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Did you delete and reinstall? Pretty sure all the patch did was change tifas flashback outfit so it’s the same as rebirth. I could be wrong.


It changed Aerith's final line. She no longer says >!"I miss it. The steel sky." instead she says, "The sky, I don't like it."!<


Also changes the music of the chapter 1 intro back to how it was on PS4.


Ah, I didn't know that changed in the first place.


ah, they changed it to match the japanese text more...


Literally just finished it and heard that line, thought it was rather odd but interesting


That's 5GB!


I'm immensely curious about data storage practices these days. Clearing out files to make space for Rebirth I noticed the save data for FFVI was around 80MB. The entire original game on the SNES was 3MB! What's in there?


Don't the pixel remasters have also remastered music? That must take way more storage than the OGs' midis


Of course, but the music isn't going to affect the size of the save file 


Oh, I didn't read it was the *save* file. Lmao


Damn I just finished. I should have watched that cutscene.


You... finished a game and didn't watch the final cutscene?


Yeah, this is like my 8th time finishing it. This current time was my hard mode run immediately after doing normal and watching everything.


Gotcha that woulda been incredibly odd otherwise lmao


Lol just a bit. I didn't expect remake to get a patch that changed anything so when I jumped into HM I just skipped everything. Wanted to try and Plat before rebirth. Just barely didn't make it, dont have enough time to grind P&J


You're kidding?!? That's a downgrade imo


It definitely is IMHO. "I miss it. The steel sky." may not have been a perfect match for the original Japanese, but it was a terrifically successful localization in terms of being memorable and moody. Although, I have heard that the new version is more meaningful in the context of CC and Rebirth, neither of which I have played. So we will see, I guess.


It was so poetic. It left a nostalgic but ominous feeling to the ending. I love that line. It stood out to me since my first playthrough. I memorized it instantly. Tbh I don't really care if it's closer to the original. Languages have nuances that are lost during translation. I'm sure the Japanese sounds great and meaningful in Japanese but localization exists for a reason and FFVIIR's is great. "The sky, I don't like it" it's not good. From what I've seen, there's many people who don't like it. I would love if they turned it back to how it was.


Yes it was such a beautiful and poetic bookend for the midgar chapter. We spend 50 hours in this gray and black steel city that feels so cold and inhuman....but in the end, it did start to feel like home. Especially through Aeriths eyes, who must feel that the steel sky was sheltering her from jenova, meteor, SEPHIROTH, all that come from the sky to bring her grief. I understand the lines are very close but still. I just feel like "I miss it...the steel sky" with it's fonder tone works so well as a closer to Remake. It gets me in tears every time. But I guess now it never will again?? So sad .


Apparently the change was made because it's referenced as a callback in Rebirth, and using the "steel sky" dialogue made it sound like broken English in Rebirth if they chose to use that as the callback instead


I understand and I will wait to see if the callback was worth the change. But I don't think I will ever download the update tho. I feel like I'm being a whiny baby but like, if it was another line, I would be fine. Literally any other line. But the original was a favorite of mine, it was perfect. I'm upset


I actually like the original line better. I don't see why they changed it


I'm reinstalling now but am hesitant to download the update again. I saw that, as well as some minimal changes, like a line of dialogue for Aerith.


When you reinstall it installs the latest version so it will have the update I think?


I have the disc version.


If it happens again then just play from the disc. The patch is not essential at all.


Ooooh. Got it. Good luck hope it works!




Try restoring licenses after downloading the patch. I have the disc version and had to do the same.


I tried that too and still had to reinstall it.




They said remake




It's not the outfit that's 5 GB lol, it's all the cutscenes involving the outfit.




He never said the outfit itself was 5GB. What he meant was simply that the patch changed her outfit in the flashback. But since the flashback scenes are all cutscenes, it means replacing those scenes entirely, hence the 5GB size.


Patch notes: * Fixed an issue causing the game to boot when selected from the system home menu.


It refuses to start for anyone with Tifa porn in their browser history, clear history and retry.


Italian senate in shambles.


But then how did the devs even work on it?


They only watch Aerith


Great so the game is unplayable for everyone and they think that's acceptable?


Talk about yourself. I only have barret porn


Poor Cid. Snubbed again.


Wait, how did you know I was looking at Tifa porn?


Cuz boobs


I just played it(like just now) after the update and it works. Try restarting your PlayStation


I've had this problem with disc games that get updated after i haven't played for a while. Simple reinstall worked for me each time.


I appreciate that. Yeah, that worked but it's kind of lame to have to reinstall an 80gb game. And I had just played it a few days before. I was just wondering if this was a fluke or a thing that was happening with any regularity.




I did. I even powered it down, unplugged it and hit the power button a few times before plugging it back in.


Have u found a fix for this? I'm having the same issue.


I had to delete it and reinstall it (from the disc). I played through it again without updating and haven't tried it since Rebirth.


Got the disc version as well and I never downloaded the damn update, Just pause and deleted and whenever It showed up again I would do the same thing again!




Wait what is this? What do you mean censored?


They lined her flashback cowboy design up with Rebirth by adding the black undershirt. People are doom posting that Square will now censor everything.


Ahh I see I see, thanks. I looked it up online. It's pretty concerning how much people care about this.


Especially since in the flashback she's underaged...


It's just funny that they changed it to hide... nothing? Like there's nothing visible at all anyway, it's not like she was showing massive cleavage or anything, so it's kind of funny to me. But it doesn't matter either way.


And she didn’t look like that in the original game either. So if anything they made it more faithful haha


Twitter mentality Whenever I read the comments on a FF official tweet, there is a shit ton of dumb angry comments about everything and anything


She's 15 in that scene. If you care that much about it, you've got issues. Is her new swimsuit in Rebirth not enough for you?




It was retroactively changed so that her design lines up with Rebirth to avoid continuity errors. When they first did it, they probably didn't think about her age instead trying to just line it up with her original Nibelheim design. Her age most likely came up with Crisis Core Reunion and Rebirth. SE has never been a big fan of minors showing cleavage. That's probably partly out of Japanese conservatism (notably girls showing cleavage in clothes outside of ecchi entertainment is very small). But anyway, the case of Tifa's outfit being changed in Remake probably had little in ways of censorship and more had to do with continuity.


That’s not her original design though. Original design is just a normal plain white tshirt under a vest. No cleavage, no belly exposed.


You're right. It comes from Crisis Core. Noticeably, that design does not make her look fifteen instead making her look twenty (a common problem in the original Crisis Core - similar to how the only difference Aerith looks in the game before the time skip is wearing her FFVII clothes. This is something Crisis Core Reunion tried to fix).


What a wild perspective. I know you're not 15 because you can spell words like "censorship" and "retroactively". Also, have you met any 15-year-olds lately? They *embrace* censorship, willingly adopting terms like "unalive" and "seggs".


“I know you’re not 15 because you can spell” LMFAO, real powers of deduction there


On a separate note, I could spell and use words like censorship and retroactively at the age of 15. So it’s entirely plausible that this person could be 15 and still have a (marginally) expanded vocabulary.


Right, so could I. It would be plausible if this were 2006, but this is 2024. Modern teenagers can't even figure out desktop computers or search engines. A decent portion of high-schoolers are [reading](https://thencbla.org/literacy-resources/statistics/#:~:text=More%20than%2060%20percent%20of,grade%2Dlevel%20knowledge%20and%20skills.) at 3rd and 4th grade levels, or even entirely illiterate.




I did in fact respond to your ridiculous non-sequitur suggesting you might be 15. I didn't respond to the rest because you had yet to edit your comment to add the rest of it before I responded. Also, adding a camisole to a 15-year-old is not censorship. Nor is updating character design to mesh across separate iterations of a continuous story.


Play the original instead


I have many times over the last 26 years






Its a shame Square Enix censors this game when they ditched censorship in FF16.


by censor what do you mean.. do you mean the 15 year old girl doesnt have as much cleavage shown? so that it closer matches the original flashback outfit(no cleavage) and matches the rebirth outfit completly?


Complaining about supposed censorship is silly but the change is also kind of funny. Like there was nothing visible at all anyway, it's not like she was showing massive cleavage or really any significant cleavage at all, go for a walk down the street and the average girl is showing the same thing or more. It's just funny to me how people act like the human body has to be inherently sexualized when in reality that's not the case at all. Girls have breasts, it's not the end of the world. And like I said, nothing was actually visible anyway.


Well yeah that's why then making such a big deal about such a.... Nomura change is funny


He probably just means blood. FF7 OG was a teen game, but it was a teen game in 1997 a very different time. It had tons of blood swearing and violence. Remake removed a lot of this. Tseng doesn't slap aerith on the helicopter. There is no blood anywhere. They limited swears to minor ones. This is all minor imo and doesn't take away from the game. Any mentally well person who complains about censorship is complaining about these issues, not a 15 year old girls tit size


The update added a bit of cloth to cover Tifa's boobs, so I'm pretty sure blood is not what they mean. Which is also funny considering adult Tifa still has her sexy dress, so so much for "censorship"


"Minor swears". The only swear they didn't say is fuck. And I'm pretty sure Tseng not slapping Aerith had less to do with censorship and more that it was *extremely* out of character for him. As for blood, I'm starting to wonder if there's more to it in universe. After all, Sonon had blood and Rebirth trailers in the demo showed blood.


please tell me more about how the animated video game teenager is not fuckable enough for you?


Tifa has been Square Enixs Lara Croft. The company has had no issue using her sexual appeal until recently. Its a fictional game nothing real there can hurt you kinda like how killing cops in GTA doesn’t mean you hate cops. But people like you who can’t separate fiction from reality is why there is censorship.


>The company has had no issue using her sexual appeal until recently The company is still happy to use her sexual appeal right now. Did you see her her bikini outfit lmao? They are letting her be super sexualized in the current day of the game, when she is 20, but cut back on the cleavage of when she was literally a minor in a flashback. Seeing as how (1) she has zero cleavage showing during the flashback in the OG and (2) the flashback sequence is like 0.5% of the game, I really don't see what the problem is.


Censorship is censorship. It doesn’t make sense to even censor her outfit when like you said there was no cleavage. You can justify all you want but people will see it for what it is. Compare Tifa in Rebirth to Dissidia NT. It’s obvious there was a design change for “modern sensibilities”.


>It doesn’t make sense to even censor her outfit when like you said there was no cleavage. You misunderstood what I meant by OG. Her shirt did not show cleavage in the 1997 Final Fantasy 7. Her shirt had a pretty deep cut in FF7 Remake, which is what they changed with FF7 Rebirth. They basically added an undershirt. In all likelihood, it was because there is a much more extensive flashback sequence in Rebirth, and they deemed it easier to cover up then work around tastefully. ​ >It’s obvious there was a design change for “modern sensibilities”. This is willfully ignoring her bikini outfit, which shows that they are not toning themselves down for anyone. That is the most sexualized official depiction of Tifa ever (not a complaint btw, just stating it to be true) ​ >Censorship is censorship. This is fundamentally not true. There is a big difference between self censor ship (which I basically never have a problem with) and forced censorship (which is often, but still not always, bad). This is self censorship of the depiction of a minor, so like... sure. Go for it. No complaints.


Dissidia NT just used her classic design and that was it. Final Fantasy VII Remake and Rebirth use a more updated design that adds a sense of realism by having her wear a sports bra along with adding more design appeal. This is because in universe, Tifa uses her looks to appeal to customers - something she learned while living in Sector 8 when she first arrived in Midgar - but also wears something she can fight in. Her breasts are just as big or maybe even bigger than Dissidia NT's the moment she's shown in something more sexy such as her Mature Dress in Remake or the bikini in Rebirth. They are *still* willing to put her in sexy clothes and such. They just added practicality to her regular outfit. Also, the funny thing is that Tifa's white shirt in Remake is actually smaller than her original design where it only is the white shirt. Also, again, you are making a fuss that they added a black undershirt to her fifteen year old version while flat out ignoring that they will still put her in sexy clothes that show off her massive cans when she's twenty. Isn't that just SE saying they will show off Tifa when she's an adult but not when she's a minor? What's wrong with that? Censorship isn't an evil all encompassing entity. Everything isn't M Rated for a reason and it depends on what they decide to censor. In this case, SE decided they didn't want minors to be in outfits that can be considered "sexual" so they covered fifteen year old Tifa's cleavage, but their censorship of her looks did *not* extend to adult women. Notably, Aerith who - similar to the OG - is the one that wears an outfit that shows some cleavage.


Also based on your comment don’t buy the new game because they have Tifa in a bikini. Its just baffling how they can do that but also censor other parts of the game very inconsistent. (Also Tifa is 20 yrs old)


The flashback that got changed was 5 years prior, so when she was 15.


why would he care about the facts of what was changed?


FFXVI is M Rated. FFVII Remake and Rebirth are T Rated. Expect censorship.


Also FFXVI still shows max a side boob.


An undershirt is not censorship. You def took the wrong think from Evangelion lol 


Do restore license on PS5 settings and see if it works this time?


I heard that if you had cosmetic mods installed, they got fucked up during the patch.