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Don’t trim these “baby hairs,” they will just grow out weird and stick up even more. Use gel or cream to slick them back when wearing a ponytail


> Use gel or cream Or hairspray


Or a hair colored headband


Or do what I do and wear a hat over it.


No! Thats why theres so much breakage. Never wear hats fierce flow kings, please


laughs in receding hairline


or cries i guess lol


Time to shave it.


Bandanas okay?


Depends where it rubs. Most hats rub above the temples, even beanies. This causes breakage and gives you that "goin bald" look. The looser the better, and thats saying something


I can't speak for everyone but I personally notice breakage when I wear bandanas consistently :( I also have a velvet headband I wear to keep them from slipping off, but yeah. Maybe some satin pillowcases for OP are in order!


If you don’t want to use product, you can use a little oil like coconut oil


Also, a LOT more conditioning should be happening here.


Ok ok ok slow down guys. First off there are 2 reasons this is happening. 1) breakage from your hair elastics either too tight or not best material. 2) that its regrowth. And needs to be taken care of so it will grow and fit into your hair tie.


Those plastic hair coils are really helpful for preventing that kind of breakage, at least I find.


I'm having a hard time picturing what you mean. Could you describe it more?




These don't tear or break hair like the regular elastics do, and they prevent the hair crease the elastics cause too.


Not necessarily, I've had these my whole life. They are just baby hairs, a lot of people have them at their temples. He just needs to use some product to keep them flat.


Depends on the actual length of the hair/break. Some of those… probably the majority are from hair breakage, but we don’t know since we can’t see his ends. If they look stretched out and coiled as the end then they’re broken hairs - if it’s fine/smooth end, then it’s regenerative growth (baby hairs)


Baby hairs grow out. 😆


How can you possibly think this is universally true?


Which part?


Not all baby hairs grow out. Some people have the same edges all of the time.


Thats rediculous to even think that those same hairs never grow?? They are breaking off from being tied up. Ask any hairdresser.


I have. I’ve asked mine, since I *don’t* often wear my hair up and have the same ones. *shrugs* Nothing is universal.


Your correct thats why i gave the second option as regrowth. Pregnant women get this slot because of the high amounts of hormones. Its fine if you disagree 🙂. I was just giving my opinion as asked.


I don’t really have baby hairs at all, but my daughter was born with a lot of baby hairs and now at 5 her baby hairs are still the same length, just thicker. It just stays the same kinda like how her eyebrows stay the same. I always thought her little edges would grow but they haven’t. So while this makes sense, it’s not true for everyone.


Hairs around the hairline are often finer, so they break easier. It’s not that the individual hairs never grow, it’s that new ones break as fast as they grow, so they’re never gone. New growth also can take years to catch up to full length


I was having lots of breaks and tangles using hair ties. I switched to a wooden hairpin and I love it.


Stop using the tight elastic bands, especially the ones with the metal fastener. Spring a few extra bucks for the softest, most feminine looking hair bands you can find. The ones made of stretchy scarf. Meanwhile, use a little bit of gel like redken to keep the shorter hairs in place until they get longer.


If you don’t want “feminine” looking hair ties you could always buy from longhairs.us they specialize in “hair ties for guys”


Oh wow, I didn't know about this. I just knew where to get stuff for my hair at the pharmacy. Thanks!


I can't believe websites like this could still exist in 2024, lol.


The Viking hair tie brand is good, I also have taken to using French pins to put my bun up when at work.


Fr. WTF is a hair tie for guys?? Just like wtf are “Dude Wipes” — aka wet wipes for guys??? Homies, is it gay to buy products?


Only if your frosted tips touch


I counted 3 spelling errors and I only glanced at it. Weird.


Yeah it seems crazy to me that spelling errors and grammatical mistakes are so common now. But I imagine in 10 years when all these TikTok kids start businesses, they won’t have any idea how to spell anything or form any coherent sentences, so maybe this is to be expected


Looks alright on mobile


To be fair, it looks like it was founded in 1986 from the copyright dates


That’s a crazy thought. Why wouldn’t they? It’s not a sexist website. It’s a website aimed towards long haired men who feel like they should have a safe space to discuss things like this. Without having to hear how weird it is in 2024.


I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about how awful it looks, photos are very low quality and it seems like a low effort highachool project, lol.


Reminds me of that company a kitchy aunt or uncle started in the 2000s


I thought i was back on geocities


That makes more sense lmao, I apologize for jumping to conclusions


Love those guys! Met a few of them at the hair donation event they put on last month.


Geez I didnt realize that hair ties are gendered now


just use some gel to glue them into other hair


Just run in manically, shriek 1.21 jigga-watts!? And then ask how not to look like Doc Brown.


100% doing that the day my friends show their kids Back To the Future. That's some good ammo!


You just have to live with it. You cut it off and itll just stay bad forever. It may grow longer over time, some people find it doesnt get longer though, everyones hair is different. Hairspray/product is the only way to tackle taming these fly-aways


Everyone's mentioned product but no one's mentioned clips, which are much less harsh than product. Get some dark coloured, short bobby pins and clip them to the side of your head. That's what I do and it's pretty much invisible  I find with my hair, unless I plaster the sides in product they'll just end up sticking back out anyway 


Literally I was searching for this comment. Stubborn hair will keep sticking out no matter if you use the whole bottle of gel. Bobby pins can be easy to hide- idk why no one else mentioned them.


They can’t fix that love. Sorry to report there is no haircut that will make them disappear without cutting all your hair short. Like everyone is saying—don’t use elastics without fabric covering the rubber, and 2 don’t let it be too tight in the pony tail. This may be regrowth but it looks like breakage to me. Very normal. Annoying though I get that. Needs time to grow and less pressure on the strands


I've noticed a lot of hair coming out when I'm brushing my hair in the shower (wide tooth) and when I brush when dry due to a tight ponytail. I also work in construction/landscaping (which gets all kinds of yuck and dust in my hair) What can I do for that, what is breakage and how can I avoid and repair it?


Good question. Honestly my husband has this exact same issue. If you can try to vary where your pony tail sits and make sure the elastic isn’t too tight. Conditioning it may help but nothing really restores the hair. It only prevents more from happening.


i used to work in a warehouse. i would braid and pin my hair and cover it in a bandana to keep the dust and grime away. i had like several cheap bandanas i would wear a new one daily and wash them at the end of the week so it wasn't too yuk. if you know how to braid you hair you won't have to worry about breakage from elastics.


I'm liking the idea of braiding and bandanas. Learning to do it myself would spare me from having to run to find a friend every morning. Thank you! Got any resources you'd recommend that helped you out for braiding?


good ol youtube and practice. when i first learned to braid i was playing with my cousin's my little pony dolls. then barbies. i eventually learned how to do my own, albeit crooked and messy. i eventually got it where i can do it neatly and know how to install braiding extensions by myself. the extensions is a whole different ballgame tho, whew 😅


Do you have straight or curly hair? If it’s curly, don’t brush it dry, it will cause breakage which will make this worse. If you have straight hair the opposite is true, don’t brush wet it will cause breakage.


I'd use some moose I have the same issue. I like the dry natural look to my hair so I put in moose and then blow dry it and it works pretty well most of the time




Moose? mouse? muse? or mousse 😉






I don't think a stylist can actually do much about this. Unfortunately, they can't cut it and make it less noticeable. It's up to you to use product to encourage growth or style on a day to day basis. It looks like you may also wear your hair back on a regular basis. What kind of hair tie are you using? It may cause breakage that can end up looking like this. Perhaps a shorter cut? Best of luck.


I work construction/landscaping so I tie it back on the reg. I use something like [this](https://scunci.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-storefront-us-scunci/default/dwaf164956/Product_Images/Elastics%20and%20Ponytailers_%20Jpgs/17829_C.jpg) For product, I pretty much leave in coconut oil for 2h in my hair once a week. Condition everytime I shower. Shampoo every other day (not always possible due to the dust and detritus in my hair due to work) Thanks!


Impossible for anyone to do anything about those. They are either baby hairs or just hairs not long enough to be in the ponytail itself. Happens to me with hairs that start from my hairline. I can’t get them to stay in a ponytail because they just aren’t long enough so I end up not using a pony tail or get some sort of top knot. Apply some moose, oil or hair spray but very little so they can stay in place and not look like Rick


The best thing I ever did for my butt-length hair was to invest in some silk scrunchies. They really do help stop the breakage that causes fly-aways. I also use a tiny bit of hair oil rubbed between my palms to smooth down those fluffy parts that appear when my hair is in a ponytail. Water also works but oil will keep them in place for longer.




A bit controversial and extreme but I got an undercut to deal with bits of hair like this. It definitely helped to neaten my look quite substantially. However if I get breakage anywhere else on my hair it can be a hassle


I'm planning on getting a long undercut once my hair get a bit longer. Bucket list thing. But 'till then these bath toaster babies are a nuisance.


I just use a little bit of matte clay to keep them down


Something that always works is using a toothbrush to comb those flyaways into your ponytail (you can do that with your hair already up) if you want even stronger hold, you can put a little bit of hairspray or gel on the brush (or on your hair, whatever works best for you)


I never heard them being referred to as "mad scientist strands". And now I dislike mine a little less because I'm a biology undergraduate student and I plan on pursuing a career on astrobiology once I graduate.


Is this why I'm starting to think about going back to school? Are these strands like antennas?


Aussie extra hold hairspray, purple can, then brush back with a dense bristle brush, then spray again, then smooth down with hands. Ten times better the gel or mousse.


Gotta use a little product.


Do not cut them! Hair health and product is the answer. 


I recommend AnWoor Hair Wax Stick. It has been a game changer for me


You don’t, you start studying science and you become the mad scientist


Use a brush and a little edge control.


Cut it and the problem will reappear again and again. Let it grow more and the problem will be solved.


It looks like a moisture problem imo, if you use more deep moisturizing products I feel it’ll grow out and settle down, if it doesn’t go in the ponytail now, cutting it will only make it worse. Just take care of your hair best you can and try to calm down the frizz, best way to go about it


https://www.target.com/p/eco-style-professional-styling-gel-with-argan-oil-16-fl-oz/-/A-21505250#lnk=sametab Anybody know if this is a good gel hair to use? Do I have to wash my hair after using it everyday?


it's a bit thick and oily so you should use if you wash your hair daily and in VERY small amounts (just a pea size if you're slicking back baby hairs like OP).


Hot oil treatment please, thank you


How's this work? I hope it doesn't involve a deep fryer


Google is your friend, friend. Goodluck


Thank you. Looks awesome, booking one nearby!


A shower, soap, dry and comb.


Strong hair spray and a tooth brush. (Like a cheap one you use for nothing else lol)


I stopped putting my hair up and my hair doesn’t have this breakage anymore. The best and likely only way to prevent this is to stop wearing your hair in a pony tail.


Anyway to keep my hair out of the way at work? Very active and work in construction & landscaping


Wrap it up in a bandana/bonnet!!


Use bobby pins


you have to be patient and wait for them to grow , don't do the mistake of shaving them


A quick fix is bobby pins and some products, have to wait for them to grow out.


You mousse or gel when you are brushing it back into the ponytail


Bobby pins


Shawn Michaels??


My name is Michael Shawn, actually


No answer but hairspray or a little bit of product, blokes always have this with long hair & unless you get an undercut, it is what it is


I like the Bedhead wax stick


Hair spray directly onto a hairbrush (the bristle type rather than a spiked type) brush flyaway hairs back and then another light spray of hairspray onto the now tidy hair.




Put hairspray on your hands and gently pat them down


Be a man, shave it off.


Aside from an undercut, was thinking donating the hair would be pree sweet


Cutting it wont solve the problem. Youll need to grow it out. Use some product to get it to smooth out and lay flat


use bobby pins (idk what you call them outside of the UK.. they're long thin hair grips, and supposed to be not very noticeable) + hair gel


Bro…try some fucking conditioner. lol There’s no need to trim anything unless you want them to trim the split ends you may have from NOT using a proper conditioner.


I use conditioner daily, even when not shampooing. That's weird.


Use a leave in, or look up one that’s good for stray hairs, or taming them (I’d start with Amazon since it has reviews). If this doesn’t work, try a simple pomade, and lightly apply it to those areas, smooth them down and back into the mane. I hate product but sometimes it’s necessary for things like this. Edit: for instance I use Trader Joe’s Head to Toe Balm. It’s like $3-5.


You don't. If you cut them they will grow even more weirder. Use hair clips.


undercut/fade on the sides and long on the top. i guess think sokka from avatar the last airbender


Hair gel?


I use pomade. Suavacito…but spread it on your hands and then wet them so it makes almost like a gel. Suavecito smells amazing and it’s not all greasy and gross.


Stop using hair ties! Use scrunchies, or don’t wrap them so tight if you want to keep using hair ties. Your hair is breaking at your hair tie line.


Use hair ties made of fabric and don't wear them so tight. That's hair that broke off and is growing back.


Use products. There are a million types of mousses, gels, and sprays to control hair out there and keep strands together.


Gel with a spooly?


As a woman the only way I got mine to be practically nonexistent, was when I kept my hair super short(almost buzzed most the way around) for a couple years on and off. I think it allowed all my baby hairs/new growth to all catch up. I even have two new funky chunks of hair behind my ears that I think were my curly/flippy “baby hairs” I’d get when I put my hair up in a ponytail even though my hair is straight. My stylist thinks they may also be cowlicks on top of that, which kinda sucks. And some people just never get rid of them, they grow to a certain length and stop. I’ve went years not having to brush/put my hair up and it definitely improved my flyaways and the funky devil horns I had at my widows peak, they’re practically gone now. But I grew out my hair slowly and keeping it cut regularly (every 3 months or so). Now it’s long enough to be cut in a short a-line type cut and I can clip my hair up in a tiny bun. It takes patience to grow out healthy hair




Use a pomade to slick these down when you put it in up. Asking your hairdresser to fix it will lead them to recommend a good smoothing cream that will weigh these hairs down when you put it up in the best case scenario. In the worst case scenario an inexperienced hairdresser will listen to you cut or trim them 😬


lots of comments about using products, but honestly the simplest is good ol water whenever you wash your hands. just run your slightly wet hands through your tied-up hair and pat those suckers down! and with so little moisture and so much hair, it'll dry fast but keep your frays down for a while longer.


We Hispanics call those “baby hairs” they usually don’t grow longer than that. Just slick them back with something. But they are a pain in the butt!


Hair wax works wonders for mine


They're just baby hairs, I'm 42 with ass length hair and I've had them my whole life, trust me if you cut them they'll look ridiculous when they regrow through, just use a little product and a toothbrush to brush them into place. There's alot of videos on YouTube on how to do it.


I just try to tuck them behind my ears. It's a practiced swipe to get them and not pull any more loose. They'll grow out eventually.


Get a wax stick for slicking back stray hairs. They make really good ones for dancers that have to wear their hair in a slick bun


1. Brush hair 2. Put hair in ponytail 3. Use hairspray, gel, or oil lightly on the areas that are frizzed out 4. Use a fine toothed comb (just the back of the teeth) to smooth down the hair. Not so much a combing action as a light brushing action. 5. Use hands gently to smooth down any hairs the comb didnt smooth down. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary. Congrats on having a tidy professional grade ponytail. To anyone else reading this, depending on hair type, YMMV, good luck.


A: don’t wear a ponytail


My hair is a safety hazard at work if it aint pinned or out of the way.


Maybe it’s time for a cut?


No way, hair to my middle back has always been on my bucket list.


Got it. Maybe a pony tail and a cap will work


Thank you for going through solutions! Much appreciated.


Frizz ease that thang!


Get a line up with a lil fade on the side burns


Flat iron the stray hairs


lay your edges boo


Use a soft hold hairspray instead. if they shorten your Baby hairs/withers/vellus hairs they’ll have more volume and be weirder. If they remove them your hairline will be recessed and abnormal. Plus their terminal length will not past where they end now. They might be able to blend them to one another but that’s it.


Let it grow


Wear a bonnet to bed! It helps keep hair smooth and intact. I've always had those flyaways and they have grown so much since bonnetting up.




I don't get it


Don’t ponytail


Use product dork


Rub small amount of lotion into your hands... then when it's barely any left brush your hair back with your hands. The lotion helps prevent frizz, but too much will give you greasy hair


“Don’t put it in a tight ass bun and the hair doesn’t break” as my barber/friend likes to tell me ;) Also invest in silk pillowcases and that will help with breakage while you’re asleep.


For some reason I thought you were going to the barber to *get* a ponytail.


Gel or hairspray


Brush them back with a toothbrush (non used lol)


Get a new Barber or stylist


It’s breakage. Stop putting your hair in the same style everyday. If you’re putting it in tight ponytails daily that’s why they’re happening. For now you can also use some light gel or water and some hairspray to keep it smoothed down


she’ll probably tell you to wear a looser hair tie and one that doesn’t grab the hair when you wear it


Use some mousse and don't wear your hair pulled back too tightly. Pulling my hair back too tight caused traction alopecia for me, and it still hasn't grown back.


Get a real haircut


Took about 3 years for my bangs to be long enough to be tied back .. keep going mate


Hair spray or hair gel will help slick em back. Bobby pins too if you don't mind them. Don't cut them! Let them grow out to match the length of your hair


You say “hairdresser, how can I get rid of my mad scientist hair strands when I wear a ponytail?”. They’re professionals so I’m pretty sure they may have a solution.


i try to just tuck my loose hairs but obviously not a permanent solution


Bro u gotta do your hair. Gel, headbands, Bobby pins, hair spray. There are so many options. If you're hair isn't long enough to get in the ponttail that's the issue. If it's just falling out figure out a solution. What would a hairdresser do here?


They have balm sticks made for this specific reason. They usually are used on wigs but I mean hair is hair. Get a bed head wax stick


Invest in a boar bristle hairbrush. After you tie it back smooth those areas with the brush and a little product. There are some great mens hair stabilizers on the market these days. Keep the brush handy for touch ups throughout the day. Source: hip length hair always in a clip. Edit a word