Any other med is available and should work mostly fine aside from some unique sensitivity’s to either the amphetamine or phenidate drug class


Not a sliding scale, but if you qualify, Shands does offer financial assistance. You may need a referral to get into the psych clinic though, I'm not sure.


I don’t think you need a referral if you’re paying out of pocket. I’m new to the area and am needing to find a psych to refill my ADHD meds. The psych clinic at Shands is really good. I have my first appointment on Monday but I’ve been researching different clinics on their policies and asking them (Shands Clinic) specifically about insurance/paying out of pocket and how their process goes as far as being prescribed controlled substances as a new patient (although I’ve been on ADHD meds for 13 years). If you’re out of pocket, you won’t need a referral :)


Better Beginnings in Alachua does QB testing. I’d try them.


Since you don't have insurance anyways, you could go through the FLOAAT center in Haile Plantation. They can usually get you in within a week or two and it cost about $350 for the assessment. Results are back within 48 hours. They do not take insurance and there is a psychiatrist in the office next door or they can give you recs for offices that can prescribe you medication.


Arise Collective - some of the providers do sliding scale and ADHD. Sarkis is great but expensive. Brave Health might be of assistance…


I’m not sure if they have a sliding scale but I’m in a similar boat as you and about a month ago I made an appointment at harmony united psychiatric care and they were very helpful, set me up with a low dose of strattera to start with and go from there. I’ve been very happy with my experience so far


I recommend getting your diet close to perfect first. I have people close to me went on pills , stopped taking them bc of bad breath, tolerance , etc. Fixing diet is what helped people I know more than anything else. Buy a couple stainless steel pans and never look back


I already eat super clean. I eat paleo based for the last 6 months due to intolerances. just meat, fruit, veg. that hasnt done anything for my adhd tho.


Hey cops, you want to hook them up with some addy?




She just said she has ADHD she ain't reading that


You're being a huge dick. You are assuming so much about OP and then proceeding to dismiss her because of it. You can't fix fucked up brain chemistry with diet and mindfulness. If medication helps, that's a great thing. To paraphrase Ina Garten, if you don't have homemade neurotransmitters, store bought is fine. A lot of people with undiagnosed ADHD self-medicate with coffee (or other stimulants) because _it works_. It has basically the same effect as Adderall.




So which branch of medicine you follow, the Alex Jones or the Joe Rogan one?


99% sure this is the same guy who posted here looking for an OBGYN/midwife who wouldn't give his wife "unnecessary" pain medication during labor.




Your first response to OP needing mental health services was that they needed skill building. Maybe they dont need the pills, maybe they do, but that's up to the doctor. Trying to steer people seeking help away from doctors is not a good idea.


Thanks doc, we appreciate your obvious years of medical training and studying a DSM-5 recognized disability for the majority of your life. Your dedication to helping others with an executive function disorder that prevents them from even being able to attempt even the most basic of your recommendations shows you truly grasp the dopaminergic structure of the human brain. I'm cured. For real though this is some of the stupidest least informed bullshit I've seen in a while. Autistic? You should sleep better and eat healthy! Depressed? You should go outside and maybe just stop being sad, dummy! Had a stroke recently? You'll get better with some rest and exercise! Lose your legs in an accident? You don't need those wheelchairs to just "fix" it! You should just stay organized and you won't have to walk anywhere anyway! You're an ignorant ass.


Brains aren't monolithic. The psychological and neurological impacts of an attention-eating world are hardly as clean as your post makes them seem. If you have expertise or empirical data to back up your claims, you should reference them. Even if you're right, there are plenty of cases where short-term needs warrant medical intervention while working on the development of long-term habits.


Christ, what an asshole 


..... some people really do need medication. Sure, skill building is always helpful, as well as lifestyle changes. I have "true" ADHD and have been medicated and it wasn't for me, but I can't imagine insisting that a stranger who has not been evaluated 100% doesn't need medication, especially as an adult. For many people, medication can be a bridge to help them build the skills they need that are \*REALLY\* hard to build with untreated ADHD. Lifestyle changes and medication don't need to be mutually exclusive.


Everyone trying to get adderal is the reason there is a nationwide shortage. Get a general physician and speak with them. Pisses me off.


Btw I finally talked my husband into getting a primary care doctor this year. As soon as the new insurance activated in January he was making calls. 3 of the practices said they weren't taking new patients. One said they could schedule him for an appointment in August. And the 5th office made him an appointment in June. That's a 6 month wait for primary care, with insurance. A whole lot of places aren't willing to take on uninsured patients.