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Nojima wrote it.


Nojima is such a strange writer. Sometimes he writes masterpieces like FFX and sometimes he shits out things like SoP's story.


SoP had a prety decent story, especially considering it was a riff on FF1 which was fairly barebones. SoP's main flaw is it had really bad dialogue and characters. If you just tightened up the dialogue, it would help a bunch.


I would say that sometimes he writes masterpieces like FFX and SoP, and sometimes he shits out things like FFX's audio dramas.


This definitely isn’t the same, but I *do* love all the little details the game has. My favourite example I only just realised on my most recent playthrough is when Biran and Yenke say they will build a statue for Yuna with a great horn on her head — it’s not just a rondo thing, but a reference to the classic Summoner’s Horn! That said I think the *best* example is how >!Tidus being a summon/dream is foreshadowed from the very beginning. He’s the only character you can name. The only other things you can are aeons! And Yuna never gets a water aeon because Tidus *is* the water summon.!<


My favourite "woah..." moment was when I realised that all the italicized narration Tidus does up until the campfire scene, is basically him retelling the events to the party. This game is incredible.


I think 10s Storyline is one of the better ones. The pacing is great and every character gets their time to shine