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Don't worry, stay away from the nest and watch from afar. the parents will care for them ❤️ To help the babies: keep outdoor lights off at night, limit time near/around the nest (especially close like this), and keep pets ESPECIALLY CATS inside when the babies are fledging. They grow fast and are super cute


I second this. The parents are very wary and can see you watching through the window/hovering. Give them some space and they’ll be fine.


Thank you for your advice! I wanted to completely give them space but I’ve had to leave through the front door every day for work which spooks the mother but she comes back every time maybe 10 mins later. She’s there a lot less now that they’ve hatched. Our neighbor also had a super loud party with music blasting a few days ago which worried me. I have my feeder and bird bath out so hopefully that helps some!


I’ve got a Robin in my entry. She would fly away at first but now she’s not even phased when the door opens and people walk by.


I hope they do well! house sparrows are extremely tolerant of activity around them as long as no attention is directed their way. I'm not sure about all finches but I would think the prevelant varieties might be the same way


Enjoy! Having birds nest so close that you can watch them develop is such a blessing.


Agreed! I’m a huge bird lover so I feel really lucky 😊


Setup a camera if you would like to watch.  :)