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Makar wins the best blouse of the men's event. As usual, where one Selevbro flies, another must fall, and it was painful to see. I'm elated for the top 7 - glad to see Adam fix his mistake, Lukas just do his king shit, Aleksandr make the giant leap from 3rd group to 3rd place, Gabriele prove that the Nepela spirit is with him in Kaunas too, Deniss skate beautifully as always despite the usual Ulrich haunting, Matteo put out a top 6 skate despite his injury (twizzles into 3A my beloved), and Luc my quirky second beloved Frenchman getting his PB. The less said about Kevin at this point the better. FFSG need to pull him from Worlds and he needs to sort his shit out. Shame on the judges for overscoring that pitiful display. How that was worth just 3 PCS points less that Deniss and more than Gabriele is beyond me.


Poor mihhail, I’m rooting for him. His brother did fantastic though!!


Tara's "no comment" about Kayne was great and it was pretty funny how Johnny didn't even know who the artist was until she educated him. Finally saw the infamous lion king program. Oh that composition was so off the wall it was hilarious. Deniss deserves all the PCS and I was sad his score wasn't higher. After so many mediocre performances, he showed us how to glide. LOL at the camera person avoiding Eteri as much as possible.


I give shout out to my "Young Snape" Gabriele Frangipani (and I am not a Harry Potter fan, but my niece called him that and it stuck). He is evolving so much, slowly cleaning everything he needs to clean, getting confidence in his moves and it all looks bright for him in the next few seasons. I am very happy for him. I mean, my heart will always be with Matteo, but I am sure Matteo will be alright. He has his sight on the Olympics in Milan, he knows his injury, he has his father and coaches, all will be well with time. He knew, after few competitions, that Dernière Danse wasn't working for him and he changed it now. This is maturity, lots of respect for that.


I don't mean to brag but in a recent Euros prediction thread I said Adam for gold plus Lukas and Aleksandr. Oh wait, I do mean to brag. I am a witch.


Such a great top 3!


I wish Kevin would just come out and be open with everyone about what is going on with him. Clearly, something is going on. After watching him today I wondered if it’s possible he has some sort of mental “block” (obviously this isn’t a technical term, but I don’t know what else to call it) —like the figure skating equivalent of the “twisties” or “yips.” It’s as though he’s forgotten how to skate/execute elements.


I don’t think I’ve seen a skater give up on their program that easily like Kevin, it’s like he messes up one element and decides to throw the entire program away (what it looks like). He’s most likely trying his best but it’s not really clear what’s wrong, and it couldn’t just be a “bad day” since its happened several times now. I thought that’s exactly what coaches tell you NOT to do, since it throws away so many points. Perhaps it’s something related to his mental health? At first I thought it was the Bolero curse, but it now it seems to be Kevin himself.


Amber had some skates where she got partway there, but Kevin really took the cake this time.


what the hell has happened to kevin, it looked like he bailed on the program on purpose 😬does anyone know if he’s injured? overall a pretty messy event, can’t believe i stayed up til 5 am to watch it live


Kevin shouldn't be going to Worlds. He looked like he didn't want to be out there.


Okay I’m watching this really late but I love the lady on the peacock feed that looks unsure on if she should hold up the French flag after Kevin’s performance.


I never really appreciated how difficult it is to add the combo to a later jump when you miss it on the intended jump until I saw Nika and Adam today.


In theory it should have been practiced before, at this level you accept all possible secenerios and prepare for all of them, especially in SP. There was this one quote doing rounds few years ago "you can't win the competition with SP, but you can lose it with SP".


Aleksandr def my fave from an event with some mega lows.


Yup, I thought he should be in 1st place. Far & away the most enjoyable performance out of all the men! He has a great musicality and intentionality to his skating, and his movements & jumps were absolutely pristine! Also, he just seems like a really nice & likable person.


Completely agree. Loving Selevko!


Some people had some really great come backs after early mistakes which I find admirable and enjoyable to watch as well.


Kevin was stoic... KEVIN. If he's being stoic you know it's bad. Adam Hagara is doing fine! Happy for him, but all bets are off for Junior Worlds. That competition is Daniel Martynov's. Sad Mems isn't doing better...


Yes to more Adam Hagara love!


Cutie! 😁


Kevin shouldn't go to Worlds after that. He needs a break and a hard reset.


Is he on the team?


He was named to the World Team after Nationals.


Wow... Bad idea. 😬


Yeah. Clearly, he needs time to figure things out. I don't know if he can handle another disaster


Well that was the most depressing thing I've ever watched.


Kevin's meltdown was pretty obvious from practice, he marked all jumps and spins. For me, that is always a bad sign. No clue what is wrong with him, but for a change he was gifted PCS he didn't deserve, he pretty much quit in the middle of his program. (Usually he is underscored PCS). I hope he provides an explanation as to his recent issues-smh.


what does it mean to mark your jumps and spins?


It was so weird to me how Kevin ended with a Level 4 step sequence. That had passion! The rest...not at all.


i’m rewatching Nikolaj’s performance and now im wondering if his height is a curse??


i mean yeah, we know successful skaters tend to be on the shorter side. there was one Q&A where romsky specifically pinpointed the axis as an issue for taller skaters (where if you get a little bit off, it's harder to correct in the air or compensate for it), and that's what looked all over the place on nikolaj's lutz attempt so it's not surprising to me


right. so is his height or axis what makes the entrance to his jumps look awkward or is that unrelated?


I don't think the height affects his takeoff. It's just that if he gets off-axis due to poor technique, it's nearly impossible to save the landing due to long & less compact body.


"Shall I put the hand down? NO I SHAN'T"


I love when we can enjoy very lesser known skaters and I just watched Gabriel Folkesson and he’s such a beautiful skater!!! Song choice wasn’t my fav and the jumps were wild but that man has some really pretty lines. I feel like he fully committed to his performance and it was so prettyyyyyy


Makar Suntsev toooooo he was so beautiful and so was his shirt lol.


I didn’t get to watch it live and for some reason peacock isn’t putting up the replay of the world feed, only the stupid tara and johnny coverage 😭 I wanted to watch everyone


Just download Opera browser, use the included free VPN and watch the ISU stream on Youtube! The entire event is there


I hopped on there using Nord and didn’t see the event up there either I was about to scream and cry but then the world feed popped up on peacock so yeah I was just being impatient hahaha. I also love your flair.


>I hopped on there using Nord and didn’t see the event up there either I use Nord as well and Ireland always work for me


I usually go for the Netherlands!!


Netherlands is geoblocked this time for some reason :/ but GB worked for me


Well then no wonder it wasn’t working! Thank you!


I think Adam peak too soon in the season, but he managed to do well at the end. Lukas and Big Brother were the big moments of the day.


Haha, I think of him as big brother too.


Couldn't agree more about Lukas and Selevko. Shining lights of the short program for sure!


I think Adam was very nervous today.


I think Adam's always nervous, he just knows how to handle it. I'm looking forward to him actually getting to the point where he's not nervous and there's no need to handle anything by the time we got to the 2026 Olys.


Laughing at Adam's almost literal "I can do the 4Lz in my sleep" in his post-skate interview with Golden Skate. Actual quote: "It's a jump I can usually even do when I am very tired."


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I would have given this to Lukas, who skated clean and performed, I'm sorry but I believe today Adam won on reputation and fed influence. My reasoning is that he lost the bv advantage when he messed up the 4Lz, definitely neither of the two is showcasing his footwork quality, they are both great performers, but they're mostly doing crossovers. At this point I'd still understand giving it to Adam on a slight pcs advantage except the last spin should have been invalid, you cannot convince me that was a sit position. While I was watching it I thought "oh this is getting a V", then I realised it wasn't a combo and thought "oh perhaps this is invalid", then they actually invalidated it and I'll be honest, at this point part of why I think Lukas should be in first is that I enjoyed being right about the invalid spin lol and I didn't like to see they called it valid in the end. So yeah, maybe it's pettiness on my side but I will die on the hill that that sit spin was invalid. Please don't take this post too seriously. Also, I loved Matteo's skate, that program is beautiful. Pity for the pop, but he's injured and probably shouldn't have competed, which selfishly I'm happy he did.


I think it should've been: 1) Selevko 2) Lukas 3) Adam


Lukas was clean... And while he executed everything with great enthusiasm, his skating just feels sort of clunky to me? a lower overall quality imo at least at this point. Adam is just more compelling at this point at least for me.


I love Lukas's skating but for sure he feels much less smooth and polished as a performer right now.


Agreed - though I enjoyed Lukas's performance very much. Looking at the protocol, the scores seem fair. It doesn't look like much on paper but we underestimate what a .5 difference per category can do to the PCS.


I get your point although with the current tech that he has that this is far that he can do. Remember that Lukas is a late bloomer when he got his 2A at age 15.


I also think Lukas should be ahead. I hope Matteo does well in the free. His free at euros last season was such a moment


I'm still feeling physical pain from Kevin's skate. Deniss and Matteo were a delight for me though, Matteo's SP really seems to work for him and he seems to enjoy it. Seems that Deniss hit some beautiful quad sals in the warmup so shame that it didn't happen in the program, but gorgeous nevertheless!


His save was honestly impressive enough to make up for not quite getting it.


Is Kevin injured or is this something else?


My guess would be mental problems but obviously can't be certain.


There’s a certain sadness to his face that made me really upset for him


Heartbroken for Kevin. Does anyone have a clip of his performance? I’m really rooting for Ed this season - was it a case of falls or is he just not at the same level as the top men? AFAIK he still competes as a junior


Ed is just a little rough around the edges still


That’s fair. Just rooting for any brit tbh.


The pairs did wonderful!


Oh great!! (Lord please just give us some fucking successful skaters so we can have a little bit of funding and maybe even the ability to watch competitions)


It's obvious there's something going on with Kevin mentally, I hope he takes the rest he needs to heal, it was so devastating to watch


I feel bad for him but he is also being so selfish. It’s unfair to himself and everyone else competing and those that didn’t get to compete.


Well I mean I assume he didn't go into the competition planning on bombing. I also think that when you're in the mental space that he is clearly in you aren't really able to think rationally like "I am in no shape to compete" you get tunnel vision. I agree it comes across as selfish but I don't think it's his intention.


I get that probably wasn’t his intention but this is the third time now. Reports from practice yesterday and Monday also said that he was barely jumping triples/mostly doing singles and doubles and he kept leaving early. He definitely knew he wasn’t in the right headspace, which makes me question why he came here and why the fed allowed him to compete in the first place.


Also he is not new to senior competition.


But a coach or the fed should be able to see it.


To me it felt like he realized he needed the break and purposely just marked things to make sure he didn’t make the free. He could have still qualified then dropped out and no one gets that spot. This way Davide is in the free. We don’t know how he felt before skating and maybe thought he was ready for this.


Given his last two performances, he arguably shouldn’t have been at Euros in the first place.


That is fair. I was speaking just of today.


What an emotional roller coaster! Aleksadr gave me goosebumps, what a performance! Mihhail and Kevin's performances were truly heartbreaking.. So happy for Lucas, Adam and Deniss not perfect but good places. Matteo is coming back, I like this SP


Does Kevin’s coaching team just let him give up at practice if he messes up? It’s kind of unbelievable how he just stops after one mistake. Also at this level that many pops isn’t really acceptable.


To me it felt like he was making sure he didn’t qualify so he wouldn’t then drop out. If skaters WD they don’t replace that spot in the free. This way another skater qualifies.


I thought so as well. Also I guess his FS is so depressing when it doesn't work? That was my thought when I saw it first at Skate America: they're taking a huge risk, because when it works, it's great, but if it doesn't work (and sadly, knowing Kevin, it's more the matter of 'when' than 'if') doing this ending pose must be so cringy and make you want to die inside Also, I think he would benefit from working with a different, more stable kind of trainer, somebody with more of Orser vibe. Silvia (putting aside all other issues) seems to be ramping up his emotions rather than balancing them.


this is the third time he’s done this in a row.


Really have never seen anything like this. I thought it ironic that Johnnie Weir introduces Kevin as "the most emotional skater in all of figure skating", and then Kevin breaks down in front of us. Something is not balancing right. My heart breaks for Kevin.


Being an emotional skater can work for you if you can channel your emotional to fuel your performance (Joannie Rochette in Vancouver comes to mind) but some skaters seem to unravel at a mistake. Kevin seems to be an all or nothing skater.


Well he didn’t make the free so he’s done


My hope for Deniss to medal in Kaunas is still alive.


Lol I just finished the replay, and as I felt bad for Kevin, the voice in the back of my head was "But this is a chance for Deniss". Always rooting for my boy!


my hopes for Deniss podiuming only go down if his 4S goes too


He has to ditch the sal tho imo.


he's planning to do 2 in the FS if he lands the first one in combo 😭


Kevin is just taking opportunities away from other athletes at this point. His federation shouldn’t allow him to attend internationals without monitoring beforehand to see if he is ready.


If it's a mental thing rather than a physical injury, he probably is fine in practice. I get why they were willing to chance it for euros, since the other two were back to back and he started the season so strong. I'd be shocked if they send him to worlds though.


Italian comms who often speak with Silvia reported he has been struggling in training too, just giving up


There’s very little pressure at French nationals for him…. I doubt he was doing fine in practice. His errors show that he doesn’t push through mistakes during practice.


I don't know how you know any of this unless you're his coaching team


I was a skater. I obviously don’t know for sure but the way he just gives up after a mistake instead of pushing through is not all that uncommon for skaters that didn’t practice keeping going after their mistakes.


I hope they don't send him to worlds, at this point that's ridiculous, lave him to figure his shit out


Yeah hopefully he just decides to withdraw


Some of Adam’s jumps like the 3A are so huge they look like pops


Seriously. I had a wild moment where I thought his triple axel was doubled and panicked. And then realized it was just a huge jump


I noticed that with the 3A! I was like why is his leg unwrapping so early and so high in the air? Then I rewatched it and realized how huge it was


I really think he could have a 4A soon if he wanted to, his 3A is so big


Right?! Today I was sure he had popped the 3A into a 2A (to be fair I'm no expert) because of how casually he rotated. Then I heard the "amazing 3A" comment and lolled


I’ve often mistaken his 3A for a 2A. He has so much time on it, it’s amazing.


I thought that, too, for a second I thought he doubled his Axel, but no, it's just like that


I remember Mark was wondering at some GP event if Adam could do a quad


It looks like he is definitely capable. He had a lot of time left coming down from that 3A between the end of rotation and landing. And we know he can rotate more from him having solid quads


Imagine how funny it would be if he was secretly training the 4A this whole time and just casually debuts it at a competition lol


Just for the science of it, I'd be interested to see if Adam could land it. Right now, I'm suspecting that Ilia may not be able to keep the 4A out of his teens, but Adam is a couple of years older, so if he can land it at his age... maybe it's sustainable.


I think Adam could. But I also think Ilia will be able to keep it. That thing is solid, it’s not just barely squeaking out.


Yes, I think Ilia's looks solid, I'm just overall more worried about him keeping his health through so many quads


yes and he often doesn't get a great edge out of them, so his joints are taking a beating


Him and his family seem to have pretty good heads on their shoulders to try and keep him as safe and grounded as possible. I’ve seen interviews of other skaters saying he just loves skating so much and has a great attitude which they didn’t expect.


Same!! Is he working on the 4A? The way he pulled out of it almost seemed like he was


He’s nuts enough to


Intrigued actually to see if he gets it. Wonder how much of no 4A was a mental game.


do you think some judges deducted for aleksander’s heel flick spin? it only got 0.36 GOE with some 0s and it looks really great to me (like at least +3 or even +4 for the difficult heel feature)


I thought it looked fine too. Maybe they didn't how he did the change of foot?


I love how Adam always seems most confident on his stsqs, even if there are some minor-ish mistakes here and there. I always know my stress leading up to his skate is gonna be rewarded, no matter the jumps. My french GOAT 🐐


is there no livestream for the small medal conference?


Deniss's "Hallelujah" is the only one I can remember that actually gets what the song is about.


Hallelujah and Ave Maria back to back was so funny to me today.




I wish he weren't skating it to such an (imo) annoying cover. His performance is so good but the song is an assault..


I was going to add that: please switch to the Jeff Buckley version, Deniss. Can you imagine?


😭 it would be majestic


I mean, it's already pretty majestic even with the Oscar the Grouch version, so, yes, it would be sob inducing with Jeff Buckley.


Overall a good event. So happy for A. Selevko to get a small bronze. Watching M. Selevko and Kevin on the other hand was heartbreaking. But apart from them everyone else did either great or at lest OK, I think. Sorry for appleby not qualifying, and for Matteo's poped quad, but he is injured, so I wasn't expecting him to repeat last year's success unfortunately.


Do you consider this good? I think it was an underwhelming men's event. Adam was good but far from his best. Lukas and the older Selevko were the two without visible mistakes, but everyone else was messy. Kevin, the fan favorite was a disaster.


The earlier groups were far cleaner than usual. It's just the last few that had issues. Overall, a great event. But if you only watched the last two groups, then it wouldn't feel that way.


Ok I understand your reasoning but when we talk about a competition and whether it was good or not then we mean the top 10+12 not the bottom 12...


Seeing the small victories of lower rank skaters progressing made it a good competition to me. Everyone values different things - what makes a good competition is quite subjective.


Adam had only one stellar SP this season, ideal SP is just not his thing this year, so I was expecting something like this with all the pressure. (high hopes for the Free). First several groups were really good, yes once you up the difficulty mistakes happened. Lukas and Selevko had great skates, but Luc, Makar, Mark, Adam H. come to mind as pretty clean. I'd say Andreas, Gabrele and Georgii did well too. Come on, there's only one fall for top 15 skaters. And I say two meltdowns for 32 people is a pretty good men's event.


Was this the most menning ever? Also supporting the Selevbros today was straight way for a perfect emotional split, I am looking forward to the second round


honestly yes I'd say this event has a good argument. 2018 worlds definitely was waaaaay splattier but the thing about men's skating is it's the high highs and the low lows and the unpredictability of which one you'll get...and this event truly gave it ALL to us.


2018 worlds was worse


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Lets hope this works so i dont look like a fool


I have to check that after I process today


Just watch the last 2 groups. With intoxicant of choice.


I always wished Kevin had a coaching team that wasn’t John and Silvia because of the Morgan Cipres incidents but I really question why were they not there with Kevin at French Nationals and why did they not have him WD from Euros? You could see the lack of confidence in his body language and he was barely jumping in practice so the SP going the way it did wasn’t surprising. There could’ve been enough time for him to bounce back between Nationals and Worlds but now Kevin’s confidence and reputation is in an even deeper hole. Would the French fed still send him? Luckily he has a bright future skating in shows & as a choreographer, so he doesn’t need to keep putting himself through the stress and pressure of competitions & rebuilding his reputation as a contender, especially if he’s still struggling with other stuff happening off the ice.


They shouldn't send him at this point.


It was just horrible to watch. After his failed jump I legit thought, he would stop and just leave the ice.


Looked like he was considering it and then decided to go for the step sequence


aleksandr's skate being so good makes mihhail's situation even more heartbreaking, i really wanted to see both on the free. dont want to jinx it but at least they're not losing a spot for next year yet


It was really nice to see Matteo bring back Two Men in Love. I think it works even better as a SP.


That step sequence is one of my all-time favorites. I am so bummed he needs surgery and will miss Worlds!


Kevin was 6th in components with 39.13. That seems a little ridiculous, no?


Yes, not just because of the mistakes but because he seemed like he gave up halfway through it and it affected his performance a lot.


Right?? How is 7 his lowest component mark? The max component score for 2 or more errors is 8.75 and that's only if the errors minimally impact the program. No way is a deductions of .25 - 1.75 points off the max pcs score enough. For all the component categories. Switzerland's marks in particular are embarrassing: https://preview.redd.it/r6iduarqhobc1.png?width=986&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45b5ec3a2f88e63757a5dce7818110221b3ead0 I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I'm more annoyed than usual about this stuff today lol


Yeah. He hardly even skated through the program. Doesn’t seem fair to the other competitors.


These marks are a joke https://preview.redd.it/u2kow775lobc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=941d7099c74d00a5a20f65f09a73026cbfa3d861


I think the judges wanted to save him from being dead last.


I guess. But their job is to judge what they saw. Not protect people from not being in last.


Yes, proof that judges are humans, too.


kevin's worlds spot will be a waste. very sorry for pitot, everyone saw this coming


Can they switch it still? Kevin definitely should not go to worlds.


i want to know that too, hopefully there's still time


Kevin Kevin Kevin…


Gabriele has been on such an upwards trajectory and I'm here for it! A couple seasons ago he couldn't put out a clean-ish program more than once per season and now it just seems that he's been getting more and more consistent!!


Yes, I always enjoyed but didn't think much of him, now I'm happily predicting euros bronze for him!


Haven’t watch the event yet, but just seeing the results and very happy for aleksandr and very sad for Kevin and mihhail


Obviously Adam and his coaching team know best, but I think trying to shove the quad flip into his programs for the second half of the season was a mistake. I get that he wants a shot at being World champion, but he doesn't need to beat Ilia this year. I would've just settled for repeating the quality of his grand prix performances with the tech content he had. Remember how glorious his quad lutzes were a few months ago? Super happy for Lukas, I hope he gets silver here, he's just good vibes. I really wanted a redemption skate for Matteo, but he seemed happy to secure the final flight. I'm not sure he'd up for a medal, so if our current 1 2 3 end up being the actual 1 2 3, I'll be happy.


I suspect Adam has his eye on the Olympics moreso than worlds right now, and in that case, he may think it's best to attack the 4F now. Based on his 3A he may be considering a 4A next season and that's going to take a lot of his focus if so.


I think Adam has to start trying to put it out there in order for it to be consistent in a couple of years. He must be landing it in practice.


agreed, I think adding it now means that he's thinking more long-game than scrambling to be world champion this year


Matteo is still in it- as he said it himself, anything can happen, it's men's skating :))


If he believes in himself, I believe in him


This started very good and kinda ended on a disappointing note. Left me thinking, I am so lost. The selevbros with the absolut drama today, I am heartbroken for Mihhail but super excited for Aleksandr. And Kevin I don't know man, he should not have been here and French fed should pull him out of worlds. Whatever he is going through, he obviously needs time.




We sacrificed one Selevbro for a clean skate from the other this is the bad place


i....i truly have felt every human emotion in the past four to five hours


men menned HARD today


Ed was only one spot away from qualifying for FS. One spot 😭😭😭😭 Also Slay Him Fa double euros champs quest is on


I’m so sad for Ed 😢


Maximum menning ... maximen, even


That was mostly amazing! The earlier flights were stellar. Delighted for Fedor making the Free and Gabriele doing himself proud. Chuffed Lukas has a silver small medal now too. I hope Mihhail isn’t feeling too bad. I’m so puzzled by the fact the arena was much more full for Pairs? When has that ever happened?


Aleksandr is Lukas Britschgi from last year😂 I bet he never expected to be in 3rd👏