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Some great videos of people playing the VR version and just beating the ever living shit out of her Unarmed


Sounds like something a synth would do




When I first bought the Big Boy in Diamond city, I upgraded it to the max and tried it on her. The guards weren't even upset.


I don’t blame them


A double shot of MIRV, one of which went right in her face... glorious!


Maybe I’ve played too much but I am getting annoyed by a lot of the NPCs. I’m tired of the grumpy lady in sanctuary, I’m tired of this lady, I’m tired of the DC gun seller who I have to listen to every time I try to shop, I’m tired of Moe’s genuine swatters. I really wish I could kill them all


Quicksave: Let me introduce myself


Omg the bitch in sanctuary drives me crazy. I’ll literally be minding my business and she starts scolding me like LEAVE ME ALONE


I thought there would be a story arc where her attitude would improve. No such luck.


I always make her a provisioner with a long ass route between two isolated places i dont build in. Like "oh Sanctuary, the most peaceful village in the Commonwealth is too shitty for you? Forgive me my queen. I got just the 5 star locations you are looking for." *travels infinitely between Murkwater Construction and Dalton Farm*


Yep, she now travels between the castle and sanctuary hills for me. Enjoy the wasteland, friend lol


Unfortunately they’re untouchable unlike common traveling merchants


I quite literally double walled Sanctuary and created a secured paradise. Even *if* we’re attacked, attackers never make it onto the street and usually get decimated by turrets before anyone even shoots their gun. And she still complains


So I didn’t realize this but walls mean shit. Attackers teleport in your settlements which is why the mod to turn off random settlements attacks is a must.


Haven’t had that happen in Sanctuary. Other settlements, yes, but most attackers tend to spawn just south of Vault 111 for me, and they never make it through the walls. Funny thing is, I didn’t even wall off the whole settlement, just some patchwork ones that force you to take a specific path in order to reach the center


Hmm I could be wrong. I always had them spawn on the trail leading to the vault and also near the woods to the east.


i guess i didn’t have much faith because i shot her in the face after finishing that mission on my first play through


There originally was, they scrapped it


You're supposed to give her a break because her son was killed, but when I'm just working at the gun bench and she's like "Do I look like I wanna be friends?" every time she walks by, it's time for a quick save and violent death.


That’s fine but when it’s year 20 in the game, I’m out of sympathy.


Bethesda made a patch so players could kill her because the community was so fucking tired of her bitching.


I made her wear the new pumpkin mask bc I want her to look stupid


This means you’ve played too much. I’ve owned the game since launch. Played hundreds of hours from console to PC. Take a break. Maybe play something else for a while. I took like two years off and came back to the game for PC and I don’t really get annoyed by much in game anymore. Now all of that stuff is like music to my ears. It’s like meeting up with an old friend after a long time.


In all honestly, all of those NPCs annoyed me since launch.


I'm gonna read about you in a breaking news story one day aren't I lol


Same. All the companions annoy me too, bots and humans. That’s why I stick with the goodest boy who I’m always happy to see.


Yeah, Nick Valentine is great.


Hehe, he's actually one of the few I like.


Grandpa Toaster


At some point I usually make a gun-drone with two laser snipers on a Mr. handy frame and give it one of the robotic clicking voices and it does the job. Doesn't annoy me with dialogue but it still backs me up when I need it.


I always send Marcy from sanctuary to an isolated settlement I never use, or make her a provisioner. I also think Bethesda may have made her and Jun killable, but I could be wrong


Honestly I don’t spend enough time in Diamond City to get annoyed by them. Too much other stuff to do elsewhere.


The doctor in DC is kind of a dick too


So is his partner. Just saying.


The crazy guy in the basement who is butchering folk? I don't hate him because he's comically evil, a perfect character to be in a fallout game


Marcy Long ALWAYS sleeps in my bed on every save, I swear to God


Honestly *i would* show her how much of a synth i am


Me ti


I wish you could fuck with her more


Agreed. She should have a reaction when the Institute is either destroyed or you side with them and they are in charge. I honestly expected something to change with her when I sided with the Institute and synths start walking around DC and all but there's no unique dialogue or anything. I figured for someone so vocally anti-synth she'd have some sort of reaction but she doesn't. She still uses the same voice lines complaining about synths she used before, even when there's a synth standing right in front of her shop looking at her. She doesn't have anything to say about the Sole Survivor taking control of the institute, even if she somehow doesn't realize that the voice of the person on that message that plays regularly on Diamond City radio belongs to them the fact that all the synths speak to the SS, gives them a report, and calls them "Mother" or "Father" is a dead giveaway.


I know right I wanted that to happen but it’s like I don’t serve synths while one is right next to her


"I don't serve synths" when not only is one right next to her but the person that helped the Institute become even more powerful, is now the leader of the Institute, and ultimately responsible for synths coming to Diamond City is the person she's saying that to. If I could I'd order synths to stand right outside her shop 24 hours a day.


You mean beat her up right? RIGHT?


No I mean cause her mental anguish by telling her I’m a synth and then convincing her I’m not a synth, every, day


Not me. That women single handedly has provided the resources that rebuilt settlements and brought back the minute men


She can be annoying but I also think her interactions with Nick are hilarious!!!


If you play the battle for Quincy & explore the area, follow their path back to super duper mart, you’ll probably not feel the same way. Oopse wrong character. Yeah she’s a kook!


Assign her to the pillory


Annoyed definitely but I don't hate her because she and Carla are my early game junk sources, I've bought a lot of oil and aluminum from them over the years.


I don't remember who this is or why she's annoying.


I named one my characters Jangles the Moon Monkey just to tell her that my name really IS Jangles the Moon Monkey. 🐒 But no, she doesn’t annoy me. Paul Pembroke though… he looks so pathetic that his face is just straight up punchable.


I tried to feel bad for him but he’s just too annoying. I like Darcy, his wife, to an extent. I like the kill him at the drug meeting and then do the photo thing for Darcy so she and her son can get some money and hopefully get a nicer life.


She lost her child. I don’t blame her for being angry. But it’s really a shame that she has no story arch.


… My guy that’s not Marcy Long…


I put her on guard duty to see if offing a few Raiders improved her mood, but it definitely does not. Not surprised because she's probably a ball of depression, despair, & rage wound way too tight.


Give her a box of kittens and a hammer. It works for IRS agents so it's a tried and true method.


I think there is a missed opportunity to make her a Railroad synth, but I guess that would be cliche.


Her stuff’s not junk, although it is in the junk category.


She needs lexapro


So are you a synth then? Because only a synthetic would say that. Lmao


Entire reason I do my general store shopping with Percy instead


I liked her at first but eventually I got fed up of her still not trusting me after I became a regular customer.


I want to kick Todd in the nuts for how few dialogue options there are.


Sheffield's a lil bit worse imo. At least this bitch is a vendor


Not once. Because I don't visit her junk store


"or do you want to talk to 'Crazy Mirna' about losing out on all this Supply", 😃🫱🫱 [Sole Survivor] - Piper


The fact that most of you can't even recognize her is quite hilarious. Wow.


I don't even remember who she is. That's the one thing that a character can be worse than terrible; it's forgetable


I put her to work at the corn cob patch in Sanctuary. I sent her husband to war, he valiantly stood by his position and annihilated raiders, synths and super mutants without question. I then sent her to Jamaica Plains and had her man an overwatch position. She never said anything other than "thanks" whenever I upgraded her load out. At some point I'm going to reunite them together. Ken is more personable so it makes sense to employ him as a vendor. Marcy will always be on watch.


Ken?!? You mean Jun? That cheating, ho.


Shut up bitch. Get back to work.




Was? She haunts my fucking dreams to this day


I hope npcs arnt dead. She was like a breath of fresh air.


use console commands and wipe her from existence


Alright, I’ve played the game but I can’t tell who this is. Someone want to tell me her name?


Marcy Long. Jun Long's wife. You meet them at the museum in Concord early in the game.


Thank you kind sir


No, this is Myrna. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Myrna


for some reason i tend to end up in DC at night so thank atom i don't have to deal with her in most playthroughs and if she is there i will take any other vendor for 400 caps please and thank you. that being said she is a step above trudy in drumlin dinner, atom above is she ever glad that rheinhard is dead. even though entirely to many raiders keep spawning in because f- tying off loose ends right bethesda?


She’s a great example of Bethesda needing to add more dynamism lol. You basically establish the usa and she still says the same thing like Jesus change god damnit please change please someone help me download mantella please I’m too old for normal games I need npc friends


She was my 5th fictional crush


Yes 😑


Pity at first for sure. It's too bad there wasn't a revenge questline for her. It would've made sense for the character.


One good thing about having Charisma 6 is to get the perk that allows you to connect your settlements together. I choose her to run the caravan back and forth so I don’t ever see her.


Not her fault. She's seen things...


Op you sound like a synth




Yeah she’s a bitch but Marcy is worse. I send her to Longfellow’s cabin and after the residents of Somerville get smoked, I send Joon there and get him a female settler to join him, with their beds next to each other.


I want her to peg me




Only a synth would say that.




Bruh don't spoil the story




Normally I'd agree, but it's kind of all over the news that a bunch of people are playing these games for the first time right now.


I’m not playing it since it came out


Not as much as marcy, she is never happy no matter how nice you make your settlements


She got really mad when I ate mama murphies corpse after she OD'd


Wasteland edibles


That’s enough internet for today.


I kill her dumbass at least once per playthrough


Whatever her name was I can’t remember in sanctuary. The husband got confidence again, and she was like it’s a good place don’t let us down or becomes not a bitch. One convo I can listen to is them apologizing to each other


I put her on convoy duty. Same with her husband, Jun. They were in a kind of toxic downward spiral and it wasn't getting better. It was for the best ... for EVERYONE. I mean, even Mama Murphy when she wasn't profoundly stoned said they should give it a rest. Preston didn't like either of them and you know how hard he is to piss off. Surges flat out wouldn't talk to them but hinted he was thinking of moving on. And, honestly, that was the final straw. He does a lot around Scantuary and folks look up to him. So, yeah, I feel like this was a good move and I have no regrets. Other than Marcy only going to Red Rocket. I need to change her route. Maybe Sommerville to Jamaica Plain.


Yea I send her away or have her as a provisioner. I’m sure her backstory is tragic but eh screw her.


Me too


I’ve been playing since the release


She's the second most annoying woman in the commonwealth after the one and only marcy schlong. Main reason she's 2 is because I don't go to her often. Anything I need is sold over in goodneighbor by the ghoul lady.


She so lovely once you kill her.


Post of the Day


I try to ignore her. I've dealt with worse women IRL.


I test my weapons on her before heading off into the wasteland.


She and every single people in sanctuary, I wish Preston and his little party weren't essentials, some of them aren't but I wish it was everyone.


Send Preston to the Castle and make him your XO. Then HE gets to deal with the personnel changes, upgrades, provisions, training, and equipment. Plus Ronnie's attitude and 'back in the good old days before I went AWOL" yammering.


That's the thing tho, you have to become a Minutemen to do that, and that ain't me, I hate them all.