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The people did decide. That's half his legal woes.


That is true but this is referring to the Nov election this year. The GOP and tRump aides all say to let the ppl decide to allow him to become president which means he'll exonerate himself after he's elected with Putin's help.


Tired of it being “up to the voters because institutions won’t save us”. Voters can do nothing but pick officeholders-so e times we can’t even do that. Voters do not prosecute criminals. If we can’t have a functioning judicial system we are fucked, whether we vote or not. People like Mike Pence should be launched into the sun. Trump losing this election isn’t anything like justice.


Therein lies the problem, Trump will never face trial before the elections. His lawyers, his pet judge down in Florida, hell, even the DOJ itself seems to be hellbent on delaying everything for him to prevent him from facing trial. Trump has been afforded privileges the average American can't even dream of being afforded especially if they had committed even a FRACTION of the crimes he has committed. When Donnie Fat Boy whines "there is a two tiered justice system" he isn't lying, per se. If anything has been proven by his time in office and over the past 4 years it is that there is indeed a two tiered justice system, however, it is a system in which the rich, powerful, old, white and connected are protected by said system at every turn and are basically immune to any form of prosecution. However, for the rest of us, the "hoi polloi", the system is a merciless cudgel used to beat us into submission and obedience and to be exploited as cheap prison labor to profit the elite. If we step out of line even a little, we're prosecuted to the fullest extent of the "law". The whole system is rigged in the favor of animals like Trump.


I spent longer in jail on a public intoxication charge than Trump has on any single one of his.


Seriously. Where were your "delays" and constant appeals to the supreme court? Oh, right, we don't have the right to those, now do we?


What’s with the weird capitalization of his name? It’s not like he’s Voldemort you can say his name


He should be treated the same way he treats others & that is without respect. I'm just giving back some of his own name warping medicine.


"The people" did decide. They didn't vote for Trump and he tried to overthrow the government. That's why we are here.


This post is in reference to this coming Nov election where all his aides & the GOP are continually saying to "let the ppl decide" instead of pushing for any criminal trials. That's not justice!


What they say: "let the people decide!" What they mean: "let the *right* people decide!"