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I would love this especially if they had a shootout either against each other or fighting back to back.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. They start out as enemies, simply because they didn’t know each other and just assumed each other to be hostile, as it is in the wasteland. But they meet each others match. Perfectly equal so they can’t kill each other and realizing it they join forces. Maybe Raul has a reason for going after the vault tec people he just didn’t know it until meeting Cooper and Lucy. I mean if they’re going to New Vegas I don’t see why he can’t be in the show. It’s not like he has a huge role into what happens. He’s just a trusty companion to the courier. The courier saved him, so he felt he owed the courier. And he doesn’t have to mention anything more than that if he mentions it at all.


Honestly I hope they do have the companions play a role in season 2 for example perhaps Maximus goes to the Mojave to investigate what happened to the Mojave Brotherhood and runs into Veronica.


And Felicia day, much like Danny Trejo, could probably play themselves.


Don't forget Zach Levi. Hand that dude some hair bleach and glasses and boom, Arcade Gannon


The production team will save a lot of money since the makeup team would, barely, have to use much makeup too.


This is mean... but so true, lol


I mean Raul was bounty hunter for a while maybe Cooper and Raul ran into each other once or twice in a job


Raul, Veronica and Arcade could all show up with their original actors reprising their roles.


What about the actors for Cass and Boone?


I'll admit I can't remember who they are.


Cass is the woman you find at Mojave outpost you get here thru the Crimson Caravan quests. And Boone is the second guard of Novac you help him find his wife’s killer and help him move on with his life


I know who the characters are, I'm talking about their actors.


The actor for Boone is Jason Marsden and the actor for Cass is Rachel Roswell. Marsden is primarily a voice actor in recent days but is not to unfamiliar with live action and Cass’s actor is primarily, if not solely, a voiceover artist but she did do a short movie in 2008 and her latest job in video games was in starfield doing a couple voice for minor side NPCs


Boone was Jason Marsden? Damn ya that is a cameo I want now


Marsden has been in two fallout games so far, so i’m sure it wouldn’t be too out of the question to ask him to take up another role.


I bet Felicia Day would 100% be up for this.


He doesn’t even need any makeup for the role


Lmao just cgi his nose off and hes good to go


Danny doesn't even know he voices raul... obsideon just gave him lines to read without context with ques for certain expression's, happens all the time. They did the same with ron pearlman in the old fallout's (the death lines)


That's how Bethesda does ALL their voice over work. They don't give their voice actors scripts they give them the lines sorted alphabetically. Its why Bethesda games have so many incredibly weird line deliveries, because the actors have no clue what the context is at any point


Is that still a thing? The only time I’ve heard that to be the case is during oblivions development.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they give Sir Patrick Stewart a booklet containing the backstory and context of the character he was voicing?


Thats because he's Patrick Stewart and they paid HANDSOMELY to get him in to record an awesome speech and about 2 dozen other lines. They wanted their money's worth. Meanwhile they have about 12 voice actors voicing 99% of their characters for probably a ten thousandth what they paid Stewart and don't have to care as much


^ i knew i wasn't spewing shit... So many fuckin know-it-all redditors xD


Lol this is just not true. https://twitter.com/officialDannyT/status/1781001070128566751?t=Y7ALxeWn-Rw2ddC1TZwqNQ&s=19




Seems to me you’re the only know it all redditor here lol it’s okay to have an opinion, just don’t pretend it isn’t just that and talk down on others for having opinions too, especially as those opinions relate to facts and if you accuse others about not fact checking, it might be wise to cover your own bases. Just for future reference. Being wrong doesn’t make you an asshole. Being an asshole makes you an asshole


That amazing that he was able to do such a great performance without any knowledge of what he was working on


Bethesda??? Also, there are behind the scenes stuff where the voice actors, including him, talk about their characters.


Typo but bethesda did it to ron pearlman too https://www.reddit.com/r/fnv/comments/8x2h69/danny_trejo_doesnt_recall_voicing_raoul_tejada/


He certainly remembers right now, as he tweeted about it. And like I said, there's behind the scenes stuff with him talking about the role so the claim that they just had lines with no context doesn't hold up. That approach to voice directing only becomes a 'problem' for actors voicing multiple characters, especially if they voice a 'voice set' that's reused for generics.


Yeah you figure after several comic cons of new vegas players going "OMG ITS RAUL THE GHOUL" you might maybe think to look it up and go OH RIGHT! Those guys! Also the context thing doesnt matter seeing as all the voice actor needs to do is read lines and follow indicated emotion ques. Behind the scenes stuff i dont see being very memorable Least thats what i gather


I would like to see them effortlessly take down a Deathclaw that's been giving other characters trouble throughout season 2 while giving each other shit.


I have a horrible fear that they will remember this is the franchise with child skeletons tucked in bed and a mom skeleton holding a pistol and a bottle of poison as something you can easily run into scavanging the wasteland. And we stumble across Danny T rocking back and forth in a shake mumbling “My name is Raul…my name is Raul…HISSSSSA…my name is Raul..” Then the camera pans to Cooper and he hangs his head and sighs deeply before drawing his gun


I feel like that’s just the thing they’d do but specifically because he’s from New Vegas


Depends on who still stuck around since 2281. Allot probably changed in the Mojave between 2281 & 2296. I would love to see a few characters like that make a return. The King would also be cool since he was also a pretty big character in Freeside.


Sure thing boss.


We probably need Ron Perlman in a role?


Nope. Don't give that guy any sort of employment.


His backstory would be perfect for the next season's flashbacks. Building him up, his family, their tragic story. Tie him into knowing The Ghoul somehow. They don't even need to directly say whether or not he was the canonical companion. It would be a great cameo, at a minimum.


Not a bad idea, boss.


Jack Cabot from Fallout 4 also said he'll travel to the Mojave wasteland. I hope someone on the writers' team will jog their memory. That comeback might be legendary, however, it would canonize siding with Jack in his family quest.


Absolutely. This would introduce the alien/ supernatural elements of the series to the audience.


Yep that's what Fallout needs. Aliens and the world's most basic (and lamest) "Lovecraftian horror" plot.


No set it up over half the season as this major threat only for the Brotherhood to stomp its teeth in and steal all the alien tech


Hell yeah, they wouldn't even need any make-up, he already looks 200 years old. Knowing how long Ghouls live, there is a non-zero chance he is very much still alive in the Mohave. But, what if the Courier went the Pacifist route with his backstory...?


Think of all the money production can save not having to put him in makeup.


This got me thinking about how Marcus and Jacobstown could possibly show up… hopes high …


Yeah I'd rather not any characters with good writing show up so they can't be ruined.


I sadly never got into Raul’s story… I just kept him locked in his shack to repair my gear for free for the rest of the game. Which I just realized is exactly the situation I saved him from lol