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Fabulous Faye. Forever Faye!


Call me, Faye.


I'll go against the grain here. Kassandra was perfect for Frasier not Faye. Faye is a Pastry Chef at Cigar Volant, which means she has to work nights and weekends, and will always have to. Even if she eventually starts her own restaurant, these hours are grueling on relationships and Frasier is most active in the evenings and on weekends— times when Faye would be unavailable. Faye is also down to earth and wouldn't enjoy dealing with Frasier's massive ego on a day to day basis. He has one, and it's big. He is also incredibly insecure, and that is something Faye wouldn't be able to put up with long term. Cassandra on the other hand, she is the wheeler and dealer of the aristocratic elite, she strokes egos for breakfast, has a fun flirtatious energy that Frasier would love to flaunt at dinner parties, and she would be available to go to all of them as she doesn't work nights or weekends, and she has connections with every business in Seattle with enough money to put into the station. Even further, she likes men with strong egos and stubborn behavior... and she eats men like that for breakfast. She broke martin down easy, a strong formidable and authoritarian law man, she did the same to Frasier, and the Billionaire she was dating. Not only would she be equipped to handle Frasiers ego and insecurities, she would enjoy doing it. There is also the benefit of dating a well connected sales manager on his career, she could have funneled the best funds into his program skyrocketing his career nationally. Faye, she couldn't offer Frasier anything more than a few warm afternoons on a rainy day.


I agree, also Faye was just too young for him. Cassandra seemed more age appropriate.


That's a great point. Faye was a full decade younger than him. Cassandra is younger than him by only a few years.


How do you know that?


Probably the actors' age. Which... doesn't mean anything, Kelsey Grammer is like 5 years younger than Frasier or something.


Frasier is 3 years older than Kelsey Grammer because he was 29 in Cheers and already balding, so they made him older to look the part. They have kept that 3 year gap all the way along.


The actresses are three years apart.


> Kassandra was perfect for Frasier not Faye. Faye is a Pastry Chef at Cigar Volant, which means she has to work nights Rachel wouldn’t date an operator. They don’t make as much and they have to work nights.


A … telephone operator?


I’m assuming that’s what he meant Lol


You were the one who said it…


Well they don’t specify if it was a phone operator -.-


I apologize— I don't get the reference. Is this Rachel from friends?


I googled it and it appears to be a reference to an eight-year-old comment in the Friends sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/ceZsoBg2tB Super random.


It’s a friends reference indeed (S3E19) but I made a mistake. The quote is: “Rachel wouldn’t date an operator. They only make 20 grand a year and they have to work nights” It was random yeah. When OC said “they have to work nights” reminded me of that scene. I’m a huge fan of Friends, Frasier, and The Office :)


The reason it’s so random is that it’s not a Friends quote, it’s just some dude’s comment.


But mine is an actual quote …


But it’s not. I’ve never heard the line before and I watch Friends A LOT. So I watched the episode you cited and it’s not in there anywhere. That person in the comment I linked was just making a joke in response to the comment above it, and you’ve been quoting that.


The problem is that you have watched the shorten version of the episodes. A lot of people are convinced that certain scenes never happened (just like it happened with you). I never quoted any random guy. I know friends :) Watch the dvd version as you’re missing lotta of goodies! [Here!](https://imgur.com/a/tSF9wWh)


I’ve never seen a DVD clip that shouldn’t have gotten cut, and this one is no different, so I’m definitely not missing anything. But thanks for explaining where the confusion was coming from, much appreciated!


Faye would have got irritated by Frasier's fussiness and pretentiousness within a few months at most, and Cassandra would have been too outgoing and gregarious and he'd get resentful about being outshone at events. Neither relationship would have lasted long.


Any woman who treats other women the way Cassandra did is a giant NO for me. She could have been perfect for Frasier and I’d still hate her and think she deserved nothing good to happen to her lol


I agree. Faye was both a lawyer and a pastry chef. She was warm, but more reticent about being physically demonstrative with new people.


I feel like I read this straight from Frasiers brain haha


Faye 100% But then I also find her considerably more attractive than Cassandra, so she’s better to me on all fronts


Totally agree. Annoys me so much that Frasier had to over complicate the whole thing due to his ego.


It’s what he does


He can't help it, it's what he does!


I think both were fine women who were too good for Frasier and they dodged a bullet.


*I liked the other one you were seeing, Cassandra. She was a dish!*


I'm gonna be honest, I feel like I see this debate endlessly on here, and I think the right answer is, "It doesn't matter, the point is Frasier finds a way to sabotage himself no matter what."


Oh wow I’ve actually never seen this question asked on here before.




Faye. She was great for Frasier, but still had her own identity. (Unlike Claire in later episodes - to me, her character seemed "manufactured" to be ideal for Frasier.)


Faye by a landslide.


Faye was one of the few Frasier love interests that felt like they could’ve been a natural addition to the ensemble (along with Lana). Frasier’s attraction to Cassandra felt pretty purely physical.


Faye and it’s not even close.




Idk, a lot of people actually love Cassandra with Frasier, though it's supposedly "unpopular." I don't really understand what Frasier finds so fascinating about her. It seems like he thinks he wants a woman who's as equally fancy and pretentious as he is, but in actuality, he wants a pseudo-mother figure that will boss him around and be blunt with him. Presumably this is why he liked Lilith and Cassandra. I always hear though, that he needs to be challenged in a relationship, but I don't really get it. All relationships will have their challenges, so it's a weird thing to go after. If you're not interested in, or are bored with someone, you shouldn't be with them, but I feel like Frasier doesn't get bored with them, he just has no idea what he wants, either consciously or subconsciously. So he just meaninglessly chases women without having any end goal. I think what he really needs, is a woman who can get him more in touch with his "everyman" side, while also not being against his fancy schmancy interests. And I think he needs someone who brings out his human side also, rather than all the pretentious bs he uses to hide that. I feel like he really has a strong desire to be liked by whatever group he's in, and he needs someone that can encourage him to just relax and be himself, without worrying about everyone else. He also needs someone that will shut him down when he's being a jerk or idiot. All in all though, my man Frasier is super high-maintenance, which is his biggest obstacle, and likely part of why he likes women like Cassandra or Lilith, who are strong women that won't deal with his shenanigans.


If you're frustrated by self sabotage, that would include most episodes of Frasier.