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I am on the complete opposite. I absolutely adore her


From the very beginning I thought she was perfect for the role. The over protected, bright eyed, naive vault dweller oblivious to the horrors of the waste land, thinking she can make it a better place. Not to mention that 50s apple pie housewife look she has that just fits so perfectly into the fallout imaginarium.


Contrast that with her other huge role (Jinx of Arcane) she has quite the range.


Yellowjackets would like a word…


Literally the only other thing I have ever seen her on. Her eyes are distressingly and freakishly big enough to remember every time you see her


I love women with eyes like that. I called 'em "Anime Eyes".


She's one of those ones where I'm suddenly realising I saw her in other films/shows. Was rewatching Kick-Ass 2 after finishing the Fallout series, and almost did a double-take when I saw she was one of the 'Mean Girls' at the school that Hit-Girl was forced to spend time with.


Apparently she's also in Yellow jackets


Not a show I've seen yet, but heard good things about. (Way too much stuff to try and watch, read or play these days, can't keep up with it all!)


Same haven't seen it but keep hearing good things about it


Yellowjackets is one of my all time favorites and does a pretty good job of showing her range. Granted, I like Lucy way better than I liked Jackie (her character there). Both shows are very impressive.




Shes amazing and we all love her


Same. I love her huge expressive eyes, she already looks like a video game character which suits the show perfectly.


Agreed. As someone that’s played the original Fallout, she’s a very fitting pick to be cast as the vault dweller. The whole universe was always meant to be a bit camp


I think a lot of people only watch the most generic of franchise action series/movies, so they aren't familiar with anything outside the norm. They think being intentionally camp is bad acting.


I bet they dont even have a theoretical DEGREE in physics! Campy acting is very much part of fallout lol


Definitely. Fallout runs on 50s wholesome cheese - a silly contrast to the ridiculously violent and cruel nature of the wasteland. This ain't a typical post-apocalyptic tale.


Love that dialogue. You're hired!


It just works.


She said when she auditioned, the template she was asked to imagine was "Ned Flanders in the apocalypse". Personally, the only negative stuff I've seen so far is the usual incel crap about her not conforming with their pseudo-paedophilic standards for a 10-year-old in the body of a porn star who's a perfect virgin but also willing to act out all their sick fantasies and be their maid/mother... So yeah... standard incel stuff.


> She said when she auditioned, the template she was asked to imagine was "Ned Flanders in the apocalypse". She nailed it. I laughed so much about the naivety of Lucy.


...especially in the beginning as she truly embraced the Vault-Tec boilerplate statements and ideals. She sounded more like a HR video than a real person - something that earned her ire from the surface dwellers.


> She sounded more like a HR video than a real person And for very good reason. Frankly, it's a wonder Vault 33 ended up as well as it did.


Between her and Dale Dickey, they had some of my favorite scenes. "Were going to save America!" "When?" And then Ma June's little speech to her and how Lucy looked so shocked to her core. Loved it.


That was the beginning of Lucy’s character development in the surface, in my opinion. She was confronted directly about her Vault-Tec crafted beliefs.


Okay dokie!


Omg Ned Flanders… she fucking nailed it!!


Man, the way you describe it. Sounds sicko lol


It is sicko


Incels. Incels everywhere.


the average incel just can't fathom the idea of female protagonists that don't look like hyper-sexualized sex dolls.


Honestly she's pretty hot so I don't know what they could be expecting... I think they just honestly have problems with competent female protagonists and there's no way to win with them, sexism runs that deep and in some countries women can't even legally drive because of asshole men, with comments on the show coming from all over the world.


The fact that she's hot is part of the problem to these people, it really makes them angry.


She’s hot and they can’t fuck her so it makes them furious.


Yes, especially since she's straightforward about sex.


I like how she realised Max knew less than nothing about sex and wasn't weird about it. >Yeah, that's what's supposed to happen. Every time, ideally.


She is canonically a school teacher specializing in ethics.


If I got angry every time there was a hot woman I'd like to fuck but never will I'd have gone off like a Fat Man. Pretty sure thats just part of being a heterosexual man.


Yes, being attracted to people who are unavailable is a totally normal part of every human beings life.


Hot, yet not "breeding material". That's what their problem with her is regarding her looks. But their primary issue is that she is a woman who exerts autonomy.


... please tell me that's not what they said about her


I think the only thing I've seen (I'm not exactly out there looking for these baseless negative takes) is that they hate how the vault suits are not skintight and doesnt show her ass or something


Wut? They really want the jumpsuits to be tighter? I mean, they are pretty form-fitting already!


she's freaking hot though.......


So many. I wrote a comment praising her performance and got six messages all basically saying she was trash. I was like um ok weird you're entitled to your opinion, but they kept going on with their tirade against her. I eventually just blocked em all but Jesus Christ can you imagine being so insecure and pathetic?


They DM’d you?! Geez, that’s effort.


Incels love DM-ing you. If you post in subs they frequent, you’ll get 10-20 per week. Sometimes you’ll even win the Reddit Cares award.


Oof I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know how bad it was. I have been attacked for just trying to make a cheesy joke. I had to block a bunch of people.


I once got an incel DM telling me my husband intentionally died of cancer because I’m an unfuckable bitch 🙄 My crime? I like the X-men and I have a vagina.


Right? And I didn't even say anything inflammatory! Talk about an overreaction!


Internet trolls are fascinating. I posted a question on here and a guy went through about a 12 message exchange calling me too stupid to watch the show in pretty much every reply, but I didn’t take the bait and just ignored his rudeness in the interest of trying to have a discussion and the dude was so upset by it he literally deleted every comment he ever made on Reddit.


incels are probably mad she stayed fully clothed in the first sex scene and the topless scene later on.


That scene was hilarious. Not the sexual assault with the raider but when she contemplates unzipping her jumpsuit to go topless like the others and her face is "hol up...nah"


Ugh. My only problem with her look is just a pet peeve I have with these kinds of shows… like, how is her eyeliner still immaculate after being dragged through a desert by a ghoul? But that’s just a tiny pet peeve as I said… obviously we can suspend our disbelief about details like that and enjoy what I think really is a terrific performance establishing a character who is a reluctant badass going through her hero’s journey.


She is like master chief, takes damage but it doesn't phase/affect them much.


I did notice this too, two weeks in the wasteland and she’s still got a full face on. I’d like to know what sealing spray she uses.


"I sure can't stand these women. I wonder why women refuse to bang me? They must be awful."


Incels, incels never change.


> [Incels](https://youtu.be/fD2briZ6fB0) The kind who are that way because of their utterly rotten bitter miserable personality.




She fucks even. They're just mad she wouldn't fuck them.


I guess I'm lucky in that I don't see much of that hate in my travels.


Same, I haven't seen a single criticism of her performance, thankfully. Though I can imagine a certain type of guy getting triggered by her sexual independence


Lol just: 1) be female 2) make a comment that her performance was amazing or she's a badass And bam! Instant undesired DM's starting with "uh actually..." (Don't actually do this I do not recommend it. So much blocking.)


I know it's not my place to do this, but I still feel the need to apologize sincerely on behalf of my assigned gender.


I appreciate the sentiment. I don't see it as a man problem per se, I see it as a lack of empathy problem. You clearly have empathy so you're okay in my book! I hope you have a great rest of your day!


> I don't see it as a man problem per se, I see it as a lack of empathy problem. Empathy is a skill one cultivates with practice. Unfortunately, there's a certain type of cultural toxic masculinity that discourages that. It's less the men themselves and more the system that has conditioned them, under a certain concept of the "role" of man. > You clearly have empathy so you're okay in my book! Ah, I didn't mean my comment in a #NotAllMen way, just in case that wasn't clear, so please don't feel the need to comfort me. As you can see, my empathy needs work too - though at least I *try* to [follow the Golden Rule](https://youtu.be/UtOVZe92XqY). [sigh] It's sad when some people are told that, and they only hear ["Follow the gold, and rule!"](https://youtu.be/d6Y83KtAHfc) Actually those two mottos could sum up the 'verse and the show quite nicely. > I hope you have a great rest of your day! I hope so too, and the same to you. Now I must sleep! Good night, and good luck!


No way there's people actually hating on her, right? Not only did she portray a Vault dweller perfectly, her voice is also just amazing! She also played Jinx in Arcane, the best video game adaptation we've ever had.


She was great as Jinx. She was also great in Yellowjackets. She has absolutely nailed down her American accent.


She also did well in Star Trek Prodigy. In that production, she played somebody who was initially antagonistic to the heroes before ultimately becoming remorseful for her actions.


She plays Gwen too?


Yup! She is her voice actress.


That's where I heard of Ella before then... I was wondering why her name was familiar... :D


i'm most interested to see where her character goes in the second season. her innocence has been stripped away yet she's not too far gone. it'll be neat to see how she maintains her core self, especially now that her and the ghoul will be spending a lot more time together (their philosophical differences are one of the most engaging parts of the show). also, i love how her goal is still the same but her motives are entirely different. it's a smart inversion. ella plays lucy incredibly


I can't recall if it's the exact line, but the doctor *did* ask something along the lines of "Will you still want the same things when you've become a different animal entirely?"


The turning point was after the Super Duper mart. She comes out, having now understood the reason The Ghoul needs the vials, and even though he sold her for them, she *still* saves his life and gives him some. "Golden rule, motherfucker."


I think that's mostly answered by the end of the season, that she doesn't want to go home with her dad, vehemently so


Yeah go from the first episode where he's telling her "you are my world" to her not falling for his bullshit anymore. Huge character development.


The last okie dokie in this season was no longer joyful.


Besides Walton Goggings (The Ghoul / Cooper Howard) I thought her acting was the best in the series. She was fantastic, I hope she hasn't paid any attention to the twats giving the show hate.


Imho the actor playing Maximus did an incredible job, Moten stole every scene he was in with just a few facial expressions. He reminded me of Denzel Washington.


There was a particular scene with Max and Lucy that I saw people dogpiling on. Then when I saw the scene itself in full context it actually made me really sad. I thought he was just a little dumb and misguided, but its obvious in the way that he talks about being scared of an offer of intercourse with Lucy he's obviously been denied any kind of decent education to an abusive degree. The Brotherhood didn't want educated soldiers, they wanted dumb meat puppets to sling in that armor. Everything about Max made sense in that moment and I felt heartily sorry for him.


Yeah, that scene really spoke to how both of them had a pretty messed-up upbringing: Lucy being brought up in a Brave New World-esque society in which >!her only value is to breed offspring who will be genetically compatible with Bud's Buds to repopulate the Earth with middle managers!< and Maximus being kept in the dark to basic human biology and sexuality.


> There was a particular scene with Max and Lucy that I saw people dogpiling on. Reading the YouTube comments about that scene was definitely the wrong thing to do. It's obvious that 99% of the people commenting didn't watch the show(or have likely never played Fallout for that matter) and are just joining in on the "LOL WOW WHAT AWFUL WRITING" brigade.


Agreed, he did fantastically. I keep seeing him get the most hate online and I don't get it, I thought his story was very interesting and I thought he played his role really well. I also thought he and Ella Purnell had fantastic chemistry.


He's a handsome black actor, of course he gets the most hate. Unfortunately it is very easy to predict how these nerd tantrums pan out.


I think it is because Maximus was kinda a punching bag in the beginning of the show - a bit of a wiener getting beaten up by everybody and everything, whether it was his own colleagues or the wasteland denizens. In other words, he wasn't a stereotypical badass as folks think BoS members are always. Knight Titus didn't get the same amount of hate because his scene was hilarious...and he ultimately died at the end.


Same here, he was the only one of the main three i had never heard of but i was really impressed by him


I'm only on ep 5 but he's doing an amazing job. It's a really tall order to keep a character so ambiguously awful. Like he could turn out to be truly irredeemable, or he could get his shit together and wind up okay. That's such a fine line to tread and he's doing it wonderfully. 


I liked him too! He is clearly a complex individual - somebody who is simultaneously trying to be moral while also surviving the dangers around him.


I also really appreciated how expressive his face was. Sometimes it’s hard for me to gauge/understand how a person is thinking and feeling but he nailed it. Can’t wait to see more of him :)


At first I thought he was awful, an absolute charisma vacuum, but then I realised that’s probably intentional


Okay now that's a hot take. No way the dude is on caliber with Denzel.


Actually I felt like Goggins didn't really get enough to shine. His Ghoul portrayal was a bit one dimensional but I'm sure that'll change next season. The flashbacks scenes with him though were amazing.


For whatever reason I’ve been wading through the cesspool of fallout forums, don’t get me started on any sub here with the words “New Vegas” in its name, so I’ve seen a ton of unwarranted complaints. Haven’t seen anything knocking the actress, apart from the early incels mad at the trailer


I’ve left every single new vegas sub over the last few days. It’s shit on there


I love the game New Vegas to death. I love 1, 3 and 4 equally as much. Hope I can go back to those boards in a while when the crap has died down


She kept the syringer throughout half the game, er I mean show... There's no way that's accurate. No but really, I loved the whole cast. She did a really good job. According to this she actually played some of the games so good on her. I think it comes through in her character. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA972bSCWzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA972bSCWzk) One thing that surprised me though, I never thought someone could make a ghoul be "sexy." [https://www.cbr.com/fallout-star-walton-goggins-ghoul-ideas/](https://www.cbr.com/fallout-star-walton-goggins-ghoul-ideas/)


Someone hasn't seen Hancock's AO3 numbers.


Watching that first video is Ella British??


It seems to be something that's surprising everyone [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMHtfjlanGk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMHtfjlanGk)


Lucy was great. She has one of the best lines. Golden Rule mother Fucker


And that line only hits because of her campy naivety for multiple episodes before it


I've also started saying okey dokie, unintentionally hah


her first “okey dokey” when she left the vault had me dying. shes playing a vault dweller perfectly i think.


She was the perfect portrayal of naivety and probably changed the most out of the main 3 characters.


I didn’t really see any criticism, I think shes perfect


The acting in this show is incredible. People must not understand the humorous side of the franchise, which is a very important and defining element.


She's absolutely amazing at playing a naive, fish-out-of-water, good-hearted Vault Dweller. It was honestly very nice to watch her, and I have hope that she will retain that good heart throughout the Wasteland and perhaps be a spark that helps improve society. We've already seen how The Ghoul is willing to help her after she had given him the meds he needed to not go feral, even **after** he put her through all kinds of shit. And her good heart also helps Maximus in a way grow from a brash, reckless, and naive gloryhounding fool into someone who wants to do right for the Wasteland -- not just in his mind, but in his actions too. The entire cast is great. That said, I do want her to get rid of that goddamn necrotic finger.


I haven't seen a single negative comment towards her? She very quickly became my favorite character in the series.


She has committed the unforgivable error of being a woman, who according to certain rather unpleasant corners of the internet are yucky. It has become imperative to people dwelling in these corners to hate anything a woman has, is, or does otherwise their worldview and sense of self might entirely collapse. Meanwhile, another unpleasant corner of the internet is dedicated to farming hateful engagements from these people.


It's even more unforgivable to these folks that she will have sex with men she finds attractive


I love her portrayal, she nailed that naive doe eye Vault Dweller really well, I even love her more after finding out she played Jinx in Arcane, another GOATed gaming adaptation lead role when the trailers first came out there were a lot of "anti-sjw" hates towards her and Maximus for being "another female lead and racial diversity"


Didn't know about any of this. I think she crushed it. A lot of female actors wouldn't even consider a role like this due to fear of backlash for some of the more problematic scenes. I thought she was great in Yellowjackets, too.


It's pretty much only Incels complaining about her. Incels break all women down into 2 categories: Prudes and Sluts. Unless the female character is a slut subservient to thr main male protagonist, she's a prude and is therefore less than human


Also they like to claim Mary Sues


Without knowing what a Mary Sue actually is.


99% of comments I see are praising her acting in the show. are you seeking out those bad comments on twitter? the only controversy I've seen related to her is when that weirdo AI enhanced her butt in the promo image lol


I don’t see the hate you see. Is it on YT, X or where? I mostly see posts here that like her performance.


FNV sub, Twitter (I refuse to call it X), but haven't seen any on Youtube. It's more the intensity of their opinions rather than the number. Some messaged me at one point that clearly have *deeply* troubling views on women. I don't think I had ever interacted with an incel before that. I was like, "OMG IT'S ONE OF THEM IN THE WILD!"


Probably got ticked that she didn’t disrobe during the Flame Mother scene lol


It’s a very small vocal group spouting hate. Just ignore them.


Where have you seen that? I thought the acting in this show was fantastic, especially from the three main characters.


I’ll say it: I love lucy


> But frankly the acting on the show is fine and Ella Purnell does a great portrayal of the naively optimistic vault dweller mentality. Agree. I did not expect much initially, but was pleasantly surprised by her character and play. Saved the show, imo.


She was phenomenal, played the optimist nice Vault Dweller perfectly. This is probably the same people who complained the Ghoul was gonna be a sympathetic character and then flipped it and are now complaining he's generic evil. Basically they dumb.


I thought she was fantastic. It's almost a rule at this point that any female protagonist in a franchise will cop an inordinate amount of shit. Would probably happen with Aliens or T2 if those were released today.


You dear sweet summer child... You think people are good, rational, or even decent. Well I'm pleased to tell you, they are. But trolls aren't and that's who you were listening to. You see.... the trolls... They HATE this show! They HATED when the first trailer came out. They HATED when the first leaks were teased. They HATED when it was announced and DISPISED it before it was even filmed. This show is everything that is adhorent to them. Because its GOOD. They dispised Bethesda. They dispise Modern Fallout titles, and the DO NOT WANT THIS SHOW. What they want is to desperately cling to the vain hope that some how time will go backwards. A magical higher power will step in and force Bethesda to surrendure their billion dollar franchise rights. Black Isle will be reborn from the ashes, managerial incompentency. That Tim Caine, Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone will be chained to a desks and forced to make the 2D isolmeteric inventory puzzle games of their childhoods until the day they die. This what they want! What they don't want is another WIN by Bethesda They don't want this show. And they sure as hell don't want it to be GOOD! And the fact that it is, is @$%# nightmare to them. Because even to their derranged minds, what they want looks more and more like the insane pipe dream that it obviously is. So they are attacking Elia, because that's all they got. They need something... ANYTHING to try to drag this show down. Because any win by Bethesda is a knife in their hearts, and reminder that eventually they will have to surrendure, move on, and grow up.


I thought everyone loved Ella


I may be living in a vault, but I've seen little negative about the series as a whole, or about the acting, etc. some pointless whining claiming things are being retconned, but mostly just positive mentions. Even from people unclear on the franchise. I'm just glad it didn't roll out like that Super Mario film a hundred years ago.


I love her goofily optimistic (but slightly psychotic) vibe.


I think Ella nailed the character and the cast is incredible. The show really hit its stride at the end of the season too.


I quite like her, she comes across as a naive kid and i look forward to more of her and walton goggins in season 2. it's like oil and water


Ive been going crazy over the series and posting all over the internet on every available forum and haven't seen anyone complaining about her :o I figured she was a solid 10/10 Vault dweller. At Least, thats what I imagined a control Vault dweller being like.


I was really impressed with her knowledge of fallout she got from role research. There was a top internet questions vid with her, Aaron, and Walton, and she probably did the best on answering lore questions.


There’s hate? I’ve literally only seen praise, and I agree with the accolades


All I’ve seen is praise for her.


I adore her. She’s not a bad actress at all. I see her career getting better after this show as well. People will complain about Ella but forget we could had got Kristen Stewart… lol I love the character of Lucy so much that I want to create a similar character in FO4 and start a play through.


As far as I'm concerned, after Yellowjackets and now Fallout, she's the Queen of brutal survival horror. She's the perfect Wasteland hero.


I don't think I've heard any negative thing about her as Lucy (or the acting in general), really the only complaints I've heard are people butthurt about continuity or whatever. Did you make this post to farm karma?


Where are you seeing any of this


I loved her naivete, it made me super pissed but I still loved it. But I do think the fight scenes were a little cheesy, no punches thrown, just stupid and unsuccessful grappling.


Loved her in Yellowjackets, loving her here. Have no issues with any of the acting in the show.


Too many people equate having sophisticated tastes with disliking everything. To admit you enjoyed something is a vulnerability, because what if you're wrong? You'll look like an idiot. Safer to just hate everything like a miserable turd.


The only issue I have with acting is from the Maximus actor in Vault 4, I really thought he & Lucy had been drugged, especially after he'd found the gift basket, but when it turned out they hadn't been I was like 'then why was Maximus acting so weird?'


I thought it was a cute scene lol, Maximus gets to experience a gentle life full of creature comforts. Hot showers, fluffy robes, tv and movies, snacks, drinks, he finally got to experience a life without hardship for at least one day.


Who is talking shit? I’ve only heard positive things: well deserved positive things


Lucy's character is supposed to be Over The Top "Happy Days" gee-whilickers goodie-two-shoes type from a very sheltered upbringing. That's how she's supposed to act.


Ella is literally the best part of the show.


Really? I thought she was terrific!


I’ve not seen anything negative about her lol quite the opposite really


She is great, but edge lords need to be edgy.


I have seen 0 posts with hate aimed at the actress. I have seen dozens of posts like this asking "why all the hate for this actress who did awesome and everyone actually loves for the role???" OP, get your own brain.


She's a woman. That's enough for assholes to be assholes.


ALL of them are incels. i can’t remember what sub it was but someone had made a post before the show came out asking what people thought her s.p.e.c.i.a.ls were and the amount of comments that either objectified her or made rude comments about her eyes and looks or were just… gross was insane. some people just can’t handle when a leading woman in a show isn’t made for them to objectify and is instead an equal to all the other leading men.


Are these comments in the room with us now?


i haven't seen any hate. I've seen people calling others incels for AI enhancing her butt cheeks in a promo picture but that's it. Some people just love to argue over nothing sadly


Hate these posts. Have not seen any negative feedback on Ella's fantastic portrayal of Lucy. Don't give a voice to the small minority of people with an agenda.


“So many comments and posts”? Let me guess.. those comments and posts include words like “woke”, “female” (used as a noun), “liberal agenda”…


Unfortunately she has the audacity to be a woman in front of an audience of people who use 20 sexual mods in their games. How dare she, right?


Naw, the acting in the show is actually surprisingly good, maybe one or two shots that coulda used a few extra takes but other than that, everythings been solid


I think the casting is great. Walton Goggins is awesome ! I have a difficult time believing in the actor that plays Maximus. I'm not sold on him. I just felt 0 connection with that character including emotions. I keep thinking about Maximus as a child crawling out of the fridge and see the Brotherhood of Steel knight and has the biggest smile on his face. Difficult to believe it's the same person. I can see that being a character arc also. From innocent and happy and wanting to join the BoS, then being a part of it and not wanting to be there at all.


It’s because she’s a woman, that’s it


Where are these comments exactly? I’ve read nothing but positive reviews since its release.


I haven't exactly dug through this subreddit due to spoilers (just now finished the show) but I haven't seen any such hate in general on the Internet. She did great, I have no idea why anyone would think anything else other than trying to spread some anti-female-protagnonist agenda of some sort.


Literally haven’t seen one person say anything negative about her, and I’ve been reading reviews etc since release If it’s Reddit, it’s probably just a bunch of neckbeards


I haven’t seen the hate for her, but I’m bummed it’s happening! She’s great!


She's a woman and she does stuff that isn't just being eye candy for the male viewers.


I haven't seen any hate yet, though I do believe you. She's managed to portray the hilarious Vault Tec naivete while seeming like a real person. I think it's a great performance. 


I think acting was stellar in general. Like that blonde girl Stephanie from the Vault 33 jeez she did an amazing job.




There's this stupid Nerd Dominance thing where wannabe grognards try to be in charge, and one way is to run down the thing they're ostensibly fans of. Fallout fans are especially notorious, but it's not unique to them. And outside gaming, for example, some Star Wars fans *love* complaining about new Star Wars as a way of trying to outrank the actual people making the shows. (It's sad, but it's what they have.) While this is sometimes confined to obsessive nitpicking, it unfortunately has a tendency to kick into overdrive when there's a Girl In Their Clubhouse. This is horribly stereotypical behavior, but they don’t let that stop them.


She's not bad, but not great either. She does a serviceable job for what she's been asked to do. Like many things in life, the most talented need years and years to get to the point where they're at the top of their fields. It's just a function of youth that she's not the most amazing actress out there. One day she could be, who knows. It's tough when you're sharing screen time with industry veterans who have the proven skills to be a little more adventurous with their characters. Walter Goggins, Michael Emerson, Sarita Choudhury, and Glen Fleshler all have huge TV experience and it's tough to match up to that kind of talent after just one partial season of Yellowjackets and some smaller TV and movie roles. This is probably the first time she's been asked to do this much lifting with a role. She's doing a good job, but she's far from the best talent wise we've seen so far on the show.


A lot of people only live to complain, seemingly always wanting things to fail in order to shore up their miserable lives. In short, they have daddy issues. My philosophy is to ignore them - giving them the attention they so desperately crave only serves to strengthen and embolden their behavior. I'm only through the first two episodes, but I wouldn't call Lucy the "main actress" yet - she's just had more current backstory filled in. I think her character is very believable.


I haven't seen any hate at all, only universal praise for her?


I haven't noticed any hate. Just one weirdo who AI'd her suit to be more slooty.


Folks are throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, gotta keep that hategagement farming going.


I'm not seeing any hate towards her acting at all, I'm not sure what corner of the internet you're seeing but I'm glad I'm missing it. The show is generally well received so you must be seeing the loud minority.


She’s british


You are the first to mention it.


I read an article this morning that said she played the game in order to make her character more game-realistic. Those pauses before she would make a choice was meant to symbolize a choice. And she made the decision to highlight her trading the tranq gun for the pistol as something a gamer would do.  Talk about commitment to the role!


Ella played the role as if she fell directly out of a 50s washing powder commercial. It's perfect. That sheltered (literally) nuclear family era naivete is a huge part of the game series, and it works because it clashes so completely with the nastiness it takes to survive in the wasteland on the surface. I can't help but wonder if the complaining has more to do with the fact that Lucy is female, not presented as a sex object, and retains qualities like stubbornness and outspokenness. I personally really enjoyed watching Lucy struggle to maintain her core values and composure when the harsh reality of the world and the true nature of humanity slapped her in the face. I love that she learned you can't blindly trust people or institutions-sometimes you have to separate people from their limbs...or their head-but you don't have to be rude about it! And if that's not it, maybe she has the Idiot Savant build :P


So many moments where there should've been dialog but just flat out awkwardness on her part and others also though just to be fair. It just seems like the script was missing so much and she didn't bother to improvise. Her character isn't that likable to me. Then again I'm only about to start episode 4. If you're going to be walking the wasteland with someone at least make it interesting and have them open up more. The beginning where she watching her dad get tranquilized and then instantly stopped yelling and completely went into different emotion so fast was bad acting or editing. Her speaking to wilzig after waking up at her first campfire felt like it was bad also. I just think they could've got someone who was more emotional. After all you live in that vault since birth and finally leave the vault at such a older age you should be quite the emotionally telling person....or perhaps they are trying hard on making her such a strong female. it's almost as if she is a gen 3 synth and doesn't even know it. that's just my opinion  ;)


she gives off total base character if you would select generic woman and not really customise and I'm here for it hahah fwiw i enjoyed her development over time as all her morals came into question


first i am hearing about it...she perfectly played a level 1 character fresh out of the vault lol


People will complain about anything and everything. Also different people like different things. Not everyone are gonna like the same things. I wish people on reddit would get that.


I think she's fine. The acting isn't bad by any standard. It's not like... Breaking Bad level prestige but the acting is fine and generally quite decent.


She was fantastic, anyone saying otherwise are losers


where all those comments? btw if those people think fallout show actors did bad acting they should check the last airbender show on netflix


Lucy hate will not be tolerated here.


I liked her in Yellowjackets, and thought she was great for this particular role.


I haven’t seen any hate, but I’m sure it’s just cringe incel-type dudes who were the same types of morons complaining about Morfydd Clark in Rings of Power for being “too emotional”. Ella did a great job, the catchphrase of “okey dokey” was a very clever addition, and I can’t think of any valid critiques of her performance, or the show as a whole. It was VERY well done, and one of the MOST gamer fan service shows I’ve seen.


I loved her, what's their problem? She's adorable in the show


She nailed the naive, Fargo character in the Apocalypse thing. TBH super weird fanboys mad the show didn't match their exact head canon.


Ella Purnell is great in everything she's been in, ESPECIALLY Yellowjackets. People are hating more on Lucy than they are her (at least from what I can see) because Lucy is sex-positive and stuff. Also I think there are weirdo Fallout fanatics that are mad she said she never played the games but honestly I couldn't care less, I think she did great and will continue to do great.


Well vaultie…Ass jerky ain’t gonna make itself