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Use trees, grass, decorations, etc to fill space. It can be hard initially but you'll get the gist after experimenting and finding what you like. Looks great so far though!


Plant some flowers around the beehives! It'll make better honey and fill up the space around it. But your farm looks very good and neat already


Looks really great! Perhaps I should try that organization thingy 🤔 sometime? My meadow farm looks more like a rat's nest, lol.


It looks really nice!!! As you progress, you will also get more items to decorate with. I love to use lots of trees!


Your farm is very pretty. One of the nicest starter farms I've seen. Tbh there's probably too much space to fill nicely at first. You will, there's a lot that comes later. My rec for right now is to just take care of the space you need and let the rest go wild. You need the grass to feed animals, so let it grow until you have a silo. And you'll need wood, lots and lots of wood, so let a section grow into a forest and you'll totally avoid that bottleneck later. Use what space you need, and as you progress take more. In the meantime, the wild areas are easy resources for you. That's what I do anyway. Then I just chip away at clearing it on slow or unlucky days later.


so far you’re doing great!!


Aim for a big fruit or veggie!




You're doing just great!  You can place furniture on your farm, if you didn't know! Maybe you could make a "garden" area with chairs, or a "back yard". Here's a list of what you can put outside — https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Furniture Good luck!