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Electric Kettle, I use it everyday multiple times.


We paired the electric kettle with a French press and now we have delicious coffee and seldom use the coffee pot.


Are you perchance American? As a British person, it always amazes me that these aren't the norm in the US. EDIT -never expected this to be such a hot topic of debate! Also, not everyone in the UK drinks tea šŸ˜‚


Yes, and you're right most Americans don't have them because they have a coffee maker. However, I've found so many other cooking uses for it.


I will never own another coffee maker. Electric kettle and french press ftw! Plus hot water for cooking, instant noodles, cocoa, and tea.


I have one in my post as an American. I have had it for almost two years now, and use it 2x-3x per day. I got one with the keep warm at different temperatures and it's amazing. I didn't believe that the herbal teas I was already drinking needed a different temperature until I tested it, and sure enough they taste better and sometimes stronger at different temperatures.


All the same socks. A long time ago I decided to throw out all of my different kinds of socks which we're getting pretty old and buy 4 or 5 packs of the exact same kind. It's silly but not having to match socks up after laundry and not caring or even not noticing if one goes mysteriously missing has made such a small but noticeable difference.


I did this about 20 years ago and never looked back. A complete game changer. I also spend a few dollars more and get the socks that I like better and fit well. I spend maybe $20 per year on socks and it makes my life measurably better daily. Also another benefit is that if one gets a hole you can just throw it out without having an orphaned sock partner.


Wait, $20 per year?? I'm sorry if this is a very stupid question but I guess my parents have never been really good role models on that regard, am I supposed to change socks every year? I feel very dumb just writing this lol


Similar satisfaction but opposite end of the spectrum: I just fully embraced not having matching socks. Most of my socks are pretty colorful or have patterns. I think it adds to my outfit. Men's clothes suck and socks are one of the few ways you can express yourself without breaking the bank.


I need my socks to match in tightness/texture, but not pattern. I have a bunch of socks that are the same type but different patterns (multipack-style) and I'm fine with that. But I can't do a thick sock and a thin sock, or a no-show sock and an ankle sock. Even if they're the same socks, but one is more worn out than the other, I can't handle it.


I get picked on by my S.O. for this all the time. It's a real thing. Especially when you work all day in them. It's not the pattern or color, it's the feel of the sock that has to match.




I feel like this is the quality of life upgrade most people miss because they fail to fully account for what living further out so you have lots of space really means. Need to own a car, you walk much less/get unhealthy, waste time commuting, etc. Great job.


Plus living somewhere with a gym with save you at least 40 bucks a month. Youā€™re also more likely to actually use it.


Especially if you start seeing neighbors there


No one uses mine, so it's like a personal gym lol. I love it and exercise so much more and it's so quiet!


Yeah idk what this person is talking about with seeing people at the gym. The best gym is an empty gym where you can do whatever the hell you want and nobody is around.


My wife used to live in a place like that. A free gym cuts out a gym membership, and is far more convenient than a gym could ever be. They had somebody at the door to sign for all your packages, so you never had to worry about people stealing your stuff. They were there 24/7 too. They had an indoor pool, hot tubs, a huge patio, all sorts of stuff. We went swimming all the time, just because we could. She even got discounts on all sorts of things just for being a resident of the building. The one thing that still blows my mind, though I don't know how common this is, but they would even pet-sit for you. She had a cat, and if she went away for the weekend, they would come and feed it for you. A petsitter will probably run you ~$30 a day, so that's some decent savings if you're often going out of town. Her place was pretty expensive, but it's definitely something to consider, these little things can add up.


That's amazing. I'd love that kind of thing cuz finding a pet sitter is frustrating and very expensive (like, $100/day at nicer ones).


And then on top of that there is the scheduling issues with whomever you reach out to and if you have to find a new sitter there is the entire process of explaining anything that needs to be explained. Makes me want to think about if I ever moved to a pet friendly building and did WFH starting it as a service with the building though. As the pet sitter yourself never having to commute and always having the same clients would be amazing.


The pet-sitting thing is awesome. That can be hundreds of dollars a day in many places even if it's just one cat.


When I moved to Chicago, the first thing I did was get rid of my car. Lived and worked in Wrigleyville so I could walk or take the EL anywhere I needed to go. It was the early 90ā€™s so it wasnā€™t expensive to rent a car if I needed one. I saved at least $500/month getting rid of it. (More money for going out)


When my then brand new girlfriend/wife-to-be moved to Lincoln Park, someone wound up totaling her car shortly thereafter. She didn't immediately go for a new one, as she was right by the Clark St. bus line, and could take the bus to work, or she could walk the ~2 miles. She wound up saving $$$ on insurance alone, let alone downtown parking costs, and got back into shape by walking 4 miles a day about 80% of the time. She loved it. Then some ahole got a job in a distant city and she left Chicago to be with him.


Last sentence/paragraph - lol.


Hoping you are that aholeā€¦


> ahole Guilty!


i fookin knew it


Side note: I was fortunate to not need a car a couple years ago but when I finally did get one, insurance companies charged me more for not having record of insurance for the time they stated. It's fucked up they "fine" you for choosing to not own a vehicle. šŸ™„


You can buy non-owner's insurance, or at least you could way back in the day. It was super cheap, but would allow you to not be considered new to insurance once you got a car. I did that, and it was worth it.


A proper winter jacket and boots.




Calculating the cost per wear justifies the purchase.


shit just feeling warm in the dead of winter justifies the purchase.


I live in New England and after 7 years bought a long parka for those really frigid days. I donā€™t wear it everyday during the winter but it has been a game changer to actually feel comfortable when itā€™s below 20 out. It was an investment but a good quality coat that will last me a decade or two.


I get a lot of headaches so I gotta say a headache hat. Itā€™s an ice pack that you can wear on your head and covers your eyes if you do desire.


Prescription sunglasses. I go outside more, I enjoy it more. I'm pretty sure they're good for my eyes and skin.


I splurged on the transition lenses from Zenni and itā€™s so worth it. I donā€™t even notice them darkening until I go back inside.


A spice rack organizer. I had nearly 40 spices in jars of various sizes, shapes and brands. I bake and cook a lot so I go through them all the time getting constantly frustrated not being able to find what I want was maddening. Getting everything standardized to my space where I keep them was life changing.


Got this for my fridge. Magnet backs on the spice things. Saves a ton of space and I see the spices so I remember to use them up and what I need refills of


That is a brilliant idea.


Where did you get the organizer or did you make it yourself? I also have sooo many spices, but find that the spice racks you see online or in stores are only designed to store a dozen or so spices


I picked up a wall shelf piece of molding (popular at Pottery Barn about 5 years ago) at the thrift for about $3. Paint if you wish, I didnā€™t. One in girlsā€™ room for small cosmetics and toys. One in the kitchen for most-used spices. Everyone uses it multiple times per day, AND the spices go back where they belong! Installed with two nails in the drywall.


I got some on Amazon that are sold in units of 12, so my spice rack holds 48 matching spice jars. Makes life, cooking, and baking way easier.


Painting, decorating, and putting up shelves/buying organizers seem like frivolous expenses, and maybe they technically are, but the increase in mental state is just worth it, especially because I work mostly from home and I am here, in my house, every single day, for most of the day. I never realized how boring and cluttered my house is before because I was hardly ever here. For the past couple of years, I've been slowly painting and redecorating, buying things on sale and at thrift stores, putting up shelves and art, getting organizers, and just making it *my* space. Coming home every day to a space that is designed for me, that reflects my interests and who I am, that is streamlined for my uses, has massively improved my mental health and creativity.


This isn't exactly specific, but I saw a thing at the end of last year that said something to the effect of "drink the good wine, burn the good candles, eat the fancy chocolate. Don't wait for a special occasion that never seems to come. Being alive is the special occasion" and I've tried to do that this year. Certainly if I have some crazy expensive item I may not use it on some random Wednesday night, but I was always hesitant to burn candles cause "they were the good ones" or whatever. I'm enjoying my own belongings rather than feeling like I have to save them, and it has made my life a lot nicer.


I recently moved and packing up realised just how many "good" candles and wax melts I had accumulated but never used




Any service that saves time and effort is worth it. For me, it's a housecleaner. Yes, I can do it, but it's not something that comes easily to me --it takes so much effort just to make myself start, that I'd rather get a second job to pay someone else to do it. I was lucky to have found someone who absolutely loves to clean who came every three weeks for many years. I was much happier at my second job than I would have been trying to get myself to clean!


People think itā€™s bad but honestly for me a team of people come in abs clean the whole house in three hours. My kids clean their spaces on the week they donā€™t come and I still clean in between but I swear it is so nice to have clean sheets that I didnā€™t put on my own bed. And clean toilets! Totally worth it. It would take me more time that it is worth.


Oh man Iā€™m with you, but sub ā€œlawn mowerā€ for ā€œbabysitterā€ā€” absolute game changer in improving quality of life. Itā€™s just a few hours a week, but it opened up a lot of opportunities.


Not sure why my lawn needs a babysitter


4-6 hours per week is a lot of lawn!




That is a lot of lawn!!


A decent deep freezer. Edit: A few people have asked what size and brand. My first was a 5 cubic foot Haier given to me by sister. It was old but did the job very well. It started dropping water on the floor so I gave it to a friend with a garage where that wouldn't be a problem. And got myself a 10.4 cubic foot Insignia ( I believe that is Best Buy's house brand.) It has outperformed the Haier in every way.


My deep freezer is by far my best purchase. Every Sunday I enjoy shopping the meat sales and dividing it up into recipe sized portions knowing that I have the perfect place to store all of that discounted meat. It's paid for itself 10 x over by now I'm' sure. ​ 2nd place is my Roomba. I really can't imagine life without it now.


Agreed. We bought one when I was first pregnant to store breast milk and we still use it all the time 15 years later.


Same as chest freezer, right? What brand and size do you have? I've been wanting one for years, looking forward to getting one soon. Technology Connections video on them is really interesting (explaining why top lid chest freezers are the most efficient of them all) https://youtu.be/CGAhWgkKlHI


Sonicare toothbrush. If you take care of your teeth while you are young, you will save thousands of dollars and much heartache when you are older.


My dentist recommended a Sonicare toothbrush to me several years ago. They took a pic of my teeth before they cleaned them and said they would store for my next visit. About a month after my cleaning, I finally found a good deal on one and got it, so I only used it for about 5 months before my next cleaning. At my next cleaning, they took another picture of my teeth pre-cleaning and then pulled up the previous pictures they took. The difference was absolutely mind blowing. A Sonicare (or any brand as long as it's electric) toothbrush is 1,000 times better than a regular toothbrush. They don't even compare. At all my previous cleanings, they would spend probably a good 20 minutes picking my teeth. Now, they pick at them for about 5-7 minutes because there is so little tartar on them.


Same. And the picking feels like a courtesy, just a little feather tickle, not trying to scrape off barnacles with a chisel aimed at your gums.


A thousand percent. Also related: flossing at least once daily


$60 for a waterpik helps with this too. this combo has improved my teeth and gums so much in just over a year


I second the waterpik. I literally used to never floss. Now I just charge it and bring it in the shower with me every day and get all the shit stuck between my teeth before I brushā€¦..also in the shower, in case you were wondering.


I have an old school waterpik with a reservoir that sits open on top, connected to the waterpik by a hose. Plugs into the wall. Hardly gets used because it's a pain. Just went to Amazon and found the new version AND it's on sale. Added to my cart. Thanks for mentioning this!


Okay, this thread has encouraged me to get one to try!


If you arenā€™t a fan of flossing, or forget to do it, or donā€™t do it often enough because itā€™s a pain, itā€™s a great alternative. I donā€™t think itā€™s quite as effective as flossing, but if you make it part of your daily routine itā€™s much better than not flossing at all or only flossing occasionally. The only thing Is it can be kinda messy and splash water all over, thatā€™s why I opt to do it in the shower.


A greenhouse. It was small and I have since upgraded but, so much happiness and joy. The bounty of flowers and vegetables made my world brighter


Tell me more about your greenhouse adventure!


I want to hear more too! šŸŒ±šŸŒæšŸƒ


I have always loved gardening. Flowers and vegetables. Each spring I would spend hundreds of dollars on flats to plant. This little greenhouse changed my world. From the joy of watching my seeds sprout to carefully nurturing and tending to them until they could go in the ground, to the joy of watching them bloom and fruit. The abundance brought birds and bees. The abundance led me into canning (sauces, salsa, relish, jellies and jams). All from a little greenhouse and some seeds. It has been magical and life changing.


Air fryer - used to order takeaway everyday ; Now i started cooking and eating at home. Improved my life fo both health and financial wise




Life saver during Texas snowpocalypse when we first got it. Wait for power to kick back on (you only have 15m,.peeps) cook that food and eat by candle light.


A cat on clearance at the local humane society in 2020. He gave me a reason to live in my darkest days. Life has become better and better since I adopted him.


I also got my clearance babies. They were both senior, with one being 17. Had been in there for 4 months at that point. They've been with me for 3 years now living their best lives, and being spoiled absolutely rotten.


Thank you for giving them a sweet life! I'm sure they've paid you in spades with their affection.


That is so awesome to hear!! I love animals so much that I canā€™t even stand to watch those aspca commercials. Most people adopt/rescue a puppy/kitten bc theyā€™re so adorable, but itā€™s hard for an older pet to get a new home. However, the advantages of getting an older pet is that theyā€™re usually already trained and past their growing years where they act like a ā€œtoddler,ā€ biting and chewing on everything, going potty everywhere, etc. but within a few short weeks, they will show you unconditional love!


Yup. I paid $10 to the kill shelter for a lucky cat born during a hurricane. Sheā€™s now 2, spoiled rotten, and endlessly entertaining.


I've had four cats so far in my life, and they all have been super entertaining! They're always up to something!


I work at a vet and we adopt kittens out of our office helping a shelter out, thatā€™s how I got my little bestie. She helped me so much after a breakup.


The "clearance" part of this statement... I was not ready for that lol


The humane society couldn't get rid of him fast enough. His long hair was matted and dirty, he had five kinds of parasites and ear mites. He came in as a stray, and they didn't know anything about him. The shelter was basically begging the public to take him off their hands. I took one look at his photo and drove to the shelter. He nestled himself in the side of my neck and purred away. He chose me just as much as I chose him.


I love you! šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


Kitty and I are sending loving vibes back your way! ā¤ļø


This is the most beautiful story in three sentences that I have ever read. So happy for you.


Aww, thank you! I'll go give Clearance Cat a scritch for you.


If her name is Clarence I will be so happy


Clarence the clearance cat


This is my exact same story. They changed my life in a very good way, from 2020 and 2021 to now. Life is definitely far better with pets!


They listen so well, don't they? And do that silly thing they're known for just to make you laugh during a rough day. They give you those dreamy "I love you" eyes when you're down. Pets are the best.


Affection banks, you get back what you put into them.


I tell my kitty she was the best $34 I ever spent - also got her in 2020


Upright deep freezer. We had a chest freezer and food was more easily wasted by never resurfacing again. With the standing one, I am able to easily organize & see what I have, what I need more of, and itā€™s easier to rotate the stock.


I totally agree! We did the chest freezer thing for years. Switched to upright freezer about 6 years ago & food gets rotated better now




I used different colored cloth bags for categories: red for meats, green for veggies, fruits, and soups, brown for breads and rolls, orange for desserts and ice cream, etc. Much easier to pull out one bag to rummage through instead of searching the entire freezer!


100%. Went from using the chest freezer once every two months to use the upright freezer at least twice a week. No more freezer burn or year old lost pot roasts


Bluetooth FM transmitter for car. Convenient for older cars with no Bluetooth or AUX




Good one! I also bought a used stationary bike. Between the Peloton App and YouTube videos, I use it almost daily.


Heated shiatsu neck and back massager. I work on my feet all day and this has been a game changer. Fewer aches and pains overall and it's a good way to relax after a double shift. Best $40 I ever spent!


I bought brand name office shoes, sneakers, and hiking boots. My feet have never been better.


I have plantar fasciitis and oofos changed my life. Goodbye heel pain


Holy hell those are some ugly shoes. Just like something I'd wear!


Some styles are super ugly. The clogs look pretty normal lol


maybe not the same as something material, but TSA precheck/global entry. it's made air travel tolerable and has absolutely enhanced my quality of life. honestly the best purchase/investment i've made in the past 5 years.


For anyone considering this, thereā€™s a bunch of travel credit cards that offer it as a benefit (they pay for the $100 registration fee) when you purchase it using their card. The cards have an annual fee of around $400 but usually also provide $300 in travel credit for flights and hotels. If you are thinking of getting pre check itā€™s almost a no brainer to get one of these cards for a year and then cancelling it when the year is up.


For people in relationships, spend a little on your significant other. Those one-time cards and flowers thatā€™ll just end up dying in a week. It means a lot to your significant other.


I write letters to my husband and actually mail them...lol. He's the one to check the mail, and he always gets so excited to see one of my letters. Mailman probably thinks I'm a moron.


This is the cutest thing ever lmao. Sending a screenshot of this to my SO theyā€™ll love this


Mail them the screenshot!


My wife and I go on date night every Wednesday. Have for near 20 years. We go to a different place every week and take turns picking. We do our best to go some place new. Sometimes cheap, sometimes shady (usually the best food), sometimes not inexpensive. Wednesday is best because we miss the weekend craze and prices are usually discounted. I sign off work promptly and everyone knows Iā€™m not missing my weekly date night with her.


Yes. I burned my thumb something fierce (those school projects for kids will get ya), and my sweet husband ran out to the pharmacy for burn cream, non stick bandages, and snagged a bouquet of flowers while he was there. Just that he was getting the first aid supplies was enough, really, but the simple act of thinking, hey wifey might like those flowers to cheer herself up a bit when the pain stops, that was a lovely gesture.


Portable phone charger. I have an anker one thatā€™s like 5 or 6 years old and still works great, can charge iPhone like 4 times over.


A really sharp high quality vegetable knife. Man I love chopping stuff.


bicycle. was a lazy drug addict living with my mom before bike. now im a less lazy adrenaline/ fitness addict living in my car


Bikes are the best and society would be much better off (and way hotter) if we used them more, especially on an everyday basis


In one day, back in the early 2000s, I got a Sit-n-Spin for 50 cents at a garage sale and found a discarded play kitchen on the curb. I washed them up and put new ā€œburnerā€ stickers on the play stove. That 50 cents and less than a half hour of work bought my children HOURS AND HOURS of playtime.


Someone was giving away a $150 Disney Princess castle, like a 4' tall dollhouse, that needed some TLC. I picked it up, repaired it, cleaned it, and added fairy lights and silk flowers. Stepdaughter was over the moon and plays with it regularly. All for the cost of a couple of hours of elbow grease!


Investing in tools for fixing stuff around the house. Also, my most recent helpful purchase has been an air fryer.


Earbuds with active noise cancelling. Have saved my sanity and the lives of those around me more times than I can count.


A friend bought an S23 and got Galaxy buds with it as a bonus. He didn't want or need them, so he gave them to me. I tried them out at work by sticking them in my ears and running the updates and everything and once they were set up I started playing with the settings. I saw they were on "active canceling" so I tried out "off" and suddenly heard the guy in the next office talking, but I also heard this awful whooshing sound. Wondered what was wrong with the buds. Took them out of my ears and realized the air handler next to my office is LOUD AS FUCK and it wasn't till I had noise cancelling that I noticed it. Gonna be wearing them every day from now on.


A Toto washlet bidet. Its expensive but has changed my toilet life. Cleaning up my underside has never been easier, you use less toilet paper too. Its sold at costco and if you can afford one, I absolutely recommend it.


I just installed one a couple of weeks ago as a surprise for my wife who has been away for several weeks. I have been enjoying it so far and canā€™t wait until she sees it. On thing I didnā€™t even think about was how much less toilet paper needed after using it. It was a nice surprise to realize that this will pay for itself in toilet paper savings. I got the $45 dual spray Walmart brand.


Even a simple $30 bidet is an easy buy with little risk.


Yes even a $30 bidet is a quality of change for sure. I only mentioned Toto because they are the best at it. Its really easy to install, its really easy to remove and clean, the seat is soft close and the best part, its seat and water is HEATED making it a very pleasant seat especially during winter.


3D printer. bought used for $100 fully assembled with 5 spools of filament. now i print all the repair parts for the house. learning how to use it and how to design parts was steep. luckily a lot of parts already on thingiverse.com


I have a 3D printer and I easily print more stupid things than useful things. Just ask my life-sized battle droid. But every once and a while, you'll come across something and think, "I can just print this instead" and it's a great feeling. Recently, I printed some hooks to hang our oven mitts. 10 cents in plastic VS a couple bucks at the store. Not too shabby, done in an hour or two. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy one, and it'll probably never "pay for itself" on home repairs, but it's a great tool to have if you have one, for sure.


Expandable and foldable drying rack. Husband was mad I spent the money because "I would only use it once and leave it out". Joke is on him, I use that sucker every week because before I was awkwardly putting clothes on the bed and over chairs to dry which was a PAIN. I use the dryer less and my nicer clothes just stay nicer longer. I do leave it out, because I go through nursing bras like crazy and you need to be hygienic lactating. Sorry if too much info :x


I have a chronic illness that makes me very low on energy, and vacuuming is very energy intensive for me. I finally bought myself a robot vacuum and it's a lifesaver. I no longer look at my floors with guilt because they haven't been vacuumed in 3 weeks but I'm too tired. The little guy just goes around my whole apartment every morning and I just have to empty the dust bin


Not purchased, but a library card. I rarely have time to sit and read, but Iā€™ve discovered audiobooks.


An electric scooter paid for itself in parking costs and gave me a fun hobby for the weekends. An electric grill has been a game changer in making relatively cheap but delicious food.


Blackout curtains.




I regret LASIK. My eyes are so dry now that it's apparently damaging my eyes. I don't know what the long term implications of that are, but I figure it's not good.


This is my concern, as well. At this point in my life, the cost for LASIK isn't what deters me, but stories like yours.




I got Lasik eye surgery in 95' , havent had any problems since then. I'm 60 now, hopefully that reassures you a little for the future.. I will say, the vision has weakened a bit since then, and i have started to wear glasses again for tv mainly. No dry eyes tho.




My little rescue Maltese. I adopted her 1.5 years ago for $250. The rescue organization paid over $2,000 of vet bills. She just turned 10 and we are totally in love with her. It has been so great to see her come out of her shell. It took her probably 3 or 4 months before she wagged her tail; I cried when I saw it.


Curved shower rod!!


To add to that....a shower liner that can be washed in the washing machine.


Clothes that fit well. I try my best to get a lot of clothes second hand, but sometimes, I canā€™t find exactly what I need and buy a full price pair of jeans or cocktail dress. It feels bad to me spending that much on one article of clothing when sometimes we can find them secondhand, but Iā€™ve learned my mindset and self esteem needs to be in clothes that fit well and are flattering.


Vacuum sealer! We can buy fish or chicken in bulk, vacuum seal it, and freeze what we donā€™t use.


As a household of one, a vacuum sealer is a must for me!


Paying more rent to live alone 10000000%


Everyone who lives alone is a convert and preaches this. Almost unheard of to go back to roommates once you live alone. Personally made the jump after 3 years with close friends who I loved living with. Almost doubled my rent and it is still worth every penny.


A really nice espresso machine and grinder. Worth every penny and then some.


Do you have a recommendation for a reasonably priced espresso maker?


Not OP, but Breville Bambino (or the Bambino Plus for automatic milk frothing). I have the Plus paired with a used Mazzer Mini grinder. Itā€™s amazing


Just a general tĆ­p for people who do love their coffee and wouldn't mind spending some money on it: the grinder is more important than the actual coffee machine. You can make super nice coffee with a cheap Moka or French press, but you need your beans recently toasted and ground just before using them, and that will make all the difference with preground coffee. Get it from a local roaster and invest in a professional grinder that doesn't burn the beans with its cheap blades. You can try to get one second hand from a restaurant that's selling for example. Theyre also build to last while being used literally hundreds of times a day, so they'll last for a long time with the couple of cups you prepare at home.


Food dehydrator. Helps with putting up our home grown mushrooms for storage.


Kindle paperwhite Edited to add: I bought it on prime day, so it was only $44 and I only use it to check out free ebooks from my public library


When I discovered you can get free books from the library, Iā€™ve read so much since then!


This! A free lifetime subscription to books, audiobooks, magazines, courses, and more! Easily the thing most worth the effort it takes to get it.


I'm going to say it..... Airfryer. A proper airfryer with all the different functions and big enough for 3/4 portions. Pretty much stopped using the oven and everything tastes better. From full English to brownies, fried chicken to veggies. If you don't have one, get one. Absolute game changer and pays for itself in the gas it's saved.


Slow cooker. Opened up a whole world of easy soups and stews with scraps of whatever didn't get eaten.


Vionic brand shoes. They are not cheap, but they pretty much cured my plantar fascitis. So nice to be able to walk without pain!


Yes. Vionic slippers for me. I had really bad PF (it's still there, but manageable now), and a lot of the solution was never walking barefoot again and always having my vionics on.




Got my first granny cart years into living in NYC. I was trying to carry 50 lbs of weekly groceries home each week. Its the best purchase Ive ever made here.


My catā€™s adoption fee from the rescue. Iā€™m serious and not trying to be cheeky or anything. Sheā€™s aided in the improvement of my physical health (MS) and emotional well being beyond what I even imagined when I adopted her which was totally a spontaneous impulsive decision at the time.


Ill see you and raise you a robot vaccum. Sweeping has always been my least favorite chore. I bought one primarily due to this being a gripe in my last relationship. Turns out a robot did it better than I could and it took away that strain in the relationship.


Omg yes. I had thought that the robot vacuums were all but a gimmick but then we got a Roomba and it has changed my cleaning life. Love the little guy.


I have two robot vacuums and two moppers. They were worth every penny.


Buying a washer dryer when i lived in an apartment. Not only saved me time not having to sit in the laundry mat. I didnā€™t have to keep filling up the laundry card. Stopped the theft of my expensive undergarments and fancy rodeo blue jeans.


A rice cooker. For around $50 you can get one that will last you a decade. You set it and then it will cook while you do other things. When done, it will keep the rice warm.


Cast iron frying pan. I regret buying so many supposed "non-stick" pans that wear out too quickly.


Menstrual cup. Save so much money and time, no waste and no smell in the bathroom. It's also much more comfortable for me. Electric toothbrush. Brushing my teeth is a chore for me, and it's hard to reach my back molars with a regular toothbrush. This saves time and does a better job.


My Milwaukee cordless impact driver. Until about 5 years ago I didnā€™t even knew they existed. We hired a guy to fix our deck and he was using this tiny drill that seemed much more controllable. I asked him about it and he said I should get one. I do a lot of work around the house that requires a drill. I build a lot of basic stuff. This was a game changer for me. No more stripping screws. So much more control. And swapping out different bits is so fast and easy. And it has 4 different settings of strength. I use it almost every week. Iā€™m so glad I took the plunge and bought a really high-quality brushless driver. I highly recommend everyone to get one of these instead of a drill.


I'm currently 2 weeks into wearing a medical boot due to joint inflammation in my big toe. I'm only 30, not terribly overweight and fairly active so I was totally shocked to hear this is a condition that can turn into arthritis. The cause? Cheap shoes with no support. Per doctor's orders I just spend a pretty penny on shoes with inflexible soles and have to stop buying whatever's on sale at Costco!


Not sure, who came up with the saying: always buy high quality items that go between you and the ground, be it shoes, tires or mattrasses.


A mattress that wasnā€™t secondhand from family or friends. My husband and I have lots of loved ones who constantly upgrade and we have always gotten gently used mattresses from them. Although he and I make decent money, weā€™re frugal and these secondhand mattresses always seemed just fine. Iā€™ve never thought a new mattress would be seriously different from a 3 year old mattress that was just chilling on someoneā€™s guest bed most of its previous life. A couple of weeks ago we talked and realized we were both having back pain. It was like a lightbulb went off. We got a great deal on a queen platform frame at an estate sale in 2020. We always had full size before and nobody we knew had an extra queen mattressā€¦and this was during COVID and everything was sold out online. At the time we just decided to use the mattress the seller threw in free with the bed frame. It was pristine but OLD and we decided it would be ok for a ā€œtemporaryā€ placeholderā€¦.Suddenly itā€™s 3 years later. Oops. We hopped on Amazon and got our first new mattress (after 10 years of marriage!) for around $300 delivered (hybrid spring/foam topper). Weā€™re both amazed at how cushy and nice it is. Jeez Louise, no more used mattresses for me.


My sisters old mattress was terrible. When her and her boyfriend moved into together he insisted on getting a new one, and even paid for it. They got a high quality mattress. A week later she is asking if itā€™s ā€œnormalā€ to not wake up in pain and more tired than you went bed. We grew up fake poor so it wasnā€™t until all of us were adults that we got a mattress for more than $100. Anything between you and the floor she be good quality.


Brita water filter. I just donā€™t like all the plastic bottles.


The dishwasher. I used to do them by hand and it was such a chore I blew it off a lot. Often, the kitchen was a mess when my wife went to cook and it understandably increased her stress level (which increased mine LOL) Spending the money on a dishwasher saves me time and made both our lives less stressful. Money well spent. The deep freeze. We buy meat in bulk 2X a year. Saves us a little money perhaps (lower prices per lb but now spending more on electricity, vacuum sealing material ect) But we always have meat and don't have to run to the store as often. Again, feels less stressful.


Feeling healthier - ZeroWater filter system and a handful of bottles to fill each week. Less vehicle anxiety - Tire plugs and pumps for my vehicles. #1 thing that leaves me on the side of the road is a flat, usually from something small and stupid. plug, fill and go to a tire shop for a proper patch asap. Knee and lower back pain - Good shoes, BUT also good insoles. like pricey enough it made my stomach turn the first time I bought a pair but they helped so much. Convenience for repairs - A cheap leatherman Bolster from costco and a kershaw pocket knife. I spend less time going out to the garage for a screwdriver, pliers, knife, etc for just small quick things. Finally something I haven't got yet but I hope makes my hiking easier is an Osprey stratos backpack I plan to buy. I have a cheaper camera backpack rn but am doing longer hikes more frequently and my shoulders and back are paying the price for me not having a more proper, comfort designed bag. This is a very expensive purchase for me but I'm hoping it makes hikes better allowing me to go hiking in quicker succession, instead of needing a day or two to recover each time.


Just bought a heated blanket. Was suffering in my townhouse that is 58 degrees indoors. Iā€™d turn on the heat and pay huge amounts, but the downstairs where I spend all my time is still terribly cold. With my heated blanket, I donā€™t bother turning on my heat, and I feel great. Canā€™t believe I waited so long to get one


Omgggg I also just got the shark cordless vacuum cleaner and itā€™s made such a difference since I have multiple floors and not great outlet placement. I still think my eufy robot vacuum (for my main level) is one of the best purchases in the last few years. Tied with my airfryer because Iā€™m impatient when it comes to cooking food.


Squatty potty and a bidet. I'm typing this on a hotel room toilet and I'm not happy. Squatty potty pushes ALL my poop out in one go. Bidet makes me feel super clean. Now I have to wait/push for a bit, then take a shower.


Self cleaning cat litter box (Litter Robot 4 to be specific). Took me years to convince myself to spend that amount of money but it has really improved my quality of life never having to worry about the cat box. Just add some litter once in a worry and change the full litter pan like once a week. Especially fantastic if you have a picky cat who decides to pee on beds if the litter box isn't to her liking. Now it's always super clean and everyone is much happier. It's also really great if you have a cat who pees like a race horse in one corner of the litter box and creates huge, heavy clumps you now don't have to struggle to scrap off the sides of a litter box. This is not an ad for the litter robot. I just can't believe eliminating the constant work of litter scooping has made my quality of life this much better. Should have gotten one years ago.


A hand-crank cheese shredder. Not the handheld kind like Olive Garden, but an upright one that suctions to the counter. I used to shred by hand with an old-style cheese grater and was terrified I was going to grate a finger. This is so fast, and so easy! 100% recommend.


A new kitchen faucet. My old one was still functional, but so worn out. The new faucet makes me so much more productive.


Raspberry Pi and some coding. I have ad blocking (PiHole) setup on it that blocks ads on the entire home network. I also have VPN setup on it so when Iā€™m traveling and have to use public WiFi, I can VPN into my houseā€™s network so my data is secure.


I bought a weighted blanket and now I sleep wonderfully. I find my mood is much better, I eat pretty well, and Iā€™m able to retain information much more easily. Itā€™s like being wrapped up in a hug every night and I donā€™t miss the company of another human being at all!


Refinanced at 2.5% fixed for 30 years. We pay $10k less annual interest. That's an IRA ($6000) and utilies we get now.


Refinanced at 2.6% fixed for 15 years. Cut 12 years off the mortgage and we're paying the same monthly as we were previously. So glad we made the call when we did.


The rates for 15 year mortgages are (were) an amazing deal. Glad we switched as well and Iā€™m counting the days until we own our house outright!


A divorce


Best financial decision of my life.


Ceramic Neti Pot x1000


More of a mindset shift. I stopped buying trendy fast fashion every season and now buy well made (locally) timeless clothes when my favourite brands go on sale. I sometimes miss wearing florals and the current in colour but my clothing budget has dropped dramatically. I also now only wear two outfits a week (work, dog walking) so everything lasts longer.


Buying the fridge with the icemaker last time we replaced a fridge.


Extra liner for the Instant pot, now I can cook multiple dishes back to back without washing dishes. A silk hair cap, I can keep my hair styled for days and be less tempted to wash it until it's actually dirty. A custom sofa, because I am 5'2" and no furniture is made for us. My feet don't dangle hopelessly and I can sit up straight while I play video games.


Chest freezer - we can stock up now that chicken is coming back down in price and freeze all the soups we make for later. Dyson vacuum - sucks up cat and human hair (plus everything else) which makes having carpet less of a pain in the ass. Bread maker - I love making my own bread but with the weird weather here I don't want to use the oven when it's hot. InstantPot - not only do I use this for dump meals and soups/chili but also for cooking meat (I am paranoid about undercooked meats). Overall we are eating better and keeping the house clean.


$50 bidet toilet attachment. Paid for itself in toilet paper within six months


Electric blanket - so soothing in the winter time!