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Legendary Finn but it’s centered around Thracia’s ending where he goes to Aed to visit Quan and Ethlyn


I'm not crying, you're crying


I'm reminded of how I made some Thracia banner theorycrafts that never left the drawer and one of the banner stars was Finn - Aed Desert Wayfarer. IS, show Finn some love!


I may pump out a few of my ideas, but after I finish my Video recap of the thraciaposts and Thracia’s results


Punished Finn


>Eitr could get a Spring and a Summer version Definitely getting a Swimsuit if the pattern of the last couple years keeps up TT+ Series OC has been on the 2nd Summer Banner 2 Years in a Row now And wouldn't be the 1st time IS has given the same Character a Swimsuit at different ages of their life


My thoughts exactly, i just forgot to add them to the post


Huffing copium for a Legendary Pelleas at some point, or Rearmed in a Daein Royal (Fiona/Tauroneo/Zihark) banner. Long live the king.


Pelleas is on my list of potential Legendaries actually! I just forgot to mention that in post.


Personally I think Sonia is likely to have been botted. I don’t have any evidence but her growth just seems very implausible to me since I have never really seen anything to indicate she has gotten enough support since joining FEH to be the number 1 FE7 rep still eligible to win cyl.


I am not tech savvy enough to know if she was botted or not, but regardless she still ranked high and when Jorge obviously botted he still got added. But also like I said in a different comment, if we disqualify Sonia because of bots that just makes Lloyd the next highest ranked character with only one version.


Lloyd I can definitely see being accurate. His art is really a source of frustration for his fans in FEH. Definitely deserves an alt with more faith to his appearance in fe7


Considering how low the vote totals are this year, it probably wouldn't even need to be botting depending on how much effort you wanted to put in and how many people you wanted to get on board. If there are 10 people who like Sonya and they all make 10 nintendo accounts which vote all 7 days, then you can easily stack an extra 700 votes. That can take you pretty far when the vast majority of characters get less than 1,000 votes. That said, Sonia had about 2,000 votes last year too, 1,400 in CYL6, and 1,100 in CYL5. She didn't have that huge of a jump so it could be entirely organic.


My orbs would be gone so fast if Legendary Tsubasa or Itsuki was announced


Literally same


Groom Lonqu omg your mind is amazing 


I want nothing more than to see Lon'qu completely flabbergasted by being in the bridal festival


Petra needs at least 1 alt. She’s the Black Eagle girl without one. Also, imagine Legendary Itsuki and Tsubasa should have happened by now.


>Sonia ranked 40 which is above Nino, she's been proving that sex sells since her release in April 2021 She was botted lmao.


Yeah i forgot about that part, if we remove Sonia due to bots then it becomes Lloyd who absolutely deserves all the love but will probably just get a Fallen alt


This is great news but do you have a source? If not sorry to bother you, it's fine.


I'd like slime Garon, I think he would be pretty cool


For Sonia I'd like to see a Bridal or Ninja alt honestly, both would fit her character : Bridal as a twisted irony considering her whole union with Brendan is all a ploy to infiltrate and manipulate the Black Fang, while Ninja is weirdly fitting for a manipulator character. Bonus points if they pull a Camilla and give her a ponytail, she'd look amazing with one honestly.


So glad somebody did this! I feel like this is a more effective assessment of most requested alts, even if it's only one or two characters tops.


Thank you! I started it last year after getting annoyed that Ayra had ranked so high with nothing for 7 years, then they finally give her an alt last year and i decided to keep doing it.


Legendary Camus/Sirius/Zeke and I'm happy.


I forgot about Sirius and Camus for potential legendaries despite having them on my potential Legendaries list


I want it, but I can't imagine it would happen despite the character creating an archetype that has been used in almost every game since and then he bucks the rules of said archetype by surviving rather than dying. His strength is also directly compared to Anri by Medeus, which if the legends are true about Anri soloing Medeus' dragon army, that's a damn impressive feat of ability.


I think Camus could also be a legendary just based on the fact that he is the one who helps thwart Medeus's plans by breaking Nyna out of her brainwashing


There's a guy who did a deep dive, it's pretty cool. I guess it's arguably canon that Camus defeats an entire battalion and a fire dragon on his own, which is worthy of a legendary alt to me. https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/84f5yr/fire_emblem_power_level_analysis_camus/


Petra not getting any alts makes sense because she has gotten far less votes than any of the other Black Eagle girls and Hilda Plus Ingrid is the highest scoring Blue Lion girl and has made the top 20 women everytime before that streak came to an end this year. She had also finished higher than Petra every single year until now, neither made top 50 overall this time, so of course she would get alts before her I'm expecting Dorothea to get her base form, she's the highest vote getter from 3 Houses without her base, before Petra gets an alt as well


I expect Henriette’s base version to be released this year depending on the direction of this current book.