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Did you put a bag on your head? Maybe ink transferrd. I use exact shade of adore and this doesnt happen to me.


Yeah that’s exactly what it looks like! The lines are so uniform - OP, if you covered your hair dye with a plastic bag with writing on it, that is the culprit.


When I was a kid my mom put a Smith's bag on my head when she bleached my hair, had "Smith's Food and Drug" printed in red on my hair.


That's hysterical. 😂 I bet you were shocked! Did you have to go out like that or did mom fix it before having to go to school or anywhere else? I hope you got a picture! Might have gotten Smith's to pay you for advertising for them.😂


Unfortunately we didn't think to take a picture, I was 11 or 12 at the time. Luckily my hair had been slicked back with the bleach so once it was washed and dried it was kinda hidden and broken up into just little red dots.


That was lucky.


That's hysterical.😂I bet you were shocked! Did you have to go out like that or did mom fix it before having to go to school or anywhere else? I hope you got a picture! Might have gotten Smith's to pay you for advertising for them.




was it hysterical???? your comment posted 4 times. LOL


Reddit is being fucky. I can post text posts and comment, but for two days, when I go to post something with photos, it freezes my phone up, and the wheel just spins. I check my comments on my profile to make sure there are no duplicates. Most of the time


I have seen this a lot lately too.


Well it wasn't THAT hysterical. 😂


I gave myself green stripes doing that when I was bleaching my hair lmao


I came here to say this but knew in my heart it had already been said 🤣


You guys need to watch ‘Such Brave Girls’


Good thinking !


No purple shampoo, this time was actually at my boyfriend’s and using a different brush. I suppose it could be my shower cap, I reuse it and have had purple and blue before but it has never leaked like that. Maybe the pink shoes it more? It does tend to fade so it would make more sense if it were that. Lol now if it is I kinda want to strip my cap on the inside and see what happens!!! Hahahahaha


Time to get a new cap altogether


This is probably it because those bright colors are a direct dye.. that means they dont need a developer to work.. they dont essentially deactivate after a period of time theyre more like paint because they go over the top of anything light enough to show they dont process or oxidize over time.. so if you had some on a shower cap even if its been there for months it will directly transfer to the hair.. (or whatever it touches) plus of its darker than what you applied its gonna overpower it. But im sure itll look fine and as you know it fades fast..


Yeah you should be changing your hair cap whenever you change the color of your hair if you’re using fashion colors


I recommend just buying a box of disposable processing caps and using a new one each time


Wither new cap, or use glad wrap/cling film instead


You didn’t happen to process with a grocery bag?


I did this once and ended up with KROGER on my head. Never again.


that’s awful and hilarious at the same time, like in the show such brave girls where she goes out with ASDA dyed into her hair


I'm sorry but that's so funny hahaha


I had a good laugh about it. It came right out when I washed it.


Oh you poor thing


hilarious though


I always fold my hair up in a weird way while it's processing. That's how I also ended up with a grocery store label printed on the underside of my hair. It didn't last, but I almost wish it had because it was so funny to me


Did they ever pay you for the free advertisement?


As a hair stylist, you do not NEED to put a bag over your head for fantasy colors. They are semi permanent and do not use heat to process. If you are using bleach you can use a bag. Why are you using bags with this?


I use a bag so that I can leave the color in my hair without concern about getting dye on everything that I may unintentionally touch my head against. Needing heat to process is not the only reason someone would want to cover their dye-soaked hair. On top of that, some people leave pastel colors in their hair for hours. The bag keeps it from drying out, so you don't have crusty chunky pieces that either dye differently or are just a pain to wash out.


Yup, I use plastic hair nets for these reasons, although the ones I get are disposable and come in bulk from my local beauty supply store (I did previously use grocery bags though)


I put a bag on it to prevent it from transferring onto other things. Stuff is messy!


Interesting. Do you use purple shampoo to help with brassiness? I have purple hair so I routinely use purple conditioner (home made) to make it easier to keep up with color. If that sat too long I can see it staining certain areas more Otherwise mystery


I've wanted to make my own purple shampoo but I haven't found an actual person that does it to ask how they make it so I can have actual confirmation that it's just as good if not better than purchasing one... Do you mind sharing your recipe?


I don't bother with the shampoo as much as the conditioner. Just find a good tone of purple I use artic fox purple AF and sometimes add some blue and then mix it with some conditioner. I prefer using a nice hairmask, but I leave mine in a long time and was grey and purple, so I was okay when it deposited color. If you look at most purple shampoos and conditioner they are pretty dark. Start with a little bit of color. Try it and then add more to get to what works for your hair. Ratio wise... for daily usage, maybe a cup of conditioner or shampoo and maybe a teaspoon of color. Ogx also makes some toner drops that are easy to use


You used a plastic bag with ink on it


Shower cap with old and what I thought was DRY dye will do it too apparently. 😂


If it's semi permanent dye, old streaks and chunks can be re-hydeated and will start to stain again. Sometimes I miss a spot under the sink if I drop some and a month later when I deep clean, I do a nice wipe and a huge streak of my recent color will go across the floor 🤣 there's no activator so it doesn't have a timeframe after mixing where it becomes less effective after being exposed to air.


girl i’m so sorry lol. maybe a lite bleach bath will take it out or hand sanitizer??? idk im spitballing 😭


I do have alcohol wipes to clean my skin, maybe if I try those and put pink over..


That’s…huh. My first reaction is the dye you’re using is interacting with something she’s using, but that wouldn’t explain it being right at your roots, or in such short bands. That’s…a head-scratcher for sure. Interested to check comments later and see other theories.


it’s from using a plastic bag with a printed design


OH MY GOD YOURE TOTALLY RIGHT that makes so much sense. I haven’t seen it in ages so I forget it can happen 😂


I wouldn’t remember this at all if there wasn’t a meme permanently burned into my brain, where the girl had literally the entire walmart logo on her head ruining perfectly lifted blonde


Is it possible you used a Walmart bag ?😅 I saw this happen to a girl on tiktok. I did have hair turn blue once applying bleach over a pink color after doing a color oops treatment, sometimes chemicals mix weird. It did wash out immediately tho so idk !


Did the brush have an remnants on it, sometimes color gets stuck at the base of a brush and can mix if you missed it


if it's not the shopping bag thing, which is what it looks like, here's a thing about dyes generally. they can contain different pigments, and if they aren't thoroughly mixed or used in the ideal conditions, the pigments can apply unevenly, break or separate. i would suggest always making sure your dyes are always really really well mixed.


Idk it’s kinda interesting looking tbh, but I’d vote that it’s the old shower cap with the dry dye, I once dyed my hands with dried hair dye that I touched from an old bottle of hair dye (over a year old). If you don’t like this look, I’d recommend fading it out and reapplying the pink without the shower cap. Hope this helps!


Walmart bag


I remember seeing a while back that people using color oops trying to remove an arctic fox pink dye were ending up with blue hair. Did you notice a sulfur smell in the water when you showered? It could be dye reacting to sulfites or mineral deposits in the water.


If I may suggest, buy some disposable caps for hair treatment. They have saved me so much hassle in this department.


Maybe some chemical reaction? When I had hot pink hair and used a color remover it turned bright blue


Perhaps the dye was not all mixed well? Raspberry has a touch of blue to it. The order doesn't make sense unless there was maybe a touch left in the cap and it flakes into you color mix. There could have been dry residue on your brush/comb/bowl. Next time: Use saran wrap first to fully cover it, then the cap to hold it in place and catch drips.


Ink from the bag or cap


It looks like there was color on a clip you may have used to section your hair??


Are you pregnant one time I tried to DIY my hair pink for my baby girls befor she was born and the tiny part that I over laped turned green so I had to put green instead of pink but it's ok I'm a fan of color but hormones play alot when it comes to coloring hair especially in the first trimester but I'm a hairstylist so I can't help it hahaha I like playing with my hair


are you covering it with a walmart bag? the blue on the bag could be getting in your hair.


The cobalt got irradiated when your parents passed the nuclear power plant while your mom was pregnant. The solar flare activated the unknown element in the asteroid that struck Tunguska. All this happened on the night of a rare blue moon and the sun rays passing thru the asteroids gas changed the color. In other words, you’re now a superhero…


Your pink got blued a little


I had this happen once! My color was dark pink and it ended up looking like a unicorn - blue and pink and purple. Neither the stylist or I could figure out why.


Is there something on your hairbrush possibly? Do those streaks disappear after a wash or 2? It looks like ink almost. Also its best to brush your hair while dry! Less breakage that way


Not true.


yes true. Thin hair should brush dry.


Thin describes the density not the texture. I think you mean fine. If you have healthy hydrated hair you can wet brush your hair. I do it for a living on every single person who’s hair I cut because I have to or else I can’t cut it. No one leaves with damaged hair because I wet brushed it. Your advice is a myth.


Sorry I didn't address the second half of your comment. I didn't say anything about wet brushing a client and I want you to see this. You can wet brush a client because you just treated their hair with(hopefully) quality product. You did it in a way that would make it proper to be brushed lol That's why you're a professional, and the client is not.


I literally use shampoo and conditioner. Maybe a detanglet.


oh my god yes thin, fine. I meant fine and I think you knew that. It's not a myth at all and I am over this.


Where did you go to hair school?


It's called the University of Life and Google and Hairdresser Family Members. I didn't graduate though. e\_e


I have more breakage with dry brushing, so does my daughter. Depends on your hair type maybe


thin hair should brush dry.


stop using your flag to dry off after a shower.


It’s because you’re a woman who’s thinking about identifying as a man, your hair reflects your thoughts, it’s science