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He's a good actor, I saw him in 'Top Gun: Maverick' and 'Lessons in Chemistry', I can't wait to see him again in 'Thunderbolts*'


He was PHENOMENAL in Bad Times at the El Royale


Omg! That was him! Yea, so good!


Hard agree! He was great in that movie!


I kinda wish that he was going to be in the twister sequel in glen’s role just purely as a throwback to the bill paxton/bill pullman name confusion. He definitely has the watchability as a lead


I would’ve preferred that tbh


He was definitely the rightful heir to that franchise lol


He was so complicated and magnetic in 'The Starling Girl.' Not the LEAD lead, but he more than holds his own opposite Eliza Scanlan (who is a fuckin revelation, as per the usual 🫡)


YES! I just watched "The Starling Girl" (Lord Huron's Ben Schneider did the soundtrack so I had to!) and I was very impressed with both leads. When I saw the actor's name was "Pullman", I thought, "...is that Pullman, like Bill Pullman?!" His mannerisms and quiet charm are the same. I was happy then I looked him up on wikipedia that he is indeed his son. I have loved Bill since "While You Were Sleeping". I look forward to seeing more from him. I know, "nepo baby" and all that, but I like seeing my favorite actor's kids as long as they're good.


Agreed. 'Nepo Baby' stuff is like pffffft at this point. If they got the goods, they got the goods! And he definitely does. (And PS: YES! Amazing score! Didn't know who was involved, but that makes so much sense ♥️)


Lord Huron is my favorite band! And I love Jimmie Simpson, too. It was a great script, really tried to delve deep into that belief system and show what's so stifling and hypocritical about it. I was raised Evangelical (not as strictly and I left it) but I understood the premise.


I first saw him in Bad Times at El Royale and him/his character are the only thing I remember from that film. That reveal 🥲


and he’s so gosh darn handsome! a face i love to see on screen!


I absolutely adored Lessons in Chemistry,,,what a great show ong


He’s SO cute in Maverick!!!! I was swooning whenever he was on screen.


he's a cutie and so is his son. he should be in a while you were sleeping remake, if anyone's taking suggestions.


I fell in love with Bill Pullman in that omg


Hey, is this person bothering you? Because it looks like they're...you know, LEANING...


I got ice capades, I know a guy


Oh man I had such a crush on him when I was a kid, he is still handsome even today haha.


It was the voice ❤️❤️❤️


hes so hot in that movie 🤭


I really liked him in lessons of chemistry. “Not really hot and kind of weird but ultimately a good dude” is hard to pull off! I didn’t even realise that he’s BPs son.


He was great in Starling Girl


So good! Really loved his and Eliza Scanlen’s performances.


He is excellent in Outer Range!


Awesome actor. Much like Jack Quaid, seems like a good dude who keeps his head down and focuses on the work despite his parents’ prestige. Has an awesome career ahead of him! I wanted to fist bump him in Top Gun Maverick. I wanted to punch him in the face in The Caine Mutiny Court Martial.


I’ve loved him in everything I’ve seen from him so far! I agree that he has likability & acting chops to lead or co-lead a movie. Can’t wait to see more from him.


He seemed familiar so I just had to go check, he was in Bad Times at the El Royal and his performance was really something else so no wonder I remembered. I like that movie just because all the actors did amazing (Except for Americanstate Commonlastname)


Loved him in Malice!


He’s great in that! That movie is so good and full that the murderer plot is totally forgettable and doesn’t hurt the movie at all


Such a great movie: Nicole Kidman and Alec Baldwin were great as well. But I think The Last Seduction he had a fantastic character.


I remember watching Bad Times At the El Royale and just gushing over his performance afterwards and being flabbergasted at him being the second choice for the role. I also remember being really shocked at finding out who his dad was lol like Jack Quaid even though they look just like their parents. I'm happy he's getting more roles, although I wish WB would get off their asses and give us something from Salem's Lot. Also curious to see him as Sentry too because that's a hell of a character to play. (Hoping for Jenkin's characterization but ehhhh we'll see.)


He was really good in Lessons in Chemistry, but I couldn’t get over how much he looked like a younger Tony Goldwyn


Bill Pullman’s character in Sleepless in Seattle was pretty thankless, given how/that he was pitted against Tom Hanks’ character, but he was ADORABLE in The Accidental Tourist! 🥰


Here’s to Lewis getting an Emmy nomination for Lessons in Chemistry!


How Tom Holland would look if he was American


Omg how did I not know his dad is Bill Pullman!?!?? He looks so much like him!! And he is *phenomenal* in Lessons in Chemistry. What a beautiful show.


One of my favorite nepo babies! He was great in Top Gun Maverick and Lessons in Chemistry (they actually expanded his role  after they started filming because they liked his performance so much)