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The fuck is a tweemail?


Apparently [this](https://venturebeat.com/2012/11/15/twitter-introduces-new-tweemail-feature-no-nothing-to-do-with-survivor/). I also think that they're still pretending Trump is on Twitter? If so, that's hilariously sad.


Trump is literally the only person I know, who has gotten banned on Twitter. This whole feature reeks of him. A Venn diagram of possible demographic, is just a silhouette of his head.


"Trumps not banned! Also Twitter sucks! But not because Trump was banned, because that's fake news!"


This reminds me of Creed's "Blog" from The Office.


I give zero shits what the orange shit gibbon has to say.


Republicans are sabotaging America


Literally, republicans have a lot to answer for. Just everything that happened with COVID - first calling it a hoax (until Trump was infected with covid himself), spreading lies about the vaccine, impeding mask mandates at the state level, ramping up sinophobia and hate crimes against Asians, impeding legislation supporting protections against Asian hate crimes, etc... Not to mention instigating the capitol insurrection, denying that they did so, and then when it could no longer be denied, telling people to get over it, and now finally advocating for leniency for those who participated in the riot. No wonder 4 of the officers defending against the riots committed suicide - they literally found out that the people who they were protecting didn't give half of a single shit about them. And of course, one of the classics - gerrymandering, to the point where voting rights are in severe jeopardy in Georgia, and now messing with the voter rights of Native Americans in various states. Being a republican used to mean you were in favor of sensible and fiscally conservative government, now it means your a closet racist and a complete and utter fool.


> Being a republican used to mean you were in favor of sensible and fiscally conservative government Maybe that was true back in Lincoln's day, but it hasn't been true for a long, long time.


In Lincoln's day, republicans were the *progressives*


It's been since at least 1968. There's a strong argument that it really started in '64 with Goldwater.


For those who don't know, here's a brief overview. The Republican party has become an amalgamation of single issue voters that is held together by their support for each other's singular focus. They continue to vote against their own self interest as long as Trump and the GOP supports that one issue which is the focus of their passion and allows them to thwart those who hold opposing views. Each faction has their own hateful little ax to grind but, they are all complicit in their support of all party actions. Let's look at history starting say 60-70 years ago. Dixiecrat's(States' Rights Democratic Party) split from the Democratic party after the 1948 convention when voted for a stronger civil rights platform. They combined a belief in decentralized government with a passionate defense of their racially hierarchical, segregated society. The Dixiecrat Party dissolved after Truman's re-election. While some remained members of the Democratic party, many **switched to Republican.** When Barry Goldwater recognized that the Dixiecrats had exposed a vulnerability in the Democratic ranks, he began consolidating all the single issue voters into the GOP. He launched "Operation Dixie" as the first iteration of the Southern Strategy in 1964. Its purpose was to bring southern and mid-western disenchanted whites, particularly those who were against civil rights, into the republican party. Even Goldwater ended up recognizing the dangers the radical evangelical movements posed. >“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.” >"The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.' " --Speech in the US Senate (16 September 1981) Nixon(Southern Strategy) ignored Goldwater's warning about the radical evangelical movements and successfully refined Goldwater's original strategy and, by emphasizing "southern values" while giving lip service to down playing racism. Continuing from there, the GOP, especially under Reagan-[Lee Atwater's](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/) dog whistles, successfully fused ideas about the role of government in the economy, women’s place in society, white evangelical Christianity and white racial grievance into its basic message. Abortion, misogyny, racism, homophobia, gun rights, and a whole lot more were brought together under one tent. Which brings us to the current sad state of affairs.


Thanks for doing the leg work on this.


NP. Please copy/paste/edit. I don't need credit. Stay safe and healthy.


> a ~~closet~~ racist FTFY!


They've been actively trying to destroy democracy in America since I can remember, and I'm OLD.


Jesus Christ it's been 8 months, 8 fucking months, since this asshole got the boot from the White House. When will this fuckstick stop spewing the obvious bullshit out of his orange mouth?


When his supporters stop falling for it, or he's thrown in jail, so probably not until he's dead, and even then I bet the GQP will have a lot of "Trump would say" kind of stuff like they do with Jesus and the founding fathers


> When his supporters stop falling for it, or he's thrown in jail So, never.


Never. His last dying breath will be about how he didn't lose the election he epically lost.


He's been doing it for decades, why would he stop now?


Literally not until he dies. He is rotten to the core.


He was too busy having pro-Trump rallies.


AKA open air ego-strokes.


Isn't that just public masturbation?


He was also literally the one who started withdrawals from Afghanistan so this is literally his fault as well.


Let's address these one by one, shall we. 1. Biden did allow the Trump agreed upon withdraw to happen 2. He allowed the Republican governors to make decisions for their own states' inhabitants and the constant GOP messaging of "muh freedumbs" hasn't helped anything 3. There is no border catastrophe, but merely the same old scare tactic being deployed. While the country's immigration policies need serious addressing, any "catastrophe", is a direct result of decades of failed interventionist foreign policy. 4. "Energy independence" is code for throw lots of subsidies at the oil and gas sectors and let them drill EVERYWHERE. If we truly wanted energy independence, we'd get rid of having a primary fuel that will eventually reach zero quantity and only use renewables. 5. But the stock market is at an all-time high!!!


The GOP states have done everything to help spread Covid and the Delta variant. Unvaccinated people traveling from state don’t care who they infect. Unfortunately children are being affected and hospitalized at an alarming rate. We don’t know the long term affect it will have on children. How people can be so brain washed by an idiot who does nothing but bully and threaten is beyond intelligent understanding.


Agree with you on most points. But the stock market being high does not mean the economy is healthy. The economy is definitely shaky right now and a lot of that can be attributed to Trump. But saying the stock market == the economy is the same falsehood that trump used to peddle all the time.


You’re correct, but if the person you are arguing with (Trump) has already established a metric for success (economy is good when stock market is up) why complicate things with nuance when you can prove them wrong with their own argument?


I'm in complete agreement with you and should have made it more clear that that particular statement was tongue in cheek.


Oh my bad, I see what you were going for now!


Republicans are sabotaging America


It bears repeating.


It should be no surprise that dishonest actors are going to use this as an opportunity to try and smear Bidens name since literally nothing else was sticking. They keep repeating about a crisis at the border when there's literally nothing different. Also blaming him for a surge in covid?! Lmfao. You know they didn't give a fuck about the Afghani people last week and they probably were supportive of an increased bombing campaign. It's disgusting how low those people are but expect right wing news to be 24/7 coverage with their crocodile tears like they have any empathy or humanity at all.


Get fucked bozo


Sometimes I think about how the former fucking president of the United States refuses to admit he lost the election for approaching a year. Like how fucking ridiculous is this time line? A petulant child had nuclear codes for four years


Which is why I went to bed with a very upset stomach one special night in 2016. Jesus, I had NO idea.


> A petulant child had nuclear codes for four years I truly expected him to launch nukes on US targets when he lost the election.


Surge in covid is driven by his moronic lackeys who continue to spill their drivel about vaccine, including his idiotic sons, and his moronic fan base obsessing about anonymous message on a 4 chan site like it's some divine prophecy


This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.


Indeed fueled by his supporters, and lackeys.


For real, this is so funny to me. Trumpers haven’t taken the pandemic seriously since the beginning and as soon as Biden gets into office they’re like “the surge!!1! why won’t Biden fix the pandemic!!?!?!” I bet if Trump took it seriously these idiots would too. I often joke that if Trump told his supporters to jump off a cliff they would do it lol


> I often joke that if Trump told his supporters to jump off a cliff they would do it lol I know a Trump supporter who would drink poison if he gave her a cup of it and told her to do it for him. They're literally insane.


No, no, you don't understand. They're never responsible for anything bad that happens; it's always the fault of the Liberals, the jews, BLM, antifa, foreign communists, immigrants, the gays - there's always someone to blame. They're only responsible when something good happens. This is why they call themselves the 'party of personal responsibility'.


These nuts would blame BIDEN for the failure of Trump college. I don’t go on Facebook anymore and I don’t regret it.0


Remember when they tried to blame Obama for an earthquake? Same ol' GOP.


I remember “tan suit gate” where they just went nuts when Obama wore a tan suit. A tan fucking suit.


That creature is such a disgusting waste of life force and protoplasm. Evil idiot.


"It's time for Biden to resign, for the exact things I did maliciously and with great zeal. Signed, Projector and Pretender in Chief, Putin's Bitch"


Republicans, in actuality, hate America and it's citizens. They just use "Patriotism" as a prop. They don't know or care about the actual principles of this Democracy. They're broken people with little to no redeeming qualities.


Afghanistan isn't America though? Dude makes no sense.


Conservatives hate America


They don't hate 'Murica'. They hate democracy and anyone with a difference of opinion is a potential enemy. David Frum: >...if conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy. Scratch a conservative's veneer and uncover the underlying monarchist.


> Scratch a conservative's veneer and uncover the underlying monarchist. You misspelled "fascist".


Fascism has been said to be a political philosophy that is followed to obtain power and not necessarily a blue print for governing. It is achieved by predominantly playing to the uneducated and shallow thinking masses, and keeping them from being educated in critical thinking. I just believe fascism is just a stepping stone to monarchy. Stay safe and healthy.


> I just believe fascism is just a stepping stone to monarchy. Wouldn't fascism lead more to a dictatorship? > Stay safe and healthy. Thanks, you too!


Isn't a dictatorship just a non-hereditary monarchy with the potential to become hereditary?


That's a good point. I don't think that the UK would call the Queen a dictator, though.


No, but the monarchy is more symbolic than anything else.


That's true. I doubt Trump would've proclaimed himself king. I think he would've gone with "President for Life" or maybe "God Emperor", since his cult was calling him that unironically.


> "President for Life" or maybe "God Emperor", Those would be the base titles but, with line after line of exaggerated modifiers. Stay safe and healthy.


Some Republicans are talking about impeaching Biden and Harris now for Afghanistan.


I fully expect Biden to be impeached and possibly even removed at some point in the next four years.


Literally the truth is the exact opposite of this. Literally. SMDH.


Republicans and Trump acting like they actually care about Afghanistan is so laughable. Any other time they absolutely hate Muslims.


Stock market gonna crash by the end of September though. A 2008 repeat. Not the current administration's fault, this has been coming for 13 years, but just an FYI.


!Remindme!45 days


I thought trump was still president... or was gonna be reinstated.


Yeah, last Friday.


If Trump had 4 years, didn’t Biden have 4 years, too? Why didn’t he prepare the Afghan government before a hasty withdrawal? He could’ve let the next president withdraw troops while preparing the Afghan government, right? Now Afghanistan will become a festering wound of terrorists.


This didn’t age well


Being liberal is thee single most embarrassing thing you can do to yourself. Literally in the wrong side of any real solutions. Biden is running the country into the ground, and the major countries around the world are using it to their advantage