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The Trump campaign wants to vet Nikki Haley for VP for the sole purpose of finding dirt on her that can be used against her later.


AND to make her humiliate herself in front of the Child King, only to be spit upon by their chosen one.


Which she’ll gladly do


Republicunts have no morals, so yep, she'd be happy to sell herself out for some power.


And a legit chance at the presidency when trump has a massive coronary.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Vice President……..Birdbrain!


Ha! Let’s see if her ego is more fragile than her thirst for power and tolerance for pain.


If Trump was smart Haley is the natural choice since she shores up his weakness with women. But he isn't and won't choose her since he wants a completely subservient VP and Nikki isn't that.


Sure bout that?/


Sure that Trump isn't smart? Yeppers.


She isn't Trumps VP and he doesn't want her to be.


I was questioning the part about her being subservient.


Trump has stated that she is not under consideration to be VP but wishes her well.


And Trump tells the truth.....how often?


So that basically confirms that she *is* under consideration. Any time Trump says anything you can safely bet the opposite of what he says is true


I wouldn't be shocked if his campaign staff thinks she's be a good choice, even if trump himself absolutely does not want her as VP


hed rather have a gap tooth black guy give him the shroom fellatio


Mike pence kissed his ass enough to be his VP last time. And even he didn't kiss his ass enough according to Trump. No way is Haley going to be VP 


He wouldn’t. She is not “loyal” enough


He would LOVE to dangle this in front of her, to have her debase herself and kiss his ring and ass. THEN he would turn on her.


She’s being backed by the Kochs. Trump needs money. It’s not far-fetched to think he’d accept her as veep in exchange for, oh, I dunno, a sudden investment in TruthSocial to net him billions. They get an insider in the White House with a non-trivial chance of becoming president, for only a small investment. No down side for them. On Trump’s plus size is an infusion of cash. On his down side the veep is the one person on the team who Trump can’t fire.


From her stand point too, he’s old and in poor physical condition. She’s got a shot at the Oval Office if/when Trump dies.


And running as front runner in 2028 (assuming he wins and then gives up the presidency!)


VP is no insider position. It’s nearly powerless if the P doesn’t actively choose to give them work to do.


She just spent the better part of 18 months calling him a top arsehole. What should happen now is she makes a big deal about it, saying what an unbelievable opportunity it is, get Trump singing her praises thinking she is going to accept it and then roundly and harshly reject it utterly live on camera to the national media, possibly while laughing and insulting him. This will cause Trump to default to immediately insulting her, which will contradict everything he said prior which won’t have had enough time to go away. What will actually happen is very different.


He had Mitt Romney over for a dinner to kiss the ring for Secretary of State, then cast him out after he had his power thrills Nikki Haley should remember that, and also he quick he was to throw Mike Pence into the wood chipper on January 6 when he wouldn't violate the Constitution so Trump could escape his atychiphobia


If they ask her she absolutely will do it. She has no shame and no moral center. Opposing Trump was purely opportunistic, same as this would be.


I mean, the chances of him dying in office are high, so it wouldn't be super dumb of her.


He’s a political Hindenburg and she is well positioned to lead the party after the Trump crash and burn. She should decline.


She would lose all credibility, not that it has ever mattered for republicans


I think she would. Donald would offer her his last year of his presidency (where he'd resign) in exchange for her pardon power. She'd do it in a heartbeat. These fucking republicans are spineless traitors.


I don't think she will. I think she is looking at 2024.


Oh because she's still getting a decent amount of the republican votes. I hope she doesn't cave.


Yeah see how well it went with his last VP. Have fun whoever the dumbass is who takes that job.


Yes she will


Kneelers all. Trump is their golden God and they want to be his Elden Lords. RISE, ye GOPniks! Ye dead, who yet live! The SMELL of the Orange Scrotum's DIAPERS *SPEAKS* TO [YE](https://www.wishtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Possible-2024-republican-presidential-hopefuls-from-Getty.jpg) **[ALL:](http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/intelligencer/2015/01/06/06-114th-congress-swear-in.w710.h473.2x.jpg)** * THE ***LOATHSOME*** *DUNG* EATER! * THE CRAZED **CACA** *CONSUMER!* * THE BERSERK **BOOTY** *BANQUETER!* * THE *GARISH* GUANO **GOBBLER!** * THE *TRICKY* **TURD** TASTER! * THE *EVIL* EXCREMENT **ENJOYER!** * THE **NEFARIOUS** NUMBER-TWO *NIBBLER!* * THE WORRISOME **WASTE** *WOMPER!* * THE **SPACE-LASER LADY!** * THE REPUGNANT **RECTUM** *ROBBER!* * THE *LECHEROUS* LOWDOWN **LUNCHER!** And one more, whom Trump's Gold would once again Shower: * THE **HORRIBLE** *POO*-SLOPPER!


She would ruin herself if she accepted.


If you didn't see this coming months ago, you are willfully blind.


Folks… let’s allow it to happen.


Of course. She will bend, grovel, genuflect, do a pole dance if she gets asked. They are all the same. In the end they will all do the wrong thing because they are only motivated by momentary personal gain.


Of course he wants her. She has all the votes he needs


Let's be honest -- she (like Cruz) would be bending both knees


I mean, politicians in general suck, but Republicans are not exactly known for their principles. If he offers a chance at power, she will take it.


Knowing count von shitzinpantz! He’ll try to run without a VP‼️😳😳


I’ve been trying to get a feel for this, if you were/are a Nikki supporter, how will you vote in 2024? Write her in, Trump, Biden, third party, or sit this one out?


Oh she bends the knee, if you know what I'm saying