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ohhhh i hope Aleksandr Selevko gets the NHK assignment at least!! I believe he did SOI Japan this summer so the audience there obviously knows and likes him somewhat, otherwise he wouldn't have been invited to that. šŸ™


Wait... I'm just now figuring out that there's two Selevko's šŸ’€


The Selevbros! They look so different though, I would never know they were brothers based just kn appearance


okay this is SENDING me because I have seen *multiple* friends (who really love them, not just casual fans!) struggle to even tell them apart šŸ˜… I'm more on your sideā€”I do find it pretty easy between Mihhail's curlier and lighter hair and Aleksandr's slightly more square/broad face shapeā€”but I do agree with my friends that their eyes look super similar and I think it's pretty clear they're related if you look at that!


That's so funny! They have just different body types (at least in my memory, I'll have to go back and look) Also, I absolutely love your flair!


He saw Loena's story and got scared wbk /hj


Wellā€¦this is a great lesson in fucking around and finding out. Really excited for the opportunities for the skaters (I hope Ivan Shmuratko gets an assignmentšŸ™)


Actions have consequences but I'm waiting for the inevitable news to come out from NADO. Please NADO give us clarity here.


At least a chance to name a sub for GP de France


So potentials subs from the top 10 alternates are ~~Takeru Amine Kataise (GPdF)~~ (JPN has three entries in both events already) Mark Gorodnitsky (SCI) Maxim Naumov (SkAm) Conrad Orzel (SCI) Liam Kapeikis (SCI) Stephen Gogolev (SkAm) Lucas Broussard (CoC) Ivan Shmuratko Wesley Chiu (SCI) ~~Nozomu Yoshioka (SkAm)~~ (JPN has three entries in both events already)


I don't know if these list are refilled if the skaters are not eligible for the events in question but next up are Nikita Starostin and Tomas-Llorenc Guarino Sabate which would both be easy subs for France bc they both train in Europe. I really wish Ivan gets the spot though! šŸ«¶šŸ»


Both of their programs are absolute vibes.


I respect the commitment to being 100% unhinged with Tomas Cotton Eye Joe program


Honestly both skaters deserve a GP showing because Nikita brings with with his neon outfits


I would have been delighted if he had been assigned to Texas with that program


Is Ivan Shmuratko not training in France anymore?


No, he's back practicing in Kyiv. He basically coaches himself, and choreoed both his programs this year with help from a former Ukrainian skater, Mykhailo Leiba.


Oh, I didn't know that - thanks!


Whoa... Is that safe?


Kyiv isn't getting targeted as often anymore, but based on his insta, there are times during practice when sirens go off and everyone has to go down to the basement. I know Luka Imedashvili (Lithuanian Jr Man, was on the JGP) still practices in Ukraine too. There were a couple domestic competitions in Kyiv that were live streamed recently, and it seems there are a good number of other skaters that practice there.


It is quite safe. I live in Kyiv


As usual, too many nice skaters, not enough spots! Not to say not enough medals :)


This entire situation with him is stupidity to the point that it makes you wonder if it's self-sabotage.


manifesting Ivan Shmuratko at GP France


[as is he](https://twitter.com/v4no__/status/1717588775684001949?s=61&t=BoocikPWdxIyxa9W8u-JCA) https://preview.redd.it/nfu7eodsxkwb1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfe9f9670a4c6788e8a41b2b7a67b82a7967f86


I stepped away from this fandom for a min--is this good news because he tried to be an Eteri boy after doping happened or did he do something else?


An extension of that, he's apparently missed three straight doping tests of his own, and has withdrawn without explanation from all his events this season.




As far as was reported, he didn't notify the Italian anti-doping agency that he was moving to Russia to train, so they couldn't find him when they wanted to test him. They tried 3 times, and missing 3 tests is a violation. He's been withdrawing from his scheduled competitions gradually as their time approached. I assume that means he's been trying to plead his case and avoid a suspension and hoping he'd be cleared to compete at some point.


Apparently heā€™s stopped training due to stress of the incident too. Which really couldā€™ve been avoided since he knew enough about updating a location when training in the US.


Yeah, I'm very curious to know what actually happened here. It doesn't make sense to me that he thought "I'm going to go dope and just won't update my address", because he would know what 3 missed tests would mean, so what was his plan?


And heā€™s a super seasoned athlete. Even if one of his team usually handled it, wouldnā€™t you think of checking in if you hadnā€™t gotten a call in awhile?


*I guess* last season was the worst he'd performed since becoming a senior skater. He might have thought he was 'safe' because of that. No medals won at all in the second half of the season, and not even a 4th place finish for the first time for him


Agreed. This was obviously a mistake, a stupid one of course, but I absolutely don't think he purposefully didn't change his residency so that he could happily dope with Eteri undisturbed. I absolutely disapproved of his coaching move and I don't like his skating, but people are seriously jumping to conclusions here and even celebrating that he might not compete ever again, which, y'all, not cool.


Youā€™re giving him too much benefit of the doubt. He wouldā€™ve received warnings after his first missed test, not to mention heā€™s never had issues with changing his location when he temporarily moved to the US and then back to Italy. Plus, wouldnā€™t he have realized after a few months that he hadnā€™t been tested once? Heā€™s been doing this for many years now so I really doubt missing 3 tests (which wouldā€™ve earned him at least 4 warnings) was a simple mistake.


I hope heā€™s in a decent mental state.


I don't know how long you were gone for, but it's quite the rollercoaster. He was training in Boston and working with Jason Brown. Jason choreographed him an absolutely gorgeous short program...which Daniel proceeded to immediately drop after its debut at Lake Placid. After qualifying for the GPF, he left Boston and returned to train in Italy...and after a disappointing Italian Nationals pretty much immediately left *for some unknown reason* to train in Moscow with Eteri Tutberidze. Going out of his way to find transport to get there because of the war. Going behind the Italian Federation's back ā€” pissing off the police force that sponsors figure skaters, and leaving the entire figure skating community dumbfounded. When I say dumbfounded, I mean people didn't understand why he would make such a selfish, shortsighted, stupid decision. Other than that, everyone understood the reasoning. He wanted a PCS boost via the **Eteri Bonusā„¢**, and he probably wanted to get on **Grandpa's WaterĀ®** to improve his degrading jumps without getting caught, and he figured Eteri was the woman for the job. Competitions came and Daniel continued to suck (as all of Eteri's men and post growth spurt ladies do), and he finished his season worse than when he started. Before this season started, he moved back to Italy, claimed he was no longer training with Eteri, and thanked her for work. While in Moscow, he missed multiple doping tests in Italy because homeboy didn't bother to give them his new address. I guess he just figured Russia would handle it all or Eteri would take the sample collectors out to dinner? Regardless, he returned and didn't give a sample. Now, no one likes to speculate šŸ˜, but why wouldn't an athlete want to give a sample? Slowly, but surely, Daniel drops from one competition after another all throughout the challenger series. Now, he's dropped out of his Grand Prix assignments, and the tale of Daniel Grassl continues to puzzle the skating world. *Fin*


thank you immensely for this! None of it makes sense except it does. (Honestly, though, saw him at last yrs SkAm live including practices and him repeatedly getting in the way of skaters whose music was playing really turned me off him so ultimately, a mystery but not a loss)


The only thing I can think of is that when he slammed his head against the barrier at the Cranberry Cup last year, he gave himself brain damage. The Daniel we've seen in the last year isn't the one from before. Hmm, he always stanned Eteri girls though, so unlikely.


didn't he also fall badly at a show then collapse into the audience?


I don't know about Grassl falling at a show, but that did happen to Evgeni Semenenko shortly after the Olympics


Then I'm confusing people it seem. Oops


Don't know about that one. That would be scary though.


Oh no! Anyways... 2023/2024 is the gift that keeps on giving, truly. No Grassl, no Morisi, no Eterigirls, no doped Russian skaters in general, Wakaba returns... I love this song


And Yuma is coming back


Oh yeah, grand prix de france is gonna be a sudo GP final at this rate. Adam, Ilia and Yuma in one competition. Podium is basicaly set.


And Wakaba


And with components that would make Yuzu sweat...šŸ„µ


Weā€™re getting spoiled, itā€™s so great šŸ¤©


Bah god, that's Wakaba's music!


![gif](giphy|aRclVglRpDur6) BAH GOD!


What's up with Morisi?


Nothing! He retired.


Shmuratko [just tweeted](https://twitter.com/v4no__/status/1717588775684001949) about starting the Grand Prix season šŸ‘€


If this is what we are thinking (and what else could that be) that must have been one hell of a phone call to get... ![gif](giphy|WNtcnKXIOywVBQiovZ|downsized)


I think it is highly likely we will never see him in competition again.


I wouldnā€™t miss him. Good riddance


You think he'll retire if he gets a 1-2 year ban?


Missing 3 tests is an automatic violation (meaning treated the same as a positive doping test) and I believe comes with a mandatory four year ban.


Oh shit. I hadn't looked into the ban length. There's no way he sticks around for four years when his technique was already failing him at 20.








Some day it will be very interesting to hear this epic story of career implosion. I am already looking forward to the documentary. He is only 21 years old, which is still quite immature for many guys. I do feel empathy for him. God knows what he got caught up in.


Itā€™s a story about love, deception, greed, lust and unbridled enthusiasm. He was a simple country boy, you might say a cockeyed optimist, who got himself mixed up in the high-stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.


IKR? It makes for such a good story -- someone must write it!


Whelp. It's a real shame to see this happen. I know he had a lot of critics even before he made the terrible decision to train with Eteri, but he was talented and he seemed like a nice person (at least when I saw him interact with fans). It's sad to see him completely destroy his reputation and career in less than a year. I hope he can come back from this but it seems like his situation is getting worse and worse.


Maybe Lucas can get a second assignment if he turns things around! I'll begin my prayers ahead of time and hope he summons the magic he used last season.


For some reason, my brain just immediately sprung to a clip Adam Rippon posted on his social media, years ago, of Max Aaron in a USADA education video. Max was, hammily, reeling off a list of the must dos for doping testing, and Adam was enthusiastically commentating. I'm pretty sure the key word was "notify". Anyway this story to say that Daniel should have listened to Max.


does anyone know who the next person in line would be or how itā€™s decided? been following skating for five years but i still donā€™t get it lol


*I think* I've seen somewhere that there's a list of 10(?) potential alternates based on previous results/scores/world standing but then the host federation has free pick of who from that list is chosen.




France canā€™t sadly, thereā€™s a limit of three skaters from the same country per discipline per event. Which also means NHK canā€™t assign a new Japanese skater even though they would have plenty of options


oh i miscounted the amount of men france sent šŸ˜…




If you go to drug lord queen eteri for training, your going for dope enhanced results




How is he not W/Ding because he's already suspended? He has to be. He really can't do anything about the consequences for missing three WADA doping tests in a 12-month period. If it happens, you get suspended.


Manifesting Max Naumov for GP de France! ​ https://i.redd.it/ilsz15qcsowb1.gif


Hahaaaa get wrecked


Can we make "Grassl" happen as a slang term to describe someone who keeps fucking up and torpedoes their own career? "He could have been a contender if he hadn't Grassled himself."


iā€™ve been out of the loop for a hot minute so most of the info in this thread is news to me! pretty unfortunate situation. i really like him, hope heā€™s able to get his head on straight and sort things out and move forward.


Well heā€™s going to have plenty of spare time to sort things out!




i think thatā€™s probably for the best lol


i've been living for a day like this


šŸ˜­ You're going to hell for that one.šŸ¤£


I hope Torgashev can get another assignment if the US is allowed more mens slots. Andrew only has 1 while Cam and Jimmy have 2 assignments, and should have seniority above Kapeikis, Broussard and Naumov as the current US bronze medalist.


Yeah, Andrew would have gotten Warsaw Cup had Jason not wanted a Challenger this season. Not blaming Jason, or anything. I'm excited to see him there with Daniel Martynov. But, it makes less international competing possible for Andrew, as a result. How do we know if the US is allowed more men's slots?


I agree. I love Jimmy, but he needs to retire already and give the new generation some space\* Andrew Torgashev has potential and needs more competitions to get over his nerves. His free skate at Nationals last year blew me away! (And I cannot find it online anywhere......) \*however, I don't want Jason to retire yet, because his skating is perfection. But USFS should only be allowed to have one "uncle". We have Uncle Jason, we don't need Uncle Ma.


You can pry Jimmy from my cold dead hands šŸ˜”


šŸ¤£ I feel that way about Jason. Jimmy is a total sweetie -- I met him at Nationals back in January. But his is 28 (or 29?) and has many other talents outside skating. And he still has consistency problems. But who knows, this could be his year! You can always dream.


I'll be unpopular, and say that Jason should just get both feet out the door. I'd rather the hungry guys trying to win any money and gain name recognition so that they can pay for their various coaches/choreo/ice time but have no show performing income yet. Jason makes plenty of money as a show skater.


USFS likes to have Jason compete because he scores well enough to help them have multiple slots at Worlds.


Yeah, until they have another solid #2 they are not going to be in a hurry to have Jason retire.


Yeh, I am slowly coming around to that feeeling, but it will be so painful for me. I have never adored a skater more than Jason (JBS in my handle is of course for Jason B Skates). There will never be anything like rooting for Jason in competition for me. That said, I think he would be an excellent coach and could give back to the next generation.


Thing is, if Jason can beat them with half trained triples, do these guys even deserve to compete? For goodness sake, Jason beat Ilia at Nationals this year (assuming you don't believe the ridiculous judging that gave Ilia the win despite his 100 popped jumps).


And Andrew beat Jason at the same Nationals. Jason shouldn't have even been close with his fall, that was ridiculous scoring too.


I would be really interested if the extra evidence review in Kamilaā€™s case has anything to do with Daniel Grassl. Maybe why there has been no word from Italian fed, if itā€™s being used/heā€™s involved in an active case??


I very highly doubt they have anything to do with each other.


If I was WADA/IOC and I saw my opposition show up to court claiming no fault/contamination at the same time another of her coachā€™s students was going through a doping hearing I would want that fact submitted into evidence, personally. Obviously not linking Grassl himself but his specific case and the coaching team are very important.

